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发布时间:2017-01-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Module 5

  Explanations for new words and phrases




  become or make larger or more extensive 扩大扩充扩展膨胀expand his chest 扩胸expand trade/export 扩大贸易出口Their business expanded into other hotels and properties.

  业务扩展到了其他旅馆和房地产The ranks of the teachers are constantly expanding.

  教师队伍日益扩大了。He does exercises to expand his chest. 他做体操扩胸Metals expand by heat. 金属受热而膨胀。expand with heat 热胀Many flowers expand in the sunshine.

  花在阳光下绽放。decrease in size, number, or range

  收缩缩小缩短缩紧和……订合同;When you heat a metal, does it contract or expand?

  当你给金属加热时,它会收缩Metal contracts as it becomes cool. 金属冷却时体积缩小。contract with cold冷缩

  Generally speaking, a body will expand when heated and contract when cooled物体热涨冷缩We contracted with a shoe factory for 4000 pairs of shoes. 和鞋厂签订了份4000双鞋的合同。

  He made a two-year contract of employment with the firm. 他和公司签订了两年的雇用合同。catch or develop (a disease or infectious agent) 染上;感染;得(病)hree people contracted a killer virus.

  三个人感染了一种致命的病毒Bad habits are easy to contract.

  坏习惯很容易养成。契约合同conditional contract 附条件的合同ontract law 合同法purchase contract 购货合同make a contract with 与…签合同sign a contract签署合同carry out a contract 履行合同

  cancel a contract取消合同break a contract违反合同by/on contract按照合同;依约

  You should read the

  carefully before you sign it.

  A. contrast

  B. contact

  C. contract

  D. conflict

  考查名词词形词义辨析。 contract合同;contrast对照,对比;contact联系,接触;conflict冲突。

  物质主旨要旨实质What is this substance?

  这是什么物质?Salt is a useful substance. 盐是一种有用的物质。Soil is made up of / consists of various chemical substances. 土壤由各种化学物质组成。The substance of their talk is condensed into a paragraph. 他们谈话的旨被压缩成一段话。There is no substance in the speech.

  演说没有实质内容。There isn't anything of real substance in her book.

  她的书中没有任何真正实质性的内容。词组in substance  基本上,大体上Basic rights are equal in substance to human rights.

  基本权利大体上等同于人权。She is mixing the mixture of flour and water.

  她正在搅和面粉与水的混合物。, 搅和(使)结交, (使)交往You can mix blue and yellow paint to make green one.

  你可以把蓝色和黄色油漆混合成绿色。Oil and water don't mix. =Oil does not mix with water. 油和水不能混合。mix colors 调配颜色She doesn't mix well.

  她不善与人相处。mix something up

  弄乱混淆’t mix the two up.  别把二者混为一谈be/get mixed up in  卷入;参与与…有牵连The old man decided not to mix in politics.

  那位老人决定不参与政治。get sth./sb. mixed up with sth./sb.

  把…和…混淆I'd got her mixed up with her sister.

  我把她和她的妹妹混淆了。a point, period, or step in a process or development 阶段;时期;步骤舞台stage of civilization  文明时代stage scenery舞台布景He was suffering from cancer which had already reached an advanced stage. 癌症已到晚期。There are only two characters on stage. 舞台上面只有两个演员 always wanted to be/go on the stage.

  我一直想当一名演员。 is playing a positive role on the international stage. 中国正在国际舞台上着作用。结论推论推断断定;总结结束结局;协定协议onclusion “结束结尾”常用单数作“结论”讲时为可数名词作“协议,缔结”讲时为不可数名词。

  logical conclusion符合逻辑的论断in conclusion 最后;总之,总而言之;综上所述

  come to/arrive at/reach/draw a conclusion 得出结论bring...to a conclusion 使……结束The conclusion is incorrect.

  这个结论是错误的。What conclusion do/can you draw from the evidence?

  你从证据中得到了什么结论?They drew different conclusions from the facts.

  他们根据这些事实得出了不同的结论You did not base your conclusion on fact.

