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发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


  I live in an apartment and can’t keep pets as it is against the rules.So I have to__1__the birds on my balcony.I mainly get some pigeons,and in summer,I get regular __2__from some sparrows or magpies coming from the outside.Watching them is relaxing and a form of__3__for me.

  The other day,one of the__4__had got himself stuck (卡住)in my balcony railings.I thought he was__5__.It made me so sad and then,when I went outside,it started to__6__.My heart was filled with joy;it was not dead just__7__from the effort of trying to free himself.

  As I__8__the bird,he got more frantic

  (狂乱的).I comforted him and told him not to move.He__9__,perhaps in fear.He kept still and I liked to think he could__10__my intention of not wanting to harm him.I__11__placed my hand under him and lifted him up to set him free.He flew up to the roof.As I put the usual seeds out,he came back and__12__me with joy and maybe appreciation in his eyes...

  Life is full of__13__;some are very real,like the railings holding the pigeon back,and some are__14__but we struggle against them till we are exhausted.Sometimes the answer is with a friend.All it takes is a little__15__,a little guidance in the right direction,and away we go,free again to fly just like my little feathered friend.

  【解题导语】 作者帮助一只被卡住的鸽子从栏杆中间脱身出来,由此得到一些启示:困住鸽子的栏杆就好像是生活中的障碍,我们不停地挣扎直到筋疲力尽。有时候来自朋友的一点帮助或者正确指引能够帮助我们获得解脱。

  1.A.observe B.feed



  解析:选B。根据文章首句可知,作者住在公寓里, 不让在屋里养宠物,所以他只能在阳台上喂养鸟,下文“As I put the usual seeds out...”也给予了提示。





  解析:选A。根据下文“...from some sparrows or magpies coming from the outside.”可知,到了夏天,还会有从外面来的麻雀或者喜鹊飞到他的阳台上,即有其他鸟经常光顾他家。










  解析:选B。根据最后一段“...like the railings holding the pigeon back...”可知,前几天一只鸽子卡在栏杆中间了。





  解析:选D。根据下文“...it was not dead...”可知,作者一开始以为鸟已经死了。





  解析:选C。根据下文“...he got more frantic(狂乱的).I comforted him and told him not to move.”可知,当作者走到阳台上去查看时,这只鸟开始挣扎。





  解析:选C。根据下文“...from the effort of trying to free himself.”及最后一段“...we struggle against them till we are exhausted.”可知,此处说的是:这只鸟是因为挣扎着想脱身而累得筋疲力尽。










  解析:选D。根据上文“I comforted him and told him not to move.”及下文“He kept still...”可知,作者安抚这只鸟,告诉它不要动。这只鸟可能是害怕了,就停止挣扎,一动不动。















  解析:选C。根据下文“...with joy and maybe appreciation in his eyes...”可知,鸟儿飞回来,眼中含着喜悦地看着作者,眼神中仿佛也带着感激。





  解析:选D。根据下文“like the railings holding the pigeon back”可知,生活中也充满了像困住鸽子的栏杆那样的障碍。





  解析:选A。根据上文“some are very real”可知,生活中的障碍有些是确实存在的,而有一些却是想象的。





  解析:选B。根据上文“...lifted him up to set him free...”可知,像被困鸽子得到了作者的帮助(lift)一样,有时候当一个人身处困境时,所需要的就是来自朋友的一点帮助或者正确指引。

  第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


  My husband and I recently attended a large party held by his company.As we were leaving,a lot of cookies and other food items16.________(offer)to people so that they could take them home.My husband thought he’d take a few for us to have later and picked up17.________.

  It was a particularly18.________(wind)winter night.As we walked out to the parking lot,we noticed there were two police officers19.________(direct)traffic.My husband and I thought how hard20.________must be to have to be outside late at night21.________the cold,working.Without a second thought,my husband gave me all the food22.________was in the bag and I walked over and gave it to them to share.It was23.________(amaze)that such a simple deed made both of them so happy.The woman officer even said to me,“You are24.________kind and nice lady.We have directed thousands of cars in and out of the office tonight,but no one did such a thing like you.This is the reason for25.________we’re so happy.”It was a wonderful way to end a very pleasant evening.

