2016届高考英语冲刺写作必考话题:7-19 unit19 language-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语冲刺写作必考话题:7-19 unit19 language

发布时间:2017-01-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  ensure vt.确保,保证

  (教材原句)Quality input ensures quality output, whether it is speaking or writing.


  ensure that...


  ensure sb sth


  ensure sb against/from sth 确保某人防止某事 ①Sensors (传感器) then ensure that the umbrella offers pedestrians shelter whenever it starts raining.(2016·山东卷,C)

  然后传感器确保每当下雨的时候伞提供行人躲避的地方。 ②Premier Li Keqiang said that we must ensure people the safety of food.

  李克强总理说我们必须确保人们的食品安全。 ③These school buses can________students________accidents.这些校车能保证学生不出事故。 答案 ③ensure;from/against guarantee


  (教材原句)Knowing the main stories before reading will guarantee greater comprehension when reading in English.读前能了解主要资讯内容会确保用英语阅读时更透彻地理解所读资讯。

  (1)guarantee sth against/from...


  guarantee to do sth


  guarantee sb sth



  从句 保证……

  (2)guarantee n.


  under guarantee

  在保修期内 ①Even if you complete your training, I can't guarantee you a job.

  即使你完成了培训,我也无法保证你能有工作。 ②The new policy________us________all losses.

  这项新的政策保障我们免受一切损失。 ③The TV is guaranteed for a year.That is to say, it has a year's guarantee, so it is still________.

  这台电视保修一年。也就是说,它有一年的保修期,因此它仍在保修期内。 答案 ②guarantees;against/from ③under guarantee adjust vt.& vi.调节;调整,适应;习惯

  (教材原句)Watching a favourite DVD, but adjusting the language to English in parts you know well.


  (1)adjust to (doing) sth


  adjust sb/oneself to (doing) sth使某人/自己适应(做)某事

  (2)adjustment n.


  make an adjustment

  作出调整 ①Foreigners take a long time to adjust to our way of life.

  外国人要花好长一段时间才能适应我们的生活方式。 ②You will have to make adjustments to your thinking if you are to survive in office.如果你想保住这份工作,就必须在思想上作出调整。 ③I found it hard to________________at night.

  我发现自己很难适应夜间生活。 答案 ③adjust myself to working inform


  (教材原句)Inform a friend of your targets so they can help motivate you as well.把你的目标告诉你的一位朋友,这样他们也会帮忙鼓励你。

  (1)inform sb/oneself of sth 通知某人某事

  inform sb/oneself that/what/where


  keep sb/oneself informed of sth


  (2)well­informed adj.

  消息灵通的 ① The salesmanager asked his men to inform him of everything concerning the sales in time.销售部经理让他手下的人及时把关于销售量的情况报告他。 ②He informed the company that the ship arrived safely.=He ________ the company________ the ship's safe arrival.他报告公司轮船平安抵达。 ③The Internet can________________the latest news in time.因特网能及时地让我们了解最新的消息。 答案 ②informed;of ③keep us informed of congratulate vt.祝贺

  (教材原句)You would probably think that the father was congratulating his son on doing something well.


  (1)congratulate sb on sth


  congratulate oneself on 庆幸,对……感到幸运

  (2)congratulation n.


  congratulations (to sb on/upon sth)

  (为某事向某人)祝贺 ①President Xi congratulated Park Geun­hye on her winning the presidental election.

  习主席祝贺朴瑾惠赢得总统选举。 ②—I have been admitted to Beijing University.



  恭喜你! ③He________________the air crash.

  他庆幸自己在空难中幸存下来。 ④A grand evening party was held to________ Mo Yan on his receiving the 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature.Like________his birthday, many of his colleagues, friends and relatives came to express their congratulations on achievements he had made.

