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发布时间:2017-01-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 4

  Great Scientists

  Explanations for new words and phrases

  1、staple adj 主要的,重要的 staple diet 主食

  The staple crop is rice.Is coffee stil l the staple product of Brazil?重要农产品


  n . C

  主要产品商品Rubber became the staple of the Malayan economy.

  橡胶成了马来人经济的主要产品。2、producer: n. 生产者。


  3、leading: adj 主要的首位的, 前列的 leader: n. 领袖,领导人。


  She is one of the leading writers of her days. 她是那个时代主要的作家之一She was offered the leading role in the new TV series. 该部新电视剧里他是主角。

  lead to:把...领/带到;通向;导致/引起。

  The waiter led us to our rooms.服务员把我们带到了我们的房间。All roads lead to Rome.

  In given conditions, a bad thing can lead to good results. 一定条件下, 坏事可以导致好的结果。导学P-2-2

  4、figure:n C (具有某种性格特征或外表的人物。 He was the outstanding political figure of his time.体形keep your figure 保持优美的身材She has a great figure.

  How does she manage to keep her figure when she eats so much? 吃那么多咋保持身材的?

  数字the figure 7 数字7The above figure did not include workers. 上面的数字没有包括工人figure out:计算出解决It took me hours to figure that question out. 算出想出理解+how/what。

  Can you figure out how to do? 你能理解/明白怎样做吗?


  5、bring up:vt. 培养,培育 呕吐grow up: vi. 长大,成熟。

  He left her to bring up three young children on her own.


  提出 Why did you have to bring up the subject of money? 为什么要提出货币这个课呢?

  bring in:赚钱 带来,引进The sale of the house only brought in about $5000. 赚了5000元。

  bring out生产制造,使显露bring down使倒下,减低,使崩溃bring back拿回来归还,回忆,恢复bring on /upon: 引起,导致 Going out in the rain brought on a fever. 雨天外出导致发烧。

  6、educate: vt

  教育训练, 培养educate by using positive examples  进行正面教育School teachers educate children.学校的老师教育孩子们。It takes patience to educate children. 

  He has been educated at college. 接受过大学教育。

  祖国的有用之材。We must educate the students to become useful people for our motherland. 必须把学生培养成为education:n

  colleges of education 教育学院lifelong / health education终身健康教育He didn't receive higher education. 他没有受过高等教育。Tell me something about your education. 说说你的教育背景吧。7、species:n. C

  (动物或植物的种There are more than 250 species of shark.


  原来的,最初的 本来的导学P-4

  The original price of the car was a bit too high.

  原来 The land was returned to its original owner. 土地还给了原来的主人。

  n. C 原件,原物,原作I will keep a copy, and give you the original.

  in the original 原文 I read it in the original.


  9、publish: vt 出版 Her second novel was published in July. 她的第部小说七月就出版了。

  come out:出版没有被动语态 A second edition will come out next year. 第二版明年出版。

  10、sterile:adj (生物不孕育的,不结果实的 This kind of plant is sterile. 此种植物不结果11、breakthrough:n.C 突破make a breakthrough in 在...方面取得了突破。


  Scientists have made a breakthrough in their treatment of that disease.

  12、support:vt 支持供养撑住拖住 supporter:n. 支持/拥护/赞助者。


  Which football team do you support?


  She has a large family to support.


  Do you think those shelves can support so many books? 那些架子能承受住那么多书吗?

  n. U

  in support of 支持We are staying away from work in support of our demands.不上班支持诉求

  n. U 拥护支持 Thank you for all your support.

  n. C

  支柱,支撑物the supports of the bridge

  13、as a result of …:由于的结果导学P-8

  As a result of the fire, thousands of people lost their homes.

  result in:

  导致/引起;以...为结The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.

  result from: 产生于...,由...引起。

  His illness resulted from eating bad food.

  as a result:

  因此14、production:n U 产量Production of iron has increased in the last few weeks.

  n C (为电视等生产的作品This new theater is becoming known for its good productions.

  productive:adj 多产的,丰饶的a productive meeting 富有成效的会议。

  produce: n U农产品The wine bottle was marked “Produce of Spain”.酒瓶上标有“Spain产品”。

  produce: vt 生产,出产,制/创作。

  producer:n 生产/制造者;制片人。

  product: n C 工业产品15、convert: vt 改变,转换,兑换导学P-9

  convert sth to /into:(使)转而变为… Coal can be converted to gas.

