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发布时间:2017-01-13  编辑:查字典英语网小编

   1.operate v.工作;运转(=run);操作;做手术;起作用(=work)

  ____________ n.手术;操作;活动


  (1)operate a company/school/a project/a machine经营公司/开办学校/实施计划/操作机器

  operate on/upon sb.给某人动手术

  (2)be in operation在运转;在行动中;在实施中

  come/go into operation开始工作、运转、生效

  put/bring sth.into operation实施;实行活学活用

  (1)When does this new law __________________?


  (2)The doctor said her eyes had to ______________ at once.


  (3)She will have to be________ for her tumors (瘤). A.on operated

  B.operated onC.operated

  D.operating on2.lack v.缺乏;没有;n.缺乏;短缺的东西


  During the war there was a serious lack of food.It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to do without bread for days.(2009·湖北,22)


  (1)His parents made sure that he ________________.


  (2)I can’t buy the bike because of ______________.


  (3)Though________money,his parents managed to send him to university.(2011·宿迁模拟)


  B.lacking ofC.lacking

  D.lacked in

  (4)________ in experience,she didn’t manage to pass the interview.


  B.Lack ofC.For lack ofD.Lacking3.means n.方法;手段(单复数同形)


  —Do you think their table tennis team will win the first place at the coming Asian Games?

  —By no means.Ours is much stronger than theirs.(2010·江苏,27)



  (1)—Can I see it?




  (2)She is ________________ (绝不) an inexperienced teacher.

  (3)We look forward to the day when the car will be replaced by some less dangerous________ of transport.

  A.methods B.meansC.manners


  4.purpose n.目的,意图


  He didn’t say anything that was false,but he left out important information on purpose.(2008·全国Ⅱ,阅读理解C)


  (1)He seemed to do it ______________.


  (2)We are studying hard here __________________________ (目的是)

  realizing our dream that we can go to college.

  (3)They pulled down the old buildings for the ______ of making room for the newly­built motorway.



  D.use5.honour vt.使……感到荣耀;给……荣誉;n.荣誉;尊敬;荣耀的事


  (1)have the honour to do/of doing...有幸做……

  give/show honour to sb.尊敬/尊重某人

  in honour of sb.为了纪念某人

  It’s a great honour 因做……感到荣幸

  (2)be honoured for因……而受到尊敬或获得荣誉

  be honoured as被尊为……

  be/feel honoured to do...为做……而感到荣幸活学活用

  (1)He ____________________ his kindness and hard work among his colleagues.


  (2)It’s __________________ to discuss the new cooperation plan with you.


  (3)Would you please give us an example________ your opinion on “Two Olympics,equal splendor”?

  A.in charge of

  B.in want ofC.in favour of

  D.in honour of6.remind vt.提醒;使想起


  She reminded me that I hadn’t written to mother.


  (1)That ____________________ the happy days I had spent there.


  (2)The story________ me of an experience I once had in the forest.(2010·苏州月考)




  7.force vt.强迫,逼;n.力,力量;兵力;武力

  __________ adj. (定语)强制的;勉强的,不自然的

  __________ adj.强有力的;有说服力的


  force sb.to do sth./into doing sth.强迫某人做某事

  force one’s way through/in/out强行挤过/挤进/挤出

  bring/carry/put...into force实施(法律等)

  by force靠武力,强行

  come into force生效

  in force有效

  A great number of students questioned said they were forced to practise the piano.(2010·四川,4)


  (1)The new rules ______________________________ last month.


  (2)I ______________ take a taxi because the last bus had left.


  (3)From the __________ (勉强的) smile,we know he ____________________ (被迫) doing it.That is to say,someone made him do it __________ (强行).

  (4)As the medicine came into________,the patient became quieter.




  8.set out出发,动身,启程


  set sth. aside把……搁在一边;省出,留出;储存

  set off/out for sp.动身去某地

  set out to do sth. 着手做某事

  set about doing sth.开始着手做某事

  set off出发,启程;使爆炸,引起爆炸;引起

  set sb. an example/set an example to sb.为某人树立榜样

  set...on fire/set fire to...纵火烧……活学活用

  (1)The news __________ a rush of activity.


