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发布时间:2017-01-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编




  Tony lent me the money, _____ that I’d do as much for him.

  A. hoping

  B. to hope

  C. hoped

  D. having hoped


  The lecture, _____ at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. (2012湖南)

  A. starting

  B. being starting

  C. to start

  D. to be started




  _____ to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film

  A. Having been asked

  B. To ask

  C. Having asked

  D. To be asked



  We’re having a meeting in half an hour. The decision _____ at the meeting will influence the future of our company. (2012重庆)

  A. to be made

  B. being made

  C. made

  D. having been made



  We’ve had a good start, but next, more work needs _____ to achieve the final success

  A. being done

  B. do

  C. to be done

  D. to do

  解析:Csth need to be done=sth need doing,want, require等。



  The party will be held in the garden, weather _____

  A. permitting

  B. to permit

  C. permitted

  D. permit

  解析:Aweather permitting为动词-ing形式的独立主格结构,2】

  The old couple often take a walk after super in the park with their pet dog _____ them.

  A. to follow

  B. following

  C. followed

  D. follows



  I really can’t understand _____ her like that.

  A. you treat

  B. you to treat

  C. why treat

  D. you treating




  This machine is very easy _____. Anybody can learn to use it in a few minutes

  A. operating

  B. to be operating

  C. operated

  D. to operate

  解析:D“形容词(如difficult, easy, hard, convenient等)+不定式”结构中,


  If there’s a lot of work _____, I’m happy to just keep on until it is finished

  A. to do

  B. to be doing

  C. done

  D. doing

  解析:A。动词不定式作后置定语,不定式中的动词与所修饰的名词构成逻辑上的动宾关系时,有时可用不定式的主动式表被动。在There be sth to do…结构中,不定式用被动语态也是可以的。



  Having finished her project, she was invited by the school _____ to the new students

  A. speaking

  B. having spoken

  C. to speak

  D. to have spoken

  解析:Cinvite sb to do sth结构。


  If he takes on this work, he will have no choice but _____ an even greater challenge

  A. meets

  B. meeting

  C. meet

  D. to meet

  解析:Dhave no choice but to do sth结构,“别无选择只能做某事”。


  1. —Will you go to the party?

  —I can’t even if _____. I’ll be too busy then.

  A. being invited B. to be invited

  C. inviting

  D. invited

  2. I noticed an old man standing at the door just now. He seemed _____ for someone.

  A. waiting

  B. to have waited

  C. to be waiting

  D. to wait

  3. Hearing the result of the exam, he put down the phone, _____ with a smile on his face.

  A. satisfied

  B. satisfying

  C. to be satisfied

  D. having satisfied

  4. —What’s it that cost him the job?

  —_____ experience. He was always very nervous.

  A. Lacked

  B. Being lacked

  C. Lacking

  D. To be lacked

  5. In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours _____ in my room this morning.

  A. locking

  B. locked

  C. to lock

  D. to be locked

  6. In my opinion, the key _____ the problem is _____ rather than argue.

  A. to solving; to cooperating

  B. to solve; to cooperate

  C. to solve; cooperate

  D. to solving; to cooperate

  7. Busy though he was, Bruce spent as much time as he could _____ with his parents.

  A. stay

  B. stays

  C. staying

  D. stayed

  8. It’s too difficult. The explanation of our teacher will help make the text easy _____.

  A. to understand

  B. be understood

  C. understood

  D. understanding

  9. —Are you coming home late tonight?

  —Probably. I have a lot of work _____.

  A. do

  B. done

  C. doing

  D. to do

  10. Don’t hesitate to turn to me if you are in difficulty. I’ll do whatever I can _____ you.

  A. to help

  B. help

  C. helping

  D. helped

  11. All passengers are required, according to the rules, _____ their train tickets.

  A. to be shown

  B. to show

  C. showing

  D. being shown

  12. I really can’t stand this terrible noise outside! I hope the building project _____ will be completed as soon as possible.

  A. to be carried out

  B. carried out

  C. being carried out

  D. carrying out

  13. —I haven’t seen my grandmother for a long time.

  —Why _____ her this weekend?

  A. not visit

  B. not to visit

  C. not visiting

  D. don’t visit

  14. —Bob is said _____ his thesis (毕业论文).

  —If so, let’s not disturb him.

