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发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Stand-up is one of the most well-known and well-loved types of comedy, which is done on a stage by a comedian talking straight to audience members. In the 1._________, the comedian may make fun of an audience member or might decide to make jokes about humorous things he or she observes in2. _________ life.

  There are 3._________of different styles of stand-up comedy, some people tell jokes about people’s 4._________ or about daily life, and some rely on visual humor. Another kind of humor is absurd if you are only listening and not watching the comedian’s performance. Some comedians act or speak like a well-known person, which is called doing an 5._________ of the person. Although it may sound cruel, it usually only works if both the comedian and the audience have affection for or admire the person being 6._________. Billy Crystal, a world famous comedian who always performs his stand-up routine in front of millions of people, would put a toothbrush in his pocket for good luck. His 7._________ with all age groups and his ability to 8._________ people


  the world




  can be enjoyed

  by everyone.

  Doctors have been researching the 9._________ stand-up and other forms of comedy have on people, and have discovered that people who laugh a lot live longer. This agrees with the English saying “10._________ is the best medicine.”


  Inewspaper should be published twice__________(每周).

  The school drama society is going to give a __________(演出) next week.

  The job requires someone with___________(技术的) knowledge.

  The whole country are ___________(哀悼) the loss of our close friend.

  He __________(表现) differently when you are not around.

  There was an a___________ look in the President’s face when he heard the interesting news.

  Considering safety, repairs are necessary to s__________ the bridge.

  Who can g__________ that China’s pork is safe?

  She t__________ the letter to pieces.

  She b__________ into tears when she heard the bad news.



  1. People study yoga for _________reasons.(variety)

  2. My home is not a place where bad _________goes unpunished. (behave)

  3. The opera was first _________in 2009. (performance)

  4. To my _________, he couldn’t get the door open . (amuse)

  5. We would like to see more _________by younger people. (participate)


  6. He was still _________ (mourn) his brother’s death.

  7. He rose from his chair, _________ (bow), and left the room.

  8. Lucy came _________ (dash) down the stairs.

  9. They _________ (tear) down these old houses to build a new office block.

  10. They stood there, _________ (glare) at each other.


  vary from…to…; tease…about…; participate in; to one’s amusement; hold out;

  come out;

  come up with;

  for fun;

  as instructed;

  stand up for;

  pass away;

  burst in

  Jim is always ________ me ________ my accent.

  Teaching methods ________ greatly ________ school ________ school.

  ____________, he made up so many jokes in such a short time.

  I learned how to ____________ myself when I was young.

  I’m learning to cook, just _____________.

  The scientists are trying to _____________ a solution to the problem.

  It eventually_____________ that she was already married.

  George Burns, one of my favorite comedians, who won an Academy Award for his performance in1975, was born in1896 and ______________ in1996.

  The watch is still ____________, and you can send it back to the factory.

  She arrived at 10 o’clock _____________.


  1. 他说他没时间或别的诸如此类的借口。


  2. 他说这是因为他小时候就开始练习单口戏剧。




  4. 你下次感到心烦意乱或失望时,不要担心。


  5. 这纸容易撕破,所以阅读的时候要小心。




  7. 我们的供应品能维持多久,我们就能在这里呆多久。

  8. 他不喊不骂,只是默默地怒视着我。




  She didn’t like the work because it ________________; she was doing the same thing all the time.


  Apples come _____________________.


  People study yoga for ________________.



  adj… to…_________________________

  【即境运用】There is a wide _________ of patterns to choose from.

  A. many

  B. models

  C. quantities

  D. variety

  考点. behave


  I’ m sorry about what I did last night—I _____________________.


  【归纳总结】(1) _______________________;

  (2) __________

  【拓展延伸】behave well/badly


  behave oneself


  Do behave!


