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发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  When I first entered university, my aunt, who is an English professor, gave me a new English dictionary. I was ___1___to see that it was an English-English dictionary, also known as a monolingual dictionary.__2___it was a dictionary intended for non—native learners, none of my classmates had one __3__, to be honest, I found it extremely __4__ to use at first. I would look up words in the dictionary and __5__ not fully understand the meaning. I was used to the __6__ bilingual dictionaries, in which the words are __7__ both in English and Chinese. I really wondered why my aunt __8__ to make things so difficult for me. Now, after studying English at university for three years, I __9__ that monolingual dictionaries are __10__ in learning a foreign language

  As I found out, there is __11__ often no perfect equivalence(对应)between two _12__ in two language. My aunt even goes so far as to ___13___ that a Chinese “equivalent” can never give you the ___14___ meaning of a word in English! ___15___ , she insisted that I read the definition(定义) of a world in a monolingual dictionary __16___ I wanted to get a better understanding of its meaning. ___17___, I have come to see what she meant.

  Using a monolingual dictionary for learners has helped me in another important way. This dictionary uses a(n)

  ___18___ number of words, around 2, 000, in its definitions. When I read these definitions, I am ___19___ exposed to(接触)the basic words and learn how they are used to explain objects and ideas. ______ this, I can express myself more easily in English.


  1.A.worried B.sad C.surprised D.nervous

  2.A.Because B.Although C.Unless D.If

  3.A.but B.so C.or D.and

  4.A.difficult B.interesting C.ambiguous D.practical

  5.A.thus B.even C.still D.again

  6.A.new B.familiar C.earlier D.ordinary

  7.A.explained B.expressed C.described D.created8.A.offered B.agreed C.decided D.happened

  9.A.imagine B.recommend C.predict D.understand

  10.A.natural B.better C.easier D.convenient

  11 A.at best B.in fact C.at times D.in case

  12.A.words B.names C.ideas D.characters

  13.A.hope B.declare C.doubt D.tell

  14.A.exact B.basic C.translated D.expected

  15.A.Rather B.However C.Therefore D.Instead

  16.A.when B.before C.until D.while

  17.A.Largely B.Generally C.Gradually D.Probably

  18.A.extra B.average C.total D.limited

  19.A.repeatedly B.nearly C.immediately D.anxiously

  20.A.According to B.In relation to C.In addition to D.Because of

  4. 【解析】A。最初用英英词典,,“很难difficult”。interesting是“有趣味的意思”,not fully understand the meaning不可能是这个答案;ambiguous“不明确的”;practical“实用的”,

  5. 【解析】C。句子中有否定词not,fully,still,“仍然不能够完全”的意思。

  6. 【解析】B。be used to 表示“习惯……,对作者来说习惯了双语词典,或者说是英汉词典。这里指双语词典的使用对他来说是熟悉。

  7. 【解析】A。此句是一个in which引导的定语从句,words是主语,“解释出来”的,explained。

  8. 【解析】C。我真想知道我姑妈为什么决定这么为难我。其他三个词虽然都跟动词不定式,但是在这里意思都不恰当。recommend是“推荐”的意思;predict“预测”的意思。

  9. 【解析】D。过去不理解,,“understand”;imagine“想象”的意思;

  10.B。此句中monolingual dictionaries和bilingual dictionaries比较,AD项没用比较级,better,,easier则不可能。“实际上,事实上”。at best是“至多;充其量”;at times是“有时”;in case是“万一,以防”,显然A、C、D项不合语境。

  11. 【解析】B。常见的情况是实际上两种语言之间的两个词没有完全的对应。in fact表示“实

  12. 【解析】A。词典上重点的内容应该是单词。

  13. 【解析】B。我姑妈甚至还声称汉语意思决不能给出一个英语单词的确切意思。

  14. 【解析】A。前面的a Chinese equivalent和the meaning of a word in English对应,,exact。 15. 【解析】C。此空后面的句子和前面表示的是一种“因果”关系,therefore。

  16. 【解析】A。表示“当……时候”,用when引导时间状语从句。而before通常指“在……之前”;until指“直到……时候”;while指“在……的同时”。

  17. 【解析】C。该句的谓语have come to see是表示“变化过程”,gradually表示“渐渐地”。

  18. 【解析】 D。从后面的around 2,000可知词典中用于解释词义的词是限制在2,000左右。

  19. 【解析】A。在有限的范围内,查阅阅读释义的话,就会反复接触基本词汇、学会这些词汇怎样用来解释事物和观点,所以用repeatedly表示“反复地,经常地”,

  20. 【解析】D。后面主句部分I can express myself more easily in English.表达的是结果,,I truly feel that my mother led me here, to Morzaine, and to my future as happy wife and businesswoman. When Mum


  in October 2007, I was cook. In December that year,while I was working for a wedding,a pearl necklace Mum had left me


  . I was distraught(忧心如焚的).Some days later, I was


  that a guy who was working with us that day. “Could probably have made a fortune


  the necklace he found.”