  A. to write

  B. to have written

  C. to be writing

  D. writing

  15. On Teachers’ Day, many teachers were praised for their wonderful work at the meeting, Mr. Wu _____.

  A. include

  B. included

  C. to include

  D. including

  16. _____ in the match, he didn’t lose heart. Instead, he made up his mind to try again.

  A. Defeated B. Defeating

  C. Having defeated

  D. To defeat

  17. In autumn, what fun it is walking along the path _____ with fallen leaves!

  A. covering B. to cover

  C. covered

  D. to be covered

  18. The scene is a perfect dream when you stand on the top of Mount Tai, seeing the sun _____ slowly in the east.

  A. risen

  B. to be rising

  C. to rise

  D. rising

  19. —How about going to the cinema tonight?

  —With a letter _____, I really can’t afford the time.

  A. written

  B. to write

  C. writing

  D. write

  20. Kate was admitted to a key university, _____ her family happy and proud.

  A. making

  B. having made

  C. made

  D. to make

  21. The health center serves all patients, regardless of their ability _____.

  A. paying

  B. paid

  C. to pay

  D. to be paid

  22.—What do you think made Linda so happy?

  —_____ to the party.

  A. Inviting

  B. Invited

  C. To invite

  D. Being invited

  23. _____ so much trouble, we didn’t give up but tried our best.

  A. Facing with B. Faced with

  C. Faced

  D. Face

  24. I will never forget _____ Mary for the first time. She was a lovely little girl then.

  A. to meet

  B. to have met

  C. met

  D. meeting

  25. Whenever I go to a party, my little son would like _____. I simply can’t do anything with him.

  A. to take

  B. to be taken

  C. taking

  D. being taken

  26. _____ himself to his research, Mr Smith spared no time to spend a weekend with his family.

  A. Devoted

  B. Devoting

  C. Devote

  D. To be devoted

  27. With everything she needed _____, Mrs Green left the supermarket and took a taxi home.

  A. buying

  B. to be bought

  C. bought

  D. to buy

  28. I think there is no need _____ with him anymore as he has made up his mind to study hard.

  A. talk

  B. talking

  C. to be talked

  D. to talk

  29. _____ prices, one has to take into consideration the quality of the goods.

  A. While compared

  B. Compared

  C. When comparing D. Compare

  30. When she came into the room and saw that her child was nowhere _____, she became very anxious.

  A. to be seen

  B. to see

  C. seeing

  D. being seen

  31. _____ it carefully, we finally found out a solution to the problem.

  A. Having studied

  B. Studied

  C. To study

  D. To have studied

  32. The problem of the protection of the environment remains _____ at the next meeting.

  A. to be discussed

  B. to discuss

  C. discussing

  D. being discussed

  33. As we all know, it took scientists more than a century _____ the dream of flying in space.

  A. realize

  B. realizing

  C. having realized

  D. to realize

  34. I remembered _____

  the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the lights. (2012安徽)

  A. locking

  B. to lock

  C. having locked

  D. to have locked

  35. Pressed from his parents, and _____ that he has wasted too much time, the boy is determined to stop playing video games. (2012 福建)

  A. realizing

  B. realized

  C. to realize

  D. being realized


  1-5 DCACB

  6-10 DCADA

  11-15 BCACB

  16-20 ACDBA

  21-25 CDBDB

  26-30 BCDCA

  31-35 AADBA

  1. D。考查“连词+过去分词”作状语。even if invited= even if I’m invited。

  2. C。seem后跟不定式,不定式进行式表示动作正在进行,与谓语动词表示的动作同时发生。句意:我刚才注意到一位老人站在门口。他好像在等什么人。

  3. A。形容词短语作伴随状语,修饰主语的状态或特征。句意:听到考试结果后,他放下电话,满意地露出了微笑。

  4. C。句中动词-ing形式作主语。补全答语为:Lacking experience cost him the job.

  5. B。spend表示“花时间,用时间”时,后面可接介词on, over, (in) doing sth以及过去分词、形容词等。lock与逻辑主语之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作状语。句意:为了不被打扰,我今天上午锁在我的房间里呆了三个小时。

  6. D。 the key to doing sth is to do sth 意为“……的关键是……”。key后面的 to是介词,后接动词-ing形式;第二个空为动词不定式作表语。句意为:依我的观点,解决这个问题的关键就是合作,而不是争吵。

