2016届高考英语冲刺写作必考话题:7-20 unit20 new frontiers-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语冲刺写作必考话题:7-20 unit20 new frontiers

发布时间:2017-01-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ①His father came to his rescue and lent him the money.

  他的父亲借钱给他从而救了他。 ②What we must do is to

  danger at once.我们必须做的是立刻营救他们脱险。 答案 ②rescue them from correspond vi.与……通信;相符合

  (教材原句)...the way we correspond went from writing letters to emailing.……我们通信的方式从写信变成发电子邮件。

  (1)correspond with sb和某人通信

  correspond to/with sth与某物相一致,相当于

  (2)hold/keep up correspondence with sb

  与某人(保持)通信 联系

  in correspondence with与……一致;与……有通信联系 ①Have you been corresponding with him since you graduated from the university?

  大学毕业后,你一直和他通信吗? ②Your account of events does not


  你对事情的陈述与她说的不符。 答案 ②correspond with/to cure


  (教材原句)During the Second World War, when Fleming's discovery was first helping to cure people, the US Navy was looking for ways of improving the accuracy of their missiles.


  cure sb of...治愈某人的……病;改掉某人的……恶习

  a cure for对……的治疗方法;解决……的措施 ①Jack's mother wanted to cure him of his bad habit of smoking.杰克的母亲想改掉他吸烟的坏习惯。 ②My uncle

  his heart disease three years ago.我叔叔的心脏病三年前治好了。 ③Besides, empathy can be

  loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and fear. (2012·北京卷任务型阅读)

  此外,同情还可以成为治疗孤独、悲伤、焦虑和恐惧的有效方法。 词语辨析 cure, treat cure 意为“治愈,治好”,可直接跟人或疾病作宾语,有时用来指突然地、出乎意料地痊愈;也用于引申指人的生活习惯的纠正、矫正等,与介词of搭配,强调结果 treat 只指治病,不包括治疗的效果如何。其宾语可以是人也可以是病,人作宾语时,病用for短语表示。它强调“治疗”这一动作 ④The doctor

  his headache with a new drug but didn't

  him.那位医生用一种新药给他治疗头痛,但是没有给他治好。 答案 ②was cured of ③a cure for ④treated;cure meanwhile adv.同时

  (高考佳句)Meanwhile, I found out that with more patience I could make my toys last. (2012·新课标全国卷短文改错)


  meanwhile=meantime=at the same time同时

  in the meanwhile/meantime在此期间 ①Meanwhile, hi­tech developments are creating new ways for us to map the world. (2012·重庆卷,B)

  同时,高技术的发展正给我们带来新的绘制世界地图的方法。 ②Mother went shopping;

  , I cleaned the house.

  妈妈出去购物,同时我打扫房间。 答案 ②in the meanwhile/in the meantime 注意 (1)meanwhile可以作名词和副词,但不能作连词,所以不能引导时间状语从句。 (2)meantime可以作名词和副词,比meanwhile更为普遍,但作为副词,不及meanwhile普遍。 permit vt.允许,许可n.许可证

  (教材原句)You are not permitted to work if you are on a student visa.


  (1)permit sb to do sth允许某人做某事

  permit doing sth允许做某事

  (2)permission n.容许;允许

  ask for permission请求允许

  without permission未经允许

  with one's permission征得某人的许可 ①No one is permitted to go out at night in our school.

  在我们学校晚上不准外出。 ②The new law rules

  in public places.新法律规定不准在公共场合吸烟。 ③She took my new car

  , which made me very angry.


  [熟词生义] 选择句中permit的含义 ④You cannot enter a military base without a permit.



  C.准许 答案 ②do not permit smoking ③without permission  ④A in advance 预先

  (教材原句)...we sent the questions to her programmers in advance.