  你没有将你的结论建立在事实的基础之上。In conclusion, I wish all of you good health and a long life.

  最后,我祝大家健康长寿。v. 得出结论…结束,与…商谈。

  conclude sth. from sth. 从…中得出…结论conclude sth.(with) sb. 与某人达成(协定)

  From what you say I conclude that you are right.


  The play concluded with the death of the entire cast.



  from the analysis of the traffic accident that it had been caused by human error.

  A. announced

  B. acknowledged

  C. concluded

  D. considered


  a purpose or intention; a desired outcome 目的意愿;所期望的结果He has a high aim in life. 他目标很高。 a sure aim 坚定的明确的目标What is your aim in life?

  你的人生目的是什么?have the intention of achieving 意在旨在以…为目标[目的] (以…)瞄准; 针对he programme will aim at deepening understanding. 该计划旨在加深了解。You aim too low. 你志向太低。I aim to buy a new computer. 我打算去买电脑。Work hard and aim high! 奋发图强!Aim at one bird, don’t fire into the brown. 瞄准一只打,不准向成群的鸟开枪。take aim (at)

  瞄准,对准He took aim, then fired. 他瞄准了,然后开枪。起反应; 有影响He was slow to react.

  他反应迟钝。be slow to react 

  反应慢She didn't look up or react in any way.

  她既不抬头, 也没有任何反应。How would she react? 

  她将怎样看待这一决定呢?1) 作出反应,回应(与to连用);2) 反对,反抗,反动(与against连用);

  3) (指物质)起化学反应(与with连用);4) 对某事物有影响(与介词on连用)。

  对…起作用有影响…对…起化学反应对…的反应与…起化学反应Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person. 恶有恶报。Applause can react greatly on/upon a speaker.


  How do acids react on metals? 酸对金属会起什么样的化学反应?How did he react to your suggestion/idea?

  他如何对待你的建议?Acids react with bases to form salts.

  酸与碱反应形成盐。Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.


  Most people reacted against the passing of the law.


  The football player reacted

  the judge’s decision by withdrawing from the match.

  A. on B. to

  C. against

  D. by


  反应回应(物理化学) 反应nuclear reaction 核反应Will there be any reaction?会有什么反应吗?Their reaction to the joke is to laugh. 反应是笑。Is the electricity on? 电通了吗?This machine goes by electricity.

  这台机器靠电力运转。用电的; 电动的;与电有关的, 电学的He is an electrical engineer 电气工程师electrical work 与电有关的工作

  electrical experiments 电气实验

  electrical equipment 电气器械

  an electrical fault 电气故障

  电的;导电的;发电的electric railway 电气化铁路electric power 电力工业Where is the electric switch?

  电灯开关在哪里?electric 表示“电力的,以电为动力的” 主要表示由电操纵的、发电的或用于导电的等an electric fan电扇an electric bell电铃an electric lamp电灯an electric stove电炉an electric iron电熨斗an electric plug电插头an electric motor电动机 an electric generator 发电机 electric cooker电饭煲

  electrical表示“与电有关的”,“电气科学的”。 主要表示与电有关的或研究电气科学的等。 The boy is playing an electric train.那个孩子正在玩电动火车。 Now every room has an electric light.现在每间屋子都有电灯。 Our classroom are now equipped with electric fans.

  我们教室现在装上了电扇。 My brother studies electrical engineering.




  n. 设备;器具;用具配备;装备office/communications equipment办公通信设备Can I rent the equipment?

  我可以租用装备吗?We have a hospital with advanced equipment. 我们有一所设备先进的医院。(工作必需的)知识, 技能He has the equipment for the job. 他具备这项工作的知识和技能。




  部分的,局部的不完全的 total or incomplete

  我们只知部分答案The victory is only partial. 胜利只是局部的。 We have only partial answersThe play was a partial success. 剧不太成功。I c give you partial support. 部分的支持



  n. 铁锈(喻因疏忽或不用而致的)衰退状态,退化;迟钝;荒废,荒疏be in rust  生着铁锈Iron gathers rust easily. 铁易生锈Idleness is the rust of mind. 人不勤变笨,刀不磨变钝。.