  昨晚举行了盛大晚会来祝贺莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖。像庆贺他的生日一样,他的许多同事、亲朋好友都来祝贺他取得的巨大成就。 答案 ③congratulated himself on having survived  ④congratulate;celebrating catch on 学会;理解;流行起来;被接受;受欢迎

  (教材原句)The more you hear different accents, the easier it is to catch on.你听的不同的口音越多,你就越容易理解它(的意思)。

  观察句子,写出下列黑体部分的含义 ①He invented an electric car, but it never really catches on.________ ②Sometimes I really can't catch on to your jokes.________ ③He is very quick to catch on to things.________ ④I think this novel will catch on well after it comes out.________ ⑤If only this idea could catch on, we should be able to make quite a lot of money out of it.________ catch one's attention

  引起某人的注意;吸引某人 catch up with

  赶上 catch hold of

  抓住 catch sight of

  看见 catch sb doing sth

  发现(撞见)某人做某事 ⑥My sister caught hold of my sleeve and pulled me back.姐姐抓住我的袖子,把我拉了回来。 ⑦I ________my deskmate________my private letters.我的同桌在阅读我的私人信件时被我撞见了。 答案 ①流行起来 ②理解 ③学会 ④受欢迎  ⑤被接受 ⑦caught;reading on the other hand 另一方面

  [朗文]This is a novel, but on the other hand, it can be looked as a biography.这是一部小说,但另一方面,它又可以被看做一部传记。

  (1)on the one hand...on the other hand


  (2)for one thing...for another...

  一方面……,另一方面……(引出并列的理由) ①Perri, on the other hand, grew up privileged in the New Jersey suburbs of the 1960s and 1970s.(2016·湖北卷,B)

  另一方面,佩里幸运地成长在二十世纪六十年代和七十年代的新泽西州郊区。 ②________________,of course, cars are useful.But on the other hand, they cause a huge amount of pollution.一方面来说,汽车当然很有用,但从另一方面来说,它们也造成了很大的污染。 ③—Why do you like reading?


  —________,reading can help to improve my writing skills and broaden my horizons;________, it can enrich my life and provide me with great fun.

  ——一方面,读书有助于提高我的写作技能,开阔我的视野,另一方面又能丰富我的人生,为我提供很大的乐趣。 答案 ②On the one hand ③For one thing;For another [句 式 诠 释] (教材原句)Quality input ensures quality output, whether it is speaking or writing.



  ①Whether we'll attend the meeting or not hasn't been decided.我们是否参加会议还未决定。 ②We'll go on with the work,________________.

  我们会继续这项工作,不管我们能否找到必需的工具。 答案 ②whether we can find the necessary tools or not (教材原句)You say that there is a discount provided that I pay in advance.


  (1)此句中的provided that为连词,引导条件状语从句,相当于on condition that/so long as。provided可以换成providing。

  ①This new film will attract the crowds, whatever its quality,________it gets played up in the right way.

  如果广告做得好,那么,无论这部新片子的质量如何,都会吸引许多观众的。 考点归纳拓展 基础知识通关 [写 作 必 备] 基础词汇 1.dialect n.方言 2.official adj.

  官方的;正式的 3.actually adv.

  事实上 4.expression n.

  词语;表达 5.fluent adj.

  流利的 6.vocabulary n.

  词汇 ·必考话题19 语言学习(Ⅱ) 7.gradually adv.

  逐渐地 8.standard n.

  标准 9.a large number of

  大量的 10.attitudes to learning

  学习态度 11.writing skills

  写作技巧 12.language learning

  语言学习 13.develop one's interest

  培养兴趣 提分句型 1.Firstly,English is one of the most widely used languages of the world.

  首先,英语是世界上用得最广泛的语言之一。 2.In the competition for a well­paid job,the one who can speak fluent English has an advantage over

  those who cannot.在竞争找工作的时候,会说流利英语的人就会比不会说英语的人有优势。 3.From what has been mentioned above,we can draw a conclusion that we should not only learn English but also master it in the shortest time possible.


