2016届高考英语冲刺写作必考话题:8-23 unit23 conflict-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语冲刺写作必考话题:8-23 unit23 conflict

发布时间:2017-01-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  [朗文]The committee appointed a day in June for celebrations.委员会确定6月的一天进行庆祝。

  (1)appoint sb (to be/as) sth任命某人为……

  appoint sb to do sth委派某人做某事

  appoint sb to someplace委派某人到某处任职

  appoint for为(某事)约定(时间)

  (2)appointment n.任命,委任;约会

  make an appointment约定时间

  have an appointment有约会 ①Zhang Zheng was appointed (to be/as) captain of China's first aircraft carrier “Liaoning”.

  张峥被任命为中国第一艘航空母舰“辽宁舰”舰长。 ②They appointed a lawyer to represent the child.

  他们指定一位律师代表这个孩子。 ③The time we

  the meeting is ten o'clock in the morning.

  这次我们定的开会时间是上午10点。 ④The director won't see you unless you

  .除非你事先约好,否则主任不会见你。 答案 ③appointed for ④have an appointment remark vt.说起,谈到n.评论;言论

  (教材原句)One of their men, speaking in English, remarked that he had worked in England for some years and that he was fed up to the neck with this war and would be glad when it was over.他们中有个人会说英语,提到了他在英国工作过几年,他说他对这场该死的战争早就烦透了,如果战争结束他会非常高兴。

  (1)remark that/how...评论

  remark on/upon就……发表评论 (2)make/pass a remark on/about就……发表意见,对……品头论足 (3)remarkable adj.不平常的;值得注意的

  be remarkable for因……而著名 ①As we flew home over Britain, both of us remarked how green everything looked. (2012·湖北卷,A)

  当我们经由英国坐飞机回家时,我们两个都谈到一切看起来多么有朝气。 ②He

  a number of rude

  the food here.关于这里的食物他作了许多无礼的评论。 ③Mount Wuyi

  its wide range of living things.武夷山以其生物多样性著称。 答案 ②made;remarks about ③is remarkable for intend


  (教材原句)Unless I receive a positive reply within the next three weeks, I intend to take further action.

  除非在以后的三周之内我收到肯定的答复才会打算采取进一步行动。 (1)intend sb to do sth打算让某人做某事

  intend to do/doing sth打算做某事

  intend that...打算……[从句动词用(should+)动词原形]

  had intended to do sth=intended to have done sth本打算做某事 (2)be intended for为……打算/设计的 ①When international aid is given, steps must be taken to ensure that the aid reaches the people for whom it is intended. (2016·江西卷,B)

  当给予国际援助的时候,必须采取措施确保援助能够到达打算被给的人。 ②I didn't intend her to see the painting until it was finished.我原本不想在画还没有完成时就让她看。 ③I had intended to do it, but I'm afraid I forgot.


  it, but I'm afraid I forgot.

  我本打算去做的,但是很遗憾,我忘了。 答案 ③intended to have done possess vt.拥有

  (高考佳句)According to Paragraph 2, creators possess the ability to predict future life.(2012·天津阅读D)


  (1)be possessed of有,拥有

  (2)in possession of拥有,占有

  in the possession of sb=in one's possession为某人所占有

  take possession of=have possession of占有,拥有 ①It's not wishing for what we don't have, but enjoying what we do possess. (2016·天津卷,D)

  幸福不是凭空许愿,而是享受拥有。 ②Charles

  a sound intellect and a happy manner.

  查尔斯具有健全的智力和得体的举止。 ③The land is in the possession of the merchant.

  =The merchant

  the land.

  =The merchant is

  the land.


  答案 ②was possessed of 

  ③has/takes possession of;in possession of hand over 把……交给

  (教材原句)Friction between the family­run business and the military government first became serious when the owner wouldn't hand over his “secret recipe”.


  hand in上交

  hand on传递下去

  hand out分发

  hand back 归还,交还 ①Every week a truck arrived to collect the catch and hand over the money.

  每周都有一辆卡车来交钱收购捕获物。 ②Each student should

  a composition once a week.每个学生应该每周交一篇作文。 ③Could you start

  these books

  for me?你能把这些书为我分发出去吗? 答案 ②hand in ③handing;out call on 要求……介入;访问;号召;邀请

  call at参观、拜访某地

  call for要求;需要;去接某人;去拿某物

  call up打电话;使想起;使回忆起

  call in召集;请;要求退回、收回

  call off决定取消;下令停止

  call back叫回;回电话 ①They call on people and the government to take measures to fight against it. (2016·天津卷,B)

  他们呼吁人们和政府采取措施来与它斗争。 ②The football match was called off because of the snow.由于下雪,足球比赛取消了。 ③Your letter

  the days when we worked together on the docks.你的来信使我回忆起我们一起在码头上工作的日子。 答案 ③called up look into 调查;了解;向……里面看

  (教材原句)And we will look into the subject of compensating you for your injury.


  look back on/at回顾

  look down upon/on看下面,俯视;蔑视,看不起

  look forward to盼望,期待

  look out for当心,提防

  look through浏览;翻阅;仔细检查

  look up and down仔细打量(某人);到处寻找

  look up(在……中)查找

  look up to尊敬 ①When Mom looked back on the early days of their marriage, she wondered how they had managed with so little money.(2011·上海卷,Section,A)

  当妈妈回顾他们结婚初期的时候,她不知道用那么少的钱是怎样度日的。 ②Nobody will

  you if you


  如果你自己瞧不起自己,没人会瞧得起你。 ③Would you please

  the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

  您能给我浏览一下这篇论文看看是否有明显错误吗? 答案 ②look up to;look down upon ③look through

  [句 式 诠 释] (教材原句)No sooner had they moved in than the noise began and rarely did they get a full night's sleep.


