2016高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题1 单项选择1-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题1 单项选择1

发布时间:2017-01-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  专题1 单项选择 1



  1. This book tells ____ life story of John Smith, who left ____ school and worked for a newspaper at the age of 16.A. the;/  B. a;the   C. the;the  D. a;/At the conference, people of different _______ were given a chance to exchange theirs with each other.

  A. points

  B. manners

  C. views

  D. ways

  3. --- What do you think of this novel?

  --- Er … sorry. I _____. What did you say?

  A. didn’t listen

  B. hadn’t listened

  C. haven’t listened

  D. wasn’t listening

  4. People take naps at noon in warmer climates, ____ the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon.

  A. which

  B. what

  C. where

  D. when

  5. About ____ gene-targeting drugs are already in testing pipeline. It won’t be long ____ they are put into effect.

  A. two dozen; before

  B. two dozens; that

  C. two dozens of; before

  D. dozens; that

  6. _____ it is _____ you obtain, you should share _____ your parents your feelings.

  A. What; /; to

  B. Whichever; that; with

  C. Whatever; that; with

  D. Which; /; to

  7. Many a man and many a woman _____ that he or she had better education.


  B. has wished

  C. do wishes

  D. have wished

  8. It was foolish of him to ____his notes during such an important test, and as a result,

  he got punished.

  A. point to

  B. keep to

  C. stick to

  D. refer to

  9. ---I was trying to carry out the plan, but I failed.

  ---Well, you _____, for we were uncertain it would do ____.

  A. needn’t do that, in fact

  B. needn’t have done, in effect

  C. needn’t have, in practice

  D. needn’t, in time

  10. Sometimes the boy is a bad-tempered child, but he ____ be quite lovely when he wishes.


  B. can

  C. shall

  D. must

  11. —Can you describe _____ it happened?

  —Yes, I was riding on my bike _____ a car knocked me down from behind.A. when; as

  B. how; as  C. how; when  D. how; while

  12. --- Do you mean to play the hero in the film?

  --- _____. But it should be a character I like.

  A. Not surprisingly

  B. Not necessarily

  C. Not importantly

  D. Not absolutely

  13. It is nice to see millions who had nothing but a record of misery and hungry ______ to improve their life and living conditions.

  A. having the chances

  B. have the chance C. to have the chance D. had the chance

  14. When you go by train, please see to it_______ you take an express, _______ that stops only at big stations.

  A. that, one

  B. /, the one

  C. that, it

  D. /, it

  15. After the Arab States won independence, great emphasis was laid on expanding education, with girls as well as boys _____ to go to school.

  A. encouraging

  B. being encouraged

  C. be encouraged

  D. to be encouraged





  1. —Look! More trees are being planted around the new building. What do you think of ________natural surroundings here?

  —Fantastic! Beyond _______ expression.

  A. the; 不填

  B. the; the

  C. 不填; 不填

  D. the ; an

  2. Elizabeth Taylor, the Hollywood legend died at Cedars-Sinai Hospital _______ by her four

  children after being taken to hospital six weeks ago with heart failure.

  A. to be surrounded

  B. having been surrounded

  C. surrounded

  D. surrounding

  3. _________ many countries in Latin America have been trying to reduce gaps in income, America has allowed inequality to grow.

  A. While

  B. Since

  C. If

  D. Where

  4. —Robert, I failed again!

  —Don’t worry, you’ll get chosen for the team. ___________.

  A. Every dog has its day.

  B. A new broom sweeps clean.

  C. A cat may look at a king.

  D. A person is known by the company he keeps.

  5. The moonlight was quite bright, and about fifteen yards up the road there was a deep _______ thrown by a tree.

  A. shade

  B. shadow

  C. shelter

  D. reflection

  6. —How anxious Ruby is! I wonder what on earth she ________.

  —I’m afraid nobody knows. She is always so strange.

  A. has expected    

  B. will expect    

  C.  will have expected 

  D. is expecting

  7. Freedom-loving young students dislike being restricted by rules, especially ______ which are

  “outdated” in their eyes.

  A. the one

  B. those

  C. ones

  D. anything

  8. —What is the result of the survey?

  —15% of those surveyed worry that in the long term children _________ be more dependent

  on their parents, which does no good to them.

  A. should

  B. can

  C. may

  D. shall

  9. The researchers found clear and convincing evidence _______ happiness is the key when it comes to better health and longer lives.

  A. where

  B. whether

  C. how

  D. that

  10. New comer as you are, if you spend a little more time on your work, I am sure you’ll ________ ahead in the end.

  A. come up

  B. come about

  C. come through

  D. come out

  11. So hot a day! I would buy one soft-drink can, but I _____ money on me.

  A. didn’t have   


  B. don’t have  

  C. hadn’t had    

  D. won’t have

  12. —What do you think I should do, Anny?

  —In my opinion, you will need to seek _____ advice about your claim for compensation.

  A. financial

  B. individual

  C. professional

  D. original

  13. —Is he interested in sailing?

  — Of course! In fact he is known ________ as the most daring sailor on the seas.

  A. far and wide

  B. then and there

  C. safe and sound

  D. up and down

  14. Men are more suited to occupational environments ______require decisive action while women are better at jobs ______ a considered approach is most important.

  A. which; that

  B. 不填; when

  C. which; when

  D. that; where

  15. Out _________, still discussing the fashion show with great interest.

  A. walked a crowd of young girls

  B. did a crowd of young girls walk

  C. were walking a crowd of young girls

  D. a crowd of young girls were walking


  C A A B

  D B C D


  B C A D A


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