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发布时间:2017-01-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  1.abandon vt.丢弃;放弃;中止;(与oneself连用)沉湎于;n.放任

  __________ adj.被离弃的;放荡的


  People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal.(2010·北京,阅读理解A)


  (1)The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms ____________.


  (2)Many young people chose to ①______________________ (离开家乡) to make a fortune.Finally some of them ②____________________ (放弃希望) of living and even ③______________________ (沉迷于) taking drugs,while some insisted and lived a happy life.

  (3)Fearing further attacks,most of the population had ________the city.(2011·盐城模拟)A.deserted




  2.adore vt.崇拜,热爱;爱慕

  __________ n.爱慕,敬仰

  __________ adj.可爱的


  What an adorable child!多可爱的小孩啊!活学活用

  (1)He’s always been a fan of Cecilia,so he __________________.


  (2)It is obvious that he ________ her.


  B.will adore

  C.should adore D.adore

  3.stick vt. & vi.刺;插;扎;钉住;放置;粘住,粘上;卡住;n.枝条,棍,棒



  It looks like the weather is changing for the worse.Shall we stick to our plan?


  (1)I hated practicing,but I ____________ and now I can play pretty well.


  (2)用insist on,stick to填空

  We ________ the important thought—Three Represents,and ____________ putting it into practice.

  (3)It is fashionable to drive a car,but to drive a car is not as difficult as it is imagined on condition that you________ the rules.

  A.give up

  B.stick to

  C.insist on D.connect to4.bargain vi.讨价还价;讲条件;n.便宜货


  I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale;it was a real bargain.


  (1)I had not ______________ rain,and I got wet.


  (2)After much________,the shop owner agreed to cut down the price by 20%.(2011·连云港模拟)A.debating




  (3)—I bought this MP4 for only 300 yuan.

  —You really got a wonderful________.





  5.distribute v.分配;分发

  __________ n.分配;分发


  Since the organization started,Kids F.A.C.E.(For A Cleaner Environment) members have distributed and planted over 1 million trees!


  (1)They __________ the profit equally ________ themselves.他们将利润平分了。

  (2)The teacher ________________________________(把新书分发给学生).

  (3)—How does their factory________ their products?

  —Through a separate sales company.





  (4)The organization________ food and blankets among the people in the area hit heavily by snowstorms.





  6.negotiate vi.谈判,洽谈,协商;vt.通过谈判达成/解决,谈成





  ①The government will not __________ with terrorists.

  ②We have been __________ for more pay.

  ③We successfully __________ the release of the hostages.

  ④The company has ____________ a new contract ________ the management.

  (2)The workers refused to________with the government and continued the strike.



  C.put up

  D.come up

  7.calculate vt.打算;估计;推算

  ____________ adj.可以计算的

  ____________ n.计算;估计;推算

  ____________ n.计算器;计算的人

  ____________ adj.精明的;有私心的



  (1)Scientists ______________ that the world’s population will double by the end of this century.


  (2)This advertisement ________________ appeal to children.


  (3)We can’t ______________ (having) good weather for the barbecue.


  8.have an appetite for喜爱;渴望


  She has completely lost her appetite since the operation.自手术后,她完全失去了食欲。,活学活用

  (1)He ________________________ danger.


  (2)My toothache is due to too much sugar I ate,for I __________________.


  (3)Paul ____________________(不喜欢) hard work.

  (4)Suffering toothaches,the little boy lost his________,though his mother cooked a nice meal.





  9.be admitted to/into


  News came from the school office that Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.从学校办公室传来消息说王林被北京大学录取了。,活学活用

  (1)I __________________ the window.


  (2)The narrow windows ____________________ into the room.窗户狭窄,只有少量光线可以照进房间。

  (3)Two people ________________(允许进入) the party by each ticket.

  (4)If you leave the club,you will not be ________ back in.(2011·常德月考)





  10.be made out of由……制成


  be made out of=be made of由……制成(看得出原料)

  be made up of由……组成;由……构成

  be made in由……制造(原产地)

  be made into制成为

  be made from由……制成(看不出原料)活学活用

  (1)The word “bookstore” ________________ “book” and “store”.


  (2)The product ______________ China.


  (3)The paper is made________ straw.


  B.up of

  C.out of

  D.from11.Hardly had we left the dormitory the next morning when we realized we had left our map in the room.







