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发布时间:2017-01-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  It was a very cold evening. The old man’s beard was almost icy. He was waiting for a __36__ across the river. The wait seemed __37__. The old man sat on the ground waiting for quite a long time.

  __38__, he saw several horsemen coming. He watched them silently and let the first one pass by without even asking. Another passed by,and then another, till the last rider came near the old man. The old man caught the rider’s __39__ and said, “Sir, would you __40__ giving me a ride to the other side?”

  __41__ his horse, the rider replied, “Of course not.” But it was so cold that the old man’s body was almost __42__. He could not get __43__ the ground. The horseman helped the old man onto his horse. He took the old man not just across the river, __44__ to the old man’s home.

  As they __45__ the old man’s house, the horseman asked, “Sir, you let several other riders pass by without even asking. Then I __46__ and you asked me for a ride at once. Why? __47__I had said ‘no’ and left you there?”

  The old man looked the rider straight in the eye, and said, “I looked __48__ the eyes of the other riders. I quickly saw that they didn’t __49__. It would be __50__ even asking them for a ride. But in your eye I saw __51__. I knew that you would help me.”

  The words __52__ the rider deeply. “Thank you for what you’ve said,” he told the old man. “I hope I will never leave others __53__ simply because I’m busy, and every American citizen does __54__ in my heart.”

  With that, Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the US, turned his horse around and made his __55__ back to the White House

  36. A. help

  B. ride

  C. trip

  D. drive

  37. A. useful

  B. boring

  C. fortunate

  D. endless

  38. A. Gradually

  B. Finally

  C. Sadly

  D. Surprisingly

  39. A .eyes

  B. hand

  C. back

  D. face

  40. A. like

  B. think

  C. offer

  D. mind

  41. A. Speeding

  B. Riding

  C. Stopping

  D. Leaving

  42. A. shocked

  B. stuck

  C. frozen

  D. injured

  43. A. down

  B. on

  C. in

  D. off

  44. A. only

  B. but

  C. so

  D. then

  45. A. neared

  B. visited

  C. passed

  D. missed

  46. A. came on

  B. came in

  C. came up

  D. came out

  47. A. Even if

  B. What if

  C. As if

  D. Only if

  48. A. out

  B. for

  C. into

  D. up

  49. A. try

  B. wait

  C. ask

  D. care

  50. A. useless.

  B. risky

  C. dangerous

  D. foolish

  51. A. bravery

  B. loyalty

  C. ambition

  D. kindness

  52. A. attracted

  B. comforted

  C. touched

  D. occupied

  53. A. alone

  B. out

  C. away

  D. over

  54. A. desire

  B. live

  C. count

  . D. advance

  55. A. choice

  B. living

  C. mind

  D. way



  It was about six years ago. We were at senior high school. Those days in school were


  to most Chinese students because of the college


  examination pressure. Not our parents and teachers didn't love us,


  they loved us too much. The only happiness for us was a high


  in the exam.

  One afternoon after the final exam, we four girls came to a small


  and we felt it only belonging to us that afternoon. We talked and laughed. We played all the games that we could


  . We felt we were on the top of the world for the first time in our


  . We totally forgot the unhappiness in our life and we threw the homework and the endless


  far away out of the wood.

  In the middle of the wood ran a small and peaceful


  . Now and then, we could see some wild ducks on the water seeking food. The water weeds


  happily while the water passed beside them. The air was so fresh that we breathed it freely.

  The sun had set


  we knew it. We had to leave the place which brought us much happiness. We agreed to come back again every time we felt




  later, we went there several times. But, every time we went there with the purpose of finding that great feeling, we


  . Strangely, the feeling was different from


  of several years ago.

  I know that wonderful experience was just for once. We can


  find that kind of

  happiness again which only belonged to the special


  in our life. That was a release of our uneasy heart. We can never go


  to that young age or that simple life. It was our


  ages. No matter how boring and hard the life was, it gave us something worth recalling in the rest of our life. We'll


  it forever.

