2016高考英语一轮复习课件人教版必修5《Unit4 Making the news》-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语一轮复习课件人教版必修5《Unit4 Making the news》

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  观察下列例句 (1) Not only do the nurses want a pay increase, but they also want reduced hours.

  (2) Not only was Lu Xun a great writer, but he was also a great thinker.


  句 中 not only…but also连接两个并列句时否 定词 not

  位于句首,因而前一分句应使用倒装语 序。

  not only…but also除了连接两个并列句以外, 还可以连接句中两个任何平行的句子成分,当连 接两个主语时,谓语依据就近原则和最近的那个 主语保持一致。

  Not only the students but also the head teacher

  was late for the lecture.








  Englih but also Japanese.


  youngest daughter was not only clever but

  also diligent.


  only … but also中的also可以省略,而 且but also可以用 but…as well替换。 链接

  (1) 否定词never,seldom,hardly,scarcely(几 乎 不 ),rarely (几乎不),little,not,nowhere,by

  no means (决不),at no time(任何时候都不),on no

  account (决不),neither,nor(也不)等放在句首时, 句子常用部分倒装。

  (2) 具有否定意义的连词如not only…but also, no sooner…than(一……就),hardly…when(一…… 就),not until…(直到……时候)位于句首时前一部 分 使 用 倒 装 结 构。注 意 no sooner … than … ;

  hardly…when…的时态, 即:no sooner / hardly 部 分用过去完成时had done, 从句than…和when…用 过去时态did。


  改正下面句子中的错误 (1) True friends share not our joys but also our sorrows.

  (2) Not only you but also he are wrong.

  (3) Not only has he heard of the film, but also has he seen it twice.

  (4) Hardly had I got to the bus stop when the bus had started. (5) Not until did she speak, had I realized she was foreign.

  答案 (1)在not后加only  (2) 把are 改为 is  (3) 把also 后的has he 改为 he has  (4) 将when从句中的had 去掉  (5) 把did she speak 改为 she spoke 活用

  改正下面句子中的错误 ②This is how the story goes. (P26) 这就是故事的发展。

  在主系表结构中,如果表语部分是由一个句子 充当的,那么这个充当表语的句子就是表语从句。 表语从句属于名词性从句的一种,它使用陈述句语 序,它 的连词除了 how 以外还有 that,

  what ,






  whether, as if / though 和

  because。特别注意的是表语从句中的 that不可以省 略,在句中没有含义,不充当成分。 活用

  单项填空 (1) — I serve three meals every day and do almost everything for him, but he still fails me.

  — I'm sorry to say that's ______ you are mistaken.

  A. how

  B. what

  C. where

  D. which (2) The problem is ______ to take the place of Ted.

  A. who can we get

  B. what we can get

  C. who we can get

  D. that we can get C C (3) She looked ______ she were ten years younger.

  A. that

  B. like

  C. as

  D. as though 活用

  单项填空 (4) My idea of a university is still ______ it was ten years ago, a center of cultural life and a resource for the entire community.

  A. whether

  B. how

  C. what

  D. which D C

  ③ So




  interview between the

  footballer and the man supposed to bribe him. (P26)

  因 此 我 们 安排了足球运动员和那个被认为要 贿赂他的人之间的一次会面。

  过去分词作定语常用来表示一个被动的、已 完成的动作 。单个过去分词作定语时大都放在被 修饰的词语之前 ,过去分词短语作定语时一般放 在被修饰的词语之后 。过去分词所表示的动词和 其所修饰的名词之间是被动关系。

  有些 不及物动词的过去分词表示动作已经发 生,而没有被动的含义。如:gone, fallen, retired,

  grown-up, escaped, faded, returned。

  例: a well-read person一个读过许多书的人

  a much-travelled man一个去过许多地方的人

  a burnt-out match烧完了的火柴 链接 be supposed to do

  应该做,理应做…… be supposed to have done 本应该做而实际上未做…… supposing conj.

  如果(可以引导从句,相当于if) I suppose so / not.

  我认为是这样吧 / 不是这样的。 (表示赞同 / 不 同意对方的观点) 答案 (1) an experienced English teacher (2) Most of the people invited to the conference


  根据汉语提示完成下列句子 (1) His father is _________________. (一个有经验的英语老师)

  (2) ________________ (大多数被邀请参加会议的人) were my old friends.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) She demanded to know what was happening.

  (2) The supply of vegetables falls short of demand this year.

  (3) “What is that?” the policeman demanded.

  ⑧ demand n. & v.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 需要,需求(n.)  B. 要求,请求(v.)  C. 查问,盘诘(v.) B A C ⑧ demand n. & v.


  to do sth.

  要求做某事 demand

  of sb. to do sth.


  sth. of sb.

