2016届高考英语冲刺写作必考话题:8-22 unit22 environmental protection-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语冲刺写作必考话题:8-22 unit22 environmental protection

发布时间:2017-01-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (1)beyond/outside one's power超出某人权限

  beyond one's control不受……控制

  be beyond sb使人无法理解 (2)It is beyond me why/what...我无法理解…… ①It's beyond me why visitors started respecting the place less and treated such a beautiful home­like place this way. (2012·天津卷完形填空)

  我不理解游客为什么越来越不爱护这个地方,并且用这样的方式对待这么一个漂亮的像家一样的地方。 ②I am afraid it is beyond my power to do what you are asking.我恐怕无力做你要求做的事。 ③He is such a naughty boy and is


  他是这么顽皮的孩子以至于我实在无法管教。 答案 ③beyond my control advocate vt.主张,提倡


  (教材原句)Experts advocate that each person play their part.专家提倡大家各尽所能。

  (1)advocate (doing) sth提倡/拥护/支持(做)某事

  advocate that...主张……[从句谓语动词用(should+)


  (2)be an advocate of/for...……的提倡者/拥护者 ①We

  the Syria issue by negotiations.我们主张以谈判的形式解决叙利亚问题。 ②We advocated that everyone in our school

  some money to the earthquake­stricken area.

  我们提倡在学校里的每个人都为地震灾区捐些钱。 答案 ①advocate solving ②(should) donate ①Daydreaming cannot substitute for hard work.

  白日梦不能取代辛勤的努力。 ②As the saying goes, in war, there is no substitute for victory.俗话说:“战争时,胜利是无可取代的”。 ③We substitute the red balls for the blue ones, to see if the baby would notice.


  the blue balls

  the red ones, to see if the baby would notice.我们用红色球代替蓝色球看是否能够引起宝宝的注意。 答案 ③substitute;with/by threaten vt.威胁,恐吓

  (教材原句)They threatened to close our credit lines if we don't reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we produce.如果我们不降低我们排放的二氧化碳的数量,他们威胁将要降低我们的信用度。

  (1)threaten sb with sth用某事威胁某人

  threaten to do sth威胁要做某事

  threaten that...威胁……

  (2)threat n.威胁,恐吓

  a threat to sb/sth对某人或某事的威胁 ①China is a peace­loving country, and we have never been a threat to the world.中国是一个爱好和平的国家,我们从来不会成为世界的威胁。 ②He tied her up and


  a six­inch knife.他把她捆起来,拿着一把六英寸长的刀子威胁她。 答案 ②threatened;with means n.方式,方法,手段

  (教材原句)People in agricultural areas, without any means to earn their living, move to the cities,...农业区的人们没有谋生手段时便向城市搬迁,……

  means of(doing)sth(做)某事的方法、途径

  by means of借助……的手段

  by all means可以,当然行;尽一切办法,务必

  by no means决不,一点也不(置于句首,其后倒装)

  by this means用这种方法 ①It is by no means clear what the president can do to end the strike. (2012·全国卷Ⅰ单项填空)

  总统能做什么来结束罢工,这点完全不清楚。 ②Only by this means is it possible to persuade him.

  只有用这种方法才能说服他。 ③

  can teaching in school be separated from practice.学校教学决不能脱离实践。 ④As is known to us all, Ye Shiwen succeeded

  hard working.

  众所周知,叶诗文依靠刻苦训练而获得成功。 注意 means表示“方法,方式,手段”时,其单复数同形。当means作主语且有every,each等词修饰时谓语动词用单数;有some,several,many,few等词修饰时谓语动词用复数。 答案 ③By no means ④by means of adopt vt.采用,采纳,收养

  (教材原句)The Chinese government has adopted several noise control plans...


  (1)adopt an idea采纳意见

  adopt a(n) approach/policy/attitude采取一种方法/政策/


  (2)adoption n.采纳,采用;收养

  adopted adj.被收养的;被采用的 ①I like your methods of teaching and I shall adopt them in my class.

