浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 阅读理解(72)-查字典英语网
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浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 阅读理解(72)

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1c Pairwork A: What are the rules? B: Well, we can’t arrive late for class. What are the rules? We can’t run in the hallways. What are the rules? We can’t eat in the classrooms. What are the rules? We can’t listen to music in the classrooms. What are the rules? We can’t fight. Homework Can you say something about your school rules?

  We have many rules in our school.

  We can’t fight.

  We can’t wear a hat in class .

  We can’t listen to music in the classroom.

  We can’t talk in class…

  Unit 4 Make a survey (tick √or cross×) Can we…? Yes, we can. (No, we can’t.) (  ) do homework in class. (  ) listen to the teachers in class.  (  ) watch TV on school nights (  ) read a book. (  ) wear hats in class (  ) listen to music in class (  ) eat anything in class (  ) ride bikes at school √ √ × × × × × √ We can do homework in class. play computer games listen to the teachers in class.

  watch TV on school nights read a book. wear hats in class listen to music in class eat anything in class draw on the wall ride bikes at school We can’t do homework in class. play computer games listen to the teachers in class.

  watch TV on school nights read a book. wear hats in class listen to music in class eat anything in class draw on the wall ride bikes at school School rules: We can’t listen to music in the classroom Can you listen to music

  in the classroom ? Don’t listen to music in the classroom . Can you fight

  in the classroom? We can’t fight in the classroom Don’t fight in the classroom. Can you run

  in the hallways? We can’t run in the classroom. Don’t run in the hallways. Can you list our school rules ? Don’t run in the

  hallways. Don’t listen to music

  in the classrooms. Don’t arrive late

  for class. Don’t eat in the


  SCHOOL RULES Don’t arrive late for class. Don’t run in the hallways. Don’t eat in the classrooms. Don’t listen to music in the classrooms Don’t fight. Which rules are these students breaking? Which rules are these students breaking? Don’t arrive late for class. Don’t listen to music in the classrooms. Which rules are these students breaking? Don’t run in the hallways. Which rules are these students breaking? Don’t fight. Which rules are these students breaking? Don’t eat in the classrooms. Which rules are these students breaking? 1b Listening Peter

  ______ Amy

  ______ Mike




  4 Ms Clark: Hey, Peter. You know the rules. Don’t run in the hallways. Peter: Sorry, Ms Clark. Mr. Smitb: Amy, don’t eat in classroom. Amy: Oh, sorry, Mr. Smith. Tapescript

  Mr. Smitb: Hey, Mike. Don’t listen to music in class, Mike! Boy : He can’t hear you, Mr Smith.


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