浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 阅读理解(76)-查字典英语网
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浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 阅读理解(76)

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Don’t talk in class. Don’t talk with each other

  in class. Don’t play cards

  in school.

  Don’t smoke . It’s bad for your health. Don’t



  class. 任务5

  2d. Role-play the conversation.

  John: Hi, my name’s John. It’s my first day at school. Alice: Hi, John. I’m Alice. This is a great

  school, but

  there are a lot of rules. John: Really? What are some of the rules? Alice: Well, don’t be late for the class. This is



  John: OK, so we must be on time. Can we bring music

  players to school? Alice: No, we can’t. And we always have to wear the

  school uniform. John: I see. Alice: Oh, and we also have to be quiet in the library.


  学习成果展示 1._______ fight with others. A. Not

  B. No

  C. Don’t

  D. Doesn’t 2.---_____we eat in the dining hall? ---Yes, we_____ A. Do, does

  B. Can, do

  C. Do, can

  D. Can, can 3. You can’t eat _____ outside. A. at


  C. in

  D. on 4.Listen to music in hallways.(改为否定句)

  listen to music in hallways. 5.Don’t arrive late for class.(改为同义句)

  Don’t ______

  _______ for class. Don’t be

  late C D B 1,The students have to wear _______ uniform.

  A. a ????B. an

  ??C. the

  ???D. / 2,What rules _______ you have to obey (服从)?

  A. are B. is C. do D. does 3, We _______ eat in the classroom, because it’s impolite (不礼貌) to the teachers.

  A. can B. can’t C. must D. need 4,If you arrive late _______ school, you must say _______ to your teacher.

  A. for; thanks B. for; sorry C. to; sorry D. in; thanks

  C C B B 5, —?Can we hang out(闲逛) in the evening?

  ???????????— _______.

  A. Yes, they can B. Yes, we can’t

  C. No, you can’t ?D. No, we can

  6, Her bike is broken(坏了). She _______ walk to school.

  A. have to B. has to C. has

  D. Is

  C B


  Rules 1.Don’t talk loudly. 2.____________________________________ 3.____________________________________ 4.___________________________________ 5.____________________________________ 6.___________________________________ Don’t watch TV late at night. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Don’t waste water. Don’t sleep too late. Don’t eat and read at the same time. 任务1

  成果展示 任务2

  复习语法 Don’t run in the hallways. What are the rules?

  We must be on time for class. - Can we eat in the classroom? No, we can’t, but we can eat

  in the dining hall. -Can we wear a hat in class? -Yes, we can./No, we can’t. Does he have to wear a uniform at school?

  Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t.

  What do you have to do?

  We have to be quiet in the library. Grammar Focus 3. Listen to music?

  Q: ________________________________

  (we/ can/ in the hallways)?

  A: ________________

  4. Wear a hat?

  Q: _______________________________

  (we/ can/ in the classroom)?

  A: _______________ Can we listen to music in the hallways? Can we wear a hat in the classroom? No, we can’t. No, we can’t. 任务5

  拓展延伸 你会问

  我回答 -- Do you have to…in the school? -- Yes, we do. / No, we don’t.

  wear school uniforms every day

  clean the classrooms every day

  do morning exercises every day

  do homework every day

  have classes from Monday to Friday

  wear school badge (校徽) every day

  arrive at school before 7:00am

  listening to English every day 3c 1. We can eat in class. 2. We don’t have to come

  to school every day. 3. … 任务5

  写出你梦想的学校规则 任务六


  have to和must 有什么区别

  1.have to 为固定短语,意为“不得不”,强调由客观原因造成不得不去做某事,有各种时态和人称变化,在变否定句和疑问句时借助动词do, does, did。 Eg: 你不必天天来__________________________



  -____________________________________ -____________________



  have to come everyday. Do you have to wear the school uniform? Yes, we do. 2.注:must也意为“必须,应该,不得不”,强调由于主观原因一定要做某事,只用于一般现在时,没有时态和人称的变化,在否定句中或作否定回答时用needn’t。 Eg:你必须先在就完成家庭作业。 ________________________________

  -我现在必须回家吗?-是的,你必须回家。/不,你不必。 -


  - ______________________________

  You must finish your homework now. Must I go home now? Yes,you must./ No ,you need’t.



  Dear Jane,

  How are you? Thanks for your last e-mail. You want to

  know what my family rulers are, right? Well, let me tell

  you. I can’t go out on school nights, because I have to do homework, I never have fun. I can’t see my friends on school days, because I have to do the dishes after dinner and practice the guitar, I feel terrible. I can’t also watch TV in the evening, because I have to clean my room every day. I don’t feel happy.

  What about you?What are your family rulers?

  Lin Tao

  Homework Think about

  the family rules.

  Unit 4 Don’t eat in class




  be on time





  listen to



  2. 重点掌握以下句型: ① What are the rules ?

  ② Don’t do sth.

  ③ We can(not) do sth

  ④ We must do/be


  3.能应用所学知识进行口语交际 (Revision object) 预习检测:我会读,我会认 任务1 用英语读出 P19出现的10个单词和词组(见教材P123 )。 规则;规章n. 到达v.

