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发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


  One bright summer day,a number of little boys and girls were out walking with their teacher.They walked two by two,singing happily.

  In their walk they came to a __1__ over the river,and they turned to go across it.They had just reached the middle __2__ there came a great shout behind them.The teacher told them to stop,and she __3__ and listened.When she heard the cry “Mad dog!” she __4__ what was happening.Before she could do something she saw the dog running to the bridge.

  “Children,” said the teacher,“keep __5__ the wall of the bridge.Don’t move or cry.”Then she went and stood before the boys and girls so that the dog would __6__ her first.

  The animal came,his mouth widely open.The animal ran up __7__,and seemed to be going by,but when he had just passed the __8__,he made a snap (猛咬) at one of the little girls.At this moment,the teacher saw a man running up with a gun to __9__ the dog.The children must be kept __10__ until the man could come up.So she ran to the dog,and put her right hand into the animal’s __11__.When the man came near enough,he shot the animal __12__.

  The dog had bitten her so __13__ that the brave lady died soon after the doctors came.She had given __14__her own life to save the lives of the children.When people heard of it,they loved her for her bravery.They said,“The __15__ of this brave lady should never be forgotten.”

  【解题导语】 本文讲述了一位勇敢的女教师为保护学生而被疯狗咬死的动人故事。









  解析:选C。考查连词。when作并列连词,相当于at that time“就在那时”。











  5.A.close to


  C.away from

  D.out of
















  解析:选D。考查名词。因为老师站在前面,应该从老师旁经过。上文说They had just reached the middle...,可排除C。如果从学生旁边经过了,就不可能有下文了,可排除A、B。






























  解析:选C。考查短语动词。老师献出了她的生命。give up为固定搭配,意思为“放弃”。






  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  As 16.________ Irish government tries to cut down the budget of the country’s public finances,schools in this country are suffering from the funding cutbacks.

  A school in Cork,17.________ lavatory paper(厕纸)used to be offered for free,declared itself short 18.________ cash and asked its pupils to bring their own toilet rolls to school.Parents 19.________ children at St John’s Girls’ national school in County Cork received the request last week.

  The school’s principal,Catherine O’Neill,wrote to a girl’s parent:“Dear

  parent,20.________ it



  little unacceptable,we have to request your daughter 21.________ (bring) a toilet roll to her teacher.These rolls will be specifically for your daughter’s class and should be given out by the teacher.We also have another request 22.________ your daughter should have tissues (纸巾) in her bag at all times.”

  Ireland’s public finances 23.________ (become) worse and worse since the economic downturn happened,and education has not escaped cuts in funding.Like this school,most of the measures 24.________ (take) in the educational system were due to the cutbacks.They are trying hard to reduce all kinds of 25.________ (expend) and ensure the educational needs.


  答案: the

  17.解析:where引导非限制性定语从句。先行词是A school,关系词在定语从句中充当地点状语,故填where。








  21.解析:此处指要求学生带纸巾。根据request sb.to do sth.的固定表达可知,此处应填to bring。

  答案:to bring

  22.解析:根据句子语法结构分析可知,that引导同位语从句,解释说明another request。



  答案:have become

  24.解析:根据句子语法结构分析可知,此处需要填过去分词,充当后置定语,修饰the measures。





  第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



  Have you noticed that in any large group,one person seems to be the boss? This is true for wild horses,too.The boss of a herd of wild horses is a stallion (种马).Stallions are grown male horses.

  The stallion’s job is important.He watches out for danger.If a bear or other animal comes close,he lets out a warning cry.This helps keep the other horses safe.Sometimes they all run away together.Other times,the stallion protects the other horses.He shows his teeth and rises up on his back legs.Often,he scares the other animals away.Then the horses can safely continue eating grass.

  Much of the grass on the prairies


  is gone now.Wild horses must move around a lot to find new grass.They spend about half their time eating and looking for food.If they cannot find prairie grass,wild horses will eat tree bark (树皮).They will eat flowers.If they can’t find these either,wild horses will eat anything that grows!

  Wild horses also need plenty of water.It is often hot in the places where they travel.At least twice a day,they find streams and take long,long drinks.Like people,wild horses lose water when they sweat.They run and sweat a lot in hot water.To survive,they need as much water as they can get.

  Wild horses also use water another way.When they find deep water,they walk through it.It feels good! It cools their skin.

  Now,most wild horses live away from people in the distant plains and mountains;they are safer there.

  【解题导语】 本文主要讲述了野马的生活习性。

  26.The passage mainly talks about ________.