  [美 文 赏 析] 素材示例 (2012·四川卷)假如你是大学一年级新生李华。开学之初,你的老师Ms.Li希望了解每个学生的英语学习情况,并征求教学建议。请按以下要点用英语给她写一封信。

  (1)对英语学习的认识;(2)自己目前的英语学习水平; (3)自己英语学习主要存在的问题;(4)对英语教学的两点建议。

  注意:(1)词数100左右;(2)信的开头和结尾已给出。 Dear Ms.Li,

  I'm very happy to have you as our English teacher. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Thank you! Li Hua Dear Ms.Li,

  I'm very happy to have you as our English teacher.My name is Li Hua,monitor of our class. As we

  all know,with the development of China, English plays a more and more important role in our communication and cooperation.So I think as a freshman I should work harder and harder to improve my English. 佳作播报

  High as my English score in the college entrance examination is,① I still have difficulty using English.② For instance,while communicating with foreigners,I can't follow them due to the difficult

  intonation and rhythm.On the other hand, I even

  can't get the true meanings of some familiar words

  when reading and listening to authentic English. As we all know,quality input

  ensures quality output. In order to master English better,here I would like to share my suggestion with you that you should help us improve our intonation and rhythm of English in your teaching.In addition,I hope we can get enough opportunities to communicate in English.I do believe③ with your help we can make more progress in the future. Thank you! Li Hua 1.High as...此句是as引导的让步状语从句。

  [模拟] Difficult as the homework was,it was finished in time.

  尽管作业很难,但还是按时完成了。 2.have difficulty (in) doing sth.做某事有困难

  [模拟] I had some difficulty (in) communicating with the locals when I was abroad.

  当我在国外时,我和当地人交流有些困难。 3.I do believe...,此句用助动词do强调谓语动词。

  [模拟] I

  do hope you have a Merry Christmas!

  衷心祝福你圣诞快乐!  Ⅰ.核心单词 1.________(adv.)真诚地→________(adj.)真诚的 2.________(vi.& vt.)加速→________(n.)加速→________(n.)加速器 3.________(vt.)像,与……相似 4.________(vt.)确保,保证 5.________(vt.)保证 6.________(adj.)足够的,充分的 7.________(n.)流利度,流畅度→________(adj.)流畅的 8.________(n.)缺乏;缺席→________(adj.)缺席的,不在场的 9.________(n.)(语言)习得→________(vt.)习得;获得 10.________(vt.)环绕,围绕→________(adj.)周围的 11.________(vt.)扩大→________(adj.)大的 12.________(vt.)调节;调整→________(n.)调节;调整 13.________(vt.)告知,通知→________(n.)信息 14.________(n.)通告;宣告→________(vt.)宣告;宣布 15.________(vt.)祝贺→________(n.)祝贺 16.________(vt.)购买→________(同义词) 17.________(vt.)协商;谈判→________(n.)谈判;协商 18.________(n.)赞成;赞许;批准→________(vi.& vt.)赞成;赞许;批准 19.________(n.)申请人→________(vi.)申请→________(n.)申请书 20.________(vt.)使窘迫→________(adj.)感到窘迫的→________(adj.)令人窘迫的→________(n.)窘迫;尴尬 答案 1.sincerely;sincere 2.accelerate;acceleration;accelerator 3.resemble 4.ensure 5.guarantee 6.adequate 7.fluency;fluent 8.absence;absent 9.acquisition;acquire 10.surround;surrounding 11.enlarge; large 12.adjust;adjustment 13.inform;information 14.announcement;announce 15.congratulate;congratulation 16.purchase;buy 17.negotiate;negotiation

  18.approval;approve 19.applicant;apply;application 20.embarrass;embarrassed;embarrassing;embarrassment After two hours' sincere negotiation,the applicant was approved because of his fluency of English and being punctual.He guaranteed he would adjust himself quickly to the surroundings.His relatives congratulated him. ——词不离句,句不离段 Ⅱ.重点短语 1.合作 ________________ 2.出色;突出