  (2)The mayor has ________________ measures to help the workers who have lost their jobs.


  (3)Einstein liked Bose’s paper so much that he________his own work and translated it into German.

  A.gave off

  B.turned downC.took over

  D.set aside9.refer to查阅;谈到;参考;有关;运用(于)

  __________ n.提及;参考;查阅


  (1)Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients by name,not case number.(2010·江西,34)


  (2)Which companies was she referring to when she spoke of competing firms?

  她提到竞争公司时指的是哪几家? 活学活用

  (1)The teacher ________________ the dictionary.


  (2)用look up,refer to的适当形式填空

  ①I’d like to ____________ the word in the dictionary.

  ②If you don’t understand some words,you can __________ the dictionary.

  (3)The president spoke at the business meeting for nearly an hour without________ his notes.(2011·镇江模拟)

  A.bring up

  B.referring toC.looking for

  D.trying on10.break down分解;崩溃,瓦解;出故障;垮掉


  break up分解,拆散;驱散;破裂,垮掉;结束

  break in闯入;打岔

  break into闯入;破门而入

  break off折断;断掉,中断

  break through突破,取得突破

  break away from挣脱开……而逃走,脱离开;与……断绝关系

  break with和(某事)终止关联;破除

  break out爆发活学活用

  (1)This printer is of good quality. If it ______________________ within the first year,we would repair it at our expense.


  (2)Peace talks ______________________ over the question of reparations.


  (3)To understand the grammar of the sentence,you must break it________into parts.





  (4)The lift has just ________.We have to walk up to the top floor.

  A.taken down

  B.broken downC.come down

  D.turned down11.make a difference有关系;有影响


  make no/little difference to...对……没有/几乎没有影响

  make much difference to...对……有很大影响

  tell the difference between A and B 说出A和B的不同

  be of no/little/much difference没有/几乎没有/有很大作用

  Even if you had tried to help,it wouldn’t have made any difference.


  (1)What you said just now ______________________ him.


  (2)English is __________________ in the international communication.


  (3)She thought it was worthwhile for her to teach in the small village to make a________to the life of the children there.(2011·泰州月考)



  D.discovery12.Watch any TV report on places where there is a war, and you will see soldiers wearing blue berets.


  句式提取:Watch any TV report...,and...


  (1)Stand over there, and you’ll be able to see the oil painting better.(2008·全国Ⅱ,13)


  (2)Follow your teacher’s advice,or/otherwise you’ll fail in the exam.


  (1)and you will succeed.

  If you make one more effort,you will succeed.


  (2)______________,and you’ll pass the exam.


  (3)Turn the heat down ________________.


  (4)________ and we’ll get everything ready for the taking off.

  A.Have one more hourB.One more hour

  C.Give one more hourD.If I have one more hour

  (5)Bring the flowers into a warm room ________ they’ll soon open.(2011·辽宁,31)




  (6)Find ways to praise your children often,________ you’ll find they will open their hearts to you.(2011·山东,23)




  D.but13.If only I were a Goodwill Ambassador!


  句式提取:If only...


  (1)If only...但愿,要是……就好了。常用来表示强烈的愿望或遗憾,因此主要用于虚拟语气中,用以表达强烈的愿望或非真实条件。表示现在的愿望用过去时;表示过去的愿望用过去完成时;表示将来的愿望用过去时或过去将来时。

  (2)if any如果有的话,即便有

  if not否则,不然

  if so如果那样的话

  What if...?如果……怎么样(办)?

  (3) 如果没有……的话活学活用

  (1)Yes,__________ I had had a few lessons for practice.


  (2)If it ____________________ your help,we would never have found the station.


  (3)________ you take part in physical activities______ be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

  A.Only if;you will

  B.Only if;will you

  C.Unless;you will

  D.Unless;will you

  (4)—Look at the rain. ________

  it would stop!

  —Yes,it’s been like this for a whole day.