  (1)in advance of在……之前,超过

  on the advance(物价)在上涨

  (2)advance on/towards/upon...朝……前进

  advanced adj.先进的;高等的;晚期的

  advancing adj.发展前进中的 ①Advanced countries should help advancing countries in education,medical and agriculture.发达国家应该在教育、医疗和农业方面帮助发展中国家。 ②When students were told my rule

  the class,some of them were not happy. (2011·北京卷,C)

  当学生们在上课之前被告知我的规定时,他们其中一些人不高兴。 答案 ②in advance of give away 捐赠;颁发(奖品等);泄露(情报、秘密等);丧失,错过

  [朗文]I was afraid the kids would give the whole thing away.恐怕孩子们会把这整件事说出去。

  观察句子,写出下列黑体部分的含义 ①Would they let Shay bet and give away their chance to win the game?

  ②He gave away most of his money to the homeless in the earthquake­stricken area.

  ③Please don't give my secret away!

  ④The university chancellor gave away our diplomas.

  give in to sb对某人让步 give off放出;散发出(液体、气体、气味、热量、能量、光、声音) give out分发;用完,消耗尽,筋疲力尽 give up放弃;戒掉,停止;认输;把……送交 give over移交 ⑤According to this speed of mining, the coal on the earth will give out in hundreds of years.照这种开采速度,几百年后地球上的煤将消耗殆尽。 ⑥Children who are always

  by their parents soon become spoiled.

  总是被父母迁就的孩子很快就被惯坏了。 ⑦The keys

  to our neighbours during our absence.外出时,我们把钥匙交给了邻居。 答案 ①错过,丧失 ②捐赠 ③泄露 ④颁发  ⑥given in to ⑦were given over ①It was reported that Haier may take over New Zealand home appliance maker.

  据报道海尔可能要接管新西兰家电制造业。 ②It is true that the college will

  more new students this year.

  今年这所大学将招收更多的新生是真实的。 ③I had to

  all her responsibilities because she was ill.

  由于她生病了,我不得不承担起她所有的责任。 答案 ②take in ③take on

  [句 式 诠 释] (教材原句)By the year 2015, the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.到2015年,服装业将生产出一种新型布料,无论你将什么东西洒在上面都不会留下污渍。

  by the year 2015是“by+时间点”构成的介词短语,表示“到……时候”,常与将来完成时和过去完成时连用。 ①By four o'clock tomorrow afternoon, I will have already finished all the work.

  到明天下午4点,我会干完所有的活儿。 ②By the time he got here, Jane


  他到这儿的时候,简已经去伦敦了。 答案 ②had left for (教材原句)Without the breakthroughs of these pioneers in science and technology, whether lucky or planned, the world as we know it to­

  day would have been a completely different place.没有科技上的这些尖端突破,无论是好运带来的还是按计划取得的,我们今天的世界将完全是另一个样子。

  (1)without在本句中表示一个假设的条件,后面的主句中用“would+have done”表示对过去的虚拟。 (2)当虚拟语气表示与现在事实相反时,从句的谓语动词用“过去式(be的过去式用were)”,主句的谓语动词用“would/could/should+动词原形”构成。像这样表假设条件的介词还有but for;连词or, otherwise,它们引导的句子在英语中称为含蓄条件句。 ①But for your kind help, I would not have succeeded in passing the driving test.要不是你的好心帮助,我就不可能会通过驾驶考试了。 ②We human beings

  without all the plants and animals around us.

  如果我们周围没有植物和动物,人类就不能生存。 答案 ②could not survive 考点归纳拓展 基础知识通关 ·必考话题20 饮食 [写 作 必 备] 基础词汇 1.canteen n.食堂 2.veqetable n.

  蔬菜 3.regular adj.

  有规律的 4.healthy adj.

  健康的 5.fitness n.

  健康 6.strengthen v.

  加强 7.obesity n.


  8.effect n.

  影响 9.be addicted to

  对……上瘾 10.call on

  号召 11.eat up

  吃光 12.be beneficial to

  对……有益 13.do harm to


  提分句型 1.The majority of people eat too much fat and not enough fibre,which does great harm to their health.

