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发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  拟题人: 审校人:

  一、词汇填空 (60分,每题2分)

  A) 根据汉语写英语 (11-15填英语词组)

  1. __________ (n.) 日记,杂志

  2. __________ (v.) 说服

  3. __________ (n.) 态度

  4. __________ (n.)海拔高度

  5. __________ (v.) 毕业

  6. __________ (n) 预测,预报

  7. __________ (n.) 庙宇

  8. __________ (n.) 祝贺

  9. __________ (n.) 保险

  10. _________ (n.)损失,损害

  11. ____________改变主意

  12. _________ 让步

  13. _________________ 关心

  14. _________ 掘出

  15. ______________ 与…往常一样

  B) 根据英语写汉语

  16.determined (adj.) _____________



  18.brick (n.)


  19.frighten(vt.) ________ _____

  20.suffering (n)


  21.headline (n.) _____


  22.shock (vt.)







  25.outline (n.)



  26.have a preference to ____________

  27.make ends meet _____________

  28. bring...to an end ____________

  29.be buried in


  30. a determined look ___


  二、单词拼写 (用单词的适当形式) (20分)

  31.He is a s___________ person. He couldn’t listen to anybody.

  32.The sea products are daily t____________ from coastal area to the inland by plane.

  33.In spite of all his s_______ , I still think he is one of the best teachers in the school.

  34.I was at a d________________ because I didn’t speak French.

  35.The bag is u__________. It has a hole in it.

  36.I s_____ hope this program will be successful and people here will benefit from it.

  37.That homeless old man needed food, clothing and s_________ badly so I decided to help him.

  38.We followed the bear’s t_________ in the snow.

  39.He walked slowly, his hands b______ in his pockets.

  40.The s__________ shows that the earliest train for Shanghai is at 7: 00 a.m.

  三、词义猜测 (20分)

  41. He said some teachers are accommodating and have shelves at the back of the classroom on which students can leave their bags.

  A. comfortable

  B. careful

  C. strict

  D. helpful

  42. But knowing my days are numbered , I figure that I owe you an answer.

  A. I could count my days


  my each day was important

  C. I knew I was dying.

  D. I was eager to tell the young man.

  43.He believes that by eating less and restricting his caloric intake , he will trigger a genetic switch that slows the aging progress.

  A. turn on

  B. break down

  C. take up

  D. cut off 44.I hated dinner parties. But I decided to give them another shot because I’m in


  A. choice

  B. try

  C. style

  D. goal

  45. However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation. A. avoid

  B. accept

  C. improve

  D. consider

  46.To water his flowers, he used two buckets. One was a shiny and new bucket. The other was a very old and dilapidated one, which had seen many years of service, but was past its best.

  A. dirty

  B. dark

  C. worn-out

  D. plain-looking

  47. The Coalition for the Homeless is an organization that seeks to address the needs of the homeless population in the United States.

  A. talk about

  B. deal with

  C. fight for

  D. write to

  48.“My parents’generation never had bottled water,” says Isabelle Silverman, an Environment Defense legal adviser. She has made

  a commitment to going bottle free. “You don’t need to fetch it home from the store, and it is cheaper.”

  A. making bottled water free

  B. abandoning bottled water

  C. recycling used water bottles

  D. providing free water


  49 . Deposits can be made at any branch.

  A. 存钱

  B. 订金C.竞选保证金D. 沉积物

  50.---Can you come at 10 tomorrow?

  ---- That is cool.


  B. 不行



  D. 真酷

  四、多项选择 (10分)

  51.The plant grows around 10 feet tall on the coast.It is not too ______ about soil but prefers a sunny location.

  A. special

  B. peculiar

  C. particular

  D. unusual

  52. Coming from among the people, the people’s representatives are ______ for the people and supervised by the people.

  A. considerable

  B. responsible

  C. strict

  D. friendly

  53. Excuse me, could you please tell me what is the _______ by train from Shanghai to Beijing?

  A. fare

  B. fee

  C. pay

  D. charge

  54.They have already made it clear to us that they will never________ to any difficulty.

  A. give in

  B. give out

  C. give up

  D. give away

  55.She parked her car outside the window_______ , but she found it missing half an hour ago.

  A. in return

  B. at times

  C. in common

  D. as usual

  56.The ship Salam 98 caught fire and the bad weather _______ the despair of all the people on board.

  A.added to

  B. resulted from

  C. turned out

  D. led to

  57. The heat in desert is ______ , so there are few plants growing there.

  A. hot

  B. extreme

  C. serious

  D. dry

  58. _______ the memory only allows the damage to continue into the present.

  A. Keeping up with

  B. Living up to

  C. Coming up with

  D. Holding on to

  59. Contrary to common belief, stress is not _____ a bad thing. It is sometimes what allows people to perform their potential ability to the fullest.

  A. simply

  B. essentially

  C. necessarily

  D. purposefully

  60. With proper measures carried out, the economy in the world is beginning to _______ again.

  A. pick up

  B. take on

  C. dig out

  D. hold on


  at an end

  in ruins









  At 3:42 am everything began to


  .It seemed as if the world was


  ! Eleven kilometers directly below the city one of the greatest earthquake of the 20th century had begun. It was


  in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometers away. One –third of the


  felt it. A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty metres wide


  across houses, roads and canals.


  burst from holes in the ground. Hard hills of rock became rivers of

  67_ .In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay


  .The suffering of the people was


  . Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake. Thousands of families were killed and many children were


  without parents. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.

  61. ___________

  62. ___________

  63. ___________

  64. ___________

  65. ___________

  66. ___________

  67. ___________

  68. ___________

  69. ___________

  70. ___________


  71.Large quantities of information, as well as some timely help

  ____________________________ since the organization was built.(offer)


  72.I insist on ___________________ to put this right.(take)


  73. The fact _____________________ at West Point did not stop his rise up the ranks of the U.S Army.(reputation)


  74. A new law will go into effect on August 1st. According to this law, people _______________ in the streets will be punished strictly.(put)

  新的法律八月一日生效。根据这项法律, 被发现在街上张贴有害广告的人将会受到严格的惩罚。

  75. She took her raincoat with her_____________ be caught in the rain.(fear)


  76.___________________ ,the children stared through the window of his house.(shake)


  77. The audience _____________ their musical performance, or they would have spoken highly of it.(miss)


  78.Ever since he graduated from college, he_____________________ a part-time job at a Kentucky.(do)


  79.It will be several years__________________________________ to the pulic.(available)


  80. When we arrived, we found them sitting in the shade, _________(shelter)



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