2016届安徽省高考英语一轮复习提能演练:Unit 1 单元综合(人教版选修6)-查字典英语网
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2016届安徽省高考英语一轮复习提能演练:Unit 1 单元综合(人教版选修6)

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  Unit 1

  Ⅰ. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空

  by coincidence;a great deal;on the other hand;in the flesh;appeal to;lead to;concentrate on;lie in;in possession of;scores of

  1. We weren’t ______________ the new house located in the suburban district until July.

  2. ____________ people arrived at the stadium, excited to see the game.

  3. Doctors believe that smoking may __________ lung cancer.

  4. _______________ I met the person we’d been discussing the next day.

  5. She looked very pale, and seemed to have suffered _________________.

  6. I want to sell the house,but _________ I can’t bear the thought of moving.

  7. Advertising is intended to ___________ consumers, but it does not force them to buy the product.

  8. I have corresponded with her for some years, but I have never met her ______________.

  9. They wanted to _______________ the basketball match.

  10. I think the problem may _________the fact that no attention has been paid to this matter.

  Ⅱ. 完成句子

  1. _______________________(站在桌旁的)was his wife.

  2. I would do anything ____________________________(而不愿让她受到伤害).

  3. ____________________________________(这几乎是不可能的)in the past without the Internet.

  4. __________________________________(如果我们没做充分的准备), the conference wouldn’t have been so successful.

  5. __________________(显然)these figures are accurate. (evident)

  Ⅲ. 单项填空

  1. During the Renaissance, people began to concentrate less on religious themes and

  ________a more humanistic attitude to life.

  A. adapt

  B. adopt

  C. possess

  D. predict

  2. They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions _________their activities and achievements.

  A. as long as

  B. as much as

  C. as far as

  D. as well as

  3.—Oh!It’s snowing heavily. Let’s go out and enjoy the beautiful sight.

  — No, I would rather _______ at home, watching TV.

  A. stay

  B. to stay

  C. staying

  D. stayed

  4. All her energies are ______ upon children and she seems to have little time for anything else.

  A. guided

  B. aimed

  C. directed

  D. focused

  5. There is _______ concern about the pollution among the people.

  A. a couple of

  B. a good deal of

  C. a good many of

  D. a good number of

  6. —Does the young man standing there ______ the company?

  —No. The company is _____ his father.

  A. in possession of;in the possession of

  B. have possession of;in the possession of

  C. take possession of;in possession of

  D. have possession of;in possession of

  7. He ______ to get a high position in the company, but failed because of his carelessness.

  A. managed

  B. succeeded

  C. attempted

  D. thought

  8. I would like a job which pays more, but ______ I enjoy the work I’m doing at the moment.

  A. in other words

  B. on the other hand

  C. for one thing

  D. as a matter of fact

  9. After decades of effort, the city is still trying to _____ how to ban smoking in public places.

  A. look through

  B. get through

  C. figure out

  D. take out

  10. If

  you ______ your teacher’s advice, you would not have failed the exam last week.

  A. took

  B. were taking

  C. had taken

  D. take

  11. At the very beginning, Einstein’s Theory of Relativity was so ____ that few scientists could understand.

  A. absorbed

  B. abstract

  C. absolute

  D. interesting

  12. _____ excited the world greatly that Bolt broke the world record of the 100-meter dash in the Beijing Olympics.

  A. It

  B. That

  C. What

  D. As

  13. Since they won’t listen to the advice, we have to ______ force.

  A. appeal to

  B. stick to

  C. keep to

  D. apply to

  14. ______, my deskmate and I were born on the same day and same year,so we have a lot in common.

  A. By accident

  B. By chance

  C. By coincidence

  D. By adventure

  15. At the foot of the mountain_____ .

  A. a village lie

  B. lies a village

  C. does a village lie

  D. lying a village

  Ⅳ. 阅读理解

  One-hundred-and-seventh birthdays aren’t usually celebrated for authors who aren’t alive anymore. But Theodor Seuss Geisel — better known as the children’s books author Dr. Seuss —who came into the world on 2 March, 1904, was an unusual man.

  Like generations of children I was raised on his wonderful stories. But when I now read them to my children it’s not just the childhood memories I enjoy. His writing is brilliant and imaginative and flows with a self-confidence as sure as the words of a Shakespeare poem. Readers ride his characteristic rhythm with an effortless joy that cannot be matched by any other modern writer:

  You have brains in your head

  You have feet in your shoes

  You can steer yourself any direction you choose

  And will you succeed?

