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发布时间:2017-01-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 1

  Our Body and Healthy Habits

  Explanations for new words and phrases

  1. diet:

  n. (人动物日常食物,饮食; (如因减肥或医疗)规定食谱特定饮食a steady diet无变化食谱a healthful diet保健饮食a specialist in diet饮食专家

  A balanced diet is good for our health. 均衡的饮食对我们的健康有好处。均衡饮食是健康饮食。


  doesn’t like a rich diet. 我儿不喜欢油腻的饮食。A balanced diet is a healthy diet.


  I advise you to diet and take more exercise.我建议你节食并多锻炼身体。It's difficult to diet.He is dieting. 他在节食The doctor has dieted the patient strictly.

  医生严格规定病人的饮食。短语:be on a diet/go on a diet节食吃限定食物The doctor said I should be on a diet.大夫说应节食。

  She decided to go on a low-fat diet from this Monday.决心从本周一开始进行低脂肪的饮食疗法。

  Why do not you go on a diet?你为什么不节制饮食呢?The doctor put her on a diet.限制她的饮食The doctor said that I should be on a diet.必须节食。I mustn’t have chocolate—I’m on a diet. 我一定不能吃巧克力,我在减肥。辨析:food和diet

  二者均表示食物; 但food是一般用语,指任何可吃的东西,diet通常指维持健康的特定或定量的饮食;diet是可数名词,food是不可数名词强调种类时为可数名词。

  Many westerners like Chinese food.许多西方人喜欢中国食物。的小妹妹减肥尽管她那时很胖Dad didn’t want my little sister to go on a diet though she was very heavy then.爸爸不想让我。

  He began his diet a week ago.他在一星期前开始节食。如蛋糕和糕饼可能会使你发胖。

  Too many sweet foods, like cake and pastry, may increase your weight. 太多的甜食,

  2. fit:



  adj. 不适当的

  Don’t you feel fit? 你身体状况不好吗? The water isn’t fit to drink. 这水不适合喝。It is fit that we give thanks. 我们致谢是应该的。 vi. /vt. 合适使…适应适合;安装This jacket fits her well.她的夹克非常合身。

  She fitted a new lamp in her bedroom. 她在卧室安装了一盏新灯。

  短语: keep fit 保持健康feel fit精神极好be fit for... 适合于…… be fit to do...适合做......

  My grandfather keeps fit by taking a walk/walking every day. 我祖父通过每天散步来保持健康。

  What kind of job is he fit for? 他适合做什么样的工作?She is fit for the job.她适合做这项工作。

  辨析:fit 和suit


  fit作形容词时,可与suitable合适的互换,be fit for/to do...= be suitable for/to do...。

  This shirt fits me very well.这件衬衫很合我的身。The color suits me.这种颜色适合我。

  Try this key and see whether it fits.试试这把钥匙看看是否合适。(指和是否吻合)

  I’m afraid this time doesn’t suit me. 恐怕这个时间对我来说不合适。

  3. rare.

  adj. unusual稀有稀少罕见珍贵的;稀薄的It is rare to see a man over 100 years old. 很少见到一个人能活到10岁。It's rare to meet someone who's content with their life. 对生活感到满足的人很少见。The air is rare at high altitudes. 高处空气稀薄。rarely

  adv. = not often, seldom稀少很少地不常难得地

  rarely和hardly, never, little, none, nothing等词一样,属于否定意义的词,表否定意义的词或短语置于句首时,后面的句子应该部分倒装,即主语要放在be动词、情态动词、助动词的后面。

  Snow is quite rare in my hometown.在我的故乡下雪是罕见的。It is rare for her to wear skirts.

  We should protect rare animals. 我们应该保护珍稀动物。她很少穿裙子。I rarely watch TV now. 我现在很少看电视。Rarely does she eat meat. 她很少吃肉。He is rarely late.他很少迟到。Rarely do I drink wine these days. 这些天来,我很少喝酒。

  拓展:表示频率的副词:always总是usually 通常frequently/often经常sometimes有时occasionally偶尔seldom/ rarely很少never从不

  4. toothache

  n. [c, u] pain in a tooth or teeth. 牙痛

  I’ve got a toothache.我牙痛。He had a bad toothache.他的牙痛得厉害。

  构词解析:ache (n) 疼痛,和表示身体部位的单词结合构成复合词,如: a headache头痛,(a) toothache牙痛,(a) backache背腰痛,(an) earache耳痛,(a) stomachache胃痛