  (使)生锈Exposed iron will rust.

  露在外面的铁会生锈的。My bike has rusted and needs oil. 自行车生锈了, 需要上油。The rain will rust the iron roof.





  (使)沸腾; 烧开用开水煮, 在沸水中煮boil in water 用水煮Boil some water for me. 给我烧点开水。Bring the milk to boil. 把牛奶煮沸。The kettle is boiling. 水壶里的水开了。The water all boiled dry. 水全部煮干了。Mother is boiling rice.

  母亲正在煮饭。He boiled her an egg. 给她煮了一个鸡蛋。14.


  adj. 普通的/平庸的寻;平淡的with no special or distinctive features; normalordinary people 等闲之辈ordinary man匹夫ordinary post/work 平凡的岗位She seemed very ordinary.

  她看上去十分寻常。It was just an ordinary evening.

  这只是一个平常的夜晚。That is only an ordinary incident.

  这只不过是日常小事An ordinary cold can lead to a fever. 普通感冒可以引起发烧。15.


  vt. & vi.

  漂浮;(使)漂浮(使)…在(液体空气)中浮动,飘动Float a ship; float a navy.  使轮船下水;使舰艇下水Oil will float on water. 油总是浮在水面上She relaxed, floating gently in the water. 她全身放松,轻轻漂浮在水中。When you're tired of swimming, just float for a while. 你游累了就漂浮一会儿。The boy was floating his boat.

  那男孩让他的小船在水上漂着。Clouds floated across a brilliant blue sky.




  形状轮廓结构构造;(人物)形体体型身材(文学音乐作品)形式体裁表格Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water. 冰、雪、蒸汽是水的不同形式。In the early morning we could just make out the dark forms of the mountains.

  在晨曦中我们只能看见群山的黛色轮廓。His eyes scanned her slender form.他双眼扫了一下她苗条的身材。 an application form.申请表vt. & vi.

  形成构成产生塑造养成Steam forms when water boils. 水煮沸之后就形成蒸汽。The idea formed in her mind. 这个想法在她头脑中形成了。Children should form good habits from the very beginning. 小孩就应养成良好的习惯。17.



  (使)溶解融化解除(婚约等)issolve in 溶解、溶化dissolve in water 用水化开dissolve salt in water 把盐溶解在水里The sun dissolves snow. 太阳使雪融化。 Sdissolves easily in water. 糖在水中易溶解。They dissolved their marriage. 他们结束了他们的婚姻。18.




  attend/have a lecture 听讲座give a lecture 作讲座

  The lecture is wonderful. 这个讲座棒极了。 I noted down the lecture. 我记下演讲内容.

  I take it as a pleasure to attend your lecture.

  我很愿意听你讲课。enjoy your lecture.

  I am going to lecture to my students today.

  今天我要给学生们讲课. He was asked to lecture in America.

  他被邀请到美国讲学。v. 作演讲(给…)讲课ecture on sth


  He gave a lecture on history. 发表一篇关于历史的演讲。19.




  The news astonished everybody. 这消息使人人感到惊讶。His words astonished all. 使大家惊讶。be astonished by/at  对…感到惊讶be astonished to do sth


  I was astonished by/at the great progress that he had made. 我对他取得的进步感到很惊讶I was astonished at this unexpected statement. 我对这种未预料到的供词感到吃惊。We were astonished to hear what had happened. 我们听到所发生的事感到惊讶。I was astonished to see him here.



  惊讶的 人作主语surprised , amazed 

  I was astonished. 我很惊讶。She stared at me, astonished. 她两眼望着我,十分惊异。astonishing

  adj. 使人惊讶的令人惊讶的物作主语The new houses have been built with astonishing speed.



  惊讶To our astonishment, they arrived on time.

  使我们惊奇的是, 他们准时来到了。She looked at him in astonishment.



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