  A.Even if

  B.Only if

  C.Ever since

  D.If only



  (1)come into operation (2)be operated on

  (3)B [operate on sb.的被动形式为sb.be operated on。]


  (1)lacked (for) nothing (2)my lack of money

  (3)C [Though lacking money是Though his parents lacked money的省略,lack与逻辑主语是主动关系,故用v.­ing形式,而B项中lack与of搭配时,lack词性为名词,故不具备­ing形式。]

  (4)D [句意为:由于缺乏经验,她没能成功通过面试。lacking现在分词短语作原因状语;(for) lack of experience也正确,但(for) lack of in experience是错误的。]


  (1)By all means (2)by no means

  (3)B [此句指的是交通工具,means指“工具”;manner指“个人喜欢用的方式”;method指“做某事的具体步骤”;way指“方式”时是引申义,故选B。]


  (1)on purpose (2)for/with the purpose of



  (1)is honoured for (2)a great honour

  (3)C [由句意知,此处应是“举例支持你的关于……的意见”;in favour of支持……。故选C项。]


  (1)reminded me of (2)C [remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某事。句意为:那个故事使我想起我在森林里曾经有过的一次经历。]



  (1)were put/carried/brought into force

  (2)was forced to

  (3)①forced ②was forced into ③by force

  (4)A [句意为:当药生效的时候……。come into force生效。]


  (1)set off (2)set about taking

  (3)D [give off发出(光、热等);turn down调低;拒绝;take over掌管,负责;set aside把……放在一边。由句意可知D项正确。]



  (1)referred him to

  (2)①look up ②refer to

  (3)B [由句意可知,此处应为“没有参考讲稿”;refer to参考,查阅。]


  (1)should break down

  (2)have broken down

  (3)B [句意为:……,你必须把它分解成部分。break...up into parts符合题意。]

  (4)B [句意为:电梯出故障了,因此我们不得不步行上顶楼。break down(机械)出故障;take down写下,记下;come down下来;turn down调小(音量);拒绝。]


  (1)made no difference to (2)of great difference

  (3)B [make a difference有重要作用;make sense有意义;make a study搞研究;make a discovery发现。根据句子知B项符合句意。]



  (1)Make one more (2)Study hard (3)or it’ll burn

  (4)B [此题属于“祈使句/名词词组+and+简单句”句型。句意为:再给我们一小时,我们就会为起飞做好一切准备。B此处相当于Give us one more hour,故为正确答案。]

  (5)B [句意为:把这些花带进一个温暖的房间,它们很快就会开放。这是一个“祈使句+and+简单句”的固定句式。另外与之相反,也可以说“祈使句+or+简单句”意为“……,否则的话,……”,如:Study hard,or you will fail the exam.努力学习,否则的话,你就会考试不及格。根据句意可知此处应选and。]

  (6)C [句意为:如果你能找到一些方法来经常表扬你的孩子,你就会发现他们会向你敞开心扉。本题所考查的句式为“祈使句+and/or+陈述句”。本句中前面的祈使句表示条件,后面的陈述句表示条件下的结果,故用and连接;or表示“否则”,与句意不符。]



  (1)if only (2)hadn’t been for

  (3)B [句意为:你只有参加体育活动,才能保持身体健康。only if置于句首,且与主句之间无逗号,应用倒装结构,故选B项。]

  (4)D [前文第二句为虚拟语气,意为“雨要是停下来该多好啊!”,事实上雨还在下着。]1.你认为“孝”是什么?





  3.词数1 20左右;

  4.参考词汇:孝顺filial piety

  It is universally accepted that filial piety is an important virtue in China.














  第五档 完全完成了试题规定的任务。






  第四档 完成了试题规定的任务。






  第三档 完成了试题规定的任务。






  第二档 未恰当完成试题规定的任务。






  第一档 未完成试题规定的任务。






  0分 0分未能传达给读者任何信息:内容太少,无法评判;写的内容均与所要求内容无关或所写内容无法看清。

  四、One possible version

  It is universally accepted that filial piety is an important virtue in China. It means respecting and caring for parents and the elderly.

  Take my parents for example. After my grandma died last year, my parents spent much

  time chatting with my grandpa, accompanying him on walks and cooking him delicious food. At first, my grandpa seemed to be happy about it, but as time went by, he became uneasy, because he was not used to leading so comfortable a life. Therefore, my parents encouraged him to attend some activities in our community. They also encouraged him to go to a drawing class in a school for the old, which gave my grandpa a great sense of achievement. He became happy again.