  A.the enemies of wild horses

  B.the living habits of wild horses

  C.the boss of a group of wild horses

  D.the habitat of wild horses


  27.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

  A.How stallions protect other wild horses.

  B.When stallion let out a warning cry.

  C.What stallions do in a herd.

  D.How wild horses keep safe.


  28.Which of the following is TRUE about the stallion?

  A.He is responsible for the safety of the group.

  B.He is the oldest horse in the group.

  C.He is the strongest horse in the group.

  D.He finds prairie grass for the group.


  29.Why do wild horses move around so much?

  A.To look for water.

  B.To search for food.

  C.To find safer habitats.

  D.To build up their strength.

  解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第三段第二句话“Wild horses must move around a lot to find new grass”可知应选B项。

  30.Why do wild horses live away from people in the distant plains and mountains?

  A.Because they can escape from people’s hunting.

  B.Because there are more grasses and water.

  C.Because they can form large groups there.

  D.Because they can find deep water there.

  解析:选A。细节理解题。由最后一段“...they are safer.”可知,大多数野马居住在偏远的高原和山区,因为在那里更安全。故推知A项符合题意。


  There are strong arguments on space travel,and below you will find a list of many frequently used arguments.

  Pros of space travel:

  —Space travel has inspired many people to continue improving technology such as inventing Velcro and non-stick frying pans.

  —If you look at the total GDP worldwide,space only accounts for a very small percentage of the total budget.

  —Better to spend money on our future,than on other projects that would have a much lower potential reward.

  —If we were to colonize another planet,it would reduce the population on Earth,which is already overpopulated.This will result in the survival of our species when our planet can no longer support human life.

  —Multinational space stations have helped diplomacy(外交) among multiple nations.

  Cons of space travel:

  —There is a very large percentage of the earth’s oceans we have not been explored.We should continue exploring the remaining unknown regions of our oceans before continuing to another planet.

  —The funding for space exploration comes from the tax payers’ pockets.Many do not think that they should be forced into paying for something they oppose.

  —The total contribution from space travel is minimal,when considering the total cost.

  —We should not be thinking about colonizing (占领) a moon,or a planet.It’s better to save our existing planet first.If we are to destroy one planet,what is to stop us from repeating the_mistakes on another planet.

  —Not only is the cost of manned space missions expensive,but space travel can have a serious effect on the human body over an extended period of time.The only way to solve it is by using robots,which reduces the human risk factor,and reduces the overall cost.

   Overall,most people approve of (赞成) our current exploration methods.In my opinion,these methods should be reviewed to help reduce the cost of launches.I believe the potential of finding resources on other planets will make the cost of several decades of space exploration worthwhile.

  【解题导语】 太空旅行的支持者和反对者都给出什么样的理由呢?

  31.What would be the best title for this passage?

  A.The future of space travel

  B.The benefits of space travel

  C.Why space travel is expensive

  D.Whether space travel is worthwhile or not


  32.Which of the following benefits of space travel is NOT mentioned?

  A.Creating more job opportunities.

  B.Reducing the overpopulation problem.

  C.Bringing about advanced technologies.

  D.Developing relationships among countries.

  解析:选A。细节理解题。根据Pros of space travel部分可知B、C、D三项均有提及,唯独A没提到。

  33.The underlined part

  “the mistakes” here probably refers to ________.

  A.colonizing a moon

  B.doing damage to Earth

  C.spending money with little reward

  D.having a wrong understanding about other planets

  解析:选B。文章结构题。根据“It’s better to save our existing planet first”可知“the mistakes”指的是我们对地球的破坏。

  34.Which of the following statements is WRONG according to “Cons of space travel”?

  A.People get little reward from space travel.

  B.People should explore unknown parts of our oceans first.

  C.Robots are too expensive to be used in space travel.

  D.Tax payers shouldn’t be forced into paying for something they’re against.

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据“The only way to solve it is by using robots,which reduces the human risk factor,and reduces the overall cost”可知人们是主张用机器人代替人类“飞天”的。

  35.What’s the author’s attitude towards space travel?




  D.Not mentioned.

  解析:选C。作者态度题。根据文章最后一段“I believe the potential of finding resources on other planets will make the cost of several decades of space exploration worthwhile”可知作者的态度是积极的。


  Have you ever looked at the Big Dipper (大熊星座) and Little Dipper in the sky? If you have,you’ve looked at the very same stars the ancient Greeks saw thousands of years ago.

  People have always looked to the sky and wondered about what they saw.The ancient Greeks connected the stars they saw in the sky to form different pictures and made up stories about these pictures using their imagination.Some of these pictures,called constellations (星座),were based on stories about the superhuman Greek gods.One of them goes like this.