  16.解析:考查动词的被动式。因为主语与谓语动词offer之间存在着被动关系,且事情发生在过去,故填were offered。

  答案:were offered

  17.解析:考查代词。根据上文中的a few可知,此处应使用不定代词some。




  19.解析:考查非谓语动词。本句已有谓语动词were,且police officers与动词direct之间存在着逻辑上的主动关系,故填directing。


  20.解析:考查it的特殊用法。本句中的it为形式主语,真正的主语为to have to be outside...。


  21.解析:考查介词。in the cold表示“在严寒中”。




  23.解析:考查词形变化。It was amazing that...表示“令人惊讶的是……”。




  25.解析:考查限制性定语从句的关系词。根据句意“这就是我们高兴的原因”。因为for which=why,故此处应填关系代词which。



  第一节 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



  I was hungry because after a full day of exploring the German town,I hadn’t eaten anything more than a pizza.I’m comfortable traveling through a country where I don’t speak the language,but I would almost rather go hungry than sit in a restaurant eating alone.

  After wandering around the town for another half an hour,I finally chose an Italian restaurant that seemed friendly enough.I know I should have gone for more traditional German food,but the idea of a plate of Italian noodles for only six euros was too much to pass up.So I nervously entered.As I stood there,I noticed all the happy families and friends eating together.The hostess found a small table for me next to the front entrance.

  “Great,” I thought,“now people can look at this friendless traveler as they enter.” Then I started to wonder how many of the customers might mistake me for the hostess and how much this would interrupt (打断)my meal.Then a woman,whose name is now lost to memory,invited me to have dinner with her and her family.I couldn’t believe it!This was the German friendliness I had read about.

  I walked to their table.I can be quite shy when talking to new people.I also started to wonder how this would work.Do I have to talk to them the whole time?Do they even know English?The meal began awkwardly.The woman’s two children mostly stared at me.

  Fortunately the parents spoke enough English and I knew a little German.I came into this restaurant afraid of eating alone and I ended up conquering my shyness.Separate bills came for each of us;we paid and went our own ways.The family probably ended up discussing their day while I just walked back to my hotel with a smile on my face.

  【解题导语】 作者在德国一个小镇逛了整整一天后很饿,但是却不想坐在餐厅里独自吃饭。当她最后走进一家意大利饭店的时候,一家热情的德国人邀请她共进晚餐。

  26.The author chose an Italian restaurant instead of a German one probably because________.

  A.the author didn’t like German food

  B.the food in the Italian restaurant was cheap

  C.the Italian restaurant was popular in the town

  D.the German restaurants in the town were closed

  解析:选B。推理判断题。根据第二段的I know I should have gone for more traditional German food,but the idea of a plate of Italian noodles for only six euros was too much to pass up.可知仅仅6欧元的意大利面条对作者还是比较有吸引力的。

  27.When invited to have dinner with the family,the author was________.





  解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第三段的I couldn’t believe it!This was the German friendliness I had read about.可知答案。

  28.Which of the following is TRUE about the author?

  A.She was mistaken for the hostess.

  B.She paid the bill for the woman’s family.

  C.She had known nothing about German friendliness before.

  D.She didn’t remember the name of the woman who invited her to eat together.

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第三段的Then a woman,whose name is now lost to memory,invited me to have dinner with her and her family.可知答案。

  29.We can conclude from the passage that the author________.

  A.couldn’t speak any German

  B.was outgoing and enjoyed talking to people

  C.didn’t like to travel in a foreign country

  D.had an enjoyable dinner with the family

  解析:选D。推理判断题。根据最后一段的...I just walked back to my hotel with a smile on my face.可知答案。

  30.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the passage?

  A.To share her experience in Germany.

  B.To encourage readers to travel in Germany.

  C.To explain why Germans are friendly.

  D.To express thanks to the German family.



  Text messaging was designed for quick exchange of information.For messages that need short words,the short messaging systems are preferred.In a public place,for example,it is better for people to send text messages than to talk loudly and disturb others with their conversation.It has its advantages,but sadly,there are also disadvantages.

  There have been several celebrities(名人)and TV shows raising the problem about accidents caused by sending or reading text messages while driving.It causes drivers to lose control or lose their concentration while driving.

  Text messaging may actually be more dangerous than talking while driving as it requires the driver to take his eyes off the road and onto the phone.It is a most dangerous thing to do while driving.

  The other disadvantage is the poor spelling habit that it develops among young people.It is natural for them to want to make a shorter form of the words so as to get it done quickly.However,they carry this through even when writing formal documents.Young people are becoming poor at spelling even simple words.

