浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 阅读理解(57)-查字典英语网
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浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 阅读理解(57)

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  (1)When I arrived

  the station, the train had left.

  (2)As soon as she

  in New York, please give me a ring.

  (3)He often

  to his office ten minutes earlier.

  (4)How excited they were when they

  the top of Mountain Huang! at arrives gets reached 3. a number of, the number of


  A number of apples are red.


  The number of students is 2000.



  a number of意为“许多,大量”,等于a lot of一类。 后面接名词复数,谓语动词用复数。

  the number of意为“……的数量”,后面也接名词复数,谓语动词用单数。 ◎即学即用10: (

  )—What ________ the number of students in your school?

  —About two thousand. A number of them ________ from


  A. is; are

  B. is; is

  C. are; is

  D. are; are A 4. forget, leave


  When we relax on the beach, we often forget the time.


  I left my watch in the library yesterday.





  leave指把东西忘(落)在了某地,后应接具体的地点。即leave sth. swh.。 ◎即学即用11: (1)I

  my science book in the library yesterday. (2)Sorry, I

  your email address, please tell me again. left forgot 5. take, by, on/in


  He often takes a bus to school.

  He often goes to school by bus.

  He often goes to school on a bus.

  他通常乘公交车去上学。 ◎归纳拓展 take 动词,意为 “乘”。 by 介词,后直接跟交通工具,意为“凭借……交通工具”。 on/in 介词,后接交通工具,意为“在……交通工具上/里面”。 相类似词有:ride 骑,ride a bike=by bike=on a bike;

  drive 驾驶, drive a car=by car=in a car; walk 步行=on foot。 ◎即学即用12: (

  )(1)I go to school ________ bus every morning.(2011重庆)

  A. in

  B. on

  C. at

  D. by


  )(2)Mr. Zhang often ________ the train to work, but

  sometimes goes ________ his workmate’s car.

  A. by; in

  B. takes; by

  C. on; by

  D. takes; in


  )(3)Some students ________ to school, others goes


  A. walk; ride

  B. ride; by

  C. walk; by

  D. on; ride D D C 6. in hospital, in the hospital


  He is ill in hospital.


  He works in the hospital.



  in hospital 住院;in the hospital 在医院里。

  相类似用法词有:be ill in bed卧病在床。 ◎即学即用13: (

  )He got badly hurt at that time, and he had to be ________

  for months.

  A. in the hospital

  B. in hospital

  C. at the hospital

  D. at hospital B 对点训练 Ⅰ. 根据句意及所给的汉语填写单词 1. Jim had breakfast

  (快) and ran to the bus stop. 2. I

  (忘) my computer in the taxi yesterday. Luckily the driver found me and returned it to me. 3. When we

  (到达) at the small village, it was dark. 4. If you lose the books from the library, you have to

  (赔) for it. 5. Tom never

  (依赖) on his parents. He likes to do

  everything by himself. quickly left arrived pay depends Ⅱ.



  )1. Harry Potter is so interesting a book that lots of teenagers

  like to read ________.

  A. it

  B. this 

  C. that

  D. one

  解析:考查代词。句意:Harry Potte这本书很有趣,以至于很


  A (

  )2. —I ________ 5,000 yuan on this Iphone.

  —Wow, so much! I can’t afford it.(2011福州)

  A. spent

  B. paid

  C. cost

  解析:考查固定搭配。spend...on sth.在某物上花费……。 A (

  )3. With the help of the Internet, information can ________

  every corner of the world quickly.(2011潍坊)

  A. go

  B. land

  C. reach

  D. arrive


  快地到达世界的每个角落。go, land, arrive都为不及物动词,

  后不能直接跟宾语。故选C。 C (

  )4. When I got to school, Amy ________his homework.


  A. had invented

  B. had finished 

  C. had developed

  D. had rushed


  finish完成。 B


  )5. — ________ is it from here to the railway station?

  —About ten kilometers.

  A. How far

  B. How fast

  C. How soon

  D. How often

  解析:考查疑问副词。对距离的询问用how far。 A (

  )6. Yang Fen ________ every Saturday afternoon

  volunteering in an old people’ s home.

  A. costs

  B. takes

  C. pays

  D. spends

  解析:考查固定用法。spend...doing sth. 花时间做某事。 D (


  ________ the teachers in their school is about 200 and

  one fourth of them are ________ teachers.