  【即境运用】’t mean that we all behave in the same way.(2016 安徽卷)


  考点. perform



  【归纳总结】(1)________________________(2) ________________________(3)(4)n. ________________________

  (5)n. ________________________



  perform a task ____________________

  perform miracles ____________________

  give (put on) a performance ____________________

  【即境运用】Your ________ as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn. (2016 浙江卷 7)

  A. operation

  B. growth

  C. performance

  D. character




  ’s amusement


  do sth. for amusement


  in amusement ____________________

  amuse oneself with


  be amused at (with/ by)


  【即境运用】考点. guarantee


  Who can ____________________________?


  The watch is still ___________________.



  guarantee 【即境运用】You can send the computer back to the factory, for it is still under________.

  A. guarantee

  B. construction

  C. control

  D. charge

  考点. come up with



  ome up with (1) __________;(2) __________

  come up (1) __________;(2) __________;(3) __________

  【拓展延伸】【即境运用】’s already ten o’clock, I wonder how it ________ that she was two hours late on such a short trip.

  A. came over

  B. came out

  C. came about

  D. came up

  ②.Many questions ________ at the meeting, but he answered none.

  A. came up

  B. raised

  C. were risen

  D. asked

  ③.Facing the emergency, we were at a loss and none of us could ________ a solution to the problem.

  A. come about

  B. come out

  C. come up

  D. come up with

  ④.— Alvin, are you coming with us?

  — I'd love to, but something unexpected________.

  (2016 浙江卷 16)

  A. has come up

  B. was coming up

  C. had come up D. would come up

  考点. take on


  foreign students(P11)在一次采访中,他告诉我们说他随时都乐于接受外国学生。

  Is he willing to__________________________?


  The college is _________ more staff.


  The bus ______________________.


  The small town _________ a new look.



  take on 【拓展延伸】 【即境运用】’t

  your time. 

  ②At the age of sixty he

  the study of Russian.

  ③After some time he began to

  his new school. 

  ④A helicopter is able to

  and land straight up and down. 

  ⑤No more workers are being

  at present. 

  ⑥This animal can

  the color of its surroundings.

  ⑦Don’t take anything

  from him.

  ⑧Nobody was willing to

  the homeless beggar.


  ①.We all agreed that the cottage would

  a perfect holiday home for the family.(2016 江西卷 30)

  A.make B.turn C.take D.have

  ②.Walking alone in the dark, the boy whistled to ________ his courage.(2016 湖北卷 23)

  A. hold up

  B. keep up

  C. set up

  D. take up

  ③.You had better _____some time every day for sports so that you can keep yourself energetic.(2016 福建卷 29)

  A. set aside

  B. take up

  C. put away

  D. give out

  考点. it is because…


  practicing stand-up as a child, he told himself jokes while standing in front of the mirror, brushing his teeth!(P3 reading Line 31-33)他说,这是因为他小时候开始练习单口喜剧时,他就习惯于站在镜子面前,边刷牙边对自己说笑话。

  Many passengers were trapped on the highway.



  The severe snowstorm lasted many weeks.





  it/ that/ this is/ was why…

  【即境运用】’t attend the meeting.

  he was ill in bed.

  He was ill in bed.

  he didn’t attend the meeting.

  考点. while …


  practicing stand-up as a child, he told himself jokes while standing in front of the mirror, brushing his teeth!(P3 reading Line 31-33)他说,这是因为他小时候开始练习单口喜剧时,他就习惯于站在镜子面前,边刷牙边对自己说笑话。

  He found an important piece of information




  【拓展延伸】 【即境运用】If

  , the viruses will certainly cause deadly illnesses.


  ②He looked as if (he was)



  ③The exhibition is more interesting



  Everything was placed exactly ___________he wanted it for the graduation ceremony.(2016 天津卷 14)

  A. while

  B. when C. where D. though

  考点. the next time


  . (P9)你下次感到心烦意乱或失望时,不要担心。

  _______________ you are here, let’s have lunch together.


  Please say hello to Mr. Li




  the next time 【拓展延伸】the first time…

  every/each time…

  the last time…

  the moment/minute/instant/second…

  the day/week/month/year…

  【即境运用】I went into the cave.