  ,he returned it. Hearing he I’d


  Mum for six months before her death, he said,“Christmas is going to be


  —why not go out to the Alps for a couple of weeks.

  I come to Morzaine, a small, friendly village in the Alps and


  fell in love with it. What was


  to be a stopgap (权宜之计) trip turned into a new life. I kept traveling between London and here and felt


  than I had in months. In December 2008, I was


  as a hotel manager and moved here full time.

  A month later, I met Paul, who was traveling here. We fell in love. In the beginning, I didn’t want to discuss


  ,because the sadness of losing Mum __13__ felt great. Paul understood that and never


  me. But, by summer, we got married. A year later, we used his saving, and the money from the sale of Mom’s house, to build our own



  We want to give our guests a


  feel, so each room is themed (以……为题) around memories from our lives. There are also styles to remind me of Mom—a tiny chair which


  be in her bedroom is set in one room.

  We are having a wonderful life Mum


  naturally part of it,


  there’s no way we would be here. If it wasn’t for the


  she gave me. I know she’s here in spirit, keeping an eye on us.

  (A)1. A. died

  B. came

  C. returned

  D. visited

  (B)2. A. burned

  B. disappeared

  C. broke

  D. dropped

  (D)3. A. shown

  B. comforted

  C. persuaded

  D. told

  (C)4. A. hiding

  B. stealing

  C. selling

  D. wearing

  (A)5. A. Luckily

  B. Naturally

  C. Surely

  D. Hopefully

  (A)6. A. nursed

  B. cured

  C. missed

  D. guarded

  (B)7. A. long

  B. hard

  C. merry

  D. free

  (D)8. A. suddenly

  B. finally

  C. nearly

  D. immediately

  (C)9. A. said

  B. proved

  C. supposed

  D. judged

  (D)10. A. smarter

  B. higher

  C. firmer

  D. lighter

  (B)11. A. honored

  B. hired

  C. regarded

  D. trained

  (D)12. A. travel

  B. business

  C. children

  D. marriage

  (C)13. A. recently

  B. once

  C. still

  D. first

  (B)14. A. left

  B. pushed

  C. surprised

  D. interrupted

  (A)15. A. hotel

  B. restaurant

  C. home

  D. shop

  (A)16. A. homely

  B. lively

  C. motherly

  D. friendly (B)17. A. ought to

  B. used to

  C. might

  D. could

  (D)18. A. takes

  B. keeps

  C. looks

  D. feels

  (C)19. A. unless

  B. while

  C. because

  D. though

  (D)20. A. money

  B. chair

  C. house

  D. necklace

  1. 【解析】A考查动词词义和语境理解。die去世;come来;return返回,归还;visit拜访。有下文的death可知母亲“去世了”。

  2. 考查动词词义和语境理解。disappear丢失不见;burn燃烧;break打破;drop降低,落下。有后文的我感到“忧心如焚”及“归还”(return)可知此处是指项链丢失了。

  3. 考查动词词义和语境理解。找了几天没有找到,几天之后别人“告诉”(tell)了我项链的下落。show展示;comfort安慰;persuade劝服。

  4. 考查动词辨析和语境理解。既然是赚了一大笔钱,捡到项链的那个人肯定是把它卖了。hid隐藏;steal偷(没有证据表明项链是那个人偷走的);wear穿戴。


  6. 考查动词词义及语境理解。母亲去世前我“护理”了她六个月。nurse护理,照料;cure治愈(母亲已去世,没有治愈);miss怀念;guard保护,守卫。

  7. 考查形容词词义及语境理解。在万家团圆的圣诞节,母亲刚去世,对我来说一定很难熬。

  8. 考查副词词义及语境理解。我已来到小镇Morzaine就“立刻”喜欢上了它。immediately立刻,马上;suddenly突然;finally最后, 终于;nearly几乎,差不多。

  9.考查短语辨析及语境理解。一开始到这来旅游的目的是放松心情。be supposed to认为应该……;be said to据说……;be proved to据证明;be judged to据判断。



  12. 考查名词词义和语境理解。后文的“But, by summer, we got married.”暗示此处为刚开始我没有心情谈论“婚姻”,因为我“还”沉浸在失去母亲的痛苦当中。

  13.考查副词词义及语境理解。解释同上。still仍然,仍旧;recently最近;once一旦,一次;first第一, 最早, 首先;

  14. 考查动词词义和语境理解。Paul理解我的心情,从不“催促”我结婚。push催促;leave离去, 离开;surprise使惊奇, 使诧异;interrupt打断。


  16. 考查语境理解。后文说每间客房都是围绕我们的生活记忆装饰的,我们这样做是为了让客人有一种“家”的感觉。

  17. 考查情态动词及语境理解。这把小椅子“以前”是放在母亲的卧室里的。

  18. 考查语境理解。母亲已去世,但是我们的幸福生活她在天堂可以“感觉”的到。




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