江苏省高邮市界首中学高三英语一轮复习学案:《Unit 3 Protecting ourselves8-9》-查字典英语网
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江苏省高邮市界首中学高三英语一轮复习学案:《Unit 3 Protecting ourselves8-9》

发布时间:2017-01-17  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Period 8-9 Task (1-2)

  Learning aims(学习目标):learn how to identify the degree of obligation

  2. judge whether the advice is a suggestion or a necessity through the modal form

  3. Enable the Ss to learn how to write an article with advice and warnings.

  Important and difficult points(重点难点):to identify degrees of obligation.

  2. Try to ask for and offer alternatives.


  Have you ever got advice from others?

  Is it a suggestion or necessity?

  How can you identify them?


  Skills building 1: Identifying degrees of obligation

  Step 1: Look at the following sentence patterns:

  You do not have to…

  You ought (not) to…

  You should (not)…

  You had better/ had better not…

  You have to…

  You must/ must not…

  Do you know which pattern expresses the strongest obligation, which expresses less strong obligation and which expresses the least strong obligation?

  Look at some sentences and decide which suggestions are and which necessities are.

  1. You don’t have to go school tomorrow if you are feeling ill.

  2. You ought to eat some fruit every day

  3. You had better wake up earlier tomorrow.

  4. You must not forget to do your homework.

  5. You should get enough rest every night.

  6. You must not forget to do your homework.

  7. You ought not to eat so much ice cream.

  8. You should not play computer games all evening.

  9. You have to take medicine if you want to get better.

  10. We must finish our project today because it is due tomorrow.

  Step 2 Categorizing notes about warnings

  Listen to a lecture by Dr Grey and write down the modal forms the doctor uses, and then categorize the obligation levels of the doctor’s advice.

  Skills building 2: Asking for and offering alternatives

  Step 1:

  Ask a doctor for some advice

  Suppose you were Mrs. Tang, and you wanted to know what should be done to cure your cold. You went to ask a doctor for some advice. Make some sentences using the patterns asking for alternatives given in this part.

  For example: What can I do instead of taking large amounts of vitamins and painkillers when I have got a headache or a runny nose? Step 2: Asking a doctor for alternatives

  Suppose were the doctor, what advice would you like to give to Mrs. Tang? Use the patterns offering alternatives to make some sentences. One of you will act the doctor and answer some questions about alternatives to medicine. Read the guidelines and work in pairs to decide who will be the doctor first. After you have finished your dialogue, you should switch roles.

  Skills building 3: Writing warnings

  Step 1: Use the information you have gathered in Steps 1 and 2 and the patterns presented in the three skills building parts to write your articles.

  How to include warnings in an article as well as giving advice?

  What language is often used to express warnings?

  What information is usually included in a waning?

  Step2: Review what we have learned last class.

  Words or phrases:

  1. Do not leave any medicine lying around in the house in case children get them.

  [in case] 以防,万一

  【译一译】① I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some just in case.


  ② 带上地图以防你迷了路. ____________________________________

  【常用短语】 in case (that) ___________

  in case of________________

  in some cases


  in no case _____________________

  2. Several months later, Mrs. Tang was promoted at work by the chairwoman of her company.

  promote: v→n. ____________________

  (1) 提升;擢升(常与to连用)



  用promote及其相关词的适当形式填空1) It has long been known that regular exercise _________ good health.

  2) There was a __________ in the supermarket and they were giving away free glasses of milk.

  3) How can you expect to be ___________ without working hard?

  4) The author organized a ___________ tour for the sale of his new book.

  3. The box was blank, but she swallowed the pills anyway

  swallow: verb

  (1) [I or T] 吞咽,咽下

  My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.__________________________

  He put a grape into his mouth and swallowed it whole.___________________________

  (2) [I] 哽咽,压制住

  He swallowed hard and said, "Dad, I've got something to tell you."


  (3)noun [C]


  相关短语: swallow up


  swallow one’s words


  swallow one’s pride



  1. My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.

  2. She swallowed the insult without comment.

  3. The story about her father being rich is hard to swallow.

  4. Though she was really angry, she swallowed her anger and turned to face him.

  5. There were two swallows nesting above our front door.

  6. Peter book a long swallow of his drink and then ate some cookies.


  Write for the school newsletter to talk about the dangers of taking medicine unnecessarily.




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