  My parents set a good example to me. In my opinion, the real filial piety is giving the old what they really need.

  Unit 4 Helping people around the world



  1.He hasn’t been ________ (意识到) of the ________(紧迫) of the matter yet.

  2.He can’t put up with the high __________________(医疗费用).

  3.He now feels ________________________(稍微有点舒服).

  4.__________ (艰苦) made them realize the importance of ____________(合作).


  1.The house was ____________ after the party.It took Alex two days to clean it up.

  2.His good education abroad enables him to __________ that position.

  3.The small island was ________________________ Britain before it gained its independence in 1970.

  4.He ____________ writing stories after graduation.

  5.____________ them,I had no one to talk to.



  ________________ I know,__________ I care what happened to him.


  ______________________ there before!


  ________________________ he did it for?


  The boy ____________________________ is my younger brother.


  1.This event not only promoted the ________ of world hunger,but also raised lots of money to help the starving children.

  A information




  2.We are glad that the situation has improved ______.





  3.The boy ran to his mother ________ when he felt hurt.

  A.to comfort



  D.to be comforted

  4.—Are you free?

  —No.I’m ________.


  B.to occupy


  D.being occupied

  5.He urged that action ________ at once.

  A.be taken


  C.was taken

  D.would take

  6.What difference will it ________ if he knows or not?


  B.be made

  C.to be made

  D.be making

  7.Does it ________ who’ll go to help you?

  A.make no difference

  B.make some differences

  C.make any difference

  D.make many difference

  8.He ________ so much work that he couldn’t really do it efficiently.

  A.put on

  B.took on

  C.brought on

  D.turned on

  9.The student ________ doing her homework straight after dinner.

  A.set out

  B.set about

  C.set off

  D.set down

  10.—Why don’t you like the trousers?They are so nice.

  —________ being too large,the color doesn’t suit me.


  B.Apart from

  C.Because of

  D.As a result of

  11.Peter received a letter just now ________ his grandma would come to see him soon.




  D.to say

  12.We had an anxious couple of weeks ________ for the results of the experiment.


  B.to be waiting



  13.After a long journey,we arrived in what I think ________ free from noise.


  B.to be

  C.of being


  14.Bill wasn’t happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and________.

  A.I was neither

  B.neither was I

  C.I was either

  D.either was I

  15.________ I had a dog,I wouldn’t be so lonely.

  A.Only if

  B.If only

  C.Not only

  D.Only whenⅤ.课文信息填空

  The UN—bringing everyone closer together

  About the UN Its foundation It was 1.________ in October 1945 by 51 countries,now 2.__________ of 191 countries.

  Its main3.____ To 4.____________ international peace,to develop friendly relationships,to 5.__________ in solving international problems...

  Its army It borrows 6.________ from different countries 7.__________ to the UN.

  Its function It helps to deal with other problems 8.________ the urgent ones,helping those countries which 9.________ education and food,or 10.________ from disasters and disease.

  About the writer Her role A Goodwill Ambassador

  Her job Her job,which is not paid but 11.________,is to visit the poor countries,12.________ local people’s attention to the situation.

  Her 13._____ In south Africa, she 14.________ some women who formed a group to aid themselves with the help of UNIFEM.

  Her feelings She felt it a great 15.________ to take on the role.


  I believe in my mother.My belief began when I was just a kid,__1__ I dreamed of becoming a doctor.

  My mother was a __2__.Through her work,she observed that __3__ people spent a lot more time __4__ than they did watching television.She __5__ that my brother and I could only watch two or three pre­selected TV programs during the week.In our free time,we had to read two books each time from the Detroit Public Library and __6__ written book reports to her.She would mark them up with check marks and underline the important __7__.Years later we realized her marks were a __8__.My mother was illiterate(不识字的).Although we had no money,between the covers of those books,I could go anywhere,do anything and be __9__.

  When I entered high school I was an A­student,__10__ not for long,I wanted fancy clothes.I wanted to hang out with the guys.I went from being an A­student to a B­student to a C­student,but I didn’t __11__.I was cool.

