安徽省明光英普辅导中心高考英语一轮复习精品资料课件:Unit8 Adventure 历险-查字典英语网
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安徽省明光英普辅导中心高考英语一轮复习精品资料课件:Unit8 Adventure 历险

发布时间:2017-01-12  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  enough还可作名词或形容词,修饰名词时,可前置或后置。 We have enough time (time enough) to finish the task. 我们有充足的时间完成任务。 There are enough books (books enough) for the children. 有足够的书供孩子们阅读。 注意:当enough与adj.+n.连用时,位置不同,意义也不同。 I haven’t got big enough nails to mend the cupboard. 修理柜橱,我的钉子不够大。 I haven’t got enough big nails to mend the cupboard. 修理柜橱,我的大钉子不够。 19.单词拼写 E________has been said about this matter. 【答案】 Enough Although people enjoyed reading his book,many of them thought that Marco’s stories about China were too fantastic to be true.尽管人们喜欢读他的书,但是很多人认为马可讲的关于中国的故事太离奇了,令人难以置信。 该句中使用了too...to...结构,意为“太……而不能……”,too后面跟形容词(或副词),但当其后接形容词修饰单数可数名词时,要把不定冠词a(n)放在形容词之后。 It was too hot a day for us to work. 天太热了,我们不能干活。 He is too weak to carry the box.=He isn’t strong enough to carry the box.=He is so weak that he can’t carry the box. 他太弱了,搬不动这个箱子。 (1)too...to...句式中,若too后接glad,pleased,happy,eager,anxious,willing,ready,easy等表示心情、情绪等的形容词,表示肯定意义,too相当于very。 (2)如果too前有否定词never或not,(即never/not too...to...),或者不定式前有not,(即too...not to do...时),这两种形式均表示肯定意义。 (3)can’t...too...表示“无论怎样……也不过分”。 They seemed to be too nervous and were too anxious to leave. 他们好像过分紧张,并且十分急于离开。 He is too wise not to solve this problem. 他非常聪明,必能解决这个问题。 20.—Must I turn off the gas after cooking? —Of course.You can never be________careful with that. A.enough

  B.too C.so

  D.very 【答案】 B Today,the Xinjiang Autonomous Regin remains an international crossroad where traders from surrounding countries,and tourists from all over the world regularly meet. 今天,新疆自治区仍然是周边地区乃至全世界观光者集结的国际中心。 remain link­v.“保持(某种状态)、仍旧是”,后可加形容词、名词、分词和介词短语。 The shops here remain open after 9 p.m.. Mr Baker became an engineer but Mr White remained a worker. 贝克先生成了工程师,但怀特先生依旧是工人。 The situation remained unchanged. 形势仍然没什么改变。 She remained sitting when they came in. 当他们进来时她还坐在那里。 We should remain in contact with one another. 我们应当相互保持联系。

  系动词用法总结 用法 例词 例句 表示状态 be stand lie stay keep She is my mother’s friend. 她是我妈妈的朋友。 It’s red.它是红色的。 There stands a castle here. 这儿有一座城堡。 He kept his coat on. 他穿着上衣。 表示动作 或变化 turn become get grow go It becomes more and more beautiful. 它变得越来越漂亮了。 She grew rich within a short time. 她在很短的时间内就富了起来。 The days were getting colder,and winter was near. 天气变冷了,冬天快来了。 In summer eggs go bad easily. 夏天,鸡蛋很容易变坏。 表示 “感觉” smell look feel taste The flower smells sweet. 这枝花闻起来很香。 It feels very soft. 它摸起来很柔软。 The food tastes delicious. 这个食物味道很好。 表示动作 已完成 prove turn out The opposition proved too strong for him.反对他的意见太强烈了。 This turned out a success. 这件事成功了。 表示“像” “看起 来像” seem appear look These ideas may seem strange to you. 对于你来说,这些想法可能看起来有点儿奇怪。 She appeared not to know what had happened.看起来,她好像不知道发生了什么事。 The teacher looks tired. 老师看起来很累。 21.What he said sounded________. A.terrible

  B.terribly C.like terrible

  D.as terribly 【答案】 A 22.(2009年四川卷)Ladies and gentlemen,please remain________until the plane has come to a complete stop. A.seated

