2016届高考英语冲刺写作必考话题:3-9 unit9 wheels-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语冲刺写作必考话题:3-9 unit9 wheels

发布时间:2017-01-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  (1)It is convenient for sb to do sth 某人方便做某事 (2)convenience n.



  at one‘s convenience



  for convenience

  为了方便,为了实用 ①Students think it is convenient for them to communicate with the outside world by using cell phones.

  学生们认为用手机与外界交流很方便。 ②I hope you can send me an answer ______________.

  我希望你能在方便的时候给我回信。 答案 ②at your convenience argue


  [牛津]We argued her out of going on such a dangerous journey.我们说服她不要去进行这样危险的旅行。 (1)argue with sb on/about/over sth 就某事与某人争论

  argue for/against...


  argue sb into doing sth


  argue sb out of doing sth

  说服某人不做某事 (2)argument n.



  have an argument about/over 争论…… ①It is reported that conservation groups in North America have been arguing about the benefits and dangers of wolves.

  据报道北美的保护组织一直在争论狼的益处和危险性。 ②My sister________________the jacket that was a little expensive for me.

  姐姐说服了我买了那件对我来说有点贵的茄克衫。 ③You can________________extending the airport on the grounds of cost.

  你可以以成本太高为理由反对扩建机场。 答案 ②argued me into buying ③argue against appreciate vt.感激;鉴赏;欣赏;理解,体会

  (教材原句)Then tell her about this offer. She'll appreciate it.然后告诉她这个提议,她会欣赏它的。

  (1)appreciate (one's) doing sth 欣赏/感激(某人)做某事

  appreciate it if...


  (2)appreciation n.

  欣赏;感激 ①Then I'd appreciate it if you didn't wear them in class.(2012·广东卷语法填空)

  如果你上课时不戴它(眼镜)我将不胜感激。 ②The successful man________________such a hard suffering.

  那位成功的男子感激他经历了那场不幸。 答案 ②appreciates (his) experiencing 【特别提示】 appreciate作“感谢;感激”讲时,其宾语不能是人,只能是事物。 amount


  (1)a large/small amount of 大/少量的

  large/small amounts of 大/少量的

  in large amounts


  (2)amount to

  合计;共计;等同于 ① Power refers to the amount of control a person has over other people.(2016·陕西卷,C)

  权力是一个人所拥有的控制的数量超过别人。 ②They will send kids to college whatever it takes, even if that means a huge amount of debt.(2011·山东卷,C)

  即使负担一大笔债务,但不管怎样,他们都会送孩子去上大学。 ③Time lost through illness________________1,357 working days.

  因疾病而损失的时间总计达到1 357个工作日。 答案 ③amounted to 注意 an amount of和amounts of后接不可数名词,作主语时,谓语动词与amount的数保持一致。 admit vt.承认,供认;接纳,容纳;招收

  (教材原句)I admit:I'm addicted to my car.


  (1)admit doing/having done sth 承认做过某事

  admit sb to/into


  be admitted to


  be admitted as


  It is generally admitted that...一般认为……

  (2)admission n.


  费;承认 ①He admitted stealing/having stolen the necklace the day before and said he was wrong.

  他承认前一天偷了项链,说他很抱歉。 ②Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will________________competitors.

  只有达到他们各自项目规定水平的运动员才被允许参加比赛。 答案 ②be admitted as addicted adj.沉溺于……的

  (教材原句)I admit:I'm addicted to my car.


  (1)be addicted to


  (2)addict vt.&n.


  addict oneself to 沉溺于;染上(坏习惯) ①A textaholic can be defined as someone who is addicted to sending and receiving messages.(2011·山东卷,阅读表达)

  一个短信嗜好者可以被定义为一个沉溺于收发短信的人。 ②He ________________the violin and didn't find someone walk into his house.

  他醉心于拉小提琴,甚至没有注意到有人进屋。 答案 ②was addicting himself to playing occupy vt.居住;占有,使用;占领;使忙碌,使从事

  (教材原句)On average, about forty people travel in one bus, while the same number occupy thirty­three cars.


  (1)occupy sb/oneself with sth/(in) doing sth


  be occupied with sth/(in) doing sth 忙于做某事

  (2)occupation n.

  占领;职业 ①Helen was fully occupied with business matters, so we didn't want to bother her.

  海伦全身心地忙于公务,所以我们不想打扰她。 ②Mo Yan________________his autobiography.

  莫言正忙于写自传。 答案 ②is occupied in writing suit vt.适合vi.相称n.一套衣服

  (教材原句)Do whichever of these things that suit you.




