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发布时间:2017-01-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 6

  Explanations for new words and phrases




  have or hold (someone or something) within 包含包括含有;容纳;控制抑制Rice contains protein and fat. 大米含蛋白质和脂肪。The hall can contain two hundred people. 大厅可以容纳200人。What does it contain?里面是什么东西?What is contained in this drawer? 这抽屉里装的是什么Firemen are still trying to contain the fire at the plant. 消防队员仍在努力控制工厂火势。

  He contained his fear.他抑制住自己的恐惧the means/opportunity to approach or enter a place入通使用…的机会There is no access to the street through that door.

  那个门不通向大街。The staircase gives access to the top floor.

  楼梯一直通向顶楼。You can easily get access to her. 你很容易接近她。

  He was denied access.人们不让他进去。Do you have access to a computer?

  有机会用计算机吗Everyone should have equal access to education. 人人都应享有平等的受教育权利。

  访问,存取(计算机文件)接近I can't access the menu/my disc.无法进入菜单打开磁盘。He is easy to access.为人易接近vt. & vi.

  (使)猛撞撞毁突然失败倒闭;(计算机机器、系统或软件)突然出故障;崩溃The plane crashed shortly after takeoff. 飞机起飞后不久便坠毁了。John crashed his car last night.约翰昨晚撞毁了他的汽车。The door crashed open.门撞开了。The New York Stock Exchange crashed in 1929.

  1929年纽约证券交易所倒闭。The project was postponed because the computer crashed. 因为电脑崩溃,方案被延期。The PC just crashed. 那部电脑刚死机了。It crashed. 死机了。n. 事故失事坠毁撞毁(计算机)死机a car crash  汽车撞车的事故an air crash  机坠毁事故She survived the plane crash.

  她在飞机坠毁后幸免于难He nearly died in an air crash.  他险些在飞机失事中遇难。There was a serious car crash this morning.

  今晨发生了一起严重的撞车事故。Crashes are to teach you to back up your data.


  记录登录log in / on进入(系统)log off / out退出(系统),注销The incident has to be logged. 必须把事故记录下来。I can't log on. 我无法登录。It is usually safe if you log on some standard websites. 登录You often have to log in to the firewall system first and from there get to the outside. 


  原木木材木料航海[飞行]日志 computer log; a ship's log; a trip log. 电脑航海旅行日志 transport logs by trains. 他们用火车运送木材。We sawed the log into planks.把木头锯成木板She kept a log of their voyage.做了航海日志.

  故障损坏断裂垮台破裂衰竭衰弱Our car had a breakdown on the motorway. 我们的汽车在高速公路上抛锚了His remarks led to the breakdown of talks between the staff and the management.

  他的话导致了劳资谈判的破裂。She suffered a nervous breakdown /a breakdown in health. 她患神经衰弱。精神崩溃身体垮下来She had suffered a complete breakdown (in health). 她的身体完全垮了。.

  (场所)易到达的易可进入的; (事物)易懂理解的易到手易获得的;(人)易接近的易相处平易近人可与之打交道的The island is accessible only by boat. 该岛只能坐船去。The beach should be accessible to everyone. 海滩应向所有人开放。The building has been made accessible to disabled people. 这建筑使得残疾人也可进入。He is more accessible than most tycoons.

  他比大多数大亨都要平易近人。She is not very accessible. 她不太好接近Her poetry is always very accessible. 她的诗总是通俗易懂。Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children. 不应放在易被小孩拿到的地方。Such information is not really accessible. 这种信息不是很容易得到的。.

  防御, 保卫, 保护防御工事辩护, 答辩the minister of defence 国防部长national defence 国防chemical/space defence化学防护空间防御 air defence  防空They relied on missiles for the country's defence. 他们依靠导弹进行国家防卫。We were forced to fire back in self-defence. 我们被迫自卫还击。They are weak in defence.防守弱Offence is the best defence. =Attack is the best form of defence. 进攻是最有效的防御。The defences of the city are strong.

  这个城市的防御工事很稳固。Wire netting is the best defence against rabbits.

  铁丝网是防卫野兔的最佳方法。The lawyer produced a clever defence of his client.


  创造,发明;创作, 创建引起, 产生God created the world.