  B.seating C.to seat

  D.seat 【解析】 句意为:女士们,先生们,请在飞机完全停下来之后,再离开座位。remain仍然是;保持不变,在这里是一个连系动词。seat vt.用法:seat oneself;seat 2 people;be/remain seated保持坐着的状态,seated (=sitting)是由过去分词变来的形容词,作remain的表语,表状态。 【答案】 A 课时作业 点击进入链接 * risk vt.冒险;n.风险 risk (doing) sth.冒险(做)某事 at risk=in danger在危险中 at the risk of doing sth.可能招致(不快);冒……的危险 run the risk of doing sth.冒着……的风险(危险) take a risk/risks冒险 at one’s own risk自担风险地;由自己负责 The disease is spreading,and all young children are at risk. 这种病正在蔓延,所有儿童都有被感染的危险。 You have to take/run a lot of risks if you want to succeed in business.如果想在生意上取得成功,就得冒许多风险。 Anyone swimming in this lake does so at his own risk. 在此湖中游泳者,若有意外,责任自负。

  take a chance 冒险;碰运气 give away a chance 丧失机遇 Don’t take chances by driving too fast. 别冒险把车开得太快。 10.He thinks we shouldn’t go ahead with this plan because of the________of failure. A.future

  B.pressure C.worry

  D.risk 【解析】 句意为“他认为我们不应该执行这个计划,因为失败的风险很大”。risk (n.) of sth.……风险。Do you think there’s any risk of rain?你认为会下雨吗?注意:risk还能作“造成危险的人或物”讲,If he knows your real name,he’s a security risk.要是他知道你的真名字,就会对你的保密构成威胁。 【答案】 D aim vt.& vi.瞄准;针对;旨在;n.瞄准;目的;意图 aim sth.at sb./sth.把某物朝某人/某物瞄准 aim at sb./sth.针对某人;力争某事 aim at doing sth.企图,力求做某事 miss one’s aim at未击中目标 aimless adj.无目的的,无目标的 The man aimed an arrow at the bear,but missed. 那个人向那头熊射箭,但没有射中。 The government is aiming at developing its economy. 政府正在致力于发展经济。 The coach was angry when the player missed his aim at the target.选手再一次未能击中靶心,教练生气了。 An aimless person is sure to have neither persistence nor patience. 生活没有目标的人肯定是既无毅力,又无耐心的。 achieve one’s aim达到目的;实现目标 I must try to achieve my great aim. 我一定努力实现自己的宏伟目标。 The team has been training hard in preparation for the big game. 为备战这场重要比赛,队伍一直在严格训练。 Have you made all the preparations for the journey? 你作好了旅行的一切准备了吗? preparation n.准备,预备 make preparations for/to do...为……做好准备 in preparation在准备中 prepare vt.准备,预备;筹备;调制;为……做准备 prepare one’s lessons准备功课 prepare for...为……做好准备 preparation to do sth.准备做某事 be (well) prepared for/to do sth.对(做)某事有(充分的)准备 The whole class are working hard preparing for the exams. 班上的所有同学都在努力地准备考试。 We are not prepared to accept these conditions. 我们无意接受这些条件。 11.翻译句子 (1)学生们已为考试做好了充分的准备。 ________________________________________________________________________ (2)我们正忙于为度假做准备。 ________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 (1)The students have been well prepared for the exams. (2)We are busy preparing to go on holiday. get across使理解(某事);使明白;表达 get across (to sb.)被传达/理解 get sth.across to sb.向某人传达某事 Our teacher is clever,but not good at getting his ideas across (to us). 我们的老师很聪明,但他不擅于把自己的观点(向我们)讲清楚。 The message got across at last.这信息终于被理解了。 get about=get around=get round四处旅行(走动);(消息,谣言等)传开 get along/on (with)进展(行);相处 get away (from) 逃脱,逃离;离开;摆脱;离题,跑题 get down使悲伤;使沮丧;把……写下来 get down to开始认真做,开始努力做(to是介词) get in请(某人)来帮忙;收割;收获 get into陷入;养成某种习惯 get over恢复过来;克服,战胜 get through熬过(困境),接通电话;达到(标准);通过(测试) The news of their secret wedding soon got about. 他们秘密结婚的消息很快就传开了。 I really must get down to filling in my tax form. 我真的要认真填写报税表了。 Sooner or later you’ll get over the shock. 迟早你会从震惊中恢复过来的。 12.用get相关词组填空: (1)I________ ________much better in my new job. (2)A police officer grabbed him,but he________ ________. (3)He sometimes has trouble________his meaning________in English. 【答案】 (1)got on/along (2)got away (3)getting;across be worth值得…… (1)be worth the price值那个价钱 be well worth doing很值得做 be worthy of the fame配得上名声 be worthy of being done值得做 =be worthy to be done a worthy lady贵妇人 (2)用be well worth表示“非常值得,很值得”,不用very,quite等词。 His suggestion is worth considering.他的建议值得考虑。 The bicycle is worth its price/its cost/what I paid for it. 这辆自行车值那么多钱。 The film is well worth seeing a second time. 这部电影很值得再看一遍。 His deed is worthy of praise.他的行为值得称赞。 →His deed is worthy to be praised. →His deed is worthy of being praised. It is worth (one’s) while doing/to do sth.意为“值得(某人)做……,具有(某人)做……的价值。” It is worth your while visiting that country. 那个国家值得你一游。 It would be worth her while to talk to the editor. 她同编辑谈一谈还是有价值的。 13.—How do you find the British Museum? —Great!It’s________worth________. A.very;visiting

