2016高考英语外研版必修3《Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries》SectionⅡ速效提能演练-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语外研版必修3《Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries》SectionⅡ速效提能演练

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编












  答案:1.hunger;hungry 2.poverty;poor 3.development;develop;developing;developed 4.measure 5.goal;aim

  6.expectancy;expect 7.position 8.educate;education 9.figure;figure


  1.up ________直到

  2.________ to do sth.


  3.at the ________ of


  4.at the ________ of


  5.make ________


  6.make ________


  7.give ________ of


  8.make ________


  9.move ________ of poverty


  10.agree ________ sb.


  答案:1.to 2.agree 3.top 4.bottom 5.efforts

  6.progress 7.examples 8.sure 9.out 10.with


  1.The bottom ten countries are all African countries,________________________________________________________________________



  2.The UK is in the thirteenth position, ________ China is in the middle of the list.


  3.The most important goals are to:reduce poverty and hunger;____________ all children have education up to the age of 11;...


  4.______________ the Human Development Report.


  5.The report shows that we are ____________ but that we need to make greater efforts.


  6.Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school,about 115 million children____________.


  答案:1.with Sierra Leone(in West Africa)at the bottom of the list 2.while 3.make sure that 4.From this agreement came 5.making some progress 6. are not being educated


  1.The book covers terrorism,____________(贫穷)and global warming.


  2.Because of the bad harvest,many people will suffer from____________(饥饿).


  3.The policeman asked the lost boy to describe his____________(位置)on the phone.


  4.Everyone should set a____________(目标)for his life,work and so on.


  5.The____________(发展)of a child should be paid more attention to.


  6.He earns 1,000 yuan a month.His family live on such a small____________(收入).



  1.We can only ____________little by little.

  答案:make progress

  2.The workers are ____________to finish their task.

  答案:making efforts

  3.Have you ____________the expenses?

  答案:figured out

  4.____________ you lock the door behind you when you go out.

  答案:Make sure

  5.They achieved their ____________ of increasing sales by five percent.


  6.Her work has improved beyond ____________.



  1.—________________(令每个人吃惊的是),his plan turned out to be ________________(一次失败).


  答案:To the surprise of everyone(To everyone’s surprise),a failure,What a surprise


  The government ________________ to keep prices down.

  答案:took strong measures


  School children must be taught how to deal with ________________.

  答案:dangerous situations

  4.I’d like to study law at university ________________(反而)my cousin prefers geography.


  5.She often gets up late,________________(特别是)when she has no classes in the next morning.


  6.These young people are now ________________(作出积极的努力)to beautify(美化)our city.

  答案:making an active effect


  You have no idea how she finished the relay race with ________________.

  答案:her foot wounded so much

  8.Lucy has ________________(达到)all of the goals she set for herself in high school and is ready for new challenges at university.



  Having checked the door were closed,and ________________ all the lights were off,the boy opened the door to his bedroom.


  10.—Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also us feel better.

  —I’m ________________(同意你说的话).

  答案:with you on that


  Brazil has become one of the developing world’s great successes in reducing population growth-but more by accident than design.While countries such as India have made joint efforts to reduce birth rates, Brazil has had better result without real trying,says George Martine at Harvard.

  Brazil’s population growth rate has dropped from 2.99% a year between 1951 and 1960 to 1.93% a year between 1981 and 1990,and Brazilian women now have only 2.7 children on average.Martine says this figure may have fallen still further since 1990,an achievement that makes it the envy of many other third world countries.

  Martine puts_it_down_to,among other things,soap operas and installment (分期付款) plans introduced in the 1970s.Both played an important,although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate.Brazil is one of the world’s biggest producers of soap operas.Colobo, Brazil’s most popular television network, shows three hours of soaps six nights a week, while three others show at least one hour a night.Most soaps are based on wealthy characters living the high life in big cities.

  “Although they have never really tried to work in a message towards the problems of reproduction (生育),they describe middle and upper class values-not many children, different attitudes towards sex, women working,”says Martine.“They sent this message to all parts of Brazil and made people realize other patterns of family life and other values,which were put into a very attractive package.”