  (2)be suitable for sb/sth


  be suitable to do sth


  (3)a suit of

  一套/副 ①This position is equally suitable for a school leaver or for somebody who has office experience. (2016·全国卷Ⅰ)

  这个职位同样适合学校毕业生或有办公经验的人。 ②I think you should ________the action________the word.我认为你应该言行一致。 ③When decorating the room you should see to it that the carpets________the curtains. ④As far as I see, a green dress won't________her. ⑤The shoes are too large to________me well. 答案 ②suit;to ③match ④suit ⑤fit work out 锻炼身体,做运动;解决,解答,计算出;产生结果,发展;制订出 (教材原句)Work out in the gym.在健身房锻炼。 观察句子,写出下列黑体部分的含义 ①These athletes work out at the gym for two hours every day.

  ________ ②She worked out the problem with no difficulty. ________ ③We have worked out a study plan.

  ________ ④Things will work out if you will just be patient. ________ 注意 work out作“锻炼,健身;成功,产生结果”讲时,相当于不及物动词,无被动语态。 答案 ①锻炼身体 ②解决 ③制订出 ④产生结果 pull out 拔出,取出;(火车)离站;撤离 (教材原句)...the train was just pulling out. ……火车刚刚出站。 pull away

  开走,(使)离开 pull over

  (车辆)停在路边 pull apart

  把……拉开 pull off

  成功做(困难的事);脱掉(衣服等) pull up

  停车,停止 ①The train slowly pulled out, but not about a thousand yard when it suddenly paused.

  火车慢慢驶出来了,但走了不到一千码便突然停了下来。 ②The driver____________his car immediately when the traffic light turn red at the crossing.

  十字路口红灯一亮,那位司机立刻把车停了下来。 答案 ②pulled up

  [句 式 诠 释] (教材原句)How often do we arrive at work or school stressed out,tired and angry?


  stressed out,tired,angry在此处是形容词作状语。当形容词作状语时,表示伴随、结果、原因、时间、条件等。该句子中的形容词是作伴随状语。 ①I stood there, unable to believe what had happened.

  我站在那儿,简直不能相信刚才发生的事。 ②I slid into bed and fell fast asleep,________.


  注意 形容词作状语时,常用以说明句子主语的状态,即和主语常可构成系表关系。如果用以修饰句子的谓语动词,或修饰整个句子,则应用副词作状语。 ③He was robbed last night, but________________he didn't have much on him then.他昨晚被抢劫了,但幸运的是那时他身上没有多少钱。 答案 ②exhausted ③fortunately (教材原句)Before 1908, when Ford's cars became available to the public, it was only the very rich who could afford to own a car.


  整个句子为强调句,对主语the very rich进行强调。 ①It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do that benefits our work most.(2011·陕西卷单项填空)

  能给我们的工作带来最大益处的不是我们做了多少,而是我们对于自己所做的事情付出了多少爱。 ②________________we got together?

  那是在五年前我们聚在一起吗? ③________________you called me yesterday?

  你昨天给我打电话是什么时候? 注意 (1)强调句通常用来强调主语、宾语、状语等,不能强调谓语。强调谓语时用助动词do/does/did。 (2)对含有“not...until...”句型中的时间状语进行强调,应将not until放在一起进行强调,构成“It is/was not until...that...”。 (3)判断句子是否为强调句的方法:把it is/was和that/who去掉,再把被强调部分归位到它本来的位置,句子完整,就为强调句。 ④It was ____________ he took off his dark glasses ________ I realized he was a famous film star.

  直到他摘下墨镜我才认出他是一名著名的影星。 答案 ②Was it five years ago that ③When was it that  ④not until;that 考点归纳拓展 基础知识通关 [写 作 必 备] 基础词汇 1.habit n. 习惯 2.efficiency n.

  效率 3.strengthen v.

  加强 4.virtue n.

  美德 5.board v.

  寄宿 6.dormitory n.

  公寓 ·必考话题9 学校生活(Ⅱ) 7.beat v.

  战胜 8.relaxation n.

  放松 9.exercise v.

  锻炼 10.be accustomed to

  习惯于 11.the key to success

  成功的关键 12.build up one's body

  增强体质 13.overcome difficulty

  克服困难 提分句型 1.When it comes to English Learning,I think reading is important.当谈到英语学习时,我认为阅读很重要。 2.She is accustomed to going to bed and getting up early.她习惯于早睡早起。 3.Recently we have made a survey on students' health.