  B.well;a visit C.quite;being visited

  D.very much;visiting 【解析】 be well worth (doing) sth.很值得做某事。 【答案】 B turn up出现;到达;把……开大些 turn around转过身;转回身(同turn round) turn away转身不看;不理睬;撵走 turn down拒不接受;把……调小;调低 turn off关上(灯、收音机等);离开(公路) turn on开(灯等) turn out结果是……;最后情况是……;生产 turn to求助于…… turn back折回;翻回;打转;打退堂鼓 turn over翻转 turn in上交 It’s time for class now,but our teacher hasn’t turned up. 该上课了,但老师还没有到。 Please turn around and let me look at your back. 请转过身去,让我看看你的后背。 He went up to the TV and turned it on. 他走近电视,打开了开关。 switch on/off拧开/关闭 hand in上交(=turn in) Please hand in your papers now.请现在就交卷。 14.The teacher turned________when he heard someone whispering. A.in

  B.around C.to

  D.on 【解析】 turn around转身;turn in上交;turn to 转向;turn on打开。 【答案】 B break down打掉;坏掉;失败;垮掉 break into破门而入,强行闯入;突然……起来 break into tears突然哭起来 break in打断;闯入 break out爆发;突然发生 break away from脱离;打破 break through突围;突破;冲跨 break off折断;突然停止;脱落;断绝 break up打碎;拆散;分裂;分解;驱散 As the president’s car arrived,the crowd broke into loud applause. 当总统的汽车到达时,人群中爆发出了热烈的掌声。 I was still sleeping when the fire broke out,and then it spread quickly.当火灾发生时我正在睡觉,然后它快速蔓延开了。 He was broken down after many years’ hard work. 由于多年的劳累,他病倒了。 They quarreled with each other and their friendship broke up. 他们吵架了,友谊被破坏了。 break into与break in都有“闯入”之意,但break into是及物动词短语,后需要加宾语,而break in为不及物动词短语。另外break into还有“突然,一下子……”之意和burst into类似,而break in还表示“插嘴,插进来说”等意思。 Thieves broke into the store at night. 小偷在夜里闯入了这家商店。 15.Scientists hope to________soon in their fight against heart disease. A.break in

  B.break out C.break up

  D.break through 【解析】 句意为:科学家们希望不久以后他们在研究心脏病方面有所突破。break in强行进入;插话;break out爆发;break up分解,分手;break through突围;突破。 【答案】 D 16.(2009年江苏卷)—I’m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have________. —So am I.They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. A.broken up

  B.finished up C.divided up

  D.closed up 【解析】 句意为:——听到Sue和Paul分手了,我很吃惊。——我也是。上次看到他们时,他们看起来还相处得很愉快呢。break up关系破裂;finish up终结,结束;divide up使……分开;close up堵住,关闭。 【答案】 A Marco was surprised to see Chinese people using paper money in the markets.