  36. A. gray

  B. pink

  C. white

  D. green

  37. A. important

  B. graduation

  C. final

  D. entrance

  38. A. and

  B. so

  C. but

  D. therefore

  39. A. praise

  B. grade

  C. school

  D. spirits

  40. A: wood

  B. road

  C. lake

  D. playground

  41. A. invent

  B. try out

  C. think of

  D. find out

  42. A. school

  B. class

  C. youth

  D. life

  43. A. lectures

  B. exams

  C. books

  D. sports

  44. A. lake

  B. stream

  C. path

  D. bird

  45. A. looked

  B. swam

  C. danced

  D. sang

  46. A. before

  B. when

  C. after

  D. because

  47. A. hopeless

  B. excited

  C. sleepy

  D. dull

  48. A. Years

  B. Hours

  C. Moments

  D. Months

  49. A. got

  B. failed

  C. lost

  D. won

  50. A. that

  B. those

  C. one

  D. ones

  51. A. easily

  B. finally

  C. never

  D. nearly

  52. A. age

  B. afternoon

  C. place

  D. period

  53. A. again

  B. alone

  C. back

  D. freely

  54. A. gray

  B. golden

  C. dark

  D. busy

  55. A. visit

  B. pay

  C. hate

  D. treasure



  As a father, I greatly

  the moments


  my son and I could be together, and that day was really special.

  Louisville, Kentucky was a place where basketball was an important part of life, and


  taking my son to an NBA exhibition game was one of those special moments. But little did I realize how special that evening was going to be! It was blowing some mean wind. Josh


  my hand as we crossed the parking lot and


  for the famous Freedom Hall.


  eight years old, he still felt it was okay to hold his father’s hand, and I felt grateful, knowing that this kind of moments would pass



  The stadium


  nineteen-thousand-plus fans, and it definitely looked like a sellout(客满的). The expectation of seeing Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls


  the Washington Bullets


  our pace across the parking lot, thinking about


  the game was going to go. The turnstile(十字转门) clicked and Josh hung on to his souvenir ticket stub(票根) like he had just won the lottery! We pushed our46

  to the upper-level seats of the “true” fans. Before we knew it, the game was


  way. During a time out, we dashed to


  hot dog and Coke and rushed back so that we


  miss a single part of the game. Things were going as expected until halftime. I started to talk to some friends


  when there was a pull on my sleeve, my arm was pulled over by a


  young Josh, and he began putting a multicolored, woven yarn bracelet(丝织手镯) around my wrist. It


  really well, and he was really focused attentively as he carefully made a double square knot to keep it secure. On this special


  , I realized the significance of the moment. With a smile, I told him proudly how I knew this was a “friendship bracelet” and said, “I guess this means we are


  .” Without missing a beat, his big brown eyes looking me straight in the face, he exclaimed, “We’re


  friends. You’re my dad!”

  36. A. when

  B. what

  C. that

  D. which

  37. A. particularly

  B. certainly C. specially D. especially

  38. A. held B. had C. carried D. caught

  39. A. left B. set C. walked D. headed

  40. A. As B. Though C. But D. Even

  41. A. often B. frequently C. soon D. slowly

  42. A. sat B. seated C. included D. involved

  43. A. with B. for C. to D. against

  44. A. sped up B. looked up C. built up D. turned up

  45. A. what B. that C. which D. how

  46. A. path B. way C. route D. track

  47. A. on B. in C. by D. under

  48. A. eat B. book C. order D. make

  49. A. wouldn’t B. needn’t C. dared not D. mustn’t

  50. A. besides B. near C. nearby D. beside

  51. A. exhausted B. pleased C. determined D. astonished

  52. A. fit B. suited C. matched D. applied

  53. A. situation B. occasion C. position D. condition

  54. A. neighbors B. classmates C. teammates D. friends

  55. A. no more than B. better than C. more than D. other than

  4.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


  It was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas, and as the newest doctor in our office, I

  26 to work. The only thing that brightened my day was the beautifully 27 Christmas tree in our waiting room and a gift sent to me by a 28 I was dating--- a dozen red roses.