  最近我们就学生的健康进行了调查。 4.I'm determined todo well in my lessons so as not to let my parents down.

  为了不让我的父母失望,我决心把功课学好。 5.It takes years of hard work to speak good English.


  [美 文 赏 析] 素材示例 (2016·四川卷)某中学生英文报近期开辟专栏,讨论学习习惯问题。请你结合自身学习实际,按以下提示,用英文为该专栏写一篇稿件。


  注意:(1)词数120左右,开头语已为你写好;(2)可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;(3)文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。 It's useful and necessary to discuss learning habits. ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ It's useful and necessary to discuss learning habits.As the old saying goes, “Success lies in good habits.”If we form a good learning habit,the chances that we'll gain doubled

  efficiency with less time wasted① are very good. When it comes to good learning habits,I think reviewing our courses after class is of vital importance.②

  To do this, we are supposed

  to set aside some time every day to fix our attention on where we don't understand.It is repeating what we've learned that strengthens our memories and leads to better school performance.③ 佳作播报

  However,no one can afford to ignore his shortcomings and I'm no exception.

  I always find myself occupied in taking notes without noticing teachers'words,which has been a heavy burden to my study.For the sake of better result,I'm focusing on the key points

  and seizing every chance to keep pace with teachers.By doing so,I'm firmly convinced that I can achieve it. 1.with less time wasted是with的复合结构。

  [模拟] With man _problems to solve,Obama will have a difficult time. 有许多问题有待解决,奥巴马将有一段艰难的时期。 2.of vital importance非常重要,of+抽象名词=该名词相对应的形容词。

  [模拟] This it an issue of great importance to all disabled people.这个问题对于残疾人至关重要。

  3.It is repeating what we've learned that...此句使用了强调句型。

  [模拟] It is many years of working hard that leads to Mo Yan's success.

  正是多年的艰苦工作才造就了莫言的成功。  Ⅰ.核心单词 1.________(vi.&n.)得益;好处→________(adj.)有好处的 2.________(adj.)方便的,便利的→________(n.)方便,便利 3.________(n.)后果,结果→________(adj.)因此而引起的 4.________(vi.)争辩,争吵→________(n.)理由;依据;争论,争辩 5.________(adj.)善解人意的;敏感的→________(n.)感觉 6.________(n.)责任,负责,职责→________(adj.)负责的→________(n.)反应 7.________(n.)印象,感觉→________(vt.)给某人深刻印象,使铭记→________(adj.)令人印象深刻的,感人的 8.________(adj.)可靠的→________(vi.)依靠,依赖 9.________(n.)数量 10.________(adv.)实际地;真实地→________(adj.)实际的 11.________(vt.)逮捕,拘留 12.________(vt.)感谢;欣赏→________(n.)感激,评价 13.________(n.)建筑;建筑物→________(v.)建造,建设 14.________(vt.)承认,供认→________(n.)承认;允许进入 15._______(adj.)沉溺于……的→_______(n.)对……入迷的人;瘾君子→_______(n.)瘾,嗜好→_______(adj.)使人上瘾的 16.________(vt.)占用(空间、面积、时间等)→________(n.)职业 17.________(vt.)适合→________(adj.)适合的 18.________(adj.)时常发生的→________(adv.)频繁地 答案 1.benefit;beneficial 2.convenient;convenience 3.consequence;consequent 4.argue;argument 5.sensitive;sense 6.responsibility;responsible;response 7.impression;impress;impressive 8.reliable;rely 9.amount 10.actually;actual 11.arrest 12.appreciate;appreciation 13.construction;construct 14.admit;admission 15.addicted;addict;addiction;addictive 16.occupy;occupation 17.suit;suitable 18.frequent;frequently Wheels make our life convenient.As a consequence,we benefit from them.We would appreciate it if the company is responsible for the damage. ——词不离句,句不离段 Ⅱ.重点短语 1.和……有联系 ________________ 2.通过,经过

  ________________ 3.紧张的,有压力的

  ________________ 4.和……相比

  ________________ 5.总之,最后

  ________________ 6.沉迷于,沉醉于

  ________________ 7.使……复活/苏醒

  ________________ 8.不愉快的,厌烦的

  ________________ 9.work out

  ________________ 10.rely on

  ________________ 11.pull up

  ________________ 12.pull out

  ________________ 13.so far

  ________________ 14.take place

  ________________ 15.go up

  ________________ 16.on average

  ________________ 答案 1.be in touch with 2.go through 3.(be) stressed out 4.compared to/with 5.in conclusion 6.be obsessed with/be addicted to 7.bring...to life

  8.fed up 9.锻炼身体,做运动;制订出;计算出 10.依靠,依赖 11.(车辆)停止,停车 12.(火车)驶离车站,出站 13.迄今为止 14.发生,举行 15.上升 16.平均,通常 ①He got fed up with all the travelling he hed to do. ②What was Mrs. Franks doing when the accident took place? ③Each country must therefore rely on the management of its own water to supply its farming requirements. ④The train slowly pulled out, but not about a thousand yards when it suddenly paused. ⑤We'll have to work out how much food we'll need for the party. ——小试身手,聚焦短语 Ⅲ.经典句式 1.Wherever someone finished a journey they would leave the bike there for someone else to use.