  马可很惊讶地看到中国人在集市上使用纸币。 句中see sb.doing sth.意为“看见某人正在做某事”。 在see,hear,find,watch,notice等感官动词之后既可跟现在分词作宾补,又可跟省略to的不定式作宾补(但在被动语态中不能省略to),还可跟过去分词作宾补。 I saw him entering the classroom.我看见他正走进教室。 I saw him enter the classroom.我看见他进了教室。 感官动词后跟现在分词作宾补时,表示动作正在进行或发生;跟不定式作宾补,侧重动作的全过程;跟过去分词作宾补,表动作的被动意义和动作的完成意义。 He was heard singing in the next room. 我听见他在隔壁房间唱歌。 I heard him sing in the next room. →He was heard to sing in the next room. 我听到了他在隔壁房间唱歌。 The manager would like to see the plan that they’re talking about carried out next month. 经理想看见他们正在讨论的计划下月份能实施。 17.He looked around and saw a man________his hand into the pocket of a passenger. A.put

  B.to be putting C.to put

  D.putting 【答案】 D There are walks of 6~8 hours most days,with a maximum altitude of 5,545 metres. 大部分日子是步行6至8个小时,最大海拔5 545米。 maximum adj.最大的,最多的(反义词为minimum) maximum还可以作名词,意为“最大量”,复数形式为maximums或maxima。常用结构为a/the maximum of sth.(此处常为数字),不要丢掉介词of。 The maximum load for this lorry is one ton. 这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。 The July maximum of temperature was 30 ℃. 七月份的最高温度是30 ℃。 常见搭配: to the maximum到最大值 at the maximum在最大值 The excitement was at its maximum.兴奋到了极点。 18.单词拼写 This hall holds a m________of seventy people. 【答案】 maximum However,Marco was lucky enough to meet another prisoner who enjoyed listening to his stories about China.然而,马克十分幸运又遇到了另一位喜欢听他讲有关中国故事的囚犯。 enough作为adv.修饰adj.或adv.,必须后置。 ...enough (for sb.) to do sth.足以…… can’t...enough/can never...enough意为“无论……不为过”“越……越好”;有时可用can’t too...to代替。 You can never be careful enough.你越细心越好。 You can’t praise him enough.你怎么表扬他也不为过。 It’s late enough for us to stop work. 已经够晚了,我们可以收工了。 类别 课标要点 重 点 单 词 1.

  n.奇遇,冒险的经历 2.

  adj.较重要的,较严重的 3.





  住所,住处 5.





  可选择的,非强制的 7.





  冒……的危险 9.





  使困惑 11.











  运转,起作用 15.





  员工,全体工作人员 17.





  耐心,忍耐力 19.





  不利,不利条件 adventure major luggage accommodation extra optional differ risk amaze confuse quantity shock ambition function observe staff shelter patience nationality disadvantage 常 用 短 语 1. . 起飞    2.

  就在此刻 3.



  使理解(某事) 5.



  坚持(某种)说法 7.



  继续做某事 9.



  颠倒地,倒置地 take__off right__now  turn__up








  典 型 句 式 1.Marco was surprised to

  Chinese people

  paper money

  in the markets. 马可很惊讶地看到中国人在集市上使用纸币。. 2.The men were soon exhausted and were _____

  food. 队员们很快就筋疲力竭了,食品也快吃完了。 3.Although people enjoyed reading his book,many of them thought that Marco’s stories about China were


  true. 尽管人们喜欢读他的书,但是很多人认为马可讲的关于中国的故事太离奇了,令人难以置信。 4.

  the total darkness of the polar winter.接下来极地冬日的全部黑暗时期到来了。 5.The next to go was Captain Oates,who was


  walking. 下一个去世的是奥茨上尉,他行走有困难。 see using running out of


  fantastic to be Then came having difficulty adventure n.冒险;冒险的经历 adventure作“冒险”讲时是不可数名词,作“冒险的经历,奇遇”讲时是可数名词。 He lives for adventure.他为追求冒险而生活。 I told them of my adventures travelling in Africa. 我告诉他们我在非洲旅行时的冒险经历。 No adventure,no gain.(谚)不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 adventurer n.冒险者,投机分子 adventurous adj.爱冒险的;充满危险的;胆大的 adventurously adv.冒险地 My brother is an adventurous young man. 我弟弟是一个爱冒险的年轻人。 1.If you want to have________,you must have proper equipment. A.a adventureB.an adventure C.a piece of adventure