  Text messaging also brings about an impersonal (冷淡的)culture.People communicate with text messaging.And they say important things on their phone when they should actually be said in person.

  Culture changes along with its people and that is something that everyone knows will happen.What is sad is what it is turning into.Although many will argue that this kind of change is just like any other change that happened in the past,radical (激进的) in the beginning,common finally.Text messaging may be one of those but it is pretty hard to think about the time when the phone separates two people even when they are sitting side by side.

  【解题导语】 短信息给人们带来很多方便,但同时也有不少的负面影响:驾驶时发短信息或阅读短信息会造成交通事故;由于经常使用单词的缩略形式而降低了年轻人的拼写能力;改变了人们传统的信息交流方式而使人际关系淡薄。

  31.We can know from the first paragraph that________.

  A.text messaging is becoming less popular

  B.some people like listening to others’ talk

  C.people would like to make a phone call in public

  D.many people prefer text messaging

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段中的For messages that need short words,the short messaging systems are preferred.和接着所举的一个例子可知,人们还是比较喜欢使用发短信息这种方式。

  32.Young people cannot spell even simple words probably because________.

  A.they often write formal documents

  B.they often use a shorter form of the words to send messages

  C.they don’t work hard at their lessons

  D.they only remember how to spell difficult words


  33.How many disadvantages does text messaging have according to this passage?






  34.The author’s attitude towards the use of text messaging is________.





  解析:选D。推理判断题。根据第一段中文章的主题句:It has its advantages,but sadly,there are also disadvantages.再结合下文所涉及到的主要内容:手机短信的负面影响,可以推断出作者对短信息的使用持担忧的态度。

  35.The purpose of this passage is to________.

  A.list the disadvantages of text messaging

  B.introduce the development of text messaging

  C.describe the convenience that text messaging brings

  D.compare the disadvantages and advantages of text messaging



  Quite simply,a domestic robot is a machine used for household work.There are only a few limited models so far,but scientists all over the country are expecting a robot revolution within the next couple of decades.In fact,in 2006,America’s richest man Bill Gates wrote an article “A Robot in Every Home”,which discussed the great potential (潜力) for robots in every American home.

  There are three types of domestic robots:Lowlevel robots,care robots and the highest level robots.Lowlevel robots are basic machines designed for fun.There are several domestic robots in the market today,but most of them are not very advanced.However,there are three domestic robots that are useful when it comes to helping you with housework.


  Produced by MobileRobots Inc.,the PatrolBot is a service robot.It can walk around like a security guard (保安),or go to preprogrammed places using a map,which you can create using its computer system.It can act as a guard with its cameras and detection(侦查)abilities.It can carry up to 15 lbs of weight,which means you can have it carry things from point A to point B.


  The Roomba is a smart cleaner and is becoming popular in the U.S..More than 3 million units have been sold since it was introduced in 2002.You can program your Roomba to clean even when you’re out.The robot can also move from one room to another after finishing cleaning one.


  While the Roomba cleans your floor,the Scooba washes it.Produced by iRobot,the Scooba is another robotic floor washer that uses a special cleaning solution that effectively cleans the floors and prevents rust.It leaves a totally clean and dry floor.

  【解题导语】 本文介绍了三款家用机器人。

  36.What’s the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

  A.To introduce some robots for home use.

  B.To teach us how to buy a cheap robot.

  C.To tell us how to operate a robot.

  D.To encourage us to buy a robot.


  37.We can learn from the passage that________.

  A.Bill Gates is against the use of robots

  B.people produce lowlevel robots mainly for fun

  C.there are four types of domestic robots now

  D.Scooba is produced by MobileRobots Inc

  解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第二段的Lowlevel robots are basic machines designed for fun可知答案。

  38.Which of the following functions does PatrolBot NOT have?

  A.Taking photos.

  B.Carrying things.

  C.Cleaning floors.

  D.Walking here and there.


  39.Which robot can help people wash and dry floors?





  解析:选C。细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的the Scooba washes it和It leaves a totally clean and dry floor可选C。

  40.Which of the following statements is NOT true about Roomba?

  A.It was introduced in 2002.

  B.It has not been wellreceived in the U.S..

  C.It can work when you are not at home.

  D.It can move from one room to another.

