浙江省2012届高考英语二轮专题总复习课件:第17讲 换位思考 挖空设题-查字典英语网
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浙江省2012届高考英语二轮专题总复习课件:第17讲 换位思考 挖空设题

发布时间:2017-01-14  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Objectives To learn how to introduce yourself and the other people To understand the basic information of the four students To learn to write a card about yourself Revision

  Last class, we met six new friends.

  Do you still remember their names? Where do they come from?

  They come from Sunshine Middle School. Now do you want to know more about some of them? Presenting Before we get to know about them, ask and answer the following questions in pairs. How old are you?

  Are you tall or short?

  Where do you come from?

  Where do you live?

  What class are you in?

  What do you love?

  I’m….years old. I’m… I come from… I live in… I’m in Class…Grade... I love…(reading/ dancing) 单词回顾 学生早读时已预习过本单元单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。 grade student reading classmate after school slim be good at n. 年级 n. 学生 n. 阅读 n. 同班同学 放学后 adj. 苗条的 擅长于 Words & phrases review Welcome to Class 1, Grade 7! Now let’s get to know our new friends. After reading, try to find out what they love doing. 12 years old short hair love reading

  Millie tall like sports often play football Simon tall and slim

  long hair like music Sandy

  Daniel wear glasses from Nanjing short

  good at Maths Help Mr Wu, the English teacher, match the new students with the correct information. Simon Millie


  Daniel Choose T or F.

  Millie is 11 years old.

  Millie has short hair.

  Simon is not tall.

  Simon likes sports.

  Sandy is short.

  Sandy does not have long hair.

  Daniel is tall.

  Daniel is from Nanjing. F T F T F F F T Mr Wu is writing about his new students. Help him complete his sentences. Simon is _____. He often plays __________ after school. Sandy is tall and slim. She has ______ hair. She likes _________. Millie’s hair is _______. She loves ________. Daniel is from _________. He is good at _________. tall football long music short reading Nanjing Maths

  Today we meet four new students. What do you know about them? Please have a discussion with your partner.

  1. Class 1/One, Grade 7/Seven

  问句: What class are you in?

  I’m in Class 1, Grade 7.

  in Row One

  in Team A

  in Room 403

  on Bus No. 3 在第一排 在A队/组 在403室/房间 在3路公共汽车上 on the No. 3 bus 2. I’m 12 years old.

  同义句: I’m twelve. She is twelve years old. 他是个八岁的男孩。 He is ________________ boy. 同义句: She is a twelve-year-old girl. an eight-year-old

  数字 + years old常用来作表语;数字 + -year-old常用来作定语,修饰名词。


  How old are you? 3.

  I love reading. / She likes music. love doing (sth). 喜欢干什么 like sth.

  喜欢什么 Would you like a cup of tea? Ok, I love drinking tea. 4. He is from Nanjing.

  be from 来自于 = come from

  Where do you come from? Where are you from? 5. be good at… 擅长于…… 问句:What are you good at? Amy is good at swimming. I am good at playing football. Tom is good at singing. 数字 + years old常用来作表语, 数字 + -year-old常用来作定语。

  love doing

  come from = be from

  after school

  be good at

  I. Fill in the blanks. 1. He is 16 _______ (year) old. 2. She __________ (be from) Tianjin.

  3. She is ______ (苗条的) and has _____

  (长的) black hair. 4. She never _______ (wear) green.

  5. I love ________ (sing) and _________


  years is from slim

  long wears singing

  reading 1. Amy擅长游泳吗?

  ____ Amy ___________ swimming? 2. 格蕾丝的双胞胎兄弟不戴眼镜。他又高又瘦。

  Grace’s twin brother _______________

  ________. He’s _____________. 3. 你喜欢放学后听音乐吗?你加入歌迷会


  Do you love _________ to music ______

  _________? Are you ___ the Fan Club? Is

  good at

  doesn’t wear glasses


  after school

  in tall and slim II. Translation. 4. 他的父母来自北京。

  His parents ________

  _____ Beijing. 5. 午餐时他喜欢跟它的同学交谈。

  She ____

  talking to her classmates___

  lunchtime. 6. 他非常喜欢唱歌。

  He ______ singing

  _________. come/are from likes at likes very much To preview Grammar on Pages 11- 12 To learn to use the simple present

  tense of the verb to be Write about yourself. My name is ____________. I am _______ years old. I live in ________________. I have ______ hair and _____ eyes. I love _________________.

  (playing football, listening to music, dancing, reading, drawing, etc.)


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