  要求某人某事 in demand (of)

  需要 (no) demand for…

  (不)需要 make demands of / on

  对……提出要求 meet the demand

  满足需要;符合要求 句型 it is demanded that… (should) do… 链接 demanding adj.

  要求多的, 吃力的 ⑧ demand n. & v.


  用正确的介词填空 (1) Medical workers are __________ great demand in the earthquake-stricken areas.

  (2) Is there any demand __________ teachers in this city? 答案

  (1) in

   (2) for ⑧ demand n. & v.

  根据语境感悟其用法 (1) The new salesgirl is accurate at figures.

  新来的女售货员计算准确无误。 (2) His report of the event was accurate in every detail.

  他对此事的报道在所有细节上都很正确。 ⑨ accurate adj. 精确的,准确的 短语 be accurate in / at sth.

  在……上正确 to be accurate

  精确地说(插入语) 链接 accurately adv.

  精确地, 准确地 accuracy n.

  准确(性), 精确度 ⑨ accurate adj. 精确的,准确的 活用


  / correct / exact / right填空 (1) She gave an __________ account of the accident.

  (2) He gave __________ answers to the questions.

  (3) His answer is quite __________.

  (4) He is the __________ man for the job.

  答案 (1)accurate

  (2) correct 


  (4) right ⑨ accurate adj. 精确的,准确的 根据语境猜词义 (1) I'm afraid your parents won't approve of your going there.

  (2) The city council approved the building plans.

  ⑩ approve v.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 赞成,同意;赞许  B. 批准;认可

  A B 链接 approval n.

  批准, 认可, 同意, 赞同 approved adj.

  经核准的, 被认可的 短语 approve sth.

  通过、批准某事 approve of sth. / sb.

  赞同、赞成…… approve oneself

  证明自己是…… give one's approval to

  批准 with approval of

  经……的批准 ⑩ approve v.



  Recently, the mayor (1) _________ the non-smoking

  plan. Smoking (2) ________ (不被同意) in non-smoking

  area. Even at home, children have the right to (3) _______

  (批准)their parents who want to smoke. Only (4) _______ (经……的批准)


  family ,






  Hearing the news, I said I fully agreed

  (5) _________ this

  plan and my husband totally agreed

  (6) _________ me (7)

  __________ the matter of smoking. What good news it is! ⑩ approve v.

  答案 (1) approved 

  (2) is not approved of (3) give their approval to  (4) with the approval of (5) to 

  (6) with 

  (7) on


  运用approve的各种用法完成下面的情景 ⑩ approve v.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) She accused him of stealing her watch.

  (2) Man often accuses nature for his own misfortunes.

  ⑪ accuse v. 根据语义找匹配 A. 指责,把……归咎  B. 指控,控告 A B 短语 accuse sb. of sth. / doing sth.

  控告某人某事 accuse sb. as…

  指控某人…… 链接 accusation n.

  控告;告发;谴责 accusing adj.


  ⑪ accuse v. ⑪ accuse v. 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)他被控谋杀。 He ____________ of murder. (2)我们控告他受贿。 We ____________ of taking bribes. (3)人类常把自身的不幸归罪于天。 Man often ________ nature for his own misfortunes. was accused accused him accuses 根据语境猜词义 (1) Our success depends on whether everyone works hard.

  (2) The map is a thing to depend on when you are in a strange place.

  (3) Depend

  on it, we shall succeed in time.

  ① depend on 根据语义找匹配 A. 依靠,依赖  B. 视……而定,取决于……  C. 请放心,没问题 答案

  (1) B 

  (2) A

   (3) C ① depend on 短语 同义词:rely on depend on / upon +wh-从句  视……而定 depend on /

  upon+ n.

  依靠,依赖,相信 depend on / upon+sb. +to do

  指望某人做…… depend on / upon +it +that…

  指望…… That (all) depends. / It all depends.

  (口语)视情况而定。单独使用或置于句首。 ① depend on 活用

  根据中文提示完成句子 (1) He depends on you _____ _______ _______.

  他指望着你帮助他。 (2) It ________ _____ ______ ________ _______ we

  can go out for a picnic.

  我们是否去野餐取决于天气。 ① depend on him help to whether weather the on depends (3)— Can you finish the work before Sunday?


  — ______________________

  ——这要看情况。 It / That all depends.

  ① depend on 活用

  根据中文提示完成句子 根据语境猜词义 (1) The work was done ahead of time.

  (2) He is always ahead of the age.

  (3) He's ahead of me in English.

  ② ahead of

  根据语义找匹配 A. 指时间或空间的,“在……之前”

  B. “比……强 (高)” (主要用作表语) C. 提前,提早 A C B 短语 go ahead 开始, 前进, 领先 ahead of time 提前, 提早 ② ahead of



  I finished a project several days


  ahead of the

  deadline and (2) ahead of me lay a tougher construction

  project, so I went shopping with my best friend to have

  a good rest before starting the tougher project. A young

  boy at the age of 5 (3) walked ahead of us, talking to his

  mother about his life in the future. His ideas were way

  (4) ahead of his time.