  I want to convert some dollars into pounds.

  convert: 改变信仰convert (sb from sth) to sth


  John was converted to Buddhism. 改信佛教。

  At sixteen he converted to Catholicism. 十六岁时他改信天主教。16、export: vt 出口export sth to sb

  反义词:import 进口In 1986 the company exported about 210,000 bottles of wine to the UK.

  export:n. U 出口。

  The export of electronic equipment has risen sharply. 电子设备出口大幅上升。

  出口商品Wheat is one of their chief exports. 小麦是主要的出口产品。

  17、replace: vt 取代,以代替 把放回原处导学P-10

  These PCs replace the old system network.


  He replaced the book on the shelf把放回replace sth with sth:以代替They are replacing the old windows with double glazing.双层玻璃窗

  18、quantity:n. C/U 数量quantities

  a (large/great) quantity of

  / (large/great) quantities of + n. C/U 一些(许多/ 大量)。

  He bought a large quantity of books.

  She has quantities of good clothes.

  in quantity / in large quantities / in large amounts:大量地It’s a lot cheaper if you buy it in quantity.


  19、quality: n. C/U

  质量The higher the price the better the quality. 价格越高质量越好。

  high quality:高质量的,优质的These are leather goods of high quality. 高质量的皮革制品。quality of life:基本生活条件/生活质量。People today enjoy a better quality of life.生活质量比过去好。quality: n.C

  品德You need special personal qualities to work as a nurse. 需要特殊的个人品质。

  20、be known/well-known for ---be famous for


  be known/well-known as----- be famous as

  be known/well-known to

  21、diagnose: vt 诊断 be diagnosed with


  Unfortunately the little girl was be diagnosed with cancer.


  adj. 职明/颖的;有才能的/才华横溢的。 A brilliant idea hit her. 她突然想到一个妙计。He was quite brilliant and was promoted almost at once. 他才华横溢,立刻得到了提升。

  career: n.C 生涯,终身事业。

  career as an English teacher didn’t last long.

  job: 有报酬的工作work: 任何努力工作完成的事24、brief: adj 简短的,简洁的A brief note of thanks 一封简短be brief 长话短说Please be brief because I am in a hurry. 长话短说To be brief简言之To be brief, I agree. 一句话,我赞成。In brief = in short =in a word 简言之 a report in brief

  In brief, Tom is a lazy boy. 简而言之, 汤姆是个懒孩子。25、partly:

  adv. 部分地;在一定程度上。


  26、physical: adj 身体的 physically: adv身体/体格上。

  physical exercise 体育运动,身体锻炼。

  physical conditions 物质/物理状态。

  physical examination身体27、graduate: vi 毕业graduate from从...毕业。He graduated from high school last year. 去年高中毕业。

  graduate:n.C 毕业生a high school graduate


  graduation:n. 毕业graduation day

  28、personal:adj 个人的May I ask you a personal question?



  adv 亲自地;就个人而言,就人而论。

  Personally, I don’t think much of the idea.


  personality: n. 个性,性格She has a powerful personality. 她有坚强的个性。she had a sunny personality that was very engaging. 她个性阳光,颇具魅力。His personality is in good taste. 他的品格很高尚。’s living:



  30、come to power:




  vt/vi. (使)爆炸激增,迅速扩大(情绪等)爆发, 发怒The bomb exploded. 炸弹爆炸了。

  The population was still exploding. 人口仍在迅猛增长。

  He can explode with anger.


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