  A. A number of; women

  B. A number of; woman

  C. The number of; women

  D. The number of; woman


  其中四分之一是女教师。a number of意为许多,大量,the

  number of意为……的数量,故A、B不选;女教师的复数表

  达为women teachers。故选C。 C (

  )8. The doctor advised Lisa strongly that she should take a

  good rest, but ________ didn’t help.

  A. she

  B. it

  C. which

  D. he


  医生的要她好好休息的建议。故选B。 B (

  )9. How much does the ticket ________ from Shanghai to


  A. cost

  B. took

  C. spend

  D. pay


  ticket票,物做主语,故选cost。 A (

  )10. We have two rooms ________, but I can’t decide.

  A. to live; to choose which one

  B. lived; choose which one

  C. to live in; which one to choose

  D. live; which one


  不知道该选哪一个?动词不定式“to live in” 做room的宾补,

  不能丢了介词in;decide 后接“疑问代词+动词不定式”做

  宾语。故选C。 C (

  )11. —How can I go to the supermarket, Paul?

  — ________ bike. It’s not far from here.

  A. On

  B. By

  C. In

  D. With

  解析:考查介词。表示“乘(交通工具)”介词用by。 B (

  )12. —I’m sorry I ________ my exercise book at home.

  —Don’t forget ________ it to school tomorrow, please.

  A. forget; to take

  B. left; to bring

  C. forget; to bring

  D. left; to take

  解析:考查固定用法。leave sth.+地点,意为“把某物忘在

  某地”;forget to do sth. 意为“忘记做某事(未做)”。故选B。 B (

  )13. Richard turned off the computer after he had finished

  ________ the email.

  A. write

  B. to write

  C. writing

  D. wrote

  解析:考查固定用法。finish doing 完成做某事。 C (

  )14. —Danny, someone in your class phoned you this morning.

  —Oh, who is ________?

  A. he B. she

  C. it D. that

  解析:考查代词。对于不知道性别通常用it。 C 写作训练

  据报道,中学生的身体素质有所下降,这一情况已经引起全社会的关注和教育部门的高度重视。“Exercise one hour a day, keep illness away”是某中学关于青少年体育锻炼的宣传标语(slogan)。请根据下面的要点和要求,用英语写一篇短文,80词左右。

  要点:1.锻炼身体的好处:strong, healthy,energetic.

  2. 锻炼身体的方式:ball games,running,swimming.

  3.请谈谈你对学校开展体育锻炼的看法或建议。(至少写两点) 要求: 1.内容必须包括以上要点,可适当发挥; 2.开头已给出,不计入总词数; 3.语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,字迹工整; 4.文中不得出现真实校名及姓名。

  Health is very important to us teenagers...




  keep healthy, make...strong and energetic, take part in,

  Sports can help us...

  If we don’t take any exercise, we may feel...

  Exercise one hour a day, keep illness away

  There are all kinds of sports,....

  I hope our teachers leave less homework so that we have more time to...

  I also hope... ◎参考答案

  Health is very important to us teenagers. Either study or work is based on a strong body. Doing sports every day helps us keep healthy and energetic. If we don’t take any exercise, we may feel tired and get sick easily. Just as the slogan says, “Exercise one hour a day,keep illness away!” There are many kinds of sports we can do, such as running, swimming and ball games.

  Now we students have to do too much homework after school. I hope teachers will leave us less homework so that we can have more time to take part in sports. I also hope our school can organize more sports activities for us. 完成考点跟踪训练 9

  第9课 八年级上册 Units 3—4 重点词汇与短语 decide


  He thought about going to Greece or Spain, but decided on Canada.


  They decided to start off at once.


  I can’t decide what to do.

  我不能决定该干什么。 ◎归纳拓展 decide 动词,意为“决定”;名词形式为decision,make a decision 做决定。 decide on sth. 就某事决定。 decide to do sth. 决定做某事。 后可接“ 特殊疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语。 ◎即学即用1: (1)They

  fly kite on weekend.

  他们决定在周末去放风筝。 (2)Betty

  the red skirt.

  贝蒂选定了那条红裙子。 decided to decides

  on 2. leave ◎观察思考

  We left Shanghai for Beijing two years ago.


  Mr. Li, I left a book at your home yesterday.


  I have little money left.


  ◎归纳拓展 leave动词,意为“离开;把……留下,剩下”。 leave for意思是“前往”,for后的地点是表示要去的目的地。 leave sth. sp.把某物忘在某处。 have sth. left 剩下某物。 相关短语: leave one by oneself把某人独自留下; leave a message留口信。 leaves 又可作为leaf(树叶)的复数形式。 ◎即学即用2: (

  )(1)Chen Guangbiao says he ________ all his money to

  charities when he dies. (2011临沂)

  A. leaves

  B. left

  C. will leave

  D. would leave

  (2)We will

  Beijing next month. We’ll have a meeting there.