  上帝创造了世界。He created a thirty-acre lake. 他建成了一个占地30英亩的湖A novelist creates characters and a plot.

  小说家塑造人物并设计情节Over 170 jobs were created.

  设立了170多个工作岗位。The project will create up to 40 new jobs. 这项工程将提供40个新的工作岗位。His arrival/appearance created a terrible confusion.

  他的到来引起一场大乱. 经由经过取道某地(表方式)通过(某人)凭借(某种手段) = by way ofcame to Chinese mainland via HongKong.

  取道土耳其来到欧洲。We flew to Athens via Paris and Rome.

  我们取道巴黎和罗马飞往雅典。The news reached me via one of my friends.

  那消息是通过我转告我的。I sent him a file via electronic mail.

  通过电邮发送文件. 百分比,百分率,百分the lowest percentage 最低的百分比percentage of greenery coverage 城市绿化覆盖率percentage of forest cover 森林覆盖率percentage前不与数字连用,如:不直接说:Three percentage,而改为three percent或a percentage of three。 of后的名词若为不可数名词,动词为单数;若为复数名词,动词为复数。

  What is the percentage of

  in air?

  空气中所含的的比例是多少?What percentage of the students are admitted to college? 有多比的学生大学?Interest rates fell by one percentage point. 利率降低了一个百分点。Television attracts a large percentage of the people.


  设计绘制计划筹划n. 图样图设计布局构思Students were designing a factory.

  学生在设计一座工厂。He has designed all the scenes and costumes. 设计了所有的布景和服装。He designs to become a musician. 他立志成为一个音乐家。 designed going abroad two years ago. 两年前他曾计划要出国。This piece of cloth has a new design. 这块布图案新颖。I love that design. 我喜爱那个设计。Do you like this design? 你喜欢这个式样吗? She drew a beautiful design. 她画出了美丽的图案。We have many different colors of this design. 这种式样我们有各种不同颜色的。词组by design 故意地; 蓄意地have designs on(指以不正当手段)图谋获得,对…有企图;觊觎He suspected her of having designs on the family fortune. 他怀疑她在对这笔家产打主意。同意,允许, 许可, 准许 权限ask permission 请求允许ithout asking permission 未经许可ermission to do something许可允许做某事o permission to park不允许停车They had entered the country without permission. 他们未经许可就进入了那个国家。Did he give you permission to take that? 他允许你拿那个东西了吗?I have obtained a written permission from the chairman. 我从主席那里获得了书面许可。With your permission I'll leave now/I'd like to speak. 有你的允许, 我这就离开我发言。You don't need my permission to leave. 你要离开不需要我的允许Don't use the computer without her permission. 不经她的允许不能用这台电脑。军事的, 军用的; 军人的military education /exercise  军事教育演习military strategy 战略The military training is hard. 军训是艰苦的。That’s a military academy. 那是一所军校。My sister works in a military hospital. 我姐姐在一家部队医院工作。军人; 军队, 武装力量由于警察无法维持城里的秩序, 所以军队被召去加以协助。As the police could not keep order in the city, the military were called in to help.

  The military has controlled the government. 军人已经控制政府全神贯注;全力以赴;聚精会神专心于; 注意I can't concentrate when I'm hungry. 饿了无法集中精力。Try to concentrate now. 要集中思想We must concentrate our efforts on improving education. 我们必须致力於改进教育工作.You should concentrate your attention on your work. 你应该专心于工作。concentrate the fire /a superior force  集中火力优势兵力concentrate (focus) one's attention on凝神专注concentrate one's energy 集中精力明确的确切的确定无疑的;一定的确信的肯定的语气肯定着重明白无误无可怀疑definite article 定冠词a definite answer 明确回答We demand a definite answer. 要求明确的答案。 We had no definite plans. 没有明确的计划It would be hard to give a definite reply. 扯不清楚You're very definite about that! 你对此很确定啊!She was very definite about having seen him. 她见过他,这一点她很肯定。It's definite that he will come to help us. 他肯定会来帮助我们极出色的了不起的荒诞的奇异的古怪的Absolutely) Fantastic! 很好! 简直太棒了!