  Then a woman came in with an infant (婴儿)in her arms. 29 , she explained that her husband, a prisoner, was my next 30 . She told me she wasn’t allowed to visit her husband in prison and that he had never seen his son. She

  31 me to let the boy’s father sit in the waiting room with her as long as possible 32 I called him for his appointment. Since my schedule wasn’t full, I 33 .

  A short time later, her husband 34 ---with two armed 35 as an escort (护卫). The woman’s tired face 36 up like our little Christmas tree when her husband took a 37 beside her. I kept peeking out to watch them laugh, cry and 38 their child.

  After almost an hour, I called the 39 back to the operatory. The patient seemed like a gentle and humble(谦逊的)man. I wondered what he possibly could have done to be 40 under such conditions. I tried to make him as comfortable as possible.

  At the end I wished him a Merry Christmas --- a difficult thing to say to a man 41 back to prison. He smiled and thanked me. He said he felt 42 by the fact he hadn’t been able to get his wife anything for Christmas. On 43 this, I was inspired with a wonderful idea.

  I’ll never forget the look on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful 44 . I’m not sure who 45 the most joy --- the husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the opportunity to share in this special moment.

  26. A. used

  B. needed

  C. had

  D. ought

  27. A. dressed

  B. decorated

  C. cut

  D. planted

  28. A. classmate

  B. boss

  C. parent

  D. fellow

  29. A. Nervously

  B. Eagerly

  C. Curiously

  D. Carefully

  30. A. colleague

  B. patient

  C. student

  D. customer

  31. A. begged

  B. ordered

  C. asked

  D. invited

  32. A. when

  B. while

  C. after

  D. before

  33. A. smiled

  B. hesitated

  C. agreed

  D. refused

  34. A. escaped

  B. arrived

  C. left

  D. fell

  35. A. soldiers

  B. judges

  C. lawyers

  D. guards

  36. A. went

  B. lit

  C. took

  D. brought

  37. A. seat

  B. rest

  C. ride

  D. look

  38. A. share

  B. pat

  C. feed

  D. examine

  39. A. prisoner

  B. nurse

  C. doctor

  D. woman

  40. A. awarded

  B. punished

  C. caught

  D. held

  41. A. tied

  B. gone

  C. headed

  D. returned

  42. A. saddened

  B. excited

  C. surprised

  D. pleased

  43 A. seeing

  B. hearing

  C. remembering

  D. learning

  44. A. tree

  B. clothes

  C. roses

  D. necklace

  45. A. enjoyed

  B. suffered

  C. benefited

  D. experienced


  The Keeper of the River

  An old man had been working for many years for a town.His job was to clear away natural waste from the pool water in the hills, which made up the lovely river flowing through the town nearby.Quietly and


  , the old man guarded the hills,


  the leaves and branches, and cleaned up the dirt that would have


  and polluted the fresh flow of water.The town soon became a popular attraction for tourists.Elegant swans (天鹅) floated along the clear river and the view was so beautiful



  Years passed.One evening the town


  met.As they reviewed the budget, one man's


  caught sight of the salary


  being paid to the seldom seen keeper of the river.He asked, "Who is the old man? Why do we


  to employ him? No one in town ever


  him. For all we know, the strange keeper of the hills isn't doing his job.His position isn't


  any longer." Then they voted to


  the man.

  For several weeks, nothing changed ...

  By early autumn, the trees began to


  their leaves.Small branches broke off and fell into the pools of the hills,


  the flow of the shining water.One afternoon, someone noticed a slight yellowish-brown


  in the river.A few days later, the water was much


  . Within another week, an oily something covered some sections of the water along the banks, and a terrible


  was soon sensed.Swans left, and so did the


  . The only thing that was now visiting the village was disease and sickness.

  Quickly , the


  town committee called a special meeting.Realising their huge mistake in


  , they rehired the old keeper of the river again, and within a few weeks, the river began to clear up.Swans and tourists came back again and new life returned to the small town in the Alps.