  7. C。考查“spend +时间+ (in) doing…”结构。句意:尽管很忙,布鲁斯花尽可能多的时间和父母呆在一起。

  8. A。在“主语+系动词+不定式”结构及“动词+宾语+形容词+不定式”结构中,有时可用不定式的主动形式表被动含义。常见的形容词有difficult, easy, comfortable, convenient, hard等。

  9. D。在此句中不定式作后置定语,用主动形式表示被动意义。句意:——你今晚会晚回家吗?——也许吧。我有许多工作要做。

  10. A。不定式作目的状语。句意为:你要有困难,尽管来找我好了。我会尽力帮你的。

  11. B。require sb to do sth要求某人做某事,被动结构为: sb be required to do sth 句意:根据规定,所有的乘客必须出示他们的火车票。

  12. C。the building project being carried out = the building project which is being carried out。carry out与the building project之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,且由第一句话的提示可知该建筑工程(building project)正在进行,故使用动词-ing形式的被动式。

  13. A。why not do…=why don’t you do…,用来提建议,意为“为什么不……呢?” 句意:——好长时间没见我祖母了。 ——为什么不在这个周末去看她呢?

  14. C。考查“主语+be+过去分词+不定式”句式。根据答语“如果这样,我们不要打扰他”,可知“正在写毕业论文”,故用不定式的进行时。

  15. B。include意为“包括”。Mr. Wu included在句中为独立主格结构,起补充说明的作用。 句意:教师节那天,许多老师因工作突出在会上受到表扬,包括吴老师。

  16. A。defeat与主语为逻辑上的动宾关系。动词-ed形式作状语。句意:比赛失败了,他没有泄气。相反的,他下决心再试一次。

  17. C。cover与the path之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,因此用过去分词作定语。句意为:在秋天,沿着铺满落叶的小路散步是多么惬意啊!

  18. D。see sth doing 看见……正在发生。

  19. B。with复合结构作状语。不定式表示要发生的动作。句意为:—今晚去看电影怎样?—有一封信要写,我真的抽不出时间。

  20. A。Kate被重点大学录取,结果是全家感到高兴和自豪。句中动词-ing形式作结果状语。

  21. C。句意:健康中心不管病人们的支付能力,服务于所有的病人。ability作为抽象名词,常使用动词不定式作定语。

  22. D。考查动词-ing形式作主语。invite与主语之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用动词-ing形式的被动式。完整的句子为:Being invited to the party made Linda so happy。动词-ed形式一般不能作主语。

  23. B。face意为“面对”时,be faced with =face。句中用动词-ed形式作状语,表示让步。

  24. D。forget to do sth忘记要做某事(未发生);forget doing sth忘记曾做过某事(已发生)。根据句意可知D项正确。

  25. B。would like跟不定式作宾语,因take与主语之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用不定式的被动式。句意为:每次去参加晚会,我儿子总想被带着。我简直拿他没办法。

  26. B。devote oneself to sth 意为“致力于”;devote与主语Mr Smith之间是逻辑上的主动关系,故用动词-ing形式的主动式作状语。Devoting himself to his research=Devoted to his research致力于他的研究。

  27. C。本题考查“(with)+名词 / 代词+非谓语动词”结构。she needed作定语,修饰everything。句意:所需要的都买好后,格林夫人离开超市打的回家了。

  28. D。there is no need (for sb) to do sth 意为“(某人)没有必要做某事”。

  29. C。考查“连词+现在分词”作状语的形式。句意:比较价格时,也应该考虑商品的质量问题。

  30. A。nowhere to be seen/found意为“任何地方都找不到或看不见”。句意:当她进屋一看,发现孩子不见了,变得非常着急。

  31. A。主语与study之间是逻辑上的主动关系,且study发生在谓语动词之前,故用动词-ing形式的完成式。句意:在详细地研究这个问题后,我们终于找到了解决它的方法。

  32. A。sth remains to be done某事有待于做。句意为:环境保护的问题有待下一次会议讨论。

  33. D。此题考查it takes sb some time to do sth句型。

  34. B。remember to do sth记得要做某事,remember doing sth记得曾经做过某事。根据句中forgot to…可知,“我”离开办公室时,记得锁门,却忘了关灯。

  35. A。并列连词and 连接相同的句子成分(作状语),如果不细加分析容易误选B项。根据句意,press与句子主语为逻辑上的动宾关系,句子主语与realize为逻辑上的主动关系,故使用动词-ing形式的主动式。


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