2016高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题2 阅读理解36-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题2 阅读理解36

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  English Teaching Plan for Grade 7 (7A)


  7A Unit1 This is me! Total

  10 Periods The



  Topic(s) Reading(2) Type New lesson

  Teaching aims

  Language focus:

  Enable students to learn the new words, phrases and sentencs to describe people:

  words: year grade reading club everyone after long music hard short swimming wear glasses enjoy polite helpful hobby slim

  phrases:…years old

  the reading club

  be born in

  after school

  come from

  long black hair

  listen to music

  short hair

  wear glasses

  play computer games

  polite and helpful

  tall and slim

  sentences: She is good at swimming.

  He enjoys playing computer games.

  I love playing football after school.

  I love reading.

  She loves dancing.

  Language skills: /

  Language strategies: /

  Culture awareness:/


  Enable students to learn how to introduce themselves to others and how to introduce others when they meet new friends.

  Teaching aids blackboard; tape recorder; pictures

  Blackboard design


  Teaching procedure

  Teaching steps:


  For Class 10, write down the two paragraphs without looking at the book.

  For Class 4, write down the words and expressions learned last time.

  Step2. Revision

  Revision questions about the six students.

  How many new friends did we meet yesterday?

  Who are they?

  What do you remember about them?

  Get the students to say as much as possible about them.

  Step3. Practice

  For Class 4 (1),(2),(3)

  ( For Class 10 (3) )

  (1) Mr. Wu, the English teacher, wants to know the students better. What activities do they like? Help him write the correct letters in the boxes.

  On page 9 Ex.B1

  (2) Mr. Wu is writing about his students. Look at the following sentences. Are they correct? Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false.

  On page 9 Ex.B2

  (3) Millie wants to make notes about her classmates. Help her complete the notes. Use the information on page8 to help you.

  Step 4. Language points

  live in Beijing

  love doing sth.

  be in the Reading Club

  love…very much

  be born

  come from

  be from

  tall and slim

  have long black hair

  listen to music

  work hard

  be good at doing sth.

  wear glasses

  enjoy doing

  be polite and helpful

  Get students to know well about these useful expressions and try to make sentences by themselves. If it is difficult for them, give them situations.

  Step5. Make a self-introduction (For Class 10 only)

  Step6. Homework


  Review Reading and prepare for the dictation.


  Finish the translation in the workbook.

  Reflection: Ss of Class 4 still don’t have a clear concept of the person form.


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