  (2)类似句型:no sooner...than...也表示“一……就……;刚……就……”,主句常用过去完成时,than从句中常用一般过去时。活学活用

  (1)We had hardly sat down to supper ____________________.我们刚坐下用晚餐,电话就响了。

  (2)No sooner __________________ he was asked to leave again.他刚到就又被支走了。

  (3)He had no sooner finished his speech ________ the students started cheering.(2011·辽宁,29)





  (4)—Did Linda see the traffic accident?

  —No,no sooner ________ than it happened.

  A.had she gone

  B.she had gone

  C.has she gone

  D.she has gone

  (5)Hardly________ asleep when she heard a knock at the door.

  A.she had fallen

  B.had she fallen

  C.she did fallen

  D.did she fall

  12.As you know,I am with my aunt and grandmother.



  句式提取:As you know...


  As we all know,America consists of 50 states.


  (1)As we know,the 29th Olympic Games were held in China in 2008.

  =________________________ that the 29th Olympic Games were held in China in 2008.

  =________________________,the 29th Olympic Games were held in China in 2008.

  =________________________ is that the 29th Olympic Games were held in China in 2008.


  (2)The letter is from my sister,________is working in Beijing.





  (3)________ is known to everybody,she is well­known for her beautiful songs.(2011·宿迁调研)






  注意事项:1. 报告必须包括图表中所有内容,但不要逐条罗列;

  2. 词数120词左右。题目和开头第一句已给出,不计入总词数。


  A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years.






  A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years. The number of short-sighted students has increased from 77% in 2010 to 93.5% in 2016, while that of overweight students from 38% to 57.2%. Nearly 15% more students don’t have enough sleep because of more homework. Besides, over 21% more students become mentally unhealthy. It seems to me that the reasons for this lie in heavier burden of study and more homework, thus making students unable to spare any time to take exercise or have enough sleep.To improve students’ health, we call for less homework. Only in this way can students get plenty of sleep and be more healthy. Proper diets and exercise should also be paid attention to so that they won’t easily put on weight. With their heavy burdens removed, students can then keep in normal mental health.

  Unit 3 The world of colours and light


  1.I’m not that ________(有才华的),so it’s beyond the ________(范围) of my knowledge.

  2.We feel __________ (恶心的) to __________(探索) so __________(抽象的) a theory.

  3.We all __________(崇拜) Yao Ming for his ________(高度) and skill.

  4.The hotels have a wide __________(分布) in the big city,so you needn’t __________(预订) a room in advance.


  1.I ________ this article ________ of the newspaper.

  2.He often ______________ a magazine after supper.

  3.She ________ always __________ her twin sister.

  4.After the failure,they had to ______________.

  5.I can’t __________ why she said so.

  6.The teacher ______________ a new teaching method.



  ______________________ are a group of young students.


  ____________________________ everyone in the distance could hear her.


  __________________ makes the world colorful.


  ________________________________ in our school in the last ten years.


  1.He was always surrounded by people who ________ him when he was young,but now he has been forgotten.A.accepted




  2.There are kinds of products in market,________ from televisions to computer software.





  3.Use the formula to ________ the volume of the container.




  D.make out

  4.The idea of happiness is extremely ________.People may have different views on it.





  5.On the second day after her wedding,she ________ sweets to all the students in the class.




  D.gave away

  6.—What is the cost of your shirts here,sir?

  —It depends on which fashion you want to buy,and the prices ________ from 100 dollars to 500 dollars.





  7.Students should be encouraged to use________Internet as________resource.





  8.The loss has not yet been ________ accurately,but it is believed to be well beyond a hundred million dollars.





  9.I can’t ________ what has happened to the vegetables,for they were freshly picked this morning.

  A.draw out

  B.look out

  C.figure out

  D.turn out

  10.Fortunately to him,he ________ a big piece of wood,and the water ________ him to the bank of the river.





  11.—Where did you get to know her?

  —It was on the farm ________ we worked.





  12.—________ leave at the end of this month.

  —I don’t think you should do that until ________ another job.

  A.I’m going to;you’d found

  B.I’m going to;you’ve found

  C.I’ll;you’ll find

  D.I’ll;you’d find

  13.Distinguished guests and friends,welcome to our school.________ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友) from home and abroad.


  B.To attend


  D.Having attended

  14.Hearing the dog barking fiercely,away ________.

