浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 单项选择(106)-查字典英语网
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浙江省2016高考英语二轮复习 专题训练 单项选择(106)

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。; the B. the; /; the C. the; the; / D. the; the; the

  2. ---Have you read the novel Twilight?

  ---Yes, and I am surprised that a beautiful girl should fall _____ in love with a vampire(吸血鬼).

  A. unwillingly B. hopefully C. involuntarily D. hopelessly

  3. John is a common student, _____, I think, that will be found in every school.

  A. whom B. who C. one D. he

  4. He is the scientist _____ great contributions to the development of science and technology a 5,000,000-yuan prize was awarded to him by the central government.

  A. for whom B. about whom C. for whose D. about whose

  5. A group of tourists reached a remote small village, at the west end of which _____, and expected to meet a countryman.

  A. stood an old temple B. standing an old temple

  C. did an old temple stand D. an old temple stood

  6. The costs for things such as laundry and cell phone service fall under personal_____. Keep careful track of these when they quickly add up.

  A. budget B. finance C. economics D. expense

  7. If not _____, you can return everything on the spot and no further duties when you purchase goods at www.amazon.cn.

  A. to satisfy B. being satisfied C. satisfied D.satisfying

  8. No matter what you say of him, I still think much of him, or else I _____ him to do that.

  A. won’t allow

  B. hadn’t allowed

  C. wouldn’t be allowed D. wouldn’t have allowed

  9. We appeal to all countries to _____cooperation on climate change, food security and the prevention of natural disasters.

  A. build up B. put on C. show off D. hold out

  10. All the books in the list, _____otherwise stated, will be available.

  A. as B. if C. although D. unless

  11. The hole in the ground was three feet deep, making it difficult, if not impossible, _____the bus out.

  A. getting B. get C. to get D. got

  12. ---Can I get out at noon?

  ---No. The school rules state that no student _____be allowed out at lunchtime, unless he has a request form.

  A. shall B. will C. must D. can

  13. ---How long have you been here?

  ---Only about three minutes. Xiaoming and Mary _____here with me.

  A. walk B. have walked C. had walked D. walked

  14. We prefer to measure the school’s teaching quality _____how well the graduates develop rather than how many students are admitted to key universities.

  A. in terms of B. in spite of C. in charge of D. in favor of

  15. We left the small town, _____clearly _____no need to stay.

  A. it; was B. it; being C. there; was D. there; being

  16. The cave is _____to the public, high up the face of a cliff which no one can climb.

  A. inadequate B. inconvenient C. impossible D. inaccessible

  17. Some students find certain grammar points and structures very difficult; _____, teachers need a reliable source of practice material to get these points across effectively.

  A. however B. as a result C. even so D. what’s more

  18. The lectures delivered by excellent teachers across the province _____a fairly wide range about English teaching and I can’t sum them up in a few sentences.

  A. conveyed B. covered C. considered D. commanded

  19. The possibility never occurred to us _____ such an old man killed two women for money.

  A. how B. when C. what D. that

  20. ---Want me to give you a ride?

  ---I can walk myself.


  A. With pleasure B. Suit yourself C. It depends D. Never mind



  6-10 DCDAD

  11-15 CADAD

  16-20 DBBDB


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