  ________________ 3.取得成功;获得进步

  ________________ 4.依靠;依赖

  ________________ 5.采取……形式

  ________________ 6.调整……以适应……

  ________________ 7.通知某人某事

  ________________ 8.由……组成,构成

  ________________ 9.catch on

  ________________ 10.for ages

  ________________ 11.congratulate sb on sth

  ________________ 12.on purpose

  ________________ 13.regardless of

  ________________ 14.on the other hand

  ________________ 15.I bet

  ________________ 16.more than

  ________________ 答案 1.team up 2.stand out 3.get ahead 4.rely on 5.take the form of 6.adjust...to... 7.inform sb of sth 8.consist of 9.学会,受欢迎 10.很久,很长时间 11.就某事向某人祝贺 12.故意地 13.不管,不顾 14.另一方面 15.我肯定 16.不仅仅,超过 ①I think the old fashion didn't catch on with the teenagers. ②It's tough for a woman to get ahead in politics in ancient times. ③He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her. ④The meadical team consists of 5 men and 3 women. ⑤She stood out in the crowd, so I could pick her out easily. ——小试身手,聚焦短语 Ⅲ.经典句式 1.It was predicted as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global language and that has proved to be the case in the last few decades.



  [模拟]________________(据预测)the war in Syria is likely to break out soon. 2.Quality input ensures quality output, whether it is speaking or writing.不管是说还是写,高质量的输入确保高质量的输出。


  [模拟]________________(不管我们是成功还是失败), we can be sure that we did our best. 3.Thirdly, you say that there is a discount provided that I

  pay in advance.第三,你们说我只要预付就有折扣。

  [解读]provided that引导的条件状语从句

  [模拟]I'll pay a visit to Tibet________________(如果我有钱和时间). 答案 1.It is predicted that 2.Whether we succeed or fail 3.provided that I have money and time Ⅳ.必背句法——名词性从句;非人称报道结构 1.________ we will have a meeting tomorrow is still under discussion. 2.It is reported________a mine accident happened in Shanxi Province. 3.We are worrying about________we should do next. 4.The reason for such a serious accident is________the driver was too careless and drank too much. 5.The question________was to blame has never been settled. 答案 1.Whether 2.that 3.what 4.that 5.who 单句改错 ①There is some doubt if John will come on time.________ ②He didn't go to work yesterday.That was why he must look after his sick mother.________ ③The mother believes that her son says.

  ________ ④The problem is how can we get the target as soon as possible.________ ⑤You explained to us proved to be impossible.________ ——条分缕析,步步为营

  答案 ①if→whether ②why→because ③that→what/all ④can we→we can ⑤You→What you [词 汇 精 解] surround vt.环绕,围绕

  (教材原句)Some respected theories on language acquisition believe that to attain a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language, you need to be surrounded by it.一些备受推崇的关于语言习得的理论相信,要想达到高水平的外语流利程度和准确性,你得置身于该语言的环境中。 (1)surround sb/sth (with sb/sth) (使某人/某物)包围某人/某物

  be surrounded by/with sb/sth 被某人(物)所包围 (2)surrounding adj.


  surroundings n.

  周围的事物;环境,气氛 ①I walk in the door and see a brown sofa surrounding a low glass­top wooden table.(2016·四川卷,D)

  我走进门口,看到一个棕色的沙发围着低矮的玻璃顶的木桌子。 ②He loves to________________his family and friends.他喜欢与家人和朋友在一起。 ③Only in this way can we live in more comfortable and beautiful ________.(2012·福建卷书面表达)

  只有这样,我们才能生活在更加舒适优美的环境中。 答案 ②be surrounded with ③surroundings 考点归纳拓展 基础知识通关

  词语辨析 celebrate, congratulate

  celebrate 指以行动(如送花、开party等)来庆贺生日、节日等,对象是物

  congratulate 专指对个人获得成功的祝贺,只以言语表达,对象是人



  ②Given (that) I have a knowledge of computer, I won't trouble you with such small things.


  答案 ①provided that


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