  大多数人摄入的脂肪太多纤维不足,这对他们的健康很有害。 2.By eating properly and exercising regularly,you can keep your body at a proper weight and keep healthy.


  3.We have to keep a balanced diet and maintain regular eating habits.

  我们必须保持平衡饮食和规律的饮食习惯。 4.We should make every possible effort to overcome

  (conquer)the difficulties.


  [美 文 赏 析] 素材示例 (2016·合肥模拟)2016年初,为了抵制浪费,一些网民发起了“光盘行动”,受到人们的普遍欢迎。 最近,你校学生会向同学们发出“光盘行动”的倡议,旨在引导同学们节约粮食,抵制浪费。 你是校报的英语记者,请根据下面的提示,为校报的英语专栏写一篇稿件。 (1)列举学校餐厅的浪费现象;(2)学校开展“光盘行动”的情况;(3)你的看法。 注意:词数为120左右。开头已写好,不计入总词数。 参考词汇:“光盘行动”“Clear Your Plate”campaign In the past,a lot of food was wasted in our school canteen.Some students threw away some food because it was not delicious as expected.① Others left the food on the plate because they bought too much. Last month the Students' Union of our school launched“Clear Your Plate”campaign,which aimed to call on us students to eat up all the food we bought.Now there is less leftover in our school canteen because we think it shameful to waste food.② 佳作播报 In my view,everyone should form the habit of saving food.③ We can share our food with our good friends,which can strengthen our friendship and save money as well. 1....as expected是状语从句的省略,其完整的形式为as it was expected。

  [模拟] I will attend the party if invited.

  如果被邀请,我就会参加那个聚会。 2....we think it shameful...句中it作形式宾语,真正宾语是后边的不定式短语to waste food。

  [模拟] I

  thought it strange that he failed to call me.我觉得很奇怪:他没给我打电话。 3.form the habit of doing sth养成做某事的习惯。

  [模拟] In our school we have formed the good habit of getting up early.


  答案 1.conflict 2.rescue;rescuer 3.correspond;correspondence;correspondent 4.meanwhile 5.cure 6.assist;assistance;assistant 7.technical;technique 8.latter;former 9.starvation;starve  10.equality;equal 11.assess;assessment 12.donate;donation;donator 13.electronic;electric;electrical 14.specialist;special 15.poison;poisonous 16.permit;permit;permission 17.declare;declaration 18.exploration;explore After the declaration of assessment of the great loss spread,constant donation was sent to the disaster­hit area to assist the people in starvation.On this occasion,everyone is aware that there should be no discrimination and that everyone is born equal. —— 词不离句,句不离段 答案 1.come into conflict 2.in advance 3.make up for 4.not to mention 5.donate...to... 6.drop off 7.end with 8.cure sb of 9.不久后 10.泄露(秘密) 11.接收,接管  12.计算出;解决出 13.努力解决难以处理的事物  14.致力于;献身于 15.因为 16.而不是 ①Yao Ming is nice that he gave away some money to the Charities. ②Shortly after coming back from the hospital, Tom gave up smoking. ③The bank has been taken over by the government. ④The two sides came into conflict last week, causing 5 people dead and many injured. ⑤He bought me dinner to make up for being so late the day before. ——小试身手,聚焦短语 Ⅲ.经典句式 1.By the year 2015, the clothing industry will have produced new types of material that will remain stainless no matter what you spill on them.



  [模拟]By the time he got here,

  (我已干完所有工作). 2.Without the breakthroughs of these pioneers in science and technology, whether lucky or planned, the world as we know it today would have been a completely different place.要是没有先驱们在科技上的这些尖端突破,不管这些突破是侥幸的还是计划之中的,今天我们所知道的世界就会是一个完全不同的地方。


  [模拟]Without your help, we

  (就不会成功). 3.I think there will be an invention that will help prevent drivers from getting stuck in traffic jams.我想将会有一种有助于防止司机困于交通阻塞的发明。


  [模拟]Be careful when you cross the busy street.If not, you may


  答案 1.I had already finished all the work

  2.couldn't have succeeded 3.get run over by a car Ⅳ.必背句法——将来完成时;将来进行时 用所给词的适当形式填空 1.This time tomorrow,I

  (fly) to Shanghai. 2.If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring,


  (eat) fresh watermelon in the fall. 3.—Guess what, we've got our visas for a short­term visit to the UK this summer.