  C leave for 3. finish doing ◎观察思考

  I just finish making my last movie.



  finish动词,意为“完成,结束”,后跟名词或 v-ing形式。表示“完成某事;做完某事”。

  用法类似的词有:enjoy,practice,mind,keep,suggest,consider,look forward to等。 ◎即学即用3: (

  )I didn’t finish ________ my test because I ran out of time.

  A. write

  B. to write

  C. to writing

  D. writing D 4. go bike riding


  I often go bike riding with my friends on sundays.


  It’s too hot. Let’s go swimming this afternoon.




  常见短语有:go boating去划船,go fishing去钓鱼,go climbing去爬山,go sightseeing去观光,go hiking去徒步旅行。 ◎即学即用4: Hangzhou is a good place to



  go sightseeing 5. it


  It is 5 kilometers away.


  What’s this? It’s an apple.


  It’s very cold today.


  It’s 5:00.


  Who is knocking on the door? I think it’s Jim.


  It’s not a good idea for students to copy others’ homework.


  She finds it much better to do her own work.


  It was a watch that I received on my tenth birthday.

  我十岁生日那天收到是一块手表。 ◎归纳拓展 it用作实词,表达以下概念:指代前文提到的事物;指代前文中的this, that;替代前文中的内容;指代一位性别不明的小孩或未知的人;指代未指明但谈话双方都知道的那件事;指代时间、天气、气候、距离等自然现象。 it 作形式主语或形式宾语。 it 用于强调句型(It...that...)。 ◎即学即用5:

  (1)How old is the baby?

  is about eight months.


  was wet all day yesterday.

  (3)She found

  easy to finish all the exercises.

  (4)It was a dictionary

  I found on the playground yesterday.

  It It it that 重点句型 1.

  How far is it from his home to his school?


  How long is the river?


  How old are you?


  How wide is the Great Wall?


  How tall is the building?



  how far 意为“多远”,用于询问两地间的距离。

  How+形容词……? 表示疑问:多少/远/长/高/……?

  from... to... 表示“从……到……”。 ◎即学即用6:


  is the baby? It is about eight months.


  is the tree? It’s about 4 meters tall.

  (3)It’s about 2 kilometers

  my home

  the cinema. old tall from to 2. It takes about 25 minutes to walk.


  It takes me three hours to do my homework..


  The shirt cost me $20.这件衬衫花了我20美元。

  He spent two days collecting the information.


  Mr. Green paid $10 for his bill.


  ◎归纳拓展 take, cost, spend, pay 都为动词,都有“花费”的意思。 It take sb. some time to do sth. 是常用句型,意为“花费某人多少时间干某事”,其中it是形式主语,指“干某事”。 cost一般用某物来做主语,表示“(某物)值……、花费……”,既能指花费时间也能指花费金钱。 spend一般用某人作主语,表示“(某人)花费……,付出……”,也能指花费时间或金钱,指时间时常与in搭配(in可省略)后接v-ing形式,指金钱时常与on搭配。 pay用作动词时,一般也以某人作主语,但一般指花钱、付款等,常与for搭配使用。 ◎即学即用7:

  (1)The new bike

  me 300 yuan.


  two days in repairing this machine.

  (3)Mr. Lee

  $20 on books every month.


  70 yuan for the tickets.


  me several hours to get there last Sunday.

  cost spent spends paid took 易混辨异 1. forget to do sth., forget doing sth.


  I forgot to tell him the news.


  I forgot telling him the news.



  forget to do sth.意思是“忘记做某事”,实际上还没做。

  forget doing sth.意思是“忘记做过某事”,实际上已经做过了。

  类似用法的词有:remember, regret等。 ◎即学即用8: (

  )Don’t forget ________ the lights when you leave the room.

  A. turning off

  B. turning on

  C. to turn off

  D. to turn on C 2. get to, arrive at/in, reach


  When did you get to the station yesterday?


  He arrived in Nanning last week.


  Please send me a short message when you reach Beijing.


  ◎归纳拓展 都意为“到达”,但区别如下: arrive + in + 大地方(国家、城市等); arrive + at + 小地方(村庄、车站、码头等)。 get to + 地点名词。 reach + 地点名词。 注:当reach、arrive、get后接地点副词here、there、home时,不能接任何介词。


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