  A.fleeing the thief

  B.was fleeing the thief

  C.the thief was fleeing

  D.fled the thief

  15.So sudden ________ that the enemy had no time to escape.

  A.did the attack

  B.the attack did

  C.was the attack

  D.the attack was


  Visiting the masters

  We started our trip in Spain and went to Málaga,where Picasso was 1.________.Picasso produced more than 20,000 pieces of art and he was also a sculptor and a 2.________________.After visiting Spain,we 3.________ to Paris.In the Louvre Museum is the famous Mona Lisa painting by the 4.________ artist Leonardo da Vinci,who was also a sculptor,an architect,an 5.__________ and a scientist.Later we went to the Musée d’Orsay to see the 6.________ works of Claudo Monet.Monet loved to 7.________ lotus flowers so much that he planted lotus plants himself.Our trip to Amsterdam was 8.________ but interesting.Yesterday we went to Van Gogh Museum.Van Gogh painted about 800 9.________ paintings,did 1,600 drawings and 36 paintings of himself.But the sad thing is that he only sold 10.________ painting when he was alive.Tomorrow we are off to another museum in Amsterdam.


  When I started riding a bike a couple of years ago,I didn’t think my involvement would ever be more serious than the occasional short ride.But as I built strength,my friends __1__ me to step up my training and try some longer trips.The first one to come along was a 150­mile trip,the MS­150,an annual __2__ that raises money to fight AIDS.

  When I registered,the idea seemed fantastic and I trained with __3__.However,as the time for the ride approached,my self­doubts __4__ beyond my endurance(忍耐).I __5__ wanted to raise money for the charity,but I didn’t really want to bike all those miles for two days straight.

  The ride began on a beautiful Sunday morning in the Georgia countryside,and for the first few hours I felt __6__.This was just the experience I had __7__,and my spirits were high.__8__ by the end of the day,I felt tired out.

  If the body is __9__ to the mind,here was evidence.Every __10__ my brain pushed out seemed to travel right down to my legs.“I can’t handle this” became a leg cramp (抽筋),and “Everyone else is a better rider” translated into __11__ of breath.I was sure I’d have to __12__.

  As I topped the crest (顶) of a hill,the beautiful sunset kept me going for a few minutes more.Then in the distance,I saw a lone woman riding very slowly __13__ the bright red sun.I __14__ that the person looked different in some way,but I couldn’t tell why.So I pushed myself to __15__.There she was,riding along slowly but __16__,with a slight and determined smile on her face and she had only one leg.

  My focus changed in that instant.For a whole day I’d been __17__ my body.But now I knew it wasn’t the body,but the __18__ that would help me reach my goal.

  It rained all the second day.I never saw the one­leg­ged biker again,but I pushed on without __19__,knowing she was out there with me somewhere.And at the end of the day,still feeling __20__,I completed the 150­mile trip.

  1.A.encouraged B.forbade

  C.forced D.warned

  2.A.accident B.event

  C.incident D.affair

  3.A.care B.ease

  C.enthusiasm D.difficulty

  4.A.achieved B.gained

  C.progressed D.advanced

  5.A.still B.even C.rather D.then

  6.A.nervous B.disappointed

  C.wonderful D.refreshed

  7.A.assumed B.appreciated

  C.admired D.imagined

  8.A.But B.Therefore

  C.Meanwhile D.Moreover

  9.A.opposite B.connected

  C.exposed D.equal

  10.A.cause B.reason

  C.excuse D.effect

  11.A.holding B.saving

  C.catching D.shortness

  12.A.quit B.continue C.insist D.fade

  13.A.on B.against C.down D.over

  14.A.observed B.watched

  C.noticed D.overlooked

  15.A.putup B.lookup

  C.catchup D.takeup

  16.A.steadily B.abruptly

  C.closely D.narrowly

  17.A.trusting B.doubting

  C.cheating D.fighting

  18.A.strength B.honesty C.will D.power

  19.A.struggling B.arguing

  C.negotiating D.complaining

  20.A.strong B.weak

  C.healthy D.spiritless



  Do you blank out,freeze up or feel so nervous in exams that you have trouble in writing answers to questions that you knew just the night before?If so,you are likely to have a case of test anxiety.But,don’t panic.By recognising the problem,you are taking the first step towards overcoming it.