  解析:选B。细节理解题。根据第四段的the Roomba is becoming popular in the U.S.可知B项错误。


  Most people have never heard of Tim BernersLee.He is not nearly as rich or famous as Mare Andreessen,who is the founder of Netscape,or Bill Gates,whose name has become a wellknown word.

  BernersLee,who works in a small office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,is the creator of the World Wide Web.The creation of the Web is so important that some people compare BernersLee to Johann Gutenberg,who invented printing by movable type(活字) in the fifteenth century.

  BernersLee was born in England in 1955.His parents,who helped design the world’s first commercially(商业地)available computer,gave him a great love of mathematics and learning.

  In 1980,BernersLee went to work at CERN a physics laboratory in Geneva,Switzerland,where he had a lot of material to learn quickly.He had a poor memory for facts and wanted to find a way to help him keep track of things he couldn’t remember.He invented a software program that allowed him to create a document that had links to other documents.He continued to develop his idea through the 1980s.He wanted to find a way to connect the knowledge and creativity of people all over the world.

  In 1991,his project became known as the World Wide Web.The number of Internet users started to grow quickly.However,BernersLee is not completely happy with the way the Web has developed.He thinks it has become a passive tool for so many people,not the tool for creativity that he had imagined.

  In 1999,BernersLee published a book called Weaving the Web,in which he answers questions he is often asked,“What were you thinking when you invented the Web?” “What do you think of it now?...“Where is the Web going to take us in the future?”

  41.From Paragraph 1 we can see________.

  A.Tim BernersLee has never heard of Netscape

  B.BernersLee is as famous as Mare Andreessen

  C.BernersLee is as wellknown as Bill Gates

  D.we know little about Tim BernersLee

  解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第一段可知,绝大多数人从未听说过Tim BernersLee。他不像Mare Andreessen和Bill Gates那样富有、出名。

  42.Who invented the World Wide Web?

  A.Johann Gutenberg.


  C.Bill Gates.

  D.Mare Andreessen.


  43.Which of the following is true?

  A.In 1955,BernersLee’s parents gave him a great love of music.

  B.In 1980,BernersLee wanted to find a way to connect the knowledge and creativity.

  C.In 1991,BernersLee finished the World Wide Web.

  D.In 1999,BernersLee made a play called Weaving the Web.


  44.What does the underlined word “published” mean?

  A.Print and send out.

  B.Buy and offer to others.

  C.Invent and sell.

  D.Write and exchange.

  解析:选A。词义理解题。根据关键词a book called Weaving the Web和后面的问题可知,他在1999年出版了一本叫《万维网》的书。

  45.What’s the main idea of this passage according to the passage?

  A.Something about Mare Andreessen and Bill Gates.

  B.How do people use the World Wide Web?

  C.The creator of the World Wide Web.

  D.Who is the founder of Netscape?


  第二节 信息匹配(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)



  A.KohlerAndrae State Park,Sheboygan,(920)4514080

  Walk in the Park’s Forest.Hike on the forest road with Drew Morris.Learn about the tree identity,the age of trees and other interesting facts.No pets are allowed.Meet at the playground.10 a.m.

  B.Devil’s Lake State Park,Baraboo,(608)3568301

  Big Band Concert.Enjoy the music!Listen and dance to the sound of the live(现场的)band,the Summer Wind Band,and see the beautiful Devil’s Lake in the historic castle.Admission is $5 per person.7∶30—10∶30 a.m.

  C.Blue Mound State Park,Blue Mound,(608)4375711

  Universe in the Park.Join the University of Wisconsin Astronomy Department for a tour of the night sky!A chance to look through the UW’s telescopes(望远镜)will follow a slide show.

  D.Buckhorn State Park,Necedah,(608) 5652789

  The Bees.These flying insects are truly attractive and have an interesting story to tell about how they live and work.Play a bee game and make a rolled beeswax(蜂蜡).Visitor Center.7 p.m.

  E.Devil’s Lake State Park,Baraboo,(608)3568301

  “Camp WeCanTakeIt”.A musical comedy about life in Wisconsin’ s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) (民间资源保护队),based on 1930’s CCC camp newspapers.Limited seating,$5 tickets available.Northern Lights Campground.7∶30 p.m.

  F.KohlerAndrae State Park,Sheboygan,(920)4514080

  Bats (蝙蝠) and Humans Need Each Other.Janet will share her knowledge of a special creature—bats.Walk around the park with equipment that will translate the highfrequency bat sounds into the sounds that can be heard by humans.Free program.Nature Center.7 p.m.


