(广东省专用)2015届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero课时作业 新人教版必修1-查字典英语网
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(广东省专用)2015届高三英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero课时作业 新人教版必修1

发布时间:2017-01-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  课时作业(五) [必修1 Unit 5 Nelson Mandela—a modern hero] (限时:30分钟). 完形填空(牧师).His church was very old and what's worse, a storm knocked a hole in the wall of the church.__1__ an auction (拍卖)and bid a beautiful tablecloth for six dollars. He carried the cloth back to the church and put it up on the wall. It completely hid the __2__!the pastor noticed a woman standing in the cold at the bus stop. “The __3__ won't be here for 40 minutes!” he called. And he invited her into the church to get __4__n but she had been turned down.

  The woman saw the tablecloth and rose suddenly. The pastor smiled and started to tell her about the storm's __5__, but she didn't seem to __6__!” she said. “My husband had the cloth made __7__!”__8__ her. But she never saw him again. Later she heard that he had died. The pastor tried to __9__ her, advising her to take the cloth with her. She __10__. Then she went away.

  On Christmas Eve, after the service in church, one middle-aged man—the local clock-and-watch repairman—looked rather __11__,” he said in his soft accent.my wife and I owned such a cloth.”

  The pastor suddenly became very __12__. He told him about the woman who had been in church __13__ in the day. Together the two got in touch with the __14__ who had interviewed her. And this man and his wife—who had been separated through so many __15__—were finally reunited.


































  D.family阅读理解y for them over months or even years. But some people get deep into debt. Some banks have terms and charges that can make it even harder for people to pay off that debt. In the United States, there are calls for stronger government supervision of the credit card industry. They_offer_economic_power_at_a_price. In 2004, Americans had about $800 billion in credit card debt. Now they own about $968 billion.

  Critics say banks made it too easy to get credit cards. But that may be changing. The crisis in the housing and credit markets is beginning to affect the credit card industry. More payments are late. Charges for late payments are a growing source of profit for banks. But late payments can also signal bad debts.

  The central bank, the Federal Reserve, says two thirds of American banks have recently reported tighter lending requirements. Many people report having their credit limits reduced without warning.

  Some lawmakers are concerned that cardholders do not have enough protection from what critics say are abusive policies. These include actions like raising interest rates because of an unrelated event. Also, banks may raise the chances of a late payment by changing monthly payment dates for credit cards.

  According to a survey, 82% of Americans think credit cards provide a valuable service. But a majority, 58%, say they do not trust credit card companies. And three out of four think the government should regulate the industry more closely. Three out of four people feel there are always some conditions that make a card less appealing than the company made it sound. And a little more than half say they have a card that is not as good as they expected. But close to 80% say no one really reads the terms and conditions when they sign up for a credit card.

  16.What does the underlined sentence in the first paragraph probably mean?

  A.We can enjoy more convenience using credit cards.

  B.Credit cards can improve your buying power.

  C.We can buy things at lower prices using credit cards.

  D.Credit cards bring more card debt as well as convenience.

  17.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?

  A.Banks are making it harder for people to get credit cards.

  B.Some people's credit limits have been reduced.

  C.It is more difficult to borrow money from some banks.

  D.Banks are receiving more charges from late payments.

  18.Which of the following can be a case of abusive policies?

  A.Banks make credit cards look more attractive.

  B.Banks ignore the danger of bad debts.

  C.Banks raise interest rates with no good reason.

  D.Banks put off monthly payment dates.

  19.What can we know from the text?

  A.Banks actually prefer to see more late payments.

  B.People should be more careful when applying for a credit card.

  C.The US government provides better protection for cardholders.

  D.The majority of Americans don't think much of credit cards.

  20.What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

  A.Credit cards are still very well received in America.

  B.Credit cards don't live up to some people's expectations.

  C.Many people don't believe in credit card companies.

  D.The results of a survey about credit cards in America.


  Abraham Lincoln was born into poverty 200 years ago. At any other time and place, this lowly origin would have dictated his future, but in Lincoln's case, his self-determination and force of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his country's history. He has become a role model in the self-made America.

  If you want to learn about somebody who didn't quit, look no further. Abraham Lincoln had two business ventures failed, and the second one made him bankrupt, so he had to spend the next 17 years of his life paying for the debt. He also lost 8 different elections. It seemed that he had never done things right at the first time: the first time he ran for state legislature for Congress, for land officer, for Senate… all of these failed, and the first time he sought the vice-presidential nomination, he got less than 100 votes nationally. But he never found it too shameful to carry on his mission. Then later in 1860, on such a rough road, he made it to the White House. He lived up to his famous saying, “Always bear in mind that your own determination to success is more important than any other.”

  He could have quit many times梑ut he didn't and because he didn't quith,he became one of the greatest presidents in the history of America. One important way Lincoln influences present society is that we look back on his life as a role model for future generations. Lincoln's high character influences us because we compare present-day politicians to the example Lincoln set. A major influence Lincoln has on the

  the good example he set when it came to honesty, persistence and leadership.

  21.According to the first paragraph, which of the following statements is TRUE?