  D.the adventure 【答案】 B observe vt.观察,观测;察觉到;遵守;庆祝 observe sth.观察/遵守/庆祝…… observe sb.do sth.察觉到某人做某事 observe sb.doing sth.察觉到某人正在做某事 The police observed a man enter the bank. 警察注意到一个人走进了银行。 I felt he was observing everything I did. 我觉得他正在注视着我做的每一件事。 We Chinese also observe Christmas nowadays. 我们中国人现在也过圣诞节。 observer n.观察者,观测者,遵守者 observation n.观察,注意,监测,观测 be under observation受到监视 All our actions are under observation of the police. 我们的一切行动都在警方的监视之下。 2.He stood on the platform,________the train until it disappeared in the distance. A.minding

  B.watching C.noticed

  D.observed 【答案】 B anxious adj.忧虑的,焦急的;挂念的;渴望的,急切的 be anxious for/about sth.为……担心(忧虑) be anxious for渴望得到…… be anxious (for sb.) to do sth.渴望(某人)做…… anxiously adv.焦急地;忧虑地;渴望地 anxiety n.焦虑,忧虑,担心 with anxiety焦虑地 She is still absent.I’m anxious about her health. 她依然缺课,我实在担心她的健康。 She was anxious for them all to leave the classroom. 她渴望他们全都离开教室。 I waited for her with anxiety.我焦虑地等着她。 eager与anxious用法比较: (1)eager表示渴望知道某事,对其抱有一定信心,常见结构be eager for/be eager to do sth.渴望……/渴望做某事。 (2)anxious指强烈希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,强调某种“焦虑感”,对结果感到不安。常见结构be anxious for/about为……担忧,be anxious to do渴望……。The child is eager to see his mother.小孩急着想见妈妈。 3.Our parents always get a little bit________if we don’t manage to arrive when we say we will. A.eager

  B.anxious C.patient

  D.earnest 【解析】 句意为:当我们没有在我们说的时间到达时,我们的父母总是会有点担心。eager渴望的,热情的,anxious担心的,渴望的,焦虑的,patient耐心的,earnest诚实的,真诚的。 【答案】 B confuse vt.使困惑 confuse A with/and B把A和B相混淆 be confused by sth.被……搞糊涂了 get/become confused困惑,不知所措 in confusion困惑地;困窘地 confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的 confused adj.感到迷惑的,感到难懂的 I got confused by what he said just now. 我被他刚才说的话弄糊涂了。 Don’t confuse him with his brother.They are much alike. 别把他与他的弟弟混淆了,他们非常相像。 当修饰一个人的表情(look,expression)及声音(voice)时应该用confused。 What he said was confusing,so I was confused at his words. 他说的话很难懂,所以我对他说的话感到迷惑不解。 From his confused expression,I can see this confusing problem puzzled him. 从他困惑的表情可以看出,这令人困惑的问题把他难倒了。 4.用所给动词的适当形式填空: We can conclude his________(confuse) look suggests that he gets________(confuse) by this________(confuse) question. 【答案】 confused;confused;confusing differ vi.不同,相异 differ from=be different from与……不同 differ in在……方面不同 differ with/from sb.about/on/over sth. 关于某事与某人意见不同 The conditions of our classroom have differed from what you saw five years ago. 我们教室的条件已经与五年前你看到的情况大不一样了。 The two girls are similar in appearance,but they differ in voice and disposition. 这两个女孩在外表上相似,但声音与性格却不同。 We differ with each other about this matter. 关于这件事,我们意见不同。 be different from与……不同 make a difference有区别;有意义 What he does is different from what he says. 他做的和他说的不一样。 5.The way he did it differed________we were used to. A.in which