  无论人们在哪里骑完一段路程,他们就把那辆自行车放到哪里,以便别人能够使用。 [解读]Wherever引导地点状语从句 [模拟]________________(他们无论去哪儿)they were warmly welcomed. 2.How often do we arrive at work or school stressed out, tired and angry.有多少次我们在极度焦虑、疲惫、恼怒的状态下到达办公室或学校?


  [模拟]My father went home from work,____________(又累又饿). 3.In conclusion, on the one hand Ludford is an attractive town with good shops and many places of interest. on the other hand, the local governments need to do something to control the traffic which passes through the town.

  一方面,路孚德是一个有着优良船舶和众多名胜的迷人的小镇。另一方面,当地政府有必要采取措施来控制途径镇区的车辆。 [解读]on the one hand...on the other hand...一方面……另一方面…… [模拟]These days I am very busy.________________(一方面)I have to work;________________(另一方面), I have many visitors to see. 4.Before 1908, when Ford's cars became available to the public, it was only the very rich who could afford to own a car.1908年福特汽车问世以前,只有非常有钱的人才能买得起汽车。

  [解读]It is/was...who/that...(强调句型)

  [模拟]It was Tom__________(应对那次事故负责). 答案 1.Wherever they went 2.tired and hungry 3.On the one hand;on the other hand 4.that/who was to blame for the accident Ⅳ.必背句法——现在完成进行时;现在完成时和现在完成进行时 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.I______(wait)for an hour and he still______(not turn up). 2.He_____(watch)TV all the morning and ______(do)nothing. 3.I_____(write)letters all this evening and I _____(finish)them. 答案 1.have been waiting;hasn‘t turned up  2.has been watching;has done  3.have been writing;have just finished ①She________________tennis since she was eight.

  她从八岁就开始打网球了。 ②This whole week, he________________some new employees.

  这星期他一直训练新员工。 ③There________________two world wars in the past hundred years.

  过去一百年中打过两次世界大战。 ④I saw Julia in April and I________________her since.

  我四月见过朱莉娅,从那以后就没见到她了。 答案 ①has been playing ②has been training ③have been ④haven't seen ——条分缕析,步步为营

  [词 汇 精 解] benefit vi.&n.得益;好处

  (教材原句)People have been enjoying the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam for years.多年来,人们一直享受着在阿姆斯特丹骑自行车的益处。 (1)benefit sb


  benefit from/by

  从……中受益 (2)be of (great) benefit (to...) (对……)(大)有禆益

  for the benefit of...

  为了……的利益 (3)beneficial adj.


  be beneficial to sb

  对某人有益 ①Kieran Hepburn, 14, is one of a group of Banbury youth who has benefited from the program so far.(2016·福建卷,E)

  基兰·赫本,14岁,是一群班伯里年轻人中的一个,到目前为止他已经从这个项目中受益。 ②Big Brothers Big Sisters has been of great benefit and enjoyment to both Emily and Sarah. (2012·江西卷,C)

  大哥大姐俱乐部给艾米丽和萨拉都带来了极大的好处和快乐。 ③Daily exercise is greatly beneficial to your health.

  =Daily exercise is___________________________________to your health.

  =Daily exercise greatly____________________________your health.

  =Your health greatly________________daily exercise.每天锻炼非常有益于你的健康。 答案 ③of great benefit;benefits;benefits from convenient adj.方便的,便利的(作表语时其主语一般是“物”或形式主语it,而不是“人”)

  (教材原句)It is a good city for cycling because it is flat and therefore is convenient for bikes.

  因地势平坦而对骑自行车来说很方便,所以这是一个骑自行车的好城市。 考点归纳拓展 基础知识通关

  词语辨析 suit, match, fit

  suit 多指合乎需要、口味、性格、条件、地位、场合等

  match 多指色调、形状、性质等方面的搭配

  fit 多指大小、形状的合适


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