  我喜欢你的教学方法,我将在我的课堂上采用。 ②Having no child of their own, the couple decided to adopt the orphan.由于没有自己的子女,那对夫妇决定收养这个孤儿。 词语辨析 adopt,adapt adopt 采纳,采用,收养 adapt 适应,改编,改写 ③The old man

  a deserted boy and after a few months the boy came to

  to his new life.这位老人收养了一位被抛弃的男孩,几个月后这个孩子渐渐适应了新生活。 答案 ③adopted;adapt lead to 引起,导致,造成(后果);通向

  (教材原句)Global warming refers to an average increase in the Earth's temperature that, in turn, leads to climate change.地球变暖指的是地球平均温度升高,继而导致气候变化。

  lead sb to...带领……通往,引导某人去……

  lead sb to do sth使得某人做某事

  lead a...life过着……的生活 ①You may wonder how paving (铺砌) a road can lead to less useable fresh water. (2016·安徽卷,B)

  你可能想知道铺路是如何导致更少的可使用的淡水的。 ②I want to know what led you to take up acting as a career.我想知道是什么让你开始从事演艺事业的。 ③The old couple


  现在这对老夫妻过着幸福的生活。 答案 ③lead a happy life 注意 lead to中to是介词,后跟名词、代词或v.­ing形式。 ①Apart from Beijing and Shanghai, we also visited some other cities during the holiday.除了北京和上海,假期里我们还参观了别的一些城市。 ②We had no trouble on the journey

  some money.除了丢了一些钱外,我们旅途中没有出岔子。 答案 ②apart from losing

  [句 式 诠 释] (教材原句)Given this data, it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence.


  (1)句中的Given this data不是过去分词而是介词短语作状语。given意为“鉴于,考虑到”;还可以表示假设,意为“倘若,假定”。 ①Given the present conditions, I think she's done rather well.

  考虑到目前的条件,我认为她已做得相当出色。 ②

  , we'll win the election.

  如果他支持我们,我们就会赢得选举。 (2)引导条件状语从句用法相似的表达还有:

  considering (that) ... 


  provided/providing (that) ...


  seeing (that) ...

  既然,鉴于 ③Considering (that) he was still a boy, I forgave him.考虑到他还是个孩子,我就原谅他了。 答案 ②Given (that) he supports us (教材原句)The last few years have seen environmental disasters on a grand scale, and experts are predicting far worse to come.

  近几年一些环境灾难大面积地出现,专家们预测更坏的局面即将来临。 (1)句中the last few years作主语,see作谓语,表示在某段时间发生的情况,意为“经历;目睹”,使用了拟人修辞手法。 (2)拟人修辞手法把事物人格化,使本来不具备人的动作和感情的一些动植物变得像人一样能说能笑。英语中使用拟人修辞手法的句子,主语通常是表示时间、地点或心爱之物如车、船等的名词,谓语动词常为see, witness, find等。

  ①The twentieth century

  two world wars.

  20世纪目睹了两次世界大战。 ②Our hometown

  great changes since the reform and opening policies started.

  自从改革开放以来,我们家乡发生了巨大变化。 答案 ①saw ②has seen/witnessed 考点归纳拓展 基础知识通关 ·必考话题22 热点话题(Ⅰ) [写 作 必 备] 基础词汇 1.waste vt.& n. 废弃物;浪费 2.plastic n.& adj.

  塑料(的) 3.polluted adj.

  受污染的 4.threaten vt.

  威胁 5.energy n.

  能源 6.existence n.

  生存 7.environment n.

  环境 8.environmental adj.

  环境的 9.be ashamed of

  对……感到羞耻 10.result v.

  导致 11.do harm to

  对……造成伤害 12.leave...behind

  把……抛于脑后 提分句型 1.Our earth is being endangered by the more and more serious pollution.