  Yes indeed, yes indeed!

  Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed.

  Seuss’s brilliant cartoons and clever words make his books a delight for adults but they appeal most to children of course. His stories teach kids moral lessons but in indirect and entertaining ways.

  The first Seuss book I was given was The Lorax, written just as the 60s were becoming the 70s. Seuss was ahead of his time, and in this book the dawn of concern for environmental problems are shown as the Lorax “who speaks for the trees” battles against an evil businessman who wants to destroy the forest and make goods “which everyone needs”.

  It’s not only a warning of the heavy price of environmental destruction, written well before most people had thought to worry, but it’s also a smart analysis of consumer societies: “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not. ” This is of course a moral message, but not of the kind designed to persuade the youngsters into behavior that adults want.

  I could go on, but hey, it’s a birthday, and I’m sure you folks have some good toasts to raise for the party. . . 1. What’s the purpose of this passage?

  A. To introduce Dr. Seuss’s life.

  B. To analyse Dr. Seuss’s books.

  C. To describe Dr. Seuss’s writing style.

  D. To celebrate Dr. Seuss’s achievements.

  2. Why do adults also enjoy Seuss’s books?

  A. His words and pictures are imaginative enough to be enjoyed by all.

  B. His books give children obvious moral messages to learn from.

  C. He writes about adult topics in a way that is understandable to children.

  D. He was the first person to write about the environment.

  3. When was the book The Lorax written?

  A. Early 1960s.

  B. Early 1970s.

  C. Late 1960s.

  D. Late 1970s.

  4. Which of the following is true about Seuss?

  A. Many of the issues he discussed attracted greater concern in later years.

  B. He is widely considered as the twentieth-century Shakespeare.

  C. His books are more popular now than when they were first published.

  D. Most readers thought his ideas were difficult to understand.

  Ⅴ. 任务型读写



  “BANG! BANG! ” Setting off firecrackers(爆竹), which has been the most typical custom on the Spring Festival, is the happiest part of the Festival for most Chinese kids. They light the fuse(导火线) nervously, run away in a hurry, cover their ears with their hands and watch the colorful display with a big smile on their faces. Faced with the beautiful scene, they feel they are the happiest ones in the world as if they had never had a more exciting experience.

  While setting off firecrackers can bring kids so much fun, these firecrackers can also be dangerous. Therefore, many Chinese big cities including Beijing began to ban them in the 1980s. Such an activity was completely or partially forbidden in big cities because the government took security, noise and pollution factors into consideration. As a replacement, some buy tapes with firecracker sounds to listen to, some break little balloons to get the sound, too, while others buy firecracker handicrafts to hang in the living room.

  This year good news came for teens in Beijing. The ban on firecrackers was cancelled. It will add much fun to the coming Spring Festival in the capital. Hearing the news, many kids were wild with joy.

  According to Chinese custom, lighting firecrackers is a must during the Spring Festival. People believe the sound of the firecrackers drives away demons and bad luck for the coming year. Their beautiful colours and sound also bring much excitement during this most important traditional Chinese festival.

  Since the ban, people complained that the Spring Festival was too quiet and not traditional enough. Children lost the fun and grown-ups lost their childhood memories. Some even worried that if the ban continued, the next generation would only know the custom of lighting firecrackers through books. This would be a great loss for traditions.

  Everybody knows that we can’t give up eating for the slight risk of choking(噎). So in recent years, many cities have resumed the old custom at the request of local residents. This year kids

  in Beijing will also be able to join in.

  However, every year there are kids injured by setting off fireworks in a dangerous way. So while enjoying yourself, please bear safety in mind. Don’t light fireworks among crowds, inside a bottle or with a part of your body right over it.

  No matter how much fun firecrackers are, the most important thing is to keep away from danger. We wish every kid an exciting and safe Spring Festival!

  Title: Firecrackers back in Beijing on the Spring Festival

  (1)________ for setting off firecrackers It is the most typical custom of the Chinese.

  The sound of the firecrackers is (2) _____to drive away demons and bad luck.

  Their beautiful colours and sound also make people (3)______.

  Fun for kids Feeling nervous and running away (4)_____ when lighting the fuse.

  Covering the ears with hands and (5) _____the colourful display joyfully.


  for the ban It is very dangerous for people and their properties.

  Its noise and smoke cause heavy (7)_______.