  准时 走廊n. 大厅;礼堂 餐厅 听;倾听 打架v&n 抱歉的;难过的

  ruler arrive be on time

  hall hallway dining hall listen fight sorry 任务2

  1在19页的书上划出下列单词和短语: 校规

  迟到 __________






  in the hallway

  Don’t fight. _______

  On time _______

  arrive late for class ——— school rules arrive late for listen to music fight with him


  不要打架 准时 上课迟到 in the dining hall in

  class Can you arrive late for class? No, we can’t. We can’t arrive late for class. Don’t ______ late for class. Can you eat in class?

  No, we can’t.

  We can’t eat in class. Don’t ____in the class. eat 任务3-A

  Look and Learn

  arrive arrive late for class =be late for class = (上课迟到) fight Don’t______. We can’t fight. fight listen to music Don’t____________ in class. listen to music 任务3-B 仿例说

  run in the hallways


  run in the hallways

  任务4检测。把违反的 学校规则(1—5)与图中 的学生连接起来


  SCHOOL RULES 1.Don’t arrive late

  for class.

  You must

  be on time. 2. Don’t run in the hallways. 3. Don’t eat in the


  You must eat in the dining

  hall. 4. Don’t listen to music

  in the

  classrooms or the hallways. 5. Don’t fight. Check the answer 2 3 5 4 Peter


  Amy __________________________

  Mike _____________________________

  2. Don’t run in the hallways. 3. Don’t eat in the classroom. 4. Don’t listen to music in class. 任务4-A检测

  看1a中的图, 听录音(P19 1b) ,将学生违反的校规编号写在他们的名字后面。

  Ms Clark: Hey, Peter. You know the_____.


  Peter: Sorry, Ms Clark. Mr. Smith: Amy,_______________________


  Amy: Oh, sorry, Mr. Smith.

  Mr. Smith: Hey, Mike. _____________

  ____________, Mike!

  Boy 1: He_____ hear you, Mr Smith.

  rules Don’t run in the hallways don’t eat in the classroom.

  Don’t listen to

  music in class can’t Listen again and fill in the blanks.

  You must eat in the dining hall 任务4-B检测 星星发放规则:奖给答案最准确,声音最洪亮的个人 任务5

  你会问,我会答 A: What are the rules? B: Well, we can’t arrive

  late for class. We

  must be on time 任务6

  合作探究 一.观察一下的句子有什么共同点呢? 1. Don’t arrive late for class.

  2. Don’t run in the hallway. 3. Don’t eat in the classroom.

  4. Don’t listen to music in the classroom

  or the hallway.

  5. Don’t fight. 二. must 后面接动词什么形式?

  祈使句: 表示请求,命令等语气的句子, 其结构为省去主语you的简单句.



  否定祈使句 1. Sit down. 2. Come in.

  3. Eat at home.

  4. Listen to music outside.

  5. Do your homework at school. Don’t sit down. Don’t come in . Don’t eat at home. Don’t listen to music outside. Don’t do your homework at school. 总结并反思 流程及要求 1)自我总结。 2)组内交流

  时间: 1分钟


  school rules

  arrive late for class

  in the hallways

  in the dining hall 2)你会说下列句子了吗? 1. Don’t arrive late for class.

  2. Don’t run in the hallway. 3. Don’t eat in the classroom.

  4. Don’t listen to music in the classroom

  or the hallway.

  5. Don’t fight. 6.We can’t arrive late for class. We must be on time . 3)这节课我们组表现如何?

  星星发放规则:奖给本节课表现最好、 合作最有效的小组 School rules 1. Don’t arrive late for class.

  You must be on time. 2. Don’t run in the hallways. 3. Don’t eat in the classroom.

  You must eat in the dining hall. 4. Don’t listen to music in class. 5. Don’t fight. 任务1




  在文中找出这些句子和词组。 1.在教室或走廊听音乐

  2.在餐厅吃东西 3.在外面吃

  4.戴帽子 5.我们能把音乐播放器带到学校吗?

  6.我们总是不得不穿校服。 listen to music in the classroom or hallways eat in the dining room eat outside wear a hat Can we bring music players to school? We always have to wear the school uniform. 任务3-A

  在Alan和Cindy谈论的活动前面打钩 Activity 1. ___ listen to music in the classrooms or

  hallways can can’t 2. ___ listen to music in the music room can can’t 3. ___

  listen to music outside

  can can’t 4. ___ eat in the classrooms

  can can’t 5. ___ eat in the dinning hall can can’t 6. ___ eat outside

  can can’t 7. ___ wear a hat

  can can’t 8. ___ fight

  can can’t √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Cindy is telling Alan the school rules: We____ listen to music in the classroom

  or________. But we ____listen to it outside

  or in the music room. And we can’t ___


  the classroom, but we can eat in the______ ___. We can’t _______________or________

  our classmates. That ______ the teachers really unhappy. 任务3-C

  再听2b,填空。 can’t hallways can eat hall dining wear hats in class fight with makes 任务4

  你会问 我会答 A: Can we listen to music,

  Cindy? B: We can’t listen to music in the

  hallways, but we can listen to it

  outside. 学习要求: 时间: 2分钟 1)1号和4号,  

  2号和3号  相互交流。 2)全班展示。 任务5


  1. What other rules do you know in

  our school?


  定句、一般疑问句及肯定、否定回答。 Don’t wear a

  hat in school.

  Don’t have long hair for boys.男生不准留长发。


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