2016高考英语一轮复习课件人教版必修5《Unit5 First Aid》-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习课件人教版必修5《Unit5 First Aid》

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  运用place的适当短语填空 (1) You can use wood ___________ coal.

  你可以用木柴代替煤。 (2) Your proposal is quite ________.

  你的提议很恰当。 (3) Cars were ___________ after the flood.

  洪水过后,汽车被冲得乱七八糟。 ③ in place in place of in place out of place 根据语境感悟其用法 (1) The rain didn't make much difference to the game.

  这场雨对比赛没有多大影响。 (2) Changing schools made a big difference to my life.

  转校对我的一生都有重大影响。 (3) What difference will it make if he knows or not? 他知道与否又有什么关系? ④ make a difference有影响,起(重要)作用 链接

  make a /

  no /

  some difference (to / in )(sb. / sth.)

  (对某人 / 物)有 / 没有 / 有些作用、关系、影响 make all the difference to sb. / sth.

  对某人 / 物关系重大;大不相同 ④ make a difference有影响,起(重要)作用 短语 A and B differ from each other A 和B有区别 A differs from B A不同于B differ with sb. (about / on / over sth. )

  和某人在某事上有不同意见 be different from和……不同 ④ make a difference有影响,起(重要)作用 短语 be different in 在……方面有差异 the difference between A and B in C  A 和B在C方面的差异 tell the difference between 分清…… ④ make a difference有影响,起(重要)作用 句型 It makes no difference to do sth.

  做某事无所谓 / 不重要 / 没意义 It doesn't make any difference whether / what / how

  / when… 是否 / 什么 / 怎样 / 何时……不重要、没意义 ④ make a difference有影响,起(重要)作用 活用

  根据汉语意思完成句子 (1) I don't think it _______________ what colour it is.

  我认为颜色无关紧要。 (2) A few kind words at the right time _____________.

  在适当的时候说几句体贴的话效果迥然不同。 (3) There isn't _____ structure _____ the two machines.

  这两部机器在构造方面没什么差别。 ④ make a difference有影响,起(重要)作用 答案 (1) makes a lot of / any difference (2) make all difference  (3) any difference in;

  between  ④ make a difference有影响,起(重要)作用 活用


  ①So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned

  it can be very serious. (P33)

  因 此 你 可 以 想 象 得 到,如 果你的皮肤被烧伤 了,那会是很严重的。

  get被用来代替助动词be和过去分词连用,构成被动结构,表示某一事件或事故的发生,强调动作。表示一种突然的、未曾料到的偶发事件或事故。 辨析 “get + 过去分词”/“be + 过去分词”在构成被动结构时的区别



  My cup got broken yesterday.

  My cup was broken yesterday. 辨析 “get + 过去分词”/“be + 过去分词”在构成被动结构时的区别


  Mary got married two years ago.

  Mr. Li was considered as a good teacher. 辨析 “get + 过去分词”/“be + 过去分词”在构成被动结构时的区别

  (4)与助动词be相比,和get连用的过去分词仅限于少数单个动词或动词短语,如: break, catch, burn, drown, wound, kill, pay, marry, damage, punish, invite, repair, run over等。

  ②There is no doubt that John's quick thinking





  skills he learned at school saved

  Ms Slade's life. (P38)

  毫无疑问,约翰的快速反应能力和他在学校学到的急救知识救了Ms Slade的命。

  There is no doubt about sth./that­从句意为“毫无疑问……”。在此句型中,doubt作为名词用在否定句中,后面接that引导的同位语从句。此外,doubt作名词用在肯定句中时,后面接whether引导的同位语从句。此时不可以用if替换whether。如:He had his doubts whether they would give him another chance to have a try. 句型

  There is no need (for sb. ) to do sth.

  没有必要干某事 There is no possibility / hope +that…

  不可能 / 没有希望干…… There is no use / harm / fun / difficulty /

  point (in)

  doing sth.

  干……没有用处 / 没有害处 / 没有乐趣 / 没有困难 /

  没有意义 活用

   改错 (1) There is some doubt that the young man can undertake such an important task.

  (2) There is no doubt if the evidence available is favorable for us.

  (3) As far as I see, there is no possibility he will win the tennis match this time.