  Believe it or not,a touch of nervousness can sharpen your mind,allowing you to perform more quickly.This is because under stress,the body gives off the hormone adrenaline (肾上腺素),which prepares it for something important that will happen.However,too much anxiety can result in sleeplessness,loss of appetite before tests,and poor performance.Some people might feel shaky,hot or even sick.

  If you worry a lot or are a perfectionist,you are more likely to have trouble with test anxiety.Those who have prepared poorly for a test or have had negative experiences in taking tests may also experience test anxiety.

  When you feel a storm of anxiety coming on,stop what you’re doing and make your mind a blank.If possible,actually tell yourself to “STOP”!This will get your mind off the stress.Then think of being at a place of comfort and let your body relax.As you continue the test,find questions which you know the answers to and answer them first.This will help restore your confidence.Talk to yourself using positive language.Make it a habit to replace each negative thought with a logical reason.For example,“I’ve studied hard and I know the material,so I’m ready to do the best I can.”Another thing you can do is to learn to accept mistakes.In fact,they can be valuable learning opportunities.

  Last but not least,start test preparations early—three to five days ahead of a quiz or a test.After all,good study habits and skills,for example,time management and taking notes,will give you the feeling that you are in control of yourself.

  1.According to the text,people who ________ are likely to have trouble with test anxiety.

  A.worry a lot or are perfectionists

  B.prepare poorly for a test

  C.have failed in tests before

  D.all of the above

  2.Which of the following is NOT the way mentioned in the passage to beat nerves?

  A.Stop what you are doing and try to relax.

  B.Talk to your teacher or friends.

  C.Make a full test preparation early.

  D.Learn to accept mistakes.

  3.From the text,we know it is NOT true that ________.

  A.test anxiety does no good to students

  B.a bit of test anxiety might be helpful to some students

  C.some students can’t sleep well before a test

  D.some students failed in a test because of test anxiety

  4.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refers to ________.

  A.the stress

  B.the hormone adrenaline

  C.the body

  D.the mind

  5.According to the passage,we can infer that ________.

  A.good study habits and skills can help you with test anxiety

  B.all perfectionists have trouble with test anxiety

  C.making your mind a blank won’t help kick off test anxiety

  D.by recognising the problem,one is taking the first step towards overcoming it


  Visit Iceland and you’ll enter a whole new region of experience. You’ll discover original nature as you’ve never seen it before, and the equally original people for whom timeless nature, ancient heritage and modern lifestyle coexist in harmony. The freedom to wander in the city or wilds as you please is the key to the Iceland experience.

  Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland, is just a part of the Icelandic experience with its midnight sun or the magical landscapes mixed with ice and fire. Reykjavik has a population of around 170,000 and offers an interesting mix of cosmopolitan (世界各地的) culture and local village roots.

  Old accounts say the ancient gods themselves guided Iceland’s first settler to make his home in Reykjavik. He named the place Reykjavik (Steamy Bay) after the geothermal (地热) steam he saw, which today heats homes and outdoor swimming pools throughout the city, a pollution­free energy source that leaves the air outstandingly fresh, clean and clear.

  A beautiful river runs through the city limits, and so do fine parks and even wild outdoor areas. In the outskirts (郊区) are places for horse trekking and golf. But against this backcloth of nature, Reykjavik has a packed program of familiar city joys too: art museums, several theaters, an opera house, a symphony orchestra and concerts meeting the needs of the whole spectrum of age and taste.

  One must for all visitors is dining out on Icelandic specialties, including delicious seafood, ocean­fresh from the morning’s catch, highland lamb and unusual varieties of game. Its purely natural food imaginatively served to delight the most discerning (内行的) of diners. Reykjavik is also famous as one of Europe’s nightspots, where the action on the friendly pub and nightlife scene lasts right through the night. In the evening, the downtown area is filled with activities, reaching its peak on Friday or Saturday. The number of pubs, café, discos, and other night­spots in the downtown area is astonishing. There are a rich variety of places to go: European­style cafés and nightclubs with live entertainment, dance balls for seniors, sports­theme pubs with big TV screens, cafes that offer over 100 types of beer, an Irish pub, a Spanish café and a French wine bar.

  Walking distances are short downtown, and everything worth seeing outside the city center can be quickly and conveniently reached by bus. With its long, easy­going main streets and large shopping malls, Iceland’s capital is a great place to shop too—with a bonus of tax­free shopping for visitors! Be careful not just for souvenirs (纪念品) (especially woolens and handicrafts ) but also for stylish consumer goods and designer labels at competitive prices.