  Meanwhile, the installment plans tried to encourage the poor to become consumers.“This led to change in consumption (消费) patterns and consumption did not get along well with unlimited reproduction,”says Martine.

  1.The underlined phrase “puts it down to” is closest in meaning to________.

  A.considers the cause of it to be

  B.finds it a reason for

  C.looks it on as

  D.compares it to

  解析:选A。put sth.down to意思是“归结……的原因是……”。由二、三段的关系可以推出答案。

  2.Soap operas have helped in lowering Brazil’s birth rate because________.

  A.they keep people sitting long hours watching TV

  B.they have gradually changed people’s way of life

  C.people are drawn to their attractive package

  D.they make birth control measures popular


  3.What is Martine’s conclusion about Brazil’s population growth?

  A.The increase in birth rate will increase consumption.

  B.The desire for consumption helps to reduce birth rate.

  C.Consumption patterns and reproduction patterns are contradictory.

  D.A country’s production is limited by its population growth.


  4.Which is the best title of the passage?

  A.Brazil:the developing world’s success

  B.Soap Operas and Installment Plans

  C.Brazil:reducing birth rate by accident

  D.Learn from Brazil,the Third World Countries

  解析:选C。C项中有概括全文的中心词:reducing...by accident,即巴西很偶然地降低了人口增长。

  5.From the passage,we can conclude that________.

  A.India have reduced birth rates by accident,too

  B.many other third world countries are suffering a population growth rate now

  C.Brazil government’s achieved a success reducing the birth rate purposely

  D.Brazil has successfully reduced population growth-but more by accident than design

  解析:选B。由“an achievement that makes it the envy of many other third world countries”可知,第三世界国家妒忌巴西降低了人口增长,它们对自己的人口增长很头疼。D项是文章明确交代的不是推断出来的,A、C两项是错误的,因为印度降低了人口增长不是偶然的而巴西降低了人口增长不是故意的。




  A.This beautiful Money Box is the perfect place for a little girl to put her savings.It has been designed and made to look like a pumpkin style carriage.On each side of the carriage is an image of a princess.At the top is a hole and below is a black bung.

  B.The “Happy 18th Birthday” hand painted silk pillow is of high quality, making it a very unique and unusual special birthday gift.The soft silk pillow comes in a cream color which has the words “Happy 18th Birthday”.

  C.What happens to all those bottles? Well, someone has come up with a creative idea to make them an unusual clock! This beer clock looks great hanging on your wall and tells you time as well! The most important thing is that this great product is eco-friendly.

  D.This Baby Girl Pink Photo Frame is a perfect way to show your little girl’s picture.It has been designed and finished to a very high standard.Along the top of the photo are the words “Am I Cute or What?” in black and along the bottom is where your special personal information can be written with the black pen provided.

  E.This product is a very usual piece celebrating the birth of a newborn baby boy.It is made from white porcelain and has a very unusual design.Around the outside is a round circle with a love heart within, and the circle stands for the circle of love.Sitting in the base of the circle is a baby boy in a blanket.

  F.The USB-powered heating shoes will keep your feet warm and provide warmth for you while you are using the computer in wintertime.The temperature can be up to a comfortable 25 degrees centigrade.The shoes can be independently adjusted by the online control, allowing you to find the right temperature.


  1.Betty’s good friend gave birth to a boy last week. She wants to choose a suitable present for him, which has a unique design and is able to express love.


  2.Mike wants to buy a gift for his wife.She is afraid of coldness in winter and she is eager for something that can protect herself from being frozen.


  3.Lucy, a lovely girl, is studying in a primary school.She is thirsty to buy a box to place her pocket money.She looked for it in many shops, but she couldn’t find a proper one.

  解析:选A。Lucy想买一个储钱罐,而A项中漂亮的Money Box正好符合她的要求。

  4.Tom wants to buy a clock so that it is convenient for him to know the time.What’s more, Tom is also an environment protector, and he hopes his clock won’t do harm to the environment.


  5.Catherina’s sister’s 18th birthday is coming next week.She wants to buy a present for her.What’s more, it is her hope that the gift is not only unusual but also of good quality.

  解析:选B。Catherina的妹妹过18岁的生日,这个高质量的印有“18岁生日快乐”字样的silk pillow 符合她的要求。


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