  (1)把that 改为whether 

  (2) 把if 改为that 

  (3) 在possibility后加上that 一、写作词汇 1.拥有美德

  _________________ 2.依我看

  __________________ 3.承担责任

  _____________________ 4.没责任心

  ______________________ 5.摆在首位

  __________ 6.很有价值

  ____________ uphold the virtues in my eyes/opinion take the responsibility for escape from responsibilities on the top of great value 一、写作词汇 7.追求学业成绩

  __________________________ 8.同甘共苦

  ______________________________________ 9.专心工作

  ____________________ 10.指出错误

  ____________________ 11.与……相处得好

  ____________________ 12.向他人学习

  __________________________ pursue the academic performance share pleasure(joys)and sadness(sorrows)with  focus on the work point out the mistake get along well with learn much from the partners by 二、句型操练 1.信任将给予我们自尊和友谊。(as well as) 2.要肩负这些重任,我们必须要保持朴素和艰苦奋斗的精神。(to shoulder) 答案 1. Trust will give us self­respect as well as social companionship. 2. To shoulder some heavy responsibilities, we must keep a style of plain living and hard struggle.

  二、句型操练 3.有责任感的人绝不是一个懒惰的人。(with ) 4.许多学生埋头在他们的网上游戏是不对的。 (It is wrong for sb to do sth.) 5.每个人都必须承担自己的责任并忠于职守。(be devoted to) 二、句型操练 答案 3. A person with a sense of responsibility can never be a lazy one. 4. It is wrong for many students to plant themselves in online games. 5. Everyone must take on his own responsibilities and be devoted to his/her own position. 三、实战演练 一个好的学生应该具有许多优秀品质(如下图所示),你认为哪个或哪两个是最重要的呢?为什么?请分析原因,并结合自己的生活实际,写下你的感悟。 参考词汇:passion 热情

  self­discipline 自制力 perseverance 毅力 要求:词数:120左右 注意: 1.文章连贯,条理清楚,详略得当; 2.分析原因,结合实际,写出真情实感。 One possible version:

  Being responsible, honest and hard­working is of great importance to a good student. Personally speaking, I strongly believe that honesty is the most important among dozens of good qualities.

  As the proverb says, “Honesty is the best policy” The most important element is human relationships, whether business or personal, is trust.

  Here is one of my secrets. I once lied to my parents because of my poor scores. Having known the fact that I failed to pass the exam from teachers, they didn't scold me but pointed out my mistake. They encouraged me to study hard, showing their deep love. Later I choose to be frank. It is better to stick to the truth!

  From then on, I have kept the following in my mind: If it is not true, don't say it. If it is not right, don't do it. Honesty is not only the best policy, but also a principle, which is absolutely essential for the good and happy living of life. 2016一轮复习:高中必修5Unit5First Aid课件 ① aid n. & v.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) The local community aided us in our investigation.

  (2) He should be able to read this without the aid of a dictionary.

  (3) A video is a useful aid in the classroom.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 帮助,救助,支援 (vt.)

  B. 帮助,救助,援助 (n. )

  C. 有辅助作用的事物 (n. ) 答案

  (1) A 

  (2) B

   (3) C ① aid n. & v.

  短语 aid sb. to do sth.=help sb. (to) do sth.

  帮助某人做某事 aid sb. in / with…

  在某方面帮助某人 give / offer /

  carry out first aid

  进行急救 go / come to one's aid

  援助某人 with the aid of sb. =with one's aid=with one's help在某人的帮助下 in aid of 

  为帮助…… first aid

  急救 ① aid n. & v.

  ② vital adj. 根据语境猜词义 (1) He committed a vital error.

  (2) The questions put forward at the meeting are of vital importance. (3) His vital attitude makes us happy.

  (4) Growth and decay are vital processes. 答案

  (1) D 

  (2) B

   (3) C

   (4) A

  根据语义找匹配 A. 生命的;维持生命所必需的 B. 极其重要的,不可缺少的

  C. 生动活泼的,充满朝气的

  D. 致命的,有关生死的 ② vital adj. 短语 be vital to / for…对……极为重要 句型 It's vital to do sth. 做某事极其重要 It's vital that…

  ……至关重要(should+动词原形,should可省略) 链接 vitality n.

  生命力,活力,热情 vitally adv. 极其,绝对 ② vital adj. 活用


  It's vital ______ at least a foreign language at


  A. that you will master

  B. you master

  C. for you master

  D. to master D

  ② vital adj. ③ pour v. 根据语境猜词义 (1) She poured herself another cup of tea.

  (2) They have poured money into the tourist industry.

  (3) Tears were pouring down her face.

  (4) The thunder and lightning stopped,but it continued to pour.

  (5) She often pours her troubles to friends.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 倒,灌,注  B. 倾注;大量投入;大量生产  C. 倾吐,诉说  D. 倾泻,涌流  E. (雨)倾盆而降 答案

  (1) A (2) B (3) D (4) E (5) C ③ pour v. 短语 pour…into

  朝……里面倒…… pour (down)

  倾盆大雨 pour into / out of

  涌进 /

  涌出 pour cold water on sth.

  给……泼冷水 ③ pour v. 活用


  I was (1) __________ of the train together with other passengers, but it was (2) __________ cats and dogs outside. Seeing so many people (3) __________ the waiting hall, I felt this really (4) __________ cold water on my plan to attend my teacher's birthday party on time.