  Never ignore the seeming smallness of a task, job, or life.They may all make a



  31.A.regularly B.suddenly C.casually D.seldom

  32.A.assumed B.opposed C.removed D.conveyed

  33.A.rejected B.poured C.selected D.blocked

  34.A.beyond B.despite C.within D.after

  35.A.sympathy B.employment C.masterpiece D.committee

  36.A.eye B.care C.hand D.spirit

  37.A.list B.privilege C.skill D.concept

  38.A.donate B.continue C.stop D.fail

  39.A.decorates B.swears C.shares D.sees

  40.A.negative B.urgent C.necessary D.complex

  41.A.find B.fire C.support D.forget

  42.A.lose B.avoid C.expand D.admit

  43.A.pulling B.speeding C.slowing D.pushing

  44.A.fish B.color C.flower D.leaf

  45.A.aliver B.cooler C.warmer D.darker

  46.A.sound B.smell C.wave D.light

  47.A.managers B.players C.villagers D.tourists

  48.A.embarrassed B.accepted C.focused D.delighted

  49.A.depression B.voyage C.judgment D.amusement

  50.A.suggestion B.difference C.platform D.devotion

  6.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


  I had been playing hockey(冰球)for about 10 years. I was always the one sitting at the end of the bench, and


  got into a game. I went to all the


  and showed up even when it was so


  that your ‘breath froze’ and when the other players had decided to stay home. I felt I had


  enough and thought of quitting.

  I finally decided to


  the news to my mom that I was leaving the team. My mom may have looked like a tiny and quiet lady but on


  my words, she said, “Remember, ‘A quitter never wins and a winner never quits.’ Your mother didn’t raise


  , so think about yourself in a


  way and see yourself as a winner!” So I worked harder than ever at getting in better shape,


  my shot accuracy and changing my



  Once in a match, we


  our first game badly. What’s worse, one of our best players got hurt. I was sitting at my


  place, at the end of the bench, when the coach came over and told me I was going


  . I was nervous, excited and terrified all at the same time.

  The opposing team was fast and I had to admit I was a little


  .  But my mom’s words


  out in my head like a church bell. Instead of being afraid, I was “pumped” and I very quickly found that all my


  work was paying off.  I was as fast a skater as anyone else on the ice, and I seemed to get the 


  to score. The crowd went quiet.  All the time I spent on the ice when everyone had gone home had 43

  me for this moment.

  Won! I won!

   The lesson I learned from my mom’s


  has stayed with me over the years. I hear them whenever I am faced with a challenge, or whenever I



  26. A. once B. seldom C. usually D. even

  27. A. meetings B. shows C. matches

  D. practices

  28. A. cloudy B. wet C. cold D. windy

  29. A. suffered B. explained C. planned D. escaped

  30. A. write

  B. break C. read D. report

  31. A. noticing B. gathering C. hearing D. analyzing

  32. A. talkers B. dreamers C. attackers

  D. losers

  33. A. positive B. familiar

  C. brief D. convenient

  34. A. testing B. improving C. questioning D. affecting

  35. A. aim B. taste C. habit D. attitude

  36. A. lost

  B. controlled C. practiced D. continued

  37. A. usual B. safe C. secret D. private

  38. A. off B. in C. by D. up

  39. A. annoyed B. awkward C. scared D. bitter

  40. A. ran B. gave

  C. stood

  D. rang

  41. A. delicate B. extra C. creative D. casual

  42. A. chance

  B. message C. order

  D. note

  43. A. spared

  B. requested C. prepared D. sent

  44. A. actions B. reasons C. words D. promises

  45. A. judge B. express C. comfort D. doubt


  1.36-40 BDBAD

  41-45 CCDBA

  46-50 CBCDA

  51-55 DCACD







  4.26-45 CBDAB




  5.31-35 ACDAD

  36-40 AABDC

  41-45 BACBD

  46-50 BDACB








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