  污染越来越严重,我们的地球处境危险。 2.There will be a rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning.将有一场雷电交加的暴风雨。 3.In the past hundred years,there have been frequent natural disasters such as floods,droughts,and earthquakes.在过去的几百年里,经常发生诸如水灾、干旱和地震这样的自然灾害。

  [美 文 赏 析] 素材示例 (2016·江苏卷)请根据你对下面两幅图的理解,以“Actions Speak Louder than Words”为题,用英语写一篇作文。 你的作文应包括以下内容:(1)简要描述两幅图的内容;(2)概述你对两幅图中不同做法的理解;(3)举例说明两幅图对你的启示。 注意:(1)可参照图片适当发挥;(2)作文词数150左右;(3)作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。 参考词汇:banner横幅;stump树桩 Actions Speak Louder than Words Actions Speak Louder than Words Earth Day is a day

  when we show our concern about our planet,which is now suffering much damage.However,different people may celebrate it in different ways,just like what the pictures show us.The man in Picture 1 is only trying to put up a banner on a lonely tree around which are many stumps.① On the contrary,in Picture 2 the couple are planting trees happily. 佳作播报 What the pictures tell us is that actions speak louder than words.If we want to protect our earth, instead of going on cutting down trees and just talking in vain,it's our actions that make a big difference. Things are the same in our daily life.Some people often complain about others'

  bad behaviours on the road,while② they themselves refuse to obey traffic rules.Some

  may care about their own interests,and even do harm to others even if③ they constantly

  advocate doing voluntary work to help the poor.Therefore,just remembering actions speak louder than words is not enough.We should take practical steps if we want to achieve a certain goal. 1....around which are many stumps.此句是介词+which引导的定语从句。

  [模拟] Tell me the time at which the train leaves.告诉我火车离开的时间。 2.while此处强调对比,意为“即,然而”。

  [模拟] The son was having a good meal at home,while the parents were working in the field.

  儿子在家吃好饭而父母却在田里辛勤劳作。 3.even if即使,相当于even though用于引导让步状语从句。

  [模拟] We'll stand by you even if you don't succeed.即使你不成功,我们也将会支持你。

  Ⅰ.核心单词 1.

  (vt.)使困住 2.

  (prep.)超出 3.


  (n.)拥护,提倡 4.

  (n.)代替品,代用品 5.


  (pl.) 6.


  (n.)相关(性) 答案 1.trap 2.beyond 3.advocate;advocacy 4.substitute 5.means;means 6.relevant;relevance 7.coincidence;coincident 8.finance;financial 9.reserve;reserved;reservation 10.agriculture;agricultural 11.threaten;threat 12.separation;separate 13.construct;construction 14.adopt;adoption 15.allocate;allocation 16.politics;political;politician 17.sharpen;sharp 18.considerate;consider;consideration The experts and consultants adopt the suggestion that the construction of irrigation works be built in the mountainous area after careful consideration.By coincidence,severe droughts threaten some forest reserves.Sacrifice of ecology is against our principle and advocacy. —— 词不离句,句不离段 答案 1.beyond one's control 2.look ahead 3.refer to 4.in turn 5.lead to 6.take action 7.answer for 8.要求结束…… 9.结束 10.代表…… 11.永远  12.掠去,夺走 13.总的来说 14.导致 15.谋生 ①All in all, her condition is greatly improved after the operation. ②If you drive after drinking, you'll have to answer for the consequences. ③Don't refer to your note when you answer the question. ④We must look ahead before we make a decision. ⑤It's high time that we took action to prevent the river from being polluted. ——小试身手,聚焦短语 Ⅲ.经典句式 1.Without these naturally occurring gases, the sun's rays would bounce back into space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on.如果没有这些自然产生的气体,太阳的能量将会被反射回太空去,地球将处于寒冷之中,而不适合生命的存在。


  [模拟]He left the room,

  (没有锁门). 2.Given this data, it seems that the link between human activities and rising global temperatures is not merely a coincidence.鉴于这些数据,好像人类活动与正在升高的地球温度之间的联系并不仅仅只是巧合而已。