  One night my mother came home from her multiple jobs and I __12__ about not having enough Italian knit shirts.She said,“Okay,I’ll give you all the money I make this week by scrubbing floors and __13__ bathrooms,and you can buy the family food and pay the bills.With everything left over,you can have all that you want.”I was very __14__ with that arrangement but __15__ I got through allocating(分配) the money,there was nothing left.I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to keep a __16__ over our heads and any kind of food on the table,but much less buy clothes.I also __17__ that immediate satisfaction wasn’t going to get me anywhere.Success __18__ intellectual preparation.I went back to my studies and became an A­student __19__,and eventually I fulfilled my dream and I became a __20__.1.A.where B.which

  C.when D.who

  2.A.maidservant B.teacher

  C.worker D.nurse

  3.A.healthy B.successful

  C.powerful D.clever

  4.A.searching B.reading

  C.working D.training

  5.A.ordered B.insisted

  C.suggested D.announced

  6.A.hand in B.turn over

  C.pick up D.write down

  7.A.titles B.ideas

  C.books D.parts

  8.A.game B.trick

  C.pleasure D.task

  9.A.anybody B.nobody

  C.somebody D.everybody

  10.A.and B.so

  C.but D.or

  11.A.know B.care

  C.face D.stop

  12.A.thought B.chatted

  C.complained D.worried

  13.A.repairing B.cleaning

  C.rubbing D.watching

  14.A.encouraged B.puzzled

  C.moved D.pleased

  15.A.as soon as B.if

  C.once D.since

  16.A.wall B.house

  C.window D.roof

  17.A.realized B.imagined

  C.believed D.noticed

  18.A.suited B.required

  C.made D.matched

  19.A.even B.forever

  C.before D.again

  20.A.professor B.expert

  C.doctor D.boss


  The old­fashioned general store is fast disappearing.This is,perhaps,a pity,because shopping today seems to lack those personal elements which existed when the shopkeeper knew all his regular customers personally.He could,for instance,remember which brand of tea Mrs.Smith usually bought or what sort of washing powder Mrs.Jones preferred.Not only was the shop a center of buying and selling,but a social meeting place.

  A prosperous(繁荣的) general store might have employed four or five assistants,and so there were very few problems in management as far as the staff(全体职员) was concerned.But now that the supermarket has replaced the general store,the job of the manager has changed completely.The modern supermarket manager has to cope with a staff of as many as a hundred,apart from all the other everyday problems of running a large business.

  Every morning the manager must,like the commander of an army division,carry out an inspection of his supermarket to make sure that everything is ready for the business of the day.He must see that everything is running smoothly.He will have to give advice and make decisions as problems arise,and he must know how to get his huge staff to work efficiently with their respective responsibilities.No matter what he has to do throughout the day,the supermarket manager must be ready for any emergency that may arise.They say in the trade that you are not really an experienced supermarket manager until you have dealt with a flood,a fire,a birth and a death in your store.

  1.The main purpose of the passage is to show________.

  A.how the supermarket has replaced the old general store

  B.how the old­fashioned general store is fast disappearing

  C.how supermarket managers deal with problems every morning

  D.how the role of the shop manager has undergone an overall change

  2.It is a pity that there are fewer old general stores now,because________.

  A.there is less trading business

  B.there used to be more social activities in the old days

  C.supermarket managers have more problems

  D.there is less personal contact between managers and customers

  3.Who are Mrs.Smith and Mrs.Jones mentioned in the first paragraph?

  A.People representing any of the customers of the old general store.

  B.Shop assistants.

  C.Friends of the shop manager’s.

  D.Two regular customers of the store.

  4.How has the job of the store manager changed?

  A.He doesn’t sell tea or washing powder any more.

  B.He has a much larger staff and a much larger business to take care of.

  C.He must try hard to remember the names of the regular customers.

  D.He has to give advice and make decisions when problems arise.

  5.The author compared the supermarket manager to________.