  The king of the gods,Zeus,had a wife named

  Hera.Queen Hera became jealous of a pretty woman named Callisto.One day Queen Hera decided to get rid of Callisto,so she changed Callisto into a bear.Callisto was discomposed.She went home for help.On the way,she ran into her son.He did not recognize her as a bear.He aimed his arrow (箭) at her.Just before the arrow flew,Zeus swept down from the sky and turned Callisto’s son into a bear too.Then Zeus took both bears by the tail and threw them up into the sky.That’s how the Little Bear and Big Bear constellations came into being.

  Imaginary stories about constellations may not seem useful to us now.But ancient people had few tools available to them.As technology developed,so did our understanding of our solar system.

  【解题导语】 古希腊人通过编故事解读看到的星星,其中大、小熊星座的故事就来源于古希腊神话。

  36.How did the ancient Greeks understand the stars?

  A.By making up some stories about stars.

  B.By drawing beautiful pictures of stars.

  C.By observing the changes in stars.

  D.By connecting stars into one constellation.

  解析:选A。细节理解题。根据第二段“The ancient Greeks connected the stars they saw in the sky to form different pictures and made up stories about these pictures using their imagination”可知,古希腊人通过把看到的星星连接成画,并想象一些关于这些画的故事来解读看到的星星,故选A项。

  37.Callisto was changed into a bear because ________.

  A.she didn’t look after her son

  B.she was too beautiful

  C.her son killed a bear with his arrow

  D.she didn’t obey the rules of Hera

  解析:选B。细节理解题。从第三段的“Queen Hera became jealous of...into a bear”可知,Hera嫉妒漂亮的Callisto,所以把她变成了熊。

  38.The underlined word “discomposed” in Para.3 can be replaced by “________”.






  39.Why did Callisto’s son aim his arrow at her?

  A.Because her son was encouraged by Zeus.

  B.Because her son wanted to kill her.

  C.Because her son would like to help Queen Hera.

  D.Because her son didn’t know the bear was Callisto.


  40.The underlined word “them” in the last paragraph refers to ________.

  A.imaginary stories



  D.ancient people



  Old tennis balls are being used in an unusual way to help us learn more about one of the rarest mammals (哺乳动物) in the country.

  Harvest mice are only about 2 inches (5 cm) long.This spring and summer,wildlife experts are encouraging people to report sightings of harvest mice so that records can be built up about numbers and locations can be made.

  Meadows and grassland are animals’ traditional homes but as farming methods change over time,the habitats are being lost and numbers are thought to be declining.

  Old tennis balls,complete with penny-sized holes,make a strong and popular choice of home for the mice and around 200 are available for surveyors to distribute and monitor,after being donated by a local tennis club.

  The project,supported by the Leicestershire County Council,is thought to be the biggest of its kind ever run in Leicestershire.

  County Council wildlife expert,Helen O’Brien,said,“Little is known about the creatures’ present situation locally so we need people to look in tall grass and fields and send in their information.The information will help us track numbers and tell us where we need to focus our attention to safeguard (保障) their future.

  Anyone interests in getting involved (参与),can pick up tips and learn more about harvest mice on a training day.This is taking place between 7∶30 p.m.and 9∶30 p.m.on Monday,14th June at the County Council’s Environmental Resource Centre in Birsall.People living in Leicester,Leicestershire and Rutland can get involved with the survey or book a place on the training day by calling Gareth Price at 0116-267-1950.

  【解题导语】 巢鼠在英国的数量正在减少,英国人想了一个办法来保护它们:向它们提供挖了小洞的旧网球,让它们筑巢用。

  41.The underlined word “declining” in Para.3 is closest in meaning to ________.





  解析:选A。词义猜测题。联系本段前的their homes are being lost可推知,巢鼠的数量在减少。

  42.According to the passage,old tennis balls are ________.

  A.seriously polluting harvest mice’s homes

  B.being used to kill harmful animals in the fields

  C.being provided for harvest mice as homes

  D.being collected to raise money to save animals

  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第四段“Old tennis balls...make a strong and popular choice of home for the mice”可知,旧网球是给巢鼠筑巢用的。

  43.The Leicestershire Country Council needs local people to ________.

  A.donate food for harvest mice

  B.keep harvest mice as pets at home

  C.raise more cats to kill harvest mice

  D.collect information about harvest mice

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段“wildlife experts are encouraging people to report...”和第六段“so we need people to...”可知,Leicestershire的郡议会需要人们收集有关巢鼠的信息。

  44.We learn from the last paragraph that ________.

