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发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  一.词汇填空 (60分,每题2分)

  A) 根据汉语写英语 (11-15写短语)

  1. ________________ adj.古代的

  2._______________ adv. 现今,现在

  3.________________ n. 志愿者;志愿兵

  4. ________________ n. 祖国

  5._________________ n. 运动员

  6. ____________adj.普遍的;通用的

  7.________________ vt.


  8. ________________ n. 智力;聪明

  9._________________n. 教练

  10. ________________ n. 外观;外貌;出现

  11. _________________也;又;还



  14. _______________从……时起


  B) 根据英语写汉语

  16. physical(adj) ____________________

  17. admit(v) ___________________

  18. regular (adj, ) ____________________

  19. glory(n) ____________________

  20. replace(vt) ______________________

  21. charge(n, vt) _______________

  22. artificial (adj) ______________________

  23. rocket (n) ____________

  24. signal(n) _______________________

  25. explore(vi,vt) ________________________

  26.as a result


  27. so …that __________________________

  28.reach the agreed standard_____________

  29. as time went by ___________________

  30.be determined to do sth. ________________

  二.单词拼写 (35 ,40填短语)(20分)

  31. How f___________of you to believe such a dishonest woman!

  32. He was f________for parking his car in the wrong place.

  33. The b________of her opinion in something that she read in the magazine.

  34. We can’t c___________against other countries in trade if we don’t develop our national economy.

  35. Excuse me. But can you tell me what ATM on the sign s___________?

  36. The scientists c____________ when the spacecraft would reach the moon.

  37. When should I make an a______________ if I expect to enter your company?

  38. The sick man isn’t m___________ yet ; she still has to stay in bed.

  39. This is not imagine, but r_____________.

  40. W______________(在。。。帮助下)the internet, people can now communicate with each other by e-mail.

  三 猜测词义(20分)

  41. We walked slowly down the trail with great trepidation. No one who had gone this way had ever been heard from again. Had they simply found a better place to settle on this dark planet? We doubted that.

  A. movement

  B. worry

  C. enjoyment

  D. laughter

  42. Your plan looks good. I hope it will really work. It’s time to implement it and see if it’s as brilliant as you claim.

  A. instrument

  B. take apart

  C. change

  D. carry out

  43. If your plan fails, we’ll have to find someone who can devise a better one.

  A. design

  B. dislike

  C. appliance

  D. to use peanut butter as toothpaste

  44. When your plan brings us great wealth, you will be rewarded for your sagacity.

  A. good looks

  B. mistakes

  C. intelligence

  D. huge appetite for herbs

  45. Marsha is really an introvert. When I took her to Jason’s party, she sat in a corner without speaking to anyone. All she did was eat most of the snacks. The only reason she hangs out with me is because I never try to force her to be sociable. She would never forgive me if I introduced her to anyone.

  A. friendly

  B. hungry

  C. unclean

  D. shy

  46. Both sides in the election contest are throwing accusations at each other. The Gore supporters claim that Governor Bush is trying to thwart the will of the people. The Bush supporters say that Mr. Gore is trying to create votes or assign choices to people who did not really cast votes for president.

  A. help

  B. figure out

  C. block

  D. tickle

  47. There is a legal battle raging and the judges are concerned that time is running out. Lawyers are being asked to expedite the matter by getting their paperwork in early.

  A. quicken

  B. agree on

  C. sue

  D. discuss

  48. The Florida legislature believes that it has the power to choose the winner of the election if the courts haven’t finished their work by December 12. Both houses are controlled by Republicans and they would surely resolve the matter in Bush’s favor.

  A. cancel

  B. consider

  C. debate

  D. settle

  49. The home team made sure that the officials were on their side. They won a close game and the championship with many questionable decisions from the officials. However, no one from any other town would accept the winners as legitimate champions.

  A. real

  B. talented

  C. sneaky

  D. good looking

  50. Both sides battled for years. They were very far apart and could find no way to make a lasting peace. When the fighting finally came to an end, everyone was exhausted and embittered.

  A. very angry, resentful

  B. sour tasting

  C. humorous

  D. annoyed

  四 多项选择(10分)

  51The news came as a surprise to us all that Mr. Smith was _____________with an attempted crime.

  A. charged

  B. sentenced

  C. fined

  D. admitted


  Living in a highly ____________society, you definitely have to arm yourself with modern technology and skill.

  A. fierce

  B. attractive

  C. competitive

  D. popular

  53. Although this kind of car does not _______in any area, its speed and reliability have made it popular.

  A. stick out

  B. sort out

  C. come out

  D. stand out

  54. As a new general manager, David just wanted to make sure that everyone understood who was__________.

  A. in charge

  B. in danger

  C. in need

  D. in turn

  55. I’m going to exercise ___________to cancel out the extra calories if I do overeat.

  A. regularly

  B. normally


  D. actually

  56. Whoever has __________ sense knows that smoking is harmful to people’s health.

  A. normal

  B. general

  C. common

  D. usual

  57. We’ll take a honeymoon trip to Venice. Would you like to __________my dog for me while we are away.

  A. look at

  B. search for

  C. watch over

  D. care about

  58. For centuries, astronomers have studied the sun from the Earth and now a team at the European Space Agency is planning to send a space probe(探测器) to ___________the star in 2017.

  A. explore

  B. explode

  C. export

  D. experience

  59. They are not the type of people to go to bars because they’re really not ___________and when meeting a stranger, they tend to be sky.

  A. outgoing

  B. aggressive

  C. emotional

  D. awkward

  60. The writer emphasizes the importance of being completely honest with friends, and that’s where I _________disagree.

  A. personally

  B. thoughtfully

  C. universally

  D. secretly

  五 选词填空(10分)

  I’m a high school teacher of compute science.


  , I’m interested in


  machines. I teach the students about the different


  types of computer and their functions. Of course they learn how to


  information from the internet. I also train them to think


  about the information to choose. A problem that does sometimes


  is the


  of a computer getting a


  . I help my students become


  of how to avoid the

  70 of a virus. I love this job, because I am happy to see that my students’ ability to use the computer improves with my help.

  61.__________ 62 __________

  63__________ 64__________ 65__________

  66__________ 67__________

  68__________ 69__________ 70 __________

  六 完成句子 (21分)

  71. It’s believed that one day the earth ________________________if people don’t try to live together in peace. (destroy)


  I have to park my car on the side road or I _______________by the police.(fine)


  At last he had no choice but to admit ___________________.(steal)


  Everyone has his right to live, ______________(include)


  If you ____________in a lift and cannot have access to any communications with the outside, what would you do?(lock)


  To our surprise, the injured man acted as if nothing _________________.(happen)


  77. I stopped the car and picked up the old man ________________the snow.(walk)


  78. ________________so many foreign teachers in this school. (expect)


  79. _______________the project will cost as much as 26000 dollars.(calculate)


  80. He is ____________that he can learn English quickly. (smart)













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