  A.a military leader

  B.a school inspector

  C.a traffic supervisor

  D.an orchestra conductor


  Almost every career requires such skills as listening,speaking,reading,writing,decision making,researching,reasoning,creativity,persuasion,leadership,interpersonal communication and organization.In addition,a number of characteristics that may be important for specific jobs:achievement,aggressiveness,ambition,dependability,discipline,honesty,initiative,motivation,people orientation,persistence,responsibility,self­confidence,self­starting,sensitivity,sincerity,tenacity and tough­mindedness.The way you acquire these skills and behaviors is,to a great extent,up to you.Without them,no matter how bright and knowledgeable you may be,landing a top job is of extreme difficulty,if not impossible.The most likely way to obtain these skills and behaviors is through courses,reading,internships,part­time or full­ time employment,extracurricular activities,and participation in community functions.

  Knowing what an employer is looking for in a potential employee can help an applicant to prepare for an interview.An interview for a major corporation was asked these questions:What specific skills are you looking for in applicants?And how do you identify these skills?He responded:

  Most important for us in the way of skill is the ability to communicate—can people speak clearly?Can they articulate the kind of person they believe themselves to be?In what kind of work situations do they perform well?What are their strengths and weaknesses?We want to know about the personal qualities of the individual,so I try to ask questions to draw them out and attempt to find out if they have a sense of themselves.What I’m looking for is an ability to verbalize an idea in clear,simple,understandable language.I’m also looking for the ability to listen attentively and then to be able to respond to an idea or thought that has been presented to them.If they do have good communication skills,they will be able to do this logically and succinctly.

  I am looking for creativity—can they be spontaneous?I will ask some “off­the­wall” questions just to see if this throws them.How do they respond in these tough situations—can they be creative with their answers?This is very important when they are out in business situations with customers.They will have to respond to very sudden changes and problem­solving situations that they are not necessarily familiar with,and I want to know if they can handle them.

  What we look for the most are personal qualities—assertiveness,self­motivation,drive,ambition,and a competitive instinct.They should be high achievers and want to work hard.I can usually tell about these qualities from the way the person presents himself or herself and some of the activities they have engaged in.I pick up things from the applications and resume—how they have written them and the kinds of things they say.How they present their experiences is often very informative.For example,an assertive person will say,“I can do these things” and “I decided on this course of action”, whereas a more passive person might say,“These are the experiences I have had.”All of these things describe the person in some way.

  Title:Qualities Employers Seek

  1.________ skills Knowing what an employee can help an applicant to make good 4.____________ for an interview.

  Listening,speaking, reading,writing,decisionmaking,researching ...

  Withoutthem,2.________ bright and knowledgeable you may be,landing a top job is extremely 3.________.

  The ability to communicate 5.__________

  ·speak clearly

  ·6.________ the kind of person they believe themselves to be

  ·perform well in7.________ kind

  of situations ·be spontaneous

  ·be 8.________ with their



  to very

  sudden changes and problem­solving situations

  What we look for the most are 10.________ qualities—assertiveness,self­motivation,drive,ambition,and a competitive instinct.

  Ⅰ.1.aware;urgency 2.medical expense 3.somewhat comfortable 4.Hardship;co­operation

  Ⅱ.1.in chaos 2.take on 3.under the umbrella of4.set about 5.Apart from


  1.Neither did;nor did 2.If only I had been3.Who do you think 4.standing under the tree


  1.D [句意为:这一活动不仅促进了对世界饥饿问题的认识(awareness),而且募捐了很多钱。]

  2.B [句意为:我们高兴的是形势稍有改善。]

  3.D [不定式作目的状语,comfort与he之间为动宾关系,故用被动形式。]

  4.C [be occupied=be busy忙碌的。]

  5.A [urge后跟从句时,从句谓语用(should+)动词原形。take与action之间为动宾关系,故用被动形式。]

  6.A [make...difference有区别,有影响。]

  7.C [句意为:谁去帮助你会有什么区别吗?]

