2016高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题2 阅读理解40-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题2 阅读理解40

发布时间:2017-01-16  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  English Teaching Plan for Grade 7 (7A)


  7A Unit1 This is me! Total

  10 lessons The




  Main Task

  Type New lesson

  Teaching aims Language focus:

  1.New words: dark, CD, lesson

  2.New phrases: live in; dark brown eyes; listen to CDs; at the weekend; lots of; at school; play with; live with

  3.Language points: all

  Language skills: Writing skills

  1. Enable Ss to learn how to organize their ideas before writing a composition.

  2. Enable Ss to learn how to write a composition to introduce themselves.

  Language strategies:

  The strategy of communication.

  Culture awareness:

  Enable Ss to know the difference of self-introduction between English and Chinese.


  Enable Ss to enjoy communication by introducing themselves.

  Teaching aids Wall map; exercise book

  Blackboard design


  Teaching procedure

  Teaching steps:

  Step1. Daily report

  1.Teach the new words in the report

  2.Give the report in front of the class

  3.Give comments and suggestions

  Step2. Warming – up & Revision

  (1) T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Do you know my hobbies?

  Ss: I’m sorry. I don’t know.

  T: My hobby is “calligraphy”.

  Ss: I don’t understand. How do you say that in Chinese?

  T: 书法

  (2)T: I’d like to ask some of you to say something about yourself.(Two or three Ss to say sth. about themselves.)

  Step3. Lead-in & Presentation


  (Showing the picture of Millie.)

  T: What do you know about her?

  (2) T: Ok. Let’s listen to the tape and know more about her. ( Books closed.)

  (3) Ask Ss to say more about Millie.

  (4) T: Now open your books and read the text aloud all together.

  (5) Teach new words, phrases and language points.

  (6) Learn the second profile according to the above.

  Step4. Practice

  (1) T: Now do you know how to write about yourself in a student profile?

  Ss: ?(2) T: First, you should write about your name, age, and where you live.

  Second, you should write about your school life.

  Third, introduce your ihobby.

  Last, you can write something more.

  Step5. Acting / discussion

  T: Now please discuss how to write a passage about yourself in the notebook.

  Ask two or three Ss. to act it out.

  Step6. Homework

  (1)oral: Recite the two passages to the teacher.

  (2)written: a. Write a composition to introduce yourself.

  b. Finish the exercises in the workbook.



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