  Complaints about the ban Much fun for kids will be (8)_______.

  It’s difficult for grown-ups to remember their childhoods.

  Return of firecrackers The government (9)________ the ban.

  If taking proper (10)_______ measures, kids in Beijing will enjoy an exciting Spring Festival this year.


  Ⅰ. 1. in possession of

  2. Scores of

  3. lead to

  4. By coincidence

  5. a great deal

  6. on the other hand

  7. appeal to

  8. in the flesh

  9. concentrate on

  10. lie in

  Ⅱ. 1. Standing beside the table

  2. rather than let her get hurt

  3. This would have been almost impossible

  4. If we hadn’t made enough preparations

  5. It is evident that

  Ⅲ. 1.【解析】选B。考查动词辨析。句意:在文艺复兴时期,人们开始较少关注宗教主题而采取一种更人性化的生活态度。adopt采用;采纳,符合句意。adapt使适应,改编;possess拥有,具有,支配;predict预言,预告,预测。

  2.【解析】选D。考查连词用法。句意:他们出钱聘请著名艺术家来为自己画像,画自己的房屋和其他财物,以及他们的活动和成就。as well as也,还,而且,可用作并列连词,符合句意及句式结构。

  3.【解析】选A。would rather “宁愿”,其后常跟动词原形,故选A。

  4.【解析】选D。句意:她所有的精力都集中在孩子身上,她似乎很少有时间关注其他任何事情。guide “指导,指引”;aim “针对,旨在”;direct “指引,给某人指路”;focus one’s attention/eyes/energies on/upon. . . “集中注意力/视线/精力于……”。


  The project ______ helping young unemployed people.

  A. aims at

  B. is aimed at

  C. aims to

  D. for the purpose of


  5. 【解析】选B。句意:人们对污染很关注。concern 为不可数名词。a couple of “两个,几个”;a good many of “很多的”;a good number of “许多的”,此三项只修饰可数名词复数。a good deal of “大量的”,修饰不可数名词。

  6. 【解析】选B。sb. take/have possession of sth. 某人占有某物;sth. be in the possession of sb. 某物在某人的控制之下。


  I packed my remaining ______ into the trunk.

  A. possessing

  B. possession

  C. possessions

  D. possess

  【解析】选C。possession 表示“所有物;财产”时,常用复数形式。

  7.【解析】选C。句意:他试图在公司得到一个高职位,但由于粗心的原因而失败了。manage 表示“努力做成了某事”,不符合语境;B、D两项用法不对。

  【知识拓展】attempt, try, manage易混辨析



  8. 【解析】选B。句意为“我喜欢酬劳更多的工作,但是从另一方面来说,我很喜欢我现在正在做的工作。”in other words“换句话说”; on the other hand“另一方面”;for one thing“首先”; as a matter of fact“事实上”。从逻辑上来讲,A、C、D都不正确。

  9. 【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意:经过数十年的努力,这座城市仍然在努力解决如何在公共场所禁止吸烟的问题。figure out算出,想出,理解,解决; look through 浏览;get through 通过,完成,接通电话;take out 取出。




  13. 【解析】选A。appeal to呼吁,上诉,求助;stick to=keep to坚持;apply to应用。由句意“既然他们不听劝告,我们只好诉诸武力。”可知,应选用appeal to求助于……。

  14.【解析】选C。by accident=by chance偶然地,意外地。由句意“真巧,我和我的同桌同年同日生,所以我们有很多共同之处。”可知,只能用by coincidence巧合地。


  Ⅳ. 1. 【解析】选D。写作意图题。该文是为纪念Seuss诞辰107周年写的,作者结合自己的经历来介绍Seuss取得的成就。2. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据倒数第四段第一句“Seuss’s brilliant cartoons and clever words make his books a delight for adults. . . ”可知,他书中极棒的漫画和充满智慧的语言使所有人喜欢他的书。3. 【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段结尾可知,他出生于1904年3月2日;根据倒数第三段第一句可知他写这本书时,60多岁,已近70岁,因此可推知他写该书的时间应该在20世纪60年代末。


  Ⅴ. 答案:1. Reasons2. believed/thought/supposed/expected

  3. excited/thrilled/happy/joyful/delighted

  4. hurriedly/quickly/fast

  5. watching

  6. Factors/Reasons

  7. pollution

  8. lost/missing/gone

  9. cancelled/canceled

  10. safety


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