  ② ahead of

  (1) ________________ (2) ________________ (3) ________________ (4) ________________ 答案 (1)在截止日期前  (2) 在我面前 / 即将面对的是  (3) 走在我们前面  (4) 超时代的 / 超前的 ② ahead of


  请翻译下列划线部分的短语 根据语境猜词义 (1) You must make sure of the time and place. (2) Make sure that no one finds out about this.

  (3) She looked around to make sure that she was alone.

  ③ make sure 根据语义找匹配 A. 确保,设法保证

  B. 查明,核实,弄清(某事属实或已做) B A B 短语 make sure (of sth. / that…)

  确保,设法保证;查明,核实,弄清 for sure

  无疑,肯定 be sure of / about

  确信;确知;肯定;有把握 be sure to do

  一定;必定;无疑 to be sure

  (插入语)诚然,固然,无可否认 ③ make sure 活用

  根据所给的中文用有关sure的短语填空 (1) We __________ his innocence. (确信) (2) The exhibition _______ be popular. (一定,必定) (3) No one knows _______ what happened. (明确,确定) (4) I think the door's locked, but I'll just go and __________. (确认) (5) He is intelligent, _________, but he's also very lazy. (无可否认) ③ make sure 答案 (1)are sure of 

  (2) is sure to  (3) for sure  (4) make sure  (5) to be sure ③ make sure 活用

  根据所给的中文用有关sure的短语填空 ④ have a good nose for 有探查或发现某事物的能力 He has a nose for good deals. 他对生意来往嗅觉灵敏总能赚上一笔。 ④ have a good nose for 有探查或发现某事物的能力 短语 have an eye for  能欣赏(判断) have an ear for

  对(音乐等)有鉴别能力 under one's (very) nose

  在……面前 look down one's nose at

  看不起 follow one's nose

  凭自己的感觉 keep one's nose out of

  别管(闲事) ④ have a good nose for 有探查或发现某事物的能力 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)记者对资讯有很强的觉察力。 Reporters _______________ for news. (2)许多妇女非常注意服装的式样。 Many women ______________ clothes. have a good nose have an eye for ④ have a good nose for 有探查或发现某事物的能力 活用

  根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (3)任何歌唱家都要对音乐十分敏感。 Any singer needs to ______________ music. (4)凭自己的感觉,看能否找出答案。 _______________ and see whether you can find out the answer. have an ear for Follow your nose

  ①Not only




  in photography,










  update my skills. (P26)

  我不但对摄影感兴趣,而且为了提高摄影技 术,我还在大学里参加了一个业余培训班。 2016一轮复习:高中必修5Unit4Making the news课件 ① occupation n.

  根据语境猜词义 (1)

  He is a bus driver by occupation.


  Riding is her favorite occupation.


  The Japanese occupation of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years.


  No one is yet in occupation of the house.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 工作,职业  B. 占领,占据  C. 占用;居住  D. 消遣;日常事务


  (1) A 

  (2) D

   (3) B

   (4) C ① occupation n.

  短语 be in occupation of…

  占据 / 占用 be in the occupation of…

  被……占据 / 占用 be occupied with sth.

  忙于做某事 链接 occupy vt.

  占领, 占用, 占据, 使忙碌, 使从事 occupied adj.

  已被占的, 已居住的 ① occupation n.

  辨析 profession / job / occupation / career / work


  job泛指一切有报酬的工作。 ① occupation n.



  work指任何种类的工作,也泛指职业。不可数。 ① occupation n.

  辨析 profession / job / occupation / career / work ① occupation n.


  用occupy的适当形式填空 (1)我没完全记下你的名字和职业。 I haven't entered your name and __________ yet. (2)这个位子有人坐吗? Is that seat _________? (3)罢工的办公室人员占据了整栋建筑。 The striking office workers have _________ the whole building. occupation occupied occupied ② assist v.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) We asked him to assist us in designing a new bridge.

  (2) She refused to assist at the reception for reasons unknown.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 帮助, 协助   B. 参加,出席 A B 短语 assist sb. to do sth.

  帮助某人做某事 assist sb. in / with sth.

  帮助某人某事 assist sb. in doing sth.

  帮助某人做某事 give / lend assistance to sb.

  给某人提供帮助 afford / offer assistance

  提供援助 come to one's assistance

  帮助某人 ② assist v.

  链接 assistant adj.



  助手, 营业员

  assistance n.

  帮助, 援助 ② assist v.



  After school, I often (1) _______ monitor to close








  in the classroom.

  Besides, I sometimes (2)__________ her__________

  her maths. Of course, she is also a kind girl who often






  classmates. Whenever




  trouble ,

  she is always ready to come to

  his or her (4)__________.