  ③ pour v. pouring out pouring  pouring into ④ treat v.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) We'll treat you to dinner.

  (2) Do not treat this serious matter as a joke. (3) The book treats some political problems.

  (4) The doctors were not able to treat this disease.

  (5) This substance must be treated with acid.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 对待;看待,把……看作  B. 处理;为……涂上保护层  C. 探讨;论述  D. 医疗,治疗  E. 款待,请(客)  F. 请客  G. 难得的乐事 答案

  (1) E (2) A (3) C (4) D (5) B ④ treat v.

  短语 treat/think of/regard/look on/consider/view…as…

  把……当作……看 treat…with…

  用……来处理…… treat with sb.


  treat sb. to sth.

  请某人某物 treat of


  treat oneself to sth.

  破费,舍得 ④ treat v.

  句型 It is a great treat for sb. to do sth.

  做某事对某人而言是一大乐事 链接 treatment n.

  对待;待遇; 处理;论述; 治疗, 疗法 ④ treat v.


  完成句子 (1) She ______ me _______ one of her family.

  她把我当家人来看待。 (2) The prisoners _________________ by their guards.

  囚犯受到卫兵很好地对待。 (3) She ______ each of the children ____ an ice cream.

  她请每个孩子吃了一个冰激凌。 ④ treat v.

  treat as / like were all well treated treated to 根据语境猜词义 (1) The nurse applied the ointment to the wound.

  (2) We should apply both theories in the language classroom.

  (3) This rule can not be applied to every case.

  (4) He applied himself to learning French.

  (5) He has applied for a post in England.

  ⑤ apply v. 根据语义找匹配 A. 应用;实施  B. 申请,请求  C. 涂,敷;将……铺在表面  D. 使起作用;使适用  E. 使致力(于),使专心从事 答案

  (1) C  (2) A  (3) D  (4) E  (5) B ⑤ apply v. 短语 apply to

  应用 apply for

  申请 apply oneself to…

  勤奋,专心于…… 链接 application n.

  申请,申请书,应用 applied adj.

  应用的,实用的 applicant n.

  申请者,投保人 ⑤ apply v. 活用



  order to




  abroad ,


  have (1)

  ________ four universities ______ postgraduate study.

  I believe if I (2) ____________, I can make it. As the

  saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way. I

  hope it can (3) __________ me.

  ⑤ apply v. apply to applied for apply myself 根据语境感悟其用法 (1) She had to stay home because her son fell ill.

  (2) He had the misfortune to fall ill on the day of the examination.

  ① fall ill

  生病 短语 fall ill/sick 病了

  fall asleep 入睡 fall silent 沉默

  fall off 跌落 fall behind 落后 fall down 掉下;倒塌 fall over


  fall in love with…

  爱上…… fall into the habit of…

  养成……的习惯 ① fall ill

  生病 辨析

  fall ill / be ill


  ill 表示一种动作,生病,而be ill 表示 一种生病的状态,可以和延续的时间状语连用。 类似的用法还有:fall


  love /


  in love;get

  married / be married。 ① fall ill

  生病 活用

  用fall的短语填空 (1)

  He _______ because of the bad news.

  因为这个坏消息他病倒了。 (2) The boy _____ ____the wall and hurt his right leg.

  那个孩子从墙上掉下来伤着了右腿。 (3) He didn't want to ____ ______ others in his studies.

  他不想在学习上落后于别人。 ① fall ill

  生病 fell ill fell off behind fall 根据语境感悟其用法 (1) I've told you over and over again, don't play soccer near the windows.

  (2) The only way to learn the lines is to say it to yourself over and over again.

  ② over and over again 反复;再三 短语 over again

  再次;重新 over and over

  一再地;反复地 again and again

  反复地;再三 once again

  再次 time and again

  多次;一再地 time after time

  多次;不断地 time and time again

  一次次地 now and again

  时而;有时;不时 ② over and over again 反复;再三 活用


  因为他不懂,所以我必须反复说许多遍。 答案

  He didn't understand, so I had to say it over and over again.

  ② over and over again 反复;再三 根据语境猜词义 (1) I'm afraid your proposal is not quite in place.

  (2) When you've finished, please put the book back in place on the shelf.

  ③ in place 根据语义找匹配 A. 在平常的或应在的地方  B. 合适的 A B 短语 out of place

  不在平常的或应在的位置;不合适 in place of=take the place of

  代替 in the first / second place

  首先 / 其次 in one‘s place

  处于某人的处境/情况 ③ in place 短语 be in/out of order

  有条理/无条理;坏了 be in/out of control

  正常/失控 be in/out of danger

  有危险/脱离危险 give place to


  ③ in place


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