  Your grammar is fantastic.你的语法好极了。Your support has been fantastic.您的支持真是作用非凡。What a fantastic goal!这球进得多漂亮!Your website looks fantastic.网站好炫。 You look cool/great/terrific/fantastic! 看起来好极了!fantastic story 奇闻荒诞的故事fantastic idea 奇特的想法This is the most fantastic rumor one could dream up. 这是能够凭空想得出来的最荒诞的谣言She has some fantastic ideas that I am poisoning her. 她有种稀奇古怪的念头,认为我要毒死她I've never seen such a fantastic rock. 我从来没有见过如此奇特的岩石。独立自主自立的不依赖权威不相关的国家独立的自治的Children should be encouraged to be independent thinkers. 应该鼓励孩子独立思考。He is economically independent. 他在经济上是独立的。She is very independent. 她很有主见。A man should be independent at the age of thirty. 三十而立independent of man's will  不以人的意志为转移The study is totally independent of central government. 这项研究完全不受中央政府约束。Judges must be independent of political pressure. 法官们一定不能受政治压力的影响India became independent in 1947. 印度于1947年独立。超过超越赶超走经通越过通过批准时间度过流逝递给传(婉)逝世死亡结束完结终止通过考试测验课程 宣布裁定判决因回答不出问题而说过This item has passed its sell-by date. 这些商品已经超过适用期限。We will not let you pass. 我们是不会让你过去的She passed a cinema on the way to the tube station. 去地铁站的路上她经过一家电影院。The bill passed and became law. 法案通过了, 成了法律。A week passed quickly.一很快就过去了。The day and night passed slowly. 时光过得很慢This was how they passed the time. 这就是他们消磨时光的方式。Pass me a cup of milk. 递给一杯奶The custom was passed from generation to generation. 这一代代地流传了下来。She passed away peacefully in her sleep. 她是在睡眠中安详逝世的。The danger had passed. 危险已经过去了。She passed her driving test. 她通过了驾照考试It is now my duty to pass sentence upon you. 现在该由我来宣布对你作出的判决To the question we answered ‘Pass’. 对于这个问题,我们回答“过”。 I pass! 我弃权!频繁地,屡次地That happens frequently.这样的事经常发生。Do you frequently surf the net?你常上网冲浪吗?At one time we met frequently. 过去我们曾常常见面。不利, 劣势, 短处有利条件, 有利因素, 优势 益处, 利益put sb/be at a disadvantage 处于不利地位劣势占下风to one's (dis)advantage 对……不利have the advantage of 有……优势have an advantage over 优take advantage of 利用We were put at a serious disadvantage. 我们被置于非常不利的地位What is your disadvantage/weakness? 你的弱势/缺点是什么?Every advantage has its disadvantage.  有利必有弊。It has more advantages than disadvantage. 此事利多弊少。You could learn something to your advantage. 你能学到有益的东西。Our team have the advantage of experience. 我们队有经验丰富这一优势。She had an advantage over her mother's generation. 她比她母亲那一代人有优势。You should take full advantage of your strength. 你应该利用你的力量。平均的平均数平均为达on (the) average 按平均数计算/一般来说/平均起来

  above/below average 高/低于平均…

  The average temperature in May was 4°C below normal.

  5月的平均气温比正常气温低4He spends on the average two hours a day on reading. 他平均每天用两小时读书。We receive or make 20 calls a day on average. 我们平均每天接打二十个电话。Our wages are above average.工资在平均数以上My grades are above average.成绩中等偏上。The rainfall averages 1000mm a year. 年平均降雨量为1000毫米, 弄短The days shorten in winter. 冬季日短。The meetings can be shorten. 开会的时间可以缩短。She shortened the skirt by an inch.

  她把裙子缩短了一英寸The article is too long. Can you shorten it a little? 这太长了,你是不是把它改短一点?Shorten the income gap between urban and rural areas.  缩小城乡收入差距斜着, 斜向一边斜向一边的He looked sideways at me.他斜着眼看我A crab moves sideways. 螃蟹横着爬行Bring the table through the door sideways.

  把这张桌子侧过来搬进门去。The boy gave the girl a sideways look. 这男孩斜视了那姑娘一眼He hurried towards his office without a sideways glance. 目不斜视地急忙朝办公室走去。


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