  ② assist v.

  assist with / in assist assistance assistance ③ concentrate v.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) I can't concentrate on my studies with all that noise going on.

  (2) Our population is concentrated in the big cities.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 集中;聚集  B. 专注,专心;集中注意力 B A 短语 concentrate sth. on sth. / doing sth.

  专心致志于某事 /

  做某事 concentrate on sth.

  全神贯注, 精神集中于…… concentrate the / one's attention on

  致力于……;把注意力集中在…… ③ concentrate v.

  链接 concentrated adj. 集中的,紧张的,浓缩的 concentration n. 集中, 专心, 浓度 ③ concentrate v.

  你知道还有哪些词组也可以表示“专心”? 答案 focus / fix one's attention on put one's mind / heart in apply oneself / one's mind to be absorbed in…;

  be lost in; devote oneself to sth.

  / doing sth.。 ③ concentrate v.



  The tennis players need total (1) _______ during

  play. Unless





  game, they are

  easily beaten. But sometimes they are too (3)_______

  to hit the ball.

  答案 (1) concentration (2) concentrating

  (3) concentrated ③ concentrate v.

  ④ acquire v.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) The museum has just acquired a famous painting by Pablo Picasso.

  (2) This beer isn't bad; I'm beginning to acquire a taste for it.

  (3) I look on it as an opportunity to acquire fresh skills.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 取得,获得  B. 学会,养成  C. 喜欢 答案

  (1) A 

  (2) C 

  (3) B ④ acquire v.

  短语 acquire a taste for

  开始喜欢上…… acquire a knowledge of

  学会…… acquire a habit

  养成习惯 链接 acquired adj.

  已取得的, 已获得的, 已成习惯的 ④ acquire v.



  / obtain / get /

  gain / win / earn填空 (1) We must work hard to _______ a good knowledge of English.

  (2) I _____ a letter from my parents yesterday.

  (3) I hope that you will _________ greater success soon.

  (4) He ________ experience through practice.

  ④ acquire v.

  acquire got gain / win obtained (5) He soon __________ a reputation for himself after 4-year hard-working.

  (6) Graduates are supposed to _____ their bread after graduation.


  He is a skilled player so it's hard to ______ the game.

  ④ acquire v.



  / obtain / get /

  gain / win / earn填空 gain /

  win earn win ⑤assess v.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) We tried to assess his suitability for the job.

  (2) She look at the house and assess its market value.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 估价,估计  B. 评价,评定

  B A 短语 assess sb.

  / sth.

  评价、评估某人 / 事 assess sth. at

  估价为…… make an assessment of

  评估…… 链接 assessment n.

  评定;估价 ⑤assess v.




  the price of housing is getting higher and

  higher. Before we buy a house, we must have the house

  (1) __________. Some agencies, which has the right to

  make an (2) _____________ of


  house, get

  used to

  (3) __________ a house ______ a low price so that the

  buyer can pay less taxes.   assessing ⑤assess v.

  assessed assessment at 根据语境猜词义 (1) I informed him that I would not be able to attend.

  (2) If you see anything suspicious, inform the police at once.

  ⑥ inform v.

  根据语义找匹配 A. 通知, 告知  B. 向……报告, 告发 A B 短语 inform sb. of / about 通知某人有关…… inform sb. that… 通知某人…… keep sb. informed of / about…

  通知某人关于……;使某人知道…… ⑥ inform v.

  be well informed of / about

  精通某事;对……消息灵通 be informed of… 听说;接到……的通知 链接 information n. 信息, 情报, 通知, 资料 ⑥ inform v.

  短语 答案

  rob, ask, cure, warn, remind。rob sb. of 抢劫某人某物;ask sb. of 向某人要求某物;cure sb. of 治好某人的疾病; warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事;remind sb. of sth. 提醒某人某事。 你知道还有哪些动词后接sb. of sth.吗? ⑥ inform v.



  My boss is on

  business. Before


  he asked

  me to pay attention to the latest (1) __________ about

  the new product iPhone. It's said that Jenny is well (2)

  __________(消息灵通) and one of my tasks was to

  keep him (3) __________ if Jenny calls me.


  (1) information (2) informed

  (3) informed

  ⑥ inform v.

  根据语境猜词义 (1) In the meanwhile I'll visit an old friend of mine.

  (2) Mother went shopping; meanwhile, I cleaned the house.

  ⑦ meanwhile adv. & n. 根据语义找匹配 A. n. 同时, 期间  B. adv.

  与此同时 A B 短语 in the meanwhile

  与此同时 ⑦ meanwhile adv. & n. 活用


  Jane was writing a letter ________ ________ Pat was watching TV.

  简在写信,而帕特在看电视。 答案

  and; meanwhile


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