  A.Lincoln was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.

  B.Like Lincoln, a poor origin leads to a bright future.

  C.America is considered self-made because of Lincoln.D.Self-determination and will contributed to Lincoln's success.How Lincoln made his way to the White House.

  B.Lincoln suffered various failures.

  C.Lincoln was a man who never quit.

  D.Lincoln once lost two business ventures.

  23.Which is the correct order of what happened to Lincoln?

  a.He was paying off his debt.

  b.He failed in the run for land officer.

  c.He got less than 100 votes nationally.

  d.He stuck to his mission.

  e.He went bankrupt.



  D.d-e-a-b-c' attention.

  C.To show why Lincoln was able to carry on in hard times.

  D.To summarize Lincoln's story.

  25.Why does the writer consider Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents in America?

  A.Because he still influences America as a role model.

  B.Because he set a good example to the present politicians.

  C.Because of his great personalities.

  D.Because he went through diverse difficulties.

  课时作业(五)这是一个真实的圣诞节故事,风暴把教堂的墙上弄了一个洞,牧师用拍卖得到的一块桌布挡住了那个洞,让那个在寒风中等车的女士进入教堂,最终一对因为战争而失散多年的夫妻团聚了。 have有;attend参加;hold举行;take带。有一天牧师参加了一场拍卖会。参加拍卖会应该用attend,B。 wall墙;church教堂;hole洞;table桌子。由前面的句子“…a storm knocked a hole in the wall of the church.”可知,此处是用那块布挡住了洞。故选C。 boss老板;company公司;train火车;bus公共汽车。由前面的句子“…the pastor noticed a woman standing in the cold at the bus stop.”可知,这里指公共汽车。故选D。 warm温暖的;ready准备好的;cool凉爽的;calm平静的。他邀请她进入教堂取暖。故选A。 damage破坏;story故事;fact事实;truth真理。牧师微笑着,告诉她关于风暴造成的破坏。故选A。 work工作;believe相信;listen听;understandC。 carefully仔细地;attentively专心地;finally最终地;especially尤其地。根据句意可知这是丈夫特别为她做的桌布。故选D。 join参加;write写;bring带来;leave离开。join sb和某人一起。他计划和她汇合。故选A。 amuse使……高兴;comfort安慰;please使……高兴;help帮助。牧师安慰她,建议她把桌布带着。故选B。C cry哭;accept接受;refuse拒绝;continue继续。由下文可知,她拒绝把桌布带走。故选C。 puzzled困惑的;delighted高兴的;determined有决心的;disappointed失望的。从后面的句子“It is strange…”可知他很困惑。故选A。 sadshocked震惊的;hopeful有希望的;excited兴奋的。这里指人高兴故用excited。故选D。 later后来;earlier早些时候;warmer更暖和;colder更冷。牧师告诉他早些时候在教堂的那位女士。故选B。 woman女士;manager经理;husband丈夫;family家庭。从第三段的“She told him that she had come from the city to be interviewed for a job as a governess to the children of one wealthy family in town but she had been turned down.”可知答案是D。 week星期;country国家;Christmas圣诞节;century世纪。经历这么多年圣诞节的夫妇最终团聚了。故选C。文章主要介绍16.D 句意猜测题。根据本段的“Credit cards let people buy things now and pay for them over months or even years. But some people get deep into debt. Some banks have terms and charges that can make it even harder for people to pay off that debt.”可以看出,信用卡在给人们带来方便的同时,也带来了债务。

  17.A 细节理解题。第三段的“Many people report having their credit limits reduced without warning. ”说明B项是正确的;第三段的“…says two thirds of American banks have recently reported tighter lending requirements.”说明C项是正确的;第二段的“Charges for late payments are a growing source of profit for banks.”说明D项是正确的;而从第二段的“Critics say banks made it too easy to get credit cards.” 可知A项是不正确的。 细节理解题。从第四段的“These include actions like raising interest rates because of an unrelated event.”可知,银行没有任何的理由就提高利率。 推理判断题。美国很多人因为使用信用卡而欠下很多债,作者通过这篇文章提醒大家:办信用卡时要慎重。 段落大意题。从最后一段提供的数据看,本段主要讲了在美国有关信用卡的调查结果。 细节…but in Lincoln's case, his self-determination and force of will made it possible for him to secure his seat in his country's history.”可知,是林肯的决心和意志促成了他的成功。故选D。 段落大意题。根据第二段的“If you want to learn about somebody who didn't quit, look no further.”可知,林肯是个永不放弃的人。故选C。 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的内容可知顺序是:e. He went bankrupt. a. He was paying off his debt. b. He failed in the run for land officer. c. He got less than 100 votes nationally. d. He stuck to his mission.故选B。 细节理解题。根据第二段的“Then later in 1860, on such a rough road, he made it to the White House. He lived up to his famous saying…”可知,这句话是为了表明为什么他能渡过难关。故选C。 推理判断题。根据倒数第一段的“Lincoln's high character influences us because we compare present-day politicians to the example Lincoln set.”可知,林肯作为一个榜样影响了美国人。故选A。


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