2016高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题2 阅读理解26-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题2 阅读理解26

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Step 1 Revision

  1. Remind the students of the topic of this unit.

  Do a guessing game:

  2.Complete the sentences with proper words.

  1).Zhalong is a _________ place because it is the ideal home for many plants, fish and birds.

  2).It is a __________ reserve in Heilongjiang, China.

  3).It is in ___________ China.It’s very cold in winter.

  3.Complete the sentences with proper form of given words.

  1).You shouldn抰 go fishing and hunting in Zhalong. s学生活动

  教学过程 教



  容 备课札记

  It’s ____________(correct).

  2). Ifyou make a lot of noise, then you are ___________ (welcome).

  3).Youhave to walk a long way, so don’t wear leather shoes. They are _____ (comfortable).

  4).You can see lots of rare birds there. They are ___________ (common).

  5).Walk quietly, or it will be _________(possible) for you to watch the colorful birds here.

  Step4. Discussion

  1.Talk about the dangers

  2.Talk about the actions totake

  3.Talk about what to pay attention to when we go birdwatching.

  Step5.make a summary

  1.Make a summary about how to use simple present tense to talk about future.

  2.Resive how to write an application letter:

  Why do you write this letter?

  Something about yourself

  What can you do?

  Step 6. Exercises

  1.Write an application letter

  2.Finish the exercises on Page91 and then check the answers.

  3.Complete the sentences with proper words. 4.Complete the sentences with given words. 5.Complete the sentences with proper form of given words.

  Homework: 1.Finish the relative exercises2.Listen to the tape of this unit

  3.Revise the whole unit and get ready for the test.

  4.Preview the new words in Unit6 and search for some information about natural disasters.


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