  5. unhealthy

  adj. not having or not showing good health;harmful to health不健康的身体不好的身心不健全的病态的对健康有害的不卫生的That is an unhealthy diet.不健康饮食。

  The air in this area is unhealthy for people. 这地区的空气对人们的健康不利。

  That book is unhealthy reading for a child. 那本书很不健康, 不适宜孩子阅读。构词解析:unhealthy. adj. 不健康的;

  health. n [u] 健康;

  healthy. adj.健康的

  They are well fed so they are very healthyMany children in this village look thin, pale and unhealthy.

  My grandmother enjoys good health though she is over 80.



  adj. wealth (财富) +y (形容词后缀)rich, having wealth

  富有的;丰富的大量的wealthy在句中作定语、表语或补足语。 the wealthy nations of the world. 世界上的富裕国家Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.早睡早起使人健康、富有和明智。She wants to marry a wealthy man. 她想嫁一个有钱人。

  He grew up incomes from a wealthy family.

  他在一个富有的家庭里长大来自一个富足的家庭。My brother is now very wealthy.现在很有钱 He is wealthy enough to buy a villa.富到够买一幢别墅。

  构词解析: wealthy

  adj. 富有的 wealth

  n.[u] 财富 a wealth of...大量的......

  Knowledge is wealth.知识就是财富。 His elder brother is a wealthy businessman.富裕的生意人。



  feeling anxietyworried/uneasy;

  eager for sth.


  She looks anxious.面带忧虑神色There were some anxious moments.有一些令人不安的时刻She is very anxious about her mother’s health. 她很担心母亲的健康状况。

  We are anxious for your safe return. 我们盼望你平安归来。

  常用短语:be anxious about/for...为......担心忧be anxious + 从句担心......be anxious for sth/to do sth 渴望某事/做某事be anxious for sb to do sth 渴望某人做某事She was extremely anxious about her exams. 她因考试感到极度不安。We are anxious that he should listen to our advice. 我们担心他是否能听从我们的劝告。They are really anxious for peace. 他们确实渴望和平。I was anxious for everything to be settled. 我渴望每一件事都安排妥当These students were anxious to know the result of the exam. 这些学生急于知道考试成绩。

  Sophia was anxious for all her friends to attend her birthday party. 盼望所有朋友参加生日聚会。


  adj.忧虑的渴望的 anxiously


  n.忧虑,不安;渴望Ken is anxious to see his girlfriend. 肯渴望见到他的女朋友。

  “Are you all right?” she asked anxiously. “你还好吗?”她担心地问道。

  I am anxious about her safety. 我担心她的安全。

  His great anxiety for knowledge led him to work hard. 他强烈的求知欲促使他努力学习。



  He is anxious about his safety.他对他的安全感到焦虑。She was eager about her progress.她渴望进步。


  vt.hurt (sb); harm使受伤;伤害损害人身体部位受伤

  I hope I didn’t injure your feeling. 我希望我没有伤害你的感情。

  Luckily, he was only slightly injured in this accident. 幸运的是,他在这次事故中只受了一点轻伤。

  The explosion injured several people.爆炸伤数人 A bullet injured his left eye.子弹伤了他的左眼。the + 形容词(adj.) 表示一类人或事物,因此,the injured表示“受伤的人`”

  The number of the injured amounted to over 100. 受伤人数总计一百多。

  构词解析: injure

  vt 伤害,受伤; injury. n. 伤害,损害; injured. adj. 受伤的,受损害的

  At least seven people were injured in this explosion.He became disabled as a result of an injury that year.

  All 21 injured were sent to hospital immediately.