  (考虑到目前的情况), I think Ye Shiwen has done fairly well. 3.The last few years have seen environmental disasters on a grand scale, and experts are predicting far worse to come.近几年一些环境灾难大面积地出现,专家们预测更坏的局面即将来临。



  (过去30年见证了)the rapid development of China. 答案 1.leaving the door unlocked 2.Given the present condition 3.The last 30 years have witnessed/seen Ⅳ.必背句法——转述结构;被动语态(Ⅲ) 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.Your work must be

  (finish) by tomorrow. 2.The plan is going to be

  (carry) out next week. 3.I was made

  (copy) ten pages of the book. 4.He said he

  (go) to Beijing the next day. 5.It is said that he is the only one of the students that

  (praise) at the meeting. 答案 1.finished 2.carried 3.to copy 4.would go 5.was praised —— 条分缕析,步步为营

  [词 汇 精 解] trap vt.使困住n.陷阱;阴谋

  (教材原句)Because of the greenhouse effect, the Earth is warmed by gases trapped in the atmosphere.


  (1)be trapped in...被困在……

  trap sb into doing sth诱骗某人做某事

  (2)set/lay a trap设置陷阱;布下圈套

  fall/walk into a trap落入陷阱/圈套

  fall into the trap of doing sth掉进陷阱 ①A bear was trapped in the trap that I had set.

  一只熊被困在了我所设的陷阱中。 ②Don't fall into the trap of investing all your money in one place.不要把你所有的钱都投资到一个地方,那样做不明智。 ③I

  I had done wrong.

  我被诱骗承认我做错了事。 答案 ③was trapped into admitting reserve vt.预订;保留n.储存量;保护区

  (教材原句)Breweries are often built in nature reserves.啤酒厂经常建在自然保护区。

  (1)reserve sth for...为……保留

  reserve the right to do sth保留做某事的权利

  (2)in reserve备用

  with/without reserve有/无保留 ①I want to reserve a front seat for the concert on July 3rd.我想预订一个7月3日音乐会的前排位置。 ②If you order after that, we reserve the right to either accept or reject order requests at the discounted price. (2016·北京卷,A)

  如果你在那之后订购,我们保留接受或拒绝以折扣价定购的权利。 ③The money was being kept

  for their retirement.他们把钱存着以备退休后使用。 答案 ③in reserve beyond


  (教材原句)In the last few decades, scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth's climate-something previously seen as beyond our control.

  在过去的几十年里,科学家一致认为,人类正在造成地球气候的变化——这是一种原来被认为是超出我们控制能力的现象。 考点归纳拓展 基础知识通关


































  (vt.& vi.)削尖→














  8.call for an end to sth

  9.wrap up

  10.on somebody's behalf

  11.for good

  12.carry off

  13.all in all

  14.result in

  15.earn one's living


  ①He said,“I am going to the shop.”(直接引语变间接引语)

  →He said(that)he

  the shop.

  ②He asked,“Will you come with us tomorrow?”(直接引语变间接引语)

  →He asked me

  I would go with them the following day.

  ③The robber threatened me,“Give me the keys to the safe or I'll shoot you!”(直接引语变间接引语)

  →The robber

  me if I didn't give him the keys to the safe.

  ④His mother gave him a present for his birthday.(同义句转换)


  a present by his mother for his birthday.

  ⑤Someone saw a stranger walk into the building.(同义句转换)

  →A stranger

  into the building.

  答案 ①was going to ②if ③threatened to shoot

  ④was given ⑤was seen to walk



  (教材原句)After all, there's no substitute for our Earth.毕竟,没有什么可以替代地球。


  su bstitute for代替

  (2)a substitute for sb/sth某人/某物的代替品

  apart from 除……之外(都);除……之外(尚有)

  (高考佳句)Apart from that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work.(2012·广东卷C)


  apart from=except/except for除了……之外(都)

  apart from=besides/as well as/in addition to除……之外(还有)


  • 大家都在看
  • 小编推荐
  • 猜你喜欢