  (1)本句中“no sooner...than...”意义为“一……就”,前面的分句动词时态为过去完成时,后面的分句动词时态为一般过去时,如果no sooner置于句首,则该分句要用部分倒装。 ①No sooner had I heard the knock than I opened the door.我一听到敲门声就马上去开门了。 (2)类似的句式还有:

  hardly...when.../scarcely...when.../hardly...before...,都表示“一……就”。 ②Hardly had he begun to speak when his father stopped him.他刚开口发言就被父亲制止了。 ③

  had she entered the room

  the phone rang.她一进屋电话就响了。 答案 ③Scarcely;when 注意 在上述句型中主句常用过去完成时,从句常用一般过去 时。 (教材原句)In fact, the more I use the bike, the more weight I seem to put on, despite following the instruction manual carefully.事实上,我使用自行车越多,我的体重似乎增加得越多,尽管我认真地按说明手册去做。

  此句是倒装的比较状语从句,其结构为“the+比较级+句子的剩余部分,the+比较级+句子的剩余部分”,意为“越是……越是……”。第一个分句相当于条件状语从句,第二个分句相当于主句。如果第二个分句用一般将来时,第一个分句用一般现在时代替一般将来时。这个句型表示从句与主句的变化是同时进行的,两句之间用逗号隔开,当句意很明白时,两句常用省略形式。 ①In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the further we go, the better our holiday will be.

  近年来,旅游公司已成功地向我们传递了这一理念:我们走得越远,我们的假期就越好。 ②

  .多多益善。 答案 ②The more, the better 考点归纳拓展 基础知识通关 ·必考话题23 文娱与体育(Ⅱ)

  [写 作 必 备] 基础词汇 1.coach n. 教练员 2.athlete n.

  运动员 3.spectator n.

  观众 4.championship n.

  锦标赛 5.judge n.

  裁判 6.ground/field n.

  场地 7.swift adj.

  迅速的 8.event n.

  事件;大事 9.stadium n.

  (露天大型)体育场 10.gold medal

  金牌 11.improve skills

  提升技能 12.run against

  和……比赛 提分句型 1.We watched the football match on live television.

  我们看了电视直播的足球赛。 2.The 2008 Olympics was held in Beijing,which is a great honour to us.

  2008年的奥运会在北京举行,这是我们极大的荣誉。 3.All the players compete

  for honor as well as gold medals.运动员们为金牌而战也为荣誉而战。 4.We all had to take part in the training run,with nobody excepted.我们大家都得参加跑步训练,无人例外。

  [美 文 赏 析] 素材示例 (2012·江苏卷)生活中冲突时有发生。假如你班同学苏华和李江打篮球时发生争执,导致关系紧张。请你结合此事,并根据以下提示,用英语写一篇短文,向学校英文报“Happy Teens”专栏投稿。 简要描述事情的经过 打篮球、碰撞、争执等等 分析发生冲突的原因 1.遇事不够冷静 2.…… 谈谈避免冲突的做法 (请考生根据自己的经历或感想,提出至少两种做法) 注意:(1)对所有要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译;(2)词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数;(3)作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。 Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. There is no exception in school. A conflict between my classmates Su Hua and Li Jiang occurred during the basketball game when they both tried to catch the ball,resulting in hard bumping.Then followed shouting①

  and a terrible

  conflict at last. Frankly speaking,not only Su Hua but also Li Jiang was to blame.Both of them cared so much about themselves that they were only eager to win the game② and just ignored others' feeling,thus not being able to stay calm.They forgot that in competitive games,bumping is very common. 佳作播报 There is no escaping the fact that we may get into conflicts now and then.③ They can be avoided,though.In our daily life,everyone should learn to forgive others,thinking on others' side.Besides,we should learn to

  respect others.In fact,respecting others is respecting ourselves.Furthermore,staying calm and learning self­control are of great significance. 1.Then followed shouting...是全部倒装句式。

  [模拟] The door opened and in came Mr.Smith,our headmaster.

  门开了,史密斯先生,我们的校长进来了。 2.Both of them cared so much about themselves that...,此句中使用了so...that...引导的结果状语从句,如果so短语放于句首时,主句要用部分倒装。

  [模拟] So hard does he work that he finishes his project ahead of time.

  他工作如此努力以至于他提前完成了工作。 3....the fact that...,此句是由that引导的同位语从句。

  [模拟] The news that Li Na will come gives us much pleasure.