  —How nice!You

  (experience) a different culture then. 4.By the end of this term, we

  (finish) our essays. 5.We

  (live) here for five years by next March. 答案 1.shall be flying 2.will be eating  3.will be experiencing 4.will have finished  5.shall have lived ①I

  Beijing when you arrive tomorrow afternoon.

  当你明天下午到达时我已经去北京了。 ②By the time you get home I

  the house from top to bottom.

  你到家之前我将把房子彻底打扫一遍。 ③What


  at six tomorrow evening?明天晚上六点你将在干什么? —— 条分缕析,步步为营 ④Please come tomorrow afternoon.Tomorrow morning, I

  a meeting.

  你明天下午来吧,明天早上我将会参加一个会议。 答案 ①will have gone to ②will have cleaned  ③will;be doing ④will be attending [词 汇 精 解] latter n.后者adj.(两者中)后者的

  (教材原句)In the 18th and 19th centuries, especially the latter, the most common theme in science fiction novels was the future.在18和19世纪,特别是后者,科幻小说最常见的主题是未来。

  the former...,the latter...前者……,后者……

  ①Of the two cellphones, the former is better than the latter.


  词语辨析 late, lately, latest,later,latter late 指比预料的或正常的时间晚,意思是“迟的,晚的(地)” lately 表示“近来,最近”,相当于recently latest 表示“最近的,最新的” later 表示“后来,较晚的时候” latter 表示两事物之间的顺序,意为“后一个/后者”,与former(前者)相对 ②Though I haven't heard much more

  news about him, I know from his teacher that

  he has always been

  for school.

  ,I know from his classmates that he is

  for either helping his mum with farming or playing computer games in the net bar.I think the chances of the

  are much more.虽然我还未获知关于他的最新消息,但是我从他老师那儿知道他最近总是上学迟到。后来,我从他的同学那儿知道,他迟到有时是因为他帮母亲干农活,有时是在附近网吧玩游戏。我认为后者的可能性更大些。 答案 ②latest;lately;late;Later;late;latter ①All these actions by the U.S.A. conflicted with the universally accepted international laws.

  美国的这些行为都与公认的国际法相抵触。 ②She found herself in conflict with her parents over her future career.她发现自己在将来择业的问题上与父母存在着分歧。 ③Her husband often

  her, which makes her angry.

  她丈夫经常和她发生矛盾,这令她很气愤。 答案 ③comes into conflict with rescue

  vt.& n.拯救;救援

  (教材原句)Dave also goes outside the ship to rescue Frank, and HAL refuses to let him back in.戴维也到轮船外面去营救法兰克,而HAL拒绝让他回去。

  (1)rescue sb/sth (from...)(从……中)营救某人/某物

  (2)come/go to one's rescue援救/营救某人 考点归纳拓展 基础知识通关



































































  9.shortly after

  10.give away

  11.take over

  12.figure out

  13.wrestle with something

  14.be dedicated to

  15.due to

  16.rather than

  conflict n.战斗;冲突;争论;抵触vi.冲突;争执;抵触

  (教材原句)There will therefore no longer be any conflict and people will be able to live together in peace and equality.所以将不会再有任何冲突,人们将能够在和平与平等中生活在一起。



  take over 接收,接管,接任

  (教材原句)His only reason for investing in the company was to take it over.


  take back收回,拿回;收回前言

  take down写下;记下

  take in吸收,接纳;理解,领会;欺骗

  take on呈现;雇用;承担

  take up拿起;着手处理;占据(时间、空间等)


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