  8.B [take on承担,接受工作量。]

  9.B [set about doing sth.着手干某事。]

  10.B [后一句句意为:除了太大外,颜色也不合适。]

  11.C [非谓语动词作定语,a better与say之间为主谓关系,故用现在分词。]

  12.D [分词作伴随状语。we与wait为主谓关系,故用现在分词。]

  13.A [I think为插入语,宾语从句中缺谓语。故选A。]

  14.B [句意为:Bill对Jason耽误了报告的事不高兴,我也是(我也不高兴)。表示“某人也不……时”,应该用“neither/nor+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语”。]

  15.B [句意为:我要是养一条狗就不会这么孤单了。if only如果……就好了。]

  Ⅴ.1.founded 2.consisting 3.purposes 4.keep 5.co­operate 6.soldiers 7.belonging8.besides 9.lack 10.suffer 11.voluntary 12.drawing 13.experience 14.visited 15.honour


  1.C [句意为:当我还是孩子的时候我就很信任母亲,就在那个时候我梦想成为一名医生。when=and then。]

  2.A [从下文“scrubbing floors and ________ bathrooms”可知母亲是女佣。]

  3.B [句意为:通过工作,她观察到成功人士花在看书上的时间比花在看电视上的时间要多得多。也可以从下文“Success ________ intellectual preparation”可知。]

  4.B [从下文“we had to read two books each time...”可知。]

  5.A [句意为:母亲要求我和哥哥每周只能看两三个事先选择好的电视节目。从四个选项看,只有order符合题意。]

  6.A [句意为:在我们的空闲时间里,我们必须每次从图书馆借两本书来读,并把读书笔记交给她。hand in sth.to sb.把某物交给某人。]

  7.D [按照常识判断她会把重要的部分标出来,故选D项。其余的选项都不合题意。]

  8.B [从“My mother was illiterate”可知她做的那些标记都是“trick”。]

  9.A [句意为:我们虽然没有钱,但可以通过阅读去任何地方,做任何事情,并成为有名气的人。anybody n.有名气的人,重要人物。]

  10.C [可以判断空格前后是转折关系,所以用but。]

  11.B [从“I was cool”可知,“我”就是想变酷,而学习对“我”来说不再重要了,所以选择care。]

  12.C [complain about抱怨,其余选项都不合题意。]

  13.B [与“scrubbing floors”(擦地板)相对应的应该是“cleaning bathrooms”(扫厕所)。]

  14.D [母亲告诉“我”可以用剩余的钱去买“我”想要的东西,所以“我”对这样的安排很满意。be pleased with...对……满意;其余的选择都不合题意。]

  15.C [句意为:当把母亲交代的事情办完时,我发现一分钱也没有剩下。once conj.一……就……,一旦,当……时。]

  16.D [a roof over sb.’s head=a place to live in住处。]

  17.A [从上句“I realized my mother...”和本句also可知答案是A。]

  18.B [suit符合;require需要;make制造,做;match和……相配,比得上。所以只有B项符合题意。]

  19.D [从上文可知作者开始是A­student,后来成为C­student,经过努力又成为A­student,所以选择D项。]

  20.C [呼应开头becoming a doctor,故选C项。]





  Every morning the manager must,like the commander of an army division,carry out an inspection of his supermarket to make sure that everything is ready for the business of the day.

  本句是一个复合句。其中主语是the manager,谓语是carry out,an inspection是句子的宾语;其中like介词短语用作主语的定语;不定式短语“to make sure...”是目的状语,其中that引导一个宾语从句。句意为:每天早晨,经理,就像一位师级司令官一样,必须检查整个超市,以确保为当天的生意做好各种准备。

  1.D [主旨大意题。联系全文的内容可知,文章重点介绍了现代超市的经理所要做的一系列工作,突出了现在经理的工作与过去相比发生了很大的变化。]

  2.D [推理判断题。根据第一段中的“This is,perhaps,a pity,...”可知,如今的购物似乎缺少人文性,由此可以推知D项为最佳答案。]

  3.D [细节理解题。根据第一段可知,这里的Mrs.Smith和Mrs.Jones指代传统商店里的两个一般顾客,所以D项的意思与文意相符。]

  4.B [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The modern supermarket...”可知B项为最佳答案。]

  5.A [细节理解题。由文章最后一段中的“Every morning the manager must,...”可知,作者把经理比喻成师级的司令官。]

  .1.Required 2.however 3.difficult 4.preparations 5.Creativity 6.articulate 7.certain 8.creative9.respond 10.personal


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