  A full range of accommodations (住宿) is available in Reykjavik, from international­standard hotels with good conference facilities, through smaller hotels and comfortable guesthouses, to a campsite in the city’s biggest park.

  6.It can be learned from the passage that Reykjavik ________.

  A.was named by the ancient gods

  B.got its name from the visitors

  C.was named by Iceland’s first settler

  D.was named after Iceland’s first settler

  7.While visiting Iceland, the most enjoyable thing is ________.

  A.to taste its purely natural food

  B.to wander freely in the city or the wilds as you please

  C.to visit the night­spots there

  D.to do tax­free shopping

  8. Which of the following subjects are mentioned in the fifth paragraph?

  A.Shopping and accommodations.

  B.Dining and night­spots.

  C.City joys and backcloth of nature.

  D.Transportation and landscapes.

  9.It can be inferred from the passage that ________.

  A.all visitors must dine out while visiting Iceland

  B.hotel accommodation is so scarce that visitors usually camp in the city’s biggest parks

  C.people living in Reykjavik seldom get heat from coal

  D.you have to walk short distance if you want to go sightseeing outside

  10.A college student who majors in food and drinks visits Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland probably because________.

  A.it offers an interesting mix of cosmopolitan culture and local village roots

  B.its geothermal steam is rich and the air is fresh

  C.it has a variety of purely natural food and cafés, pubs of foreign style

  D.it has tax­free malls and international­standard hotels with good conference facilities


  学校即将举行以“Turning a bad mood into a good one”为题目的英语作文比赛,请按下列要求写一篇议论文。




















  (1)with abandon

  (2)①abandon their homes ②abandoned the hope

  ③abandoned themselves to

  (3)C [句意为:因害怕进一步进攻,大多数人放弃了这座城市。强调“不得已”,而A指“逃避义务”,因而选C项。]



  (1)adores seeing her films

  (2)A [句意为:他显然深深地爱着她。此处应用一般现在时表示一般情况,故选A项。]



  (1)stuck to it (2)stick to;insist on

  insist on,stick to

  (1)insist on坚决要求,坚持认为,是对“要求、看法、意见或主张”的坚持。

  (2)stick to是对“愿望、原则、决定、诺言、理想或某种理论”的坚持不渝。

  (3)B [句意为:开车很流行,但只要你坚守规定,开车并非想象的那么难。stick to指坚持“原则、决定等”。]


  (1)bargained for

  (2)D [该句句意应为“经过一番讨价还价之后,……”,故选D,bargaining讨价还价。]

  (3)B [由句意“你真的买了一件便宜货”可知。]



  (1)distributed;among (2)distributed the new books to the pupils

  (3)C [由下句句意“通过一个单独的销售公司”可知,此处应是“分发”产品,故用distribute。]

  (4)C [由句意“该组织在这一地区的人们中间分发食物和毛毯”可知,此处应用distribute...among...在……中进行分配……。]


  (1)①negotiate ②negotiating ③negotiated ④negotiated;with

  (2)B [句意为:工人们拒绝同政府谈判,继续罢工。negotiate with意为“与……商议/洽谈”;agree with意为“同意”;put up with意为“容忍”;come up with意为“提出”。]



  (1)have calculated (2)is calculated to

  (3)calculate on


  (1)has a sharp nose for (2)have a sweet tooth

  (3)has no appetite for

  (4)A [由“虽然妈妈做了很好的饭但是小男孩没了胃口”可知,应选A项,appetite胃口。]


  (1)admit breaking (2)admit little light (3)are admitted to

  (4)B [由句意“如果你离开了俱乐部,就不允许再回去了”可知应用admit,指“允许进入”。]


  (1)is made up of (2)is made in

  (3)D [纸是由稻草制成的,看不出原料。故选D项。]



  (1)when the phone rang (2)had he arrived than

  (3)D [句意为:他一做完演讲,学生们就开始欢呼起来。no sooner...than...一……就……,为固定搭配。类似的还有hardly/scarcely...when...,这两个结构中no sooner,hardly,scarcely放在句首时句子用倒装语序。本句可以改为:No sooner had he finished his speech than the students started cheering.。]

  (4)A [在hardly(scarcely)...when,no sooner...than结构中,当hardly,scarcely,no sooner位于句首时,需要部分倒装,且hardly,scarcely,no sooner后的句子用过去完成时。]