  B.in what C.from what

  D.from which 【解析】 句中he did it是定语从句,修饰前面的the way。句意为:他做这件事的方式与过去我们习惯的方式是不同的。differ from与……不同,what引导的从句是介词from的宾语。 【答案】 C identify v.认出;鉴定 identify A with B视A与B为相等 identify (oneself) with sb./sth. 支持;与……认同;觉得与……接近 She was able to identify her attacker. 她认出了袭击她的人。 I can identify with your problems as I’ve had them myself. 我觉得你的问题就像我自己遇到的问题。 He refused to identify himself with the right wing of the Party. 他拒绝支持党内的右翼分子。 identification n.认出;鉴定;视为同一 identity n.身份;完全相同 identity card身份证 identical adj.同一的;完全相同的 be identical with和……一致 Please show me your identity card.请出示你的身份证。 6.完成句子 尸体被认出是失踪的飞行员。 The dead body________________________the missing pilot. 【答案】 was identified as imagine v.想像 imagine doing sth.想像干某事 imagine sb./sb.’s doing sth.想像某人干某事 imagine sb./sth.as把某人/物想像成…… imagination n.想像力,幻觉,空想 Living in a small house all the time,he could hardly imagine a house with a big garden.一直住在一个小房子里,他几乎不能想像一所带大花园的房子。 Can you imagine what it would be like to live without electricity?你能想像出生活中没有电会是什么样的情景吗? It’s hard to imagine living anywhere else but here. 很难想像生活在这里以外的其他地方。 I can’t imagine that anyone cares what I do. 我想不出谁会关心我的所作所为。 I never knew my grandmother,but I always imagine her as a kind,gentle person.我从未见过祖母,但我总把她想像成一个心地善良、和蔼可亲的人。 imaginative,imaginable与imaginary用法比较: 这三者都是形容词。 (1)imaginative表示“富有想像力的,爱想像的”。 an imaginative artist一个富有想像力的艺术家 (2)imaginable是“可以想像得到的”,常与形容词最高级或all,every,only等连用,可放在被修饰的名词后。 the only solution imaginable唯一想得出的办法 (3)imaginary是“想像的,虚构的,假想的”。 an imaginary enemy一个假想的敌人 7.完成句子 (1)你能想像他作为一个演员而出名吗? Can you________________________________as an actor? (2)我简直想像不出这个地方几年之后会变成什么样子。 I just can’t imagine______________________________________________________________in a few years’ time. 【答案】 (1)imagine him/his becoming famous (2)what the place is going to look like promise vt.& n.许诺;答应 promise sb.sth.(sth.to sb.)答应给予某人某物 promise to do sth.答应做某事 promise sb.to do sth.许诺某人做某事 promise sb.that从句,答应某人…… keep (make,carry out,break) a promise 信守(许诺,履行,违背)诺言  My father has promised me a new bicycle. 父亲答应给我买一辆新自行车。 She promised not to forget to write to me. 她答应过不会忘记给我写信。 Tom promised me that he’d never be late again. 汤姆向我保证以后不再迟到。 sth.promises...=show signs of sth. 有(某事将会发生的迹象);预示 It promises to be a lovely day. 看来今天天气一定晴朗。 8.—Dad,you said you would buy me a new bicycle several days ago. —Yes,I’ll keep my________if you do better in your exam. A.idea

  B.reality C.promise

  D.fact 【解析】 下句意为“如果你考得好,我会遵守诺言的”。 【答案】 C advantage n.优点,长处,优势,便利 disadvantage n.缺点,短处,劣势,不便 have/gain/win an advantage over sb.胜过/优于某人 take advantage of利用;占……的便宜 to one’s advantage=to the advantage of sb.对某人有利 be of advantage to sb.对某人有利 put sb.to advantage/disadvantage使某人处于优势/劣势 at a disadvantage处于不利地位 Earthenware has an advantage over wood in being more easily kept clean.陶器的优点在于比木器更容易保持清洁。 He takes advantage of her kindness and borrows her bike too much.他利用了她好说话总是借用她的自行车。 What is the advantage of using nuclear power? 使用核能有何好处? It is to your advantage to invest wisely. 明智的投资能使你获利。 advantage,benefit,interest与profit用法比较: 四者均有“利益,好处”之意。 (1)advantage指因某方面占优势或利用某机会以及对方的弱点而获得利益与好处。 (2)benefit普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。 (3)interest作“利益”解时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。 (4)profit着重指收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利益。 9.用advantage,benefit,interest与profit正确形式填空: (1)This project is of great________to everyone. (2)Her rich experience gave her an/a________over other applicants for the job. (3)This new invention will bring you great________like a goldmine. (4)We work for our common________. (5)We shall derive much________from reading good novels. 【答案】 (1)benefit (2)advantage (3)profits (4)interests (5)benefit *


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