  46.Anne and her friends all enjoy listening to music.Music helps them relax after a day at school.And in their spare time,they usually use their pocket money to buy tickets to some concerts which they can afford.

  解析:选B。Anne和她的朋友们都喜欢听音乐,她们会在课余时间去听演唱会,这与B项中“Big Band Concert.Enjoy the music!Listen and dance to the sound of the live (现场的) band...”相匹配。

  47.Little Frank,six years old,has got an interesting name“Little JeanHenri Fabre”,because he shows great interest in insects like the famous insect expert did in his childhood.Whenever you see him staying in a place for a long time you will know that he is observing the insect.

  解析:选D。Little Frank对昆虫很感兴趣,总是长时间观察昆虫,这与D项中“These flying insects are truly attractive and have an interesting story to tell about how they live and work.”相匹配。

  48.Jack read a story about bats recently.He became interested in this kind of special creature.He wonders why they live in groups and only hunt for food at night.He really wants to learn more about the mysterious mammal.

  解析:选F。Jack对蝙蝠感兴趣,并且想要学习更多与蝙蝠相关的知识,这与F项中的“Janet will share her knowledge of a special creature—bats.”相匹配。

  49.Helen has never been to a real forest although she has always dreamed of visiting it one day.What makes her so interested in forest is a cartoon movie in which a young man lives in the jungle with various animal friends.And she is curious about so many kinds of trees in the wild and what they are.

  解析:选A。Helen向往森林,并且对树感到很好奇,这与A项中的“Learn about the tree identity,the age of trees and other interesting facts.”相匹配。

  50.Tom is an excellent student.Almost all his scores are very high,and he is especially curious about astronomy.His dream is to be an astronomer.The bright stars are so fascinating that he often stays awake at night to watch them.

  解析:选C。Tom梦想成为天文学家,并且喜欢晚上观察星星,这与C项中“...a tour of the night sky!A chance to look through the UW’s telescopes...”相匹配。


  第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分 15分)




  学校概况 国家级园林学校,因机器人科技节出名。

  活动安排 1.8∶00在学校门口集合,在那里观赏精彩的机器人表演。2.8∶30到学校水上公园,体验机器人操控的游船,观赏园林风光。













  One possible version:

  Welcome to our beautiful school,which is not only a national garden school,but also is famous for the Robot Science Festival.

  At 8∶00 on the morning of March 15,2016,we’ll meet at the gate of our school where you can watch some splendid performances by robots.Then,at 8∶30 we’ll go to the school water park where you can take boats operated by robots and enjoy charming sights.Next,at 10∶00,we’ll walk to the exhibition hall where all kinds of robots designed by us are displayed.At 11∶00,we’ll return to the hotel.

  第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)


  Let’s imagine that someday you will have,in your home,a humanoid (有人的特点的)robot helper.The robot,because it’s shaped like you,can use your tools and move easily around your house.It folds the laundry,it helps your elderly mother up the stairs,and on Sundays it makes breakfast and lunch for the family.It’s able to handle almost any household chore you can throw at it.

  Now let’s imagine that you’re out on the grass,kicking a ball around with your son.Your robot helper is in another part of the yard.Your son misses a kick (踢).The robot turns in place,spots the ball,walks over,and kicks it back to you.The game continues.

  Of all the tasks you would undoubtedly love to hand off to a robot assistant,fetching a soccer ball is probably low on the list.In 2010,there is no humanoid robot on Earth that can consistently do something as simple as turning,spotting,approaching,and kicking.Never mind helping Grandma to bed or washing your shirts.But there is no doubt that Intelligent Robot will appear in the near future.









  3.参考词汇:swivel v.旋转;chest胸部













  One possible version:

  Nowadays,there’s no robot that can do everything automatically as easy as we humans do.But there’s no doubt that an intelligent robot will appear in the near future.

  Maybe I can design an intelligent Robot someday.The robot may bear many similarities to a human being.He is tall and attractive with a charming smile.When he talks,his head swivels lightly just like a man.In the chest is a chip,the essential part,which controls all his mind and actions.

  He is a considerate gentleman,whom you can regard as your faithful housekeeper,assistant and close friend.While you are busy with your work,he almost does all the housework.When you are in low spirits,he will use all kinds of ways to cheer you up.You can ask him for help if you come across some difficulties.He will be the best choice for many people.


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