  (5)B [hardly...when句型中,hardly置于句首,应用过去完成时且倒装。]



  (1)It is well known to all;As is well known to all;What is well known to all

  (2)D [who引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语。]

  (3)B [as为关系代词,引导一个非限制性定语从句,指代主句整个内容。若用it,则为:It is known to everybody that she is...。]

  课外活动区.1.talented;range 2.disgusted;explore;abstract

  3.adore;height 4.distribution;reserve

  .1.cut;out 2.dips into 3.is;mixed with 4.start from scratch 5.figure out 6.experimented with


  1.Seated on the grass 2.So loudly did she shout that

  3.It is imagination that

  4.There have been great changes


  1.D [adore喜欢,爱慕,崇拜。]

  2.B [ranging from...现在分词短语作定语,相当于which ranges from...。]

  3.B [利用公式进行运算(calculate)。]

  4.C [句意为:幸福的定义是非常主观的。人们有着不同的观点。]

  5.A [distribute sth. to sb.把……分发给……。D项应去掉away。]

  6.B [range from...to...在……范围内波动(变化)。]

  7.D [the Internet因特网,为固定搭配;as a resource作为一种资源,此处用a表示泛指。]

  8.A [calculate此处意为“计算”。句意为:损失还没有被确切地计算出来,但人们相信它将远远超出一亿美元。consider考虑;complete完成;结束;control控制,三者均不符合句意。]

  9.C [figure out意为“理解”。]

  10.B [句意为:幸运的是,他抓住了一块木头,水流把他送到了河岸。表示“抓住”,应该用grasp,scratch只表示“抓”的动作。flow流动,不及物。故选B。]

  11.D [该句是省略了that...的强调句,被强调部分的farm后有一个定语从句。]

  12.B [由第二个空可知应用现在完成时代替将来完成时。]

  13.C [分析句子结构可知此句是一个倒装句,把它还原成正常语序应该是:Our alumni from home and abroad are ________ the ceremony of the 50th Anniversary this morning.所以此题应该选C项attending作谓语动词的一部分。]

  14.D [away置于句首时,句子应用全部倒装语序。A项不是完整的句子;B项倒装语序不正确;C项是正常语序,此三项均可排除。]

  15.C [在so+adj....+that...句型中,当so+adj.置于句首时,其所在句子的谓语应用部分倒装形式,故选C项。]

  .1.born 2.photographer 3.flew 4.Italian 5.engineer 6.modern 7.paint 8.scaring 9.oil 10.one




  1.A [从下句可知,“我”在朋友们的鼓励下,参加了比赛。由此应该选encouraged“鼓励”。]

  2.B [“我”第一次参加的自行车长途比赛有150英里。event可以表示“比赛,赛事”。accident表示“(交通)事故”;incident表示“事件”;affair表示“私事,事务”。]

  3.C [从上下文可知,“我”报名参加,随后又满腔热情地进行训练,此处with enthusiasm表示“充满热情地”。care关心;ease悠闲;difficulty困难。]

  4.B [随着比赛时间的临近,“我”越来越怀疑自己(能否完成比赛)。]

  5.A [“我”越来越不自信,虽然“我”仍然(still)想为慈善事业筹集资金,但是又不想参加为期两天的比赛。]

  6.C [在一个美丽的周日上午,比赛开始了。刚开始,“我”感觉非常好(wonderful)。]

  7.D [一切正如“我”所想象(imagined)的那样。]

  8.A [虽然刚开始“我”自我感觉不错,但是第一天结束的时候,“我”累坏了。这里表示转折,用but。]

  9.B [be connected to表示“与……有关联,与……有关”;be opposite to表示“与……相对”;be exposed to表示“暴露于……”;be equal to表示“等于……”。]

  10.C [cause表示“(直接)原因”;reason表示“理由”;excuse表示“借口,托词”;effect表示“作用”。]

  11.D [这里都是在描述“我”的心理,还有“我”的身体反应。“我”认为其他人都比“我”出色,后来,“我”变得上气不接下气了。shortness of breath表示“气急”。]

  12.A [“我”确信自己肯定要退出(quit)比赛了。]

  13.B [“我”到达山顶时,看到了美丽的日落。在远处,“我”看到一个妇女在独自缓慢地骑车,映衬着火红的太阳。]

