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发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  一.词汇填空 (60分,每题2分)

  A) 根据汉语写英语 (11-15写短语)

  1. ________________ adj.积极的,活跃的

  2._______________ adv. 无私地,忘我地

  3._________________ n. 共和国,共和政体

  4. ________________ n. 法则,原理,原则

  5.__________________ n. 指导,领导

  6. _____________adj.怀有希望的, 有希望的

  7.________________ vt.


  8. ________________ n. 暴力,暴行

  9.__________________n. 意见,主张,看法

  10. ________________ n. 报酬,奖金

  11. _________________在危险,受罚等的处境中 12.________________丧失勇气或信心


  14. _______________设立,建立


  B) 根据英语写汉语

  16. valuable (adj) ____________________

  17. decorate (v) ___________________

  18. fancy (adj, vt) ____________________

  19. reception (n) ____________________

  20. remove (vt) ______________________

  21. doubt (n, vt) _______________

  22. former (adj) ______________________

  23. castle (n) ____________

  24. trail (n) _______________________

  25. explode (vi) ________________________

  26. think highly of

  ______________________ 27. at war __________________________

  28. less than _________________________

  29. take apart ___________________

  30.blow up _____________________

  二.单词拼写 (39 ,40填短语)(20分)

  31.Honesty is the q________ you can find in him, so he is the person you just want to rely on.

  32.His friends all like to have dinner with him because he is g________ with his money.

  33.It's better for us to adopt p________ means to resolve our border disputes.

  34.He was caught stealing and the judge s________ him to two years in prison.

  35.Obama is the p________ of the United States.

  36.I don't think I could s________ another year as a teacher; it's just too stressful.

  37.There's some e________ that a small amount of alcohol is good for you.

  38.Before the ship s________,the coast guard helped the passengers out.

  39.There ________ be a lot of snow here in winter, but in recent years we scarcely had any. (use)

  40.The boy ________ the toy car, but could not put it together. (take)

  三.词义猜测 (10分)

  41. No one suspected that Jerry was a spy. On the surface he behaved like any normal citizen. When his covert activity was discovered and announced to the world, we were all shocked.

  A. friendly

  B. helpful

  C. loud

  D hidden

  42. The workers stood in front of the factory and wondered what to do next. The doors were locked and the windows were boarded up. They doubted that they would even collect their final pay checks now that the company was insolvent.

  A. broke, or out of money

  B. hiring new workers

  C. changing a name

  D. making too much money

  43. When Beth and Donna were fighting over a boy who didn’t like either one of them, Shana stepped in as a mediator. She sat them both in a corner and kept them talking to each other. Finally, Shana’s efforts resulted in her two friends making up.

  A. troublemaker

  B. peacemaker

  C. witness

  D. competitor

  44. Ashlee was not happy with her friend Samantha. “I’ve been waiting here for an hour!” she growled into her cell phone. “You’d better hie yourself over here,” she continued, “or we’ll leave without you.

  A. hurry, or hasten

  B. stroll, or walk slowly

  C. float above the trees

  D. greet in an unfriendly manner

  45. “I am going to rescind the permission I gave you to use my toys!” T. J. announced angrily. “I thought you would take good care of them, but I was wrong!”

  A. repeat

  B. celebrate

  C. continue

  D. cancel

  46. Michael is an ardent supporter of his presidential candidate. That became obvious to me when I found out how much time he’s donated to the campaign. Perhaps Michael knows what he’s doing.

  A. old

  B. intelligent

  C. foolish

  D. very strong

  47. “Michelle, I’m very upset about what you said,” Rosie stated firmly. “You didn’t come right out and accuse me of eating all your candy. On the other hand, your remarks about my love of chocolate were made for a reason. You are insinuating that I’m the candy thief!”

  A. to keep something hot or cold

  B. to suggest without clearly saying

  C. to do something evil

  D. to protect from disease

  48. David hoped that nobody would know that he was in the building. Didn’t he realize that parking his new car in the driveway made his presence rather conspicuous?

  A. important

  B. expensive

  C. unfortunate

  D. noticeable

  49. I like that store. All the employees strive to make the customers feel right at home.

  A. complain

  B. try

  C. fail

  D. clean

  50. Connie is never happy when everyone is getting along. She always instigates fights and then acts like little Miss Innocent.

  A. to check it out

  B. to protect it

  C. to get it started

  D. to ignore it


  51. Fitness is important in sport, but of at least _________ importance are skills.

  A. fair

  B. reasonable

  C. equal

  D. proper

  52. The film was well _______ critically but met with a “so-so” response from the audience.

  A. received

  B. acted

  C. accepted

  D. directed

  53. As business began to ________ in Denver, she dreamed of going on the road to sell her hair and skin ointments in Chicago, Birmingham and Atlanta.

  A. take on

  B. take out

  C. take off

  D. take down

  54. The government had to ______ whole blocks of empty expensive apartments to make room for new blocks of apartments for the poor.

  A. blow out

  B. blow down

  C. blow in

  D. blow up

  55. There are numerous heroes and heroines in all _______ of Chinese Revolution.

  A. parts

  B. stages

  C. scenes

  D. platforms

  56. Lei Feng helped others wherever he went but expected nothing _______.

  A. in turn

  B. in return

  C. in order

  D. in want

  57. Although Mr. Summers and everyone else in the village knew the answer perfectly well, it was the business of the official to ask such questions _________.

  A. commonly

  B. necessarily

  C. simply

  D. formally

  58. The little boy has a habit of _______ his toy cars, which makes his parents very angry.

  A. taking in

  B. taking out

  C. taking up

  D. taking apart

  59. The painting stolen from the museum turned out to be false so it is ________.

  A. valuable

  B. invaluable

  C. priceless

  D. valueless

  60. In the story, the horse had such _______ to its owner that it would not leave him, even when he was dead.

  A. attention

  B. protection

  C. contribution

  D. devotion

  五.选词填空 (20分)(运用方框中的词语的正确形式填空)











  Chen Lei studied art history and the early


  of China in a university. He was able to recognize the 62 of different cultural relics from former times, especially the Tang and Song dynasties. One day he was looking in a second-hand furniture shop when he saw an 63 object among the many different vases and 64. It was a mirror 65 in the Song Dynasty and 66

  in the 67 style of that time. He recognized that it was a 68 cultural relic, but at a price he could afford, so he bought it at once. Later he gave it to his local museum. The people there were very happy and without 69 consider it one of the treasures of their collection. To them, it was 70 much more than Chen Lei paid.



  63________________ 64__________________



  67________________ 68__________________



  六.完成句子 (20分)

  1. There are many people present at the meeting, ___________________________ the same school. (belong)


  2. He is the English teacher ___________________ we have made great progress. (with)


  3. The teacher told me that only by referring to the dictionary ________________ whether the word was used correctly or not. (judge)


  4. It was during this period ________________ with Ron Arnold, who had been appointed by Paul. (meet)

  正是在这期间,他遇见了Ron Arnold,并与之成为了朋友,而Ron Arnold是由Paul委任的。

  5. __________________ from college, she took a job with Refugee Hope, a resettlement agency in St. Louis. (moment)


  6. To our surprise, the two pieces of wood _____________________. (equal)


  7. Now, if I’d had a flashlight, I ___________________ such a clumsy mistake. (avoid)


  8. His grandparents still live in the small town, __________________________ in the Anti-Japanese War. (see)


  9. I asked his name and address but forgot __________________ in my notebook. (set)


  10. The plans we had made _________________________. (prove)



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