  The driver hurt himself badly in the accident.那位司机在那次事故中伤得很重。


  She injured herself badly in an accident during the work.她在一次工伤事故中受了伤。


  Don't harm your eyes by reading in dim light. 不要在昏暗的灯光下看书,以免损害眼睛。

  Failure to pay his bills has harmed his credit.无法付账会对他的信用带来损害。damage主指对物的损害,强调对于价值用途外观等造成的损失,这种损失或因自然灾害,或因人所致。

  He damaged my car with a stone. 他用石头砸坏了我的汽车。


  The bullet wounded his arm.子弹打伤了他的一只胳膊。9. pain


  suffering; great discomfort of the body or mind

  痛苦身体某部分的疼痛伤痛不适劳苦辛劳努力苦心操心take pains to do sth.不辞劳苦做某事The boy was crying with pain.这男孩正因为疼痛而哭着。The pain eased slightly. 痛苦稍有减轻

  My tooth is paining. 我牙痛。t pains me to say this. 这么说我很难过。She took great pains to lose weight. 煞费苦心减肥。No pain, no gain. 不劳无获My pains have been rewarded.努力得到报偿be in pain处于疼痛中She is in great pain.深为痛苦。

  vt.to cause to feel pain in the mind, hurt. (使)疼痛; (使)痛苦;(身体某一部分)感到疼痛

  It pains me to have to leave, but I must. 不得不离开,我很痛苦,但是我必须这样。

  My foot is still paining me. 我的脚还在痛。

  构词解析:pain. vt.疼痛;使痛苦; painful. adj.引起痛苦的;使疼痛的;

  painless. adj.无痛的; painfully adv. 疼痛地;痛苦地; painkiller


  词语辨析: pain,ache和hurt 三个词都和”疼痛”有关。 ache和pain多作名词, hurt只能作动词。

  I have a pain in my headI have a headache.

  She has an earache=She has a pain in his ear.


  The shoes are tight and hurt my feet. 这双鞋很紧使我的脚感到疼痛。

  His back pains him much. 他的背很痛。(非外物导致,故本句不宜用hurt)

  10. normal




  Do you know the normal temperature of the human body? 你知道人体正常温度是多少吗?Everything is normal here.一切正常Weeping is a normal response to pain哭是痛的正常反应。

  He received four years of normal edcation at college. 他在大学受了四年正规教育The service will be back to normal next week. 这项服务下周就会恢复正常。短语及句型:above/below normal 高出/低于正常水平return to normal/ be back to normal 恢复正常It is normal for sb to do sth做某事对某人来说是正常的

  Her temperature is above normal. 她的体温高于正常标准。

  Everything has returned to normal after the earthquake. 地震过后,一切已经恢复了正常。

  It’s perfectly normal to get depressed sometimes. 有时候心情低沉是完全正常的。

  构词解析: normal. adj.正常的

  normalize. v.使正常化标准化;

  normally. adv.通常一般情形(usually1. Train services are now back to ____ after last week’s strike.

  A. normal

  B. normally

  C. normality

  D. normalize

  2. The factory now is running____again.





  辨析normal含义为“标准的,常态的”。 usual通常与人的行为习惯有关,含义为“通常的;惯例的”。




  n. [c.][u] a way of living, a way of life.(反映个人或团体之态度及价值观的) 生活方式

  He has the right to choose his own lifestyle. 他有权选择自己的生活方式。She has a lifestyle which is quite separate from that of her parents. 有与父母不同的生活方式She had to change her lifestyle and eating habits. 她必须改变生活方式和饮食习惯benefit from a healthy lifestyle. 我们能从健康生活方式好处。构词解析:lifestyle是life (生活)和style(方式) 构成的合成词,又如:

  hairstyle(hairdo) 发型 lifetime 生涯;终生 lifeboat 救生艇





  . 头部头脑领导首脑上端顶部前端the head of the Party政党首脑

  Whatever comes into my head. 我脑子里想到的任何东西。She had a good head for business. 她很有商业头脑。Write your address at the head of this page. 把你的住址写在纸的上端。朝…方向行进表示“去……”,要用head forWhere are you heading?你要去哪儿?He was heading for the exit. 他向出口走去You are heading north. 你们在往北行进。He is heading for his office.他朝办公室走去We heading in the wrong direction.走错方向。. 带领;居…之首;主管His name heads the list.名字居名单之首。He will head a firm.主管一家公司。短语:head toward/for朝…方向或某地运动行进

  at the head of居…首位keep one’s head 保持冷静lose one’s head失去理智head off 阻止;拦截 head on 迎面地

  眼睛视力眼力见解观点看法态度catch one’s eye 引人注目The eyes, nose and mouth are parts of the face. 眼、鼻子、嘴都是脸的组成部分。She has sharp eyes. 她视力极好。He has a good eye for beauty. 他对美有很好的鉴赏力。In the eyes of the youth, …