  答案 1.compromise 2.expose;exposed 3.adolescent;adolescence 4.furnished;furniture 5.departure;depart 6.appoint;appointment 7.possession;possess 8.security;secure 9.representative;represent 10.greet;greeting 11.remark;remarkable 12.distribute;distribution 13.consume;consumer 14.import;export 15.strong;strength;strengthen 16.intend;intention 17.expense;expensive 18.liberation;liberate Possession of justice represents departure of greed,prejudice and betrayal.Friction between adolescent consumers is often solved by compromise at the expense of some allowance. —— 词不离句,句不离段 答案 1.stand up for 2.talk sth over with sb 3.put forward 4.send for 5.call in 6.have a gift for 7.hand over 8.处于可能受伤害的境遇 9.瞬间,即刻 10.遵守诺言 11.要求……介入 12.(在困境中)坚持

  13.给某人招来(不愉快的)事情 14.调查 15.解决(问题或困难);分类 ①It's high time that we should stand up for our rights. ②I tend to accept any idea put forward by experts on TV. ③The man robbing a girl or her ring was caught and handed over to the police. ④The Supreme People's Procuratorate has decided to look into Bo Xilai's criminal offenses. ⑤Two policemen have been called in to help solve the problem. ——小试身手,聚焦短语 Ⅲ.经典句式 1.Had they known their neighbour was a drummer,they wouldn't have moved into the building.要是知道他们的邻居是个鼓手,他们就不会搬进来了。



  (要不是我同学打电话提醒我), I wouldn't have taken part in the party. 2.No sooner had they moved in than the noise began and rarely did they get a full night's sleep.他们刚搬过去,噪音就开始了,几乎没有睡过一个囫囵觉。

  [解读]no sooner...than...一……就……


  (他刚到家)than it began to rain. 3.McKay's wife, Laurene told us that while McKay is usually a peaceful person, he had been driven to this act of violence by getting wet just once too often.




  (虽然我们意见不一致), we continue to be friendly. 4.In fact, the more I use the bike, the more weight I seem to put on, despite following the instruction manual carefully.事实上,虽然我按照说明认真去做,但是我骑车的次数越多,体重增加的就越多。



  (他越努力), the more progress he will make. 答案 1.Had my classmate not given me a call to remind me 2.No sooner had he reached home 3.While we don‘t agree  4.The harder he works 4.After he finished his work, he went out.

  his work, he went out. 5.He had hardly gone out when the telephone rang.


  gone out when the telephone rang. 答案 1.It is;who 2.have I  3.not until you‘ve finished your homework  4.Having finished 5.had he ①So clearly


  English that he can always make himself understood.

  他说英语如此清晰以至于他总是被听懂。 ②South of the river

  a small factory.

  一个小型工厂坐落在河的南岸。 ③

  was when she was about to go to bed

  the telephone rang.

  就是在她打算上床睡觉时电话铃响了。 答案 ①does;speak ②lies ③It;that —— 条分缕析,步步为营

  [词 汇 精 解] compromise n.& v.妥协,让步,和解

  (教材原句)Government minister announces compromise on new TV violence laws.

  政府官员宣布对新的电视暴力法规采取妥协方案。 (1)reach/arrive at/work out a compromise达成妥协

  make a compromise with与……妥协 (2)compromise with sb on/over sth和某人就某事达成妥协 ①After lengthy talks, the two sides finally


  双方经过长时间的商谈终于达成了妥协。 ②Is the boss prepared to

  the workers

  their pay demand?

  老板是否准备向工人就其工资要求进行妥协呢? 答案 ①reached a compromise ②compromise with;over expose vt.使置身于危险中;暴露

  (教材原句)Yang Ming's neighbours say they were being driven mad being exposed to such noise.


  (1)expose sth/sb to sth/sb使……暴露于;使面临;使接触

  (2)exposed adj.无遮蔽的;不挡风雨的;易受攻击的

  (be) exposed to处于可能受伤害的境遇;暴露于……

  (3)exposure n.暴露,揭露;报道;曝光 ①They consider it almost a crime to expose children to violence on TV.他们认为让儿童接触暴力电视节目几乎是一种犯罪行为。 ②The EP has no exposed heating parts that can cause a fire. (2016·北京卷,A)

  EP便携式加热器没有暴露在外面可以引起火灾的加热部件。 ③Scientists found that people

  high levels of pollutants (污染物) were up to 5% more likely to suffer a heart attack within days of

  than those with lower

  . (2012·陕西卷,C)

  科学家发现连续几天暴露于严重污染物的人要比那些遭受污染少的人患心脏病的几率高5%。 答案 ③exposed to;exposure;exposure 巧学助记  考点归纳拓展 基础知识通关































































  8.be exposed to

  9.in a flash

  10.keep one's word

  11.call on

  12.hold out

  13.bring sth on sb

  14.look into

  15.sort out



  1.Tom often comes to school late.


  often comes to school late.

  2.I have never seen him recently.


  seen him recently.

  3.You are not going out until you've finished your homework.

  It is

  that you are going out.


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