  14.C [“我”注意到(noticed)这个妇女有点与众不同,但“我”说不出为什么(她与众不同)。]

  15.C [“我”想弄明白原因,所以“我”赶上去(catch up)去看。]

  16.A [在那里,“我”发现那个妇女只有一条腿,但仍然缓慢而坚定地向前骑,脸上带着微笑。]

  17.B [此时,“我”的注意力转移了。一整天“我”都在怀疑(doubt)自己的身体(是否吃得消这样的比赛),但现在,“我”发现不是自己的身体,而是意志力(will)能帮助“我”实现自己的目标。trust信任;cheat欺骗;fight打斗,斗争,都不符合语意。]

  18.C [参见17题解析。]

  19.D [第二天一直都在下雨,“我”再也没有看到那个单腿妇女,但“我”不再抱怨(complain),继续前行。]

  20.A [最后,“我”成功地完成了150英里长的自行车比赛。而且“我”仍然感觉自己很强壮(strong)。]





  After all,good study habits and skills,for example,time management and taking notes,will give you the feeling that you are in control of yourself.

  该句中for example是插入语,其引起的插入部分往往用标点符号分开;that引导一个同位语从句,补充说明the feeling,其中in control of是固定词组,意为“控制着”。句意为:毕竟,好的学习习惯和技巧会给你一种能控制自己的感觉,例如:时间安排和记笔记。

  1.D [细节归纳题。根据第三段中的“If you worry a lot or are a perfectionist”以及“Those who have prepared poorly for a test...”可知,A、B和C三项都会导致考试焦虑。故答案为D项。]

  2.B [是非判断题。根据第四段和第五段内容可知A、C和D三项都与文意相符,B项在文中没有出现。]

  3.A [是非判断题。由第二段第一句“Believe it or not,a touch of nervousness can sharpen your mind,allowing you to perform more quickly.”可知,适当的紧张对学生是有益的,而A项的意思是考试焦虑没有好处,显然过于绝对,是错误的。]

  4.C [代词指代题。从上下文来看,此处it指代上文中提到的“the body”。此处意为“使身体为可能发生的重要事情做好准备”。]

  5.A [细节推断题。由文章最后一段中的“After all,good study habits and skills,for example,time management and taking notes,will give you the feeling that you are in control of yourself.”可推知,好的学习习惯和技能可以帮助你克服考试焦虑,故A项为正确答案。D项是文中已给出的信息,而不是由文章推断出来的,所以D项不正确。]

  6.C [细节理解题。由文章第三段中的“Old accounts say the ancient gods themselves guided Iceland’s first settler to make his home in Reykjavik. He named the place Reykjavik (Steamy Bay) after the geothermal steam he saw,...”可知是到冰岛的第一位定居者给首都Reykjavik 起的名字,而不是以这位定居者命名。故排除干扰项D。]

  7.B [细节理解题。文章第一段的最后一句话“The freedom to wander in the city or wilds as you please is the key to the Iceland experience.”就是本题的信息。]

  8.B [段落大意题。文章第五段主要介绍冰岛首都Reykjavik 夜生活非常丰富。]

  9.C [推理判断题。文章第三段“He named the place Reykjavik (Steamy Bay) after the geothermal (地热) steam he saw, which today heats homes and outdoor swimming pools throughout the city, a pollution­free energy source that leaves the air outstandingly fresh, clean and clear.” 说明冰岛首都Reykjavik 靠地热供暖,因此没有污染,空气格外清新。故可以推出C项。]

  10.C [推理判断题。题干要求是: 一个饮食专业的大学生去Reykjavik访问的主要原因。当然他对食物和各种饮料或酒最感兴趣,至于其他的东西就次之了。由文章第五段可知冰岛首都Reykjavik有丰富的天然食物和各国风情的酒吧。故C项符合题干要求。]


  Turning a Bad Mood into a Good One

  It is very important for us to have a good mood in our daily life.If you have a good mood,you will be happy with everything in the world.Most importantly,you will have an optimistic effect on the people around you.We all will live a harmonious and happy life.It is also good for your health.

  However,sometimes when you meet some difficulties,when you quarrel with others or when you fail in doing something,you may have a bad mood.If so,you should get rid of it as soon as possible.As we all know,everything has two sides.So you should think more about its bright side.We are sure that everything will be better with time passing by.Remember:only you can make yourself happy.

  I hope that everyone has a good mood every day!


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