  在年轻看来,……。’s eyes


  定睛地看观看, 盯着to watch

  Rose eyed him warily.罗丝小心地看着他。He couldn’t help eyeing the cakes hungrily.他急不可耐地盯着蛋糕。短语:lose/shut one's eyes to 对…视若无睹不理会 I do not close my eyes to the difficulties.并非无视困难have an eye for 对…独具慧眼;能辨别判断有眼光He’s always had an eye for a bargain.总能发现便宜货。keep an/one's eye on 监视看管;留意看; 照顾Keep an eye on my bag while I’m off, will you?


  vt. vi.

  to take (air, gas, etc, ) into the lungs and send it out again.呼吸;活着生存

  breathe in/out 吸入吸气;气breathe (freely) again (害怕紧张后松一口气,放下心来

  breathe in through your nose. 用鼻子吸气Fish cannot breathe out of water. 鱼离开了水无法呼吸。

  The doctor told me to breathe in deeply and breathe out slowly. 先深吸一口气然后慢慢呼出来。

  He became ill after breathing (in) coal dust for many years. 因常年吸入煤粉,他病了。

  He has gone; you can breathe again.他走了你可松口气了。He breathed out heavily.重重呼了口气The date of December 21st 2012 is past, we're still breathing.

  还活着。解析: breathe

  v呼吸;喘气; breath

  n.呼吸;气息; breathlessadj.喘不过气的;提心吊胆的

  He ran so fast that he was out of breath. 他跑的太快以至于喘不过气来。

  Let’s go out and breathe the fresh air. 咱们出去呼吸新鲜空气吧!

  The patient’s breath grew stronger. 病人的呼吸强些了。

  He took a deep breath and jumped into the water. 他深吸了一口气,然后跳入水中。

  短语:take a deep breath 做一次深呼吸; hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸; save one’s breath 不要白费唇舌;waste one’s breath 浪费唇舌; lose one’s breath 喘不过气来;out/short of breath喘不过气来

  X光X射线 X光检查照片照X光Baggages are X-rayed. 行李要经X光检查。X-ray is able to pass through many materials. X射线He will have an X-ray today. Would you send him for X-ray?今天要作检查可以送去作检查吗糟糕的可怕的人的令人不快的不舒服的不安的The weather is awful today. 今天天气坏透了。an awful speech糟糕的演讲The place smelled awful. 这个地方散发出一股难闻的气味。You look awful—you should go and lie down. 你看上去身体不适,该去躺一会儿。You look awful in red.

  I look awful in a sportswear. 我穿装难看极了。at least 至少not less than Cut the grass at least once a week in summer.夏天每周至少割草一次。

  1) at least也可以写成at the least。2) 反义词: at(the) most至多

  3) 含有at(the)的一些短语:at(the) most至多;at(the) latest最迟;at(the) best最好,充其量也不过

  keep away(from) 避开;使不靠近keep off

  Keep away from the edge of the cliff. 切莫靠近悬崖边。

  1) keep away from还有“不做某事”的含义。He keeps away from alcohol and tobacco. 不喝酒, 不抽烟2) 常见短语:keep sb. doing sth. 使某人一直做某事keep sb. from doing 阻止某人做某事

  keep back 阻止;隐瞒keep fit 保持健康keep after 不断追求keep up with跟上

  make sure 确保确定 Make sure to wake me up at 4 o’clock tomorrow.记着明天早上4点叫醒我。

  1)make sure后接动词不定式或从句。He made sure that the rope were tight. 他确信绳子拉紧了。2)make sure of接名词或名词性词组作宾语Go and make sure of the place and time.去把时间和地点弄清楚3)make sure to do sth.一定做某事Make sure to turn off the light before you leave. 临走前一定要熄灯。

  4)常见短语: for sure 无疑;肯定; to be sure 的确确实be connected with与…有关系有亲戚关系 He is connected with the Smiths.与史密斯家有亲戚关系。

  be connected with强调一种外在的看得见的联系。He is connected with the affairs. 他和此事有关系。His research work is connected with these experiments. 他的研究工作与这些实验有联系。

  be related to强调一种内在的抽象的联系。I am not related to him in any way. 我和他无任何关系。


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