2016高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题2 阅读理解4-查字典英语网
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2016高考英语二轮复习专题限时训练(江苏专用)专题2 阅读理解4

发布时间:2017-01-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Periods Two & Three: Reading






  1. beach 海滩

  2. town 镇

  3. over在……上方

  4. river 河流

  5. ladder 梯子

  6. second 第二

  7. quiet 安静的

  8. rain 雨

  9. kitchen 厨房

  10. while 当……的时候

  11. fifth 第 五

  12. flat 公寓

  13. seventh 第七

  14. share 分享

  15. neighbour 邻居

  16. grow 长

  17. cook 煮

  18和朋友聊天 chat with friends


  homes in different countries

  20 朝外面沙滩看… look out at the beach……

  2与某人住在起 live with sb.

  22 在河上方 over a river

  23 我自己的卧室 my own bedroom

  24 爬梯子进入我的房间 climb a ladder to get into my room

  25 做晚饭 make dinner = cook meals

  26 与……不同 be different from… 与……相同 the same as…

  27 在莫斯科市中心 in the centre of Moscow

  28 在条繁华的街道上 on a busy street

  29 到达 arrive in(大地方)/arrive at(小地方)=get to =reach

  30 与某人分享某物 share sth.with sb.


  Lead in

  (二) Read the text

  (三 ).Reading comprehension: answer some questions

  Stephen’s Dream House

  1. Where does he live? How is his house?

  2. How many rooms does his house have?

  3. Which is his favourite room?

  4. What can he do in it?

  5. What does his bedroom have?

  Madee’s Dream House

  1. Does she live a big town in Thailand?

  2. What is her house made of?

  3. Where is the house?

  4. How does she get to the house?

  5. Who lives in her house?

  6. Does she have her own bedroom?

  Neil’s Dream House

  1. Where does he live?

  2. Is his favourite room sitting room?

  3. Where do his family and he sit while her mother makes dinner?

  4. What do they do in the sitting room in the evenings?

  5. Where does his dog sleep?

  Anna’s Dream House

  1. Does she live in the centre of Moscow?

  2. Who does she live with ?

  3. What do her family and she like to do in the sitting room?

  4. Does she have her own bedroom?

  5. What does she often do in her bedroom?

  6. Are her neighbours friendly and happy?

  四Complete PartB &C

  五、Language points:

  1. We sit on the big floor cushions and look out at the beach and the sea.

  look out (of) …

  e.g. Don’t look out of the window in class.

  look at / look around / look for / look like / look forward to / look after / look up

  look out (1)向外看(2)当心

  2.?I live with my family in a wooden house.= I live with my family in a house made of wood.

  wooden(adj.) → wood (n.)

  e.g. We need some wooden chairs.

  This house is made of wood.

  3.?I climb a ladder to get into my house. =I get into my house with a ladder.

  ①e.g. I often go to her house to see Uncle Li.

  Daniel often goes to the shopping mall to play computer games.

  ② get into → get out of

  get into the car

  get out of the car

  4.?I do not have my own bedroom.

  own(adj./v.) → owner (n.)

  e.g. I see with my own eyes.

  Who’s the owner of this pen?= Who owns this pen?

  5. My family and I often sit in the kitchen while my mother makes dinner.

  e.g. I am reading books while my brother is watching TV.

  She called while you were out.

  6.?I share a bedroom with my sister.

  share sth. with sb.

  e.g. The boy shared his toy with other children

  share in sth.

  e.g. We should share in our sorrows as well as joys.

  7. Our neighbours are friendly and we are happy here.

  e.g. I’m friendly with her.

  be friendly to sb.

  e.g. People are usually friendly to foreign friends.

  8. Simon wrote down the meaning of some of the words.

  ①write + n. +down=write down +n.

  write it /them down

  e.g. Can you write down the words on your book ?

  = Can you write the words on your book?

  OK, I’ll write them down.

  ②meaning (n.) → mean(v.)

  e.g. What’s the meaning of “quick?= What does “quick” mean?

  9. A garden is the best place to grow flowers.

  e.g. It’s really a good place to go.

  I’m hungry. Do you have anything to eat?

  10. Stephen is lying on his bunk beds.

  lie → lying

  tie → tying

  die → dying

  tell a lie

  e.g. Don’t tell a lie any more . It’s not good for you.

  【当堂巩固】’s begin our class.


  1They often watch TV in the sitting room. (对划线部分提问)

   they watch TV ?

  2In the picture, I sit on the left of Lily. Simon sits on her right. (合并为句)

  Lily sits ________ Simon and _________ .

  3Kate has some lovely toys. (改为般疑问句)

  _________ Kate ________ ________

  lovely toys?

  4Do they do their homework at 7:00 in the evening? (用now改写)

  _________ they _________ their homework now?

  5Kitty went to school by bike this morning. (对划线部分提问)

  _________ ________ Kitty ________ to school this morning?



  ______________________________________the teaching building.

  2. 你的主意听起来太棒了。

  Your idea ________________________________________.

  3. 我恐怕Bill 不在家。

  I’m _____________________________________________ now.

  4.?Linda 刚才在教室里的。

  Linda _____________________________________ just now.

  5. 妈妈在做晚饭,而爸爸却玩电脑游戏。

  Mum cooks supper ________ Dad ____________________________.1.?Review the contents of this lesson.

  2. Write an article to introduce their own homes, using the four home pages as a model.


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