  ② I feel sick

  I am on a bus.


  ③ We hadn’t met for 20 years but I recognized him

  I met him.



  you are deciding on what to wear or what color to decorate your room, think about the color carefully.(2016 安徽卷)



  小组写作探究用本单元单词,短语或句式替换句子中划线部分,使之靓起来。1. One such person is Billy Crystal.


  person is Billy Crystal.

  2. Instead of telling the joke he had planned, he made up a new one.

  He didn’t tell the joke he had planned.

  , he made up a new one.

  3. He hopes to follow the way that other famous comedians usually do.

  He hopes to follow

  of other famous comedians.

  4. Doctors have been researching what stand-up and other forms of comedy affect us.

  Doctors have been researching what

  stand-up and other forms of comedy have______ us.

  5. David Canadian Mark Roswell from Canada, called Da Shan in China, is well known for his great ability to study Chinese.

  David Canadian Mark Roswell from Canada,

  in China

  Da Shan, is well known for his great ability to study Chinese.

  6. Do you mind if I sit down here?

  Do you mind

  down here?

  7.He was asked when he would arrive, and he said it was uncertain.

  ______ _____ ______ ______ ______,

  he said it was uncertain.


  Laughter is Good for You













  I teasing…about

  2. vary from…to…

  3. To my/our amusement

  4. stand up for

  5. for fun

  6. come up with

  7. came out

  8. passed away

  9. under guarantee

  10. as instructed


  1. He said he didn’t have time or made some such excuses.

  2. He said it was because he started practicing stand-up as a child.

  3.This kind of humor only works if both the comedian and the audience have affection for or admire the person being made fun of. /Only if both the comedian and the audience have affection for or admire the person being made fun of does this kind of humor work.

  4. The next time you feel upset or disappointed, do not worry.

  5. This paper tears easily, so be cautious when you read.

  6. She burst into tears/ burst out crying when hearing the bad news.

  7. We can stay here for as long as our supplies hold out.

  8. He didn’t shout or swear, but just glared silently at me.





  various adj… to… 在……到……之间变动

  【即境运用】考点. behave


  【归纳总结】(1) vt. & vi. 举止得体;守规矩;

  (2) vi. 表现

  【拓展延伸】behave well/badly


  behave oneself


  Do behave!


  【即境运用】考点. perform



  【归纳总结】(1) perform

  vi/vt. 演出,表现

  (2) vt. 进行;履行;执行(3)(4)n. performance 执行;履行[U];表演,演出;表现,行为,成就[C];表现

  (5)n. performer




  perform a task


  perform miracles 创造奇迹

  give (put on) a performance 演出



  ’s amusement


  ’s amusement


  do sth. for amusement


  in amusement


  amuse oneself with


  be amused at (with/ by)


  【即境运用】考点. guarantee


  ’s pork is safe

  under guarantee


  guarantee …

  to do sth. 保证……

  be guaranteed to do sth. 肯定会,必定会

  give (sb.) a guarantee

  (向某人) 保证

  under guarantee 在保修期内

  【即境运用】考点. come up with



  ome up with (1) 想出;(2) 拿出

  come up (1)走近;(2)出现;(3)被提出


  考点. take on



  take on 【拓展延伸】 【即境运用】

  考点. it is because…



  … 这是因为……

  it/ that/ this is/ was why… 这就是……的原因

  【即境运用】That was because

  That was why

  考点. while …



  【拓展延伸】 【即境运用】考点. the next time

  【观察实践】The) next time

  the next time you meet him


  the next time 【拓展延伸】the first time… 第一次……

  every/each time… 每次……

  the last time… 最后一次,上次……

  the moment/minute/instant/second… 一……就……

  the day/week/month/year… ……的那天、周、月、年


  用本单元单词,短语或句式替换句子中划线部分,使之靓起来。1. Such a

  2. Instead

  3. in



  4. effect ; on

  5. known ;


  6. my


  7.Asked when he would leave


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