  A.the training is going to be provided on July 14

  B.the training about harvest mice will last two hours

  C.only people living in Leicester can get involved

  D.Gareth Price will be the trainer on the training day

  解析:选B。细节理解题。根据最后一段“This is taking place between 7∶30 p.m.and 9∶30 p.m.”可知,培训将进行两个小时。

  45.What is the best title for the passage?

  A.Harvest mice like old tennis balls

  B.The importance of tennis balls

  C.The rarest animal:harvest mice

  D.Harvest mice’s homes are being lost


  第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)




  46.A book that makes the simple,everyday activities of a little boy into a long story.When Peter awakes to the first snow of the season,every detail of the day-from rolling a snowball to making snowmen-becomes magical.

  解析:选D。根据所描述的“When Peter awakes to the first snow of the season...from rolling a snowball to making snowmen...”可知,这本书应该与雪有关。D的名称The Snowy Day与封面都是与雪相关的。由此可知答案。

  47.A very hungry caterpillar eats his way through a variety of foods-and even the book-before changing into a butterfly.Along the way,readers learn about colors-not to mention the life cycle(循环) of a caterpillar.

  解析:选B。根据所描述的“A very hungry caterpillar...before changing into a butterfly.”可知,这本书描述的是一只毛毛虫变为蝴蝶的经过。这与B的书名以及封面是一只毛毛虫相符合。

  48.Oh,that hungry mouse.Once you give him the cookie,this movement is unstoppable! By the end,the mouse,the boy that gives him the cookie are both very tired!

  解析:选F。根据所描述的hungry mouse,the cookie等关键词可知,这本书是描述的一只老鼠和一块甜点的故事。这与F的书名以及封面中的老鼠相符合。

  49.A story about a fruit bat raised by birds,this book celebrates (赞美) independence.As a beautifully told tale with beautiful pictures and some information about bats as well,this book is well worth reading.

  解析:选E。根据所描述的“A story about a fruit bat”可知,这本书应该与蝙蝠相关。这与E封面及题目“Stellaluna,A Bat”相符合。

  50.When Max is sent to bed without his dinner,he imagines an adventure(冒险)to the land of the Wild Things,where he meets a crowd of unusual animals.When he becomes homesick,he wakes up in his bedroom to find his warm supper waiting for him.

  解析:选A。根据所描述的“When Max is sent to bed without his dinner,he imagines an adventure(冒险) to the land of the Wild Things,where he meets a crowd of unusual animals.”可知,这本书所描述的是Max进入了一个特殊的地方并遇见了很多非同寻常的动物。这与A的书名Where the Wild Things Are相符合。


  第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分 15分)























  One possible version:

  As we all know,there have been more and more natural disasters in recent years such as floods,droughts,earthquakes and so on,which have caused a great loss to our lives and possessions.So some measures







  these frightening natural disasters.

  First of all,building strong warning systems is very necessary,which will help people get ready for the disasters,so we may greatly reduce the loss.Secondly,the whole world should spare no effort to protect the environment in order to avoid some natural disasters caused by human activities.Last but not least,countries should cooperate with each other,setting up powerful rescue systems to reduce the damage in the stricken regions.

  第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


  Scientists have worried for a long time over the effect of a seriously large asteroid(小行星) hitting the earth.After all,it is likely that the force of such an object from space wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.Their fears were reignited(重新激起)when a huge asteroid hit the atmosphere above an island in Indonesia.Scientists at the University of Western Ontario were able to hear the blast (爆炸) 16,000 kilometers away.A bigger asteroid could well have got through the atmosphere and done great damage.

  What really concerns scientists is that our telescopes were unable to discover the asteroid.If it had been larger and hit the Earth’s surface,who knows what the damage could have been.According to New Scientist,such object hit the earth about once every 10 years.Although no one was killed by the asteroid in Indonesia,no one knows what will happen when the next asteroid comes.





























  One possible version:

  As is mentioned in the passage above,scientists are worrying that one day an asteroid may hit the earth and cause great disasters to human beings.

  In my opinion,there is no need to worry about it.On the one hand,hundreds of asteroids have hit the atmosphere since 65 million years ago,but none of them have caused great damage to the earth.So we can believe we are safe now,and we will be safe for the next hundreds or thousands of years.On the other hand,with the development of modern science and technology,we can build

  more powerful telescopes in the years to come,which may help us to discover such asteroids before they hit the earth.Perhaps we can attack them by using huge rockets and change their direction so that they won’t hit us.In a word,believe in ourselves!


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