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发布时间:2017-01-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.(2012·济南5月份练习)I have been working with Lily for years,and never before __________ her so serious!

  A.I foundB.I have found

  C.did I find

  D.have I found


  2.(2012·淄博模拟)________ the key to the car when my boss came towards me.Finally I could drive him home as usual.

  A.Never had I found

  B.Seldom did I find

  C.Hardly had I found

  D.No sooner did I find


  3.(2012·临沂质量检测)Only when __________ to explain __________ the reason for this.

  A.did he start;she realized

  B.he started;did she realize

  C.did he start;she had realized

  D.he started;had she realized


  4.(2012·青岛第二次统一检测)The Japanese __________ suffering from the worst natural disasters __________.

  A.are;ever since

  B.are;of all time

  C.is;ever since

  D.is;of all time

  解析:选B。考查主谓一致和介词短语辨析。句意:日本人遭受着有史以来最严重的自然灾害。主语the Japanese,表示复数概念,所以谓语动词用are;ever since“从那时起一直到现在”,通常与完成时连用,故排除。of all time意为“有史以来”,符合题意。故选B项。

  5.(2012·太原模拟)More than a dozen students in that school ________abroad for further study every year.


  B.are sent

  C.have been sent

  D.have sent

  解析:选B。句意:每年那所学校有十多个学生被送到国外深造。more than a dozen十多个,谓语动词用复数;另外,句子的时间状语为every year,所以用一般现在时。

  6.(2012·南昌一模)When I try to understand________ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect,it seems to me that there are two causes.

  A.why it does

  B.what it does

  C.what it is

  D.why it is


  7.(2012·江西九校联考)________she is not so cheerful________she used to be?

  A.How it is that;as

  B.How is it that;as

  C.Is it why;that

  D.What is it that;what

  解析:选B。句意:她怎么不像过去那样高兴了呢?强调句的特殊疑问句式:特殊疑问词+is/was it that+原句剩余部分?D项中的what不正确。

  8.(2012·济南一中阶段测试)Hearing the bell ringing,out________.

  A.rushing the children

  B.were rushing the children

  C.rushed the children

  D.the children rushed


  9.(2012·湖南师大附中)—Mum,I am afraid I won’t do well in the coming test.

  —Honey,________more careful,________you will make it.





  解析:选B。句意:——妈妈,我恐怕考不好了。——宝贝,仔细些,你会考好的。考查“祈使句+and+简单句”这一结构,该句相当于“含if引导的条件状语从句的复合句”,即:If you are more careful,you will

  make it.。

  ____________ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand.

  A. While

  B. Since

  C. As

  D. If




  30. As for diet, Michael Jackson chooses vegetables and fruit in ___________to any kind of meat.

  A. comparison

  B. preference

  C. control

  D. advantage



  试题分析:名词辨析。A比较;B偏爱;C控制;D优势;in control of控制。句意:关于饮食,迈克杰克逊为了控制肉类的摄入,他选择了蔬菜和水果。故C正确。

  31.-- Could I make it 14th July?


  A. You can manage it

  B. That’s fine with me

  C. Not a bit of it

  D. Go ahead with it




  32.When people move to another country, they often try _________ the custom of their native land.

  A. to keep on

  B. to keep off

  C. to keep up

  D. to keep down



  试题分析:短语辨析。Keep on继续;keep off使…不接近;keep up保持,跟上;keep down控制,压制;句意:当人们搬到一个新的国家,他们总是努力跟上当地人的风俗习惯。故C正确。

  33.______________ about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.

  A. So curious the couple were

  B. So curious were the couple

  C. How curious the couple were

  D. The couple were such curious




  34.Peter and Bob both did well, but Peter is ________________of the two.

  A. the more talented

  B. more talented

  C. the most talented

  D. most talented




  35.The fire, believed to

  due to illegal construction on the building’s roof, was brought under control after an hour.

  A. have occurred

  B. occur

  C. have been occurring

  D. be occurring




  36. As it turned out to be a small house party, we __________ so formally.

  A. needn’t dress up

  B. shouldn’t dress up

  C. were not necessary to dress up

  D. needn’t have dressed up



  试题分析:考查虚拟语气。根据As it turned out to be中的过去时,说明这是与过去的事实相反的虚拟语气,故使用“情态动词+have done”的形式。Needn’t have done本不需要做某事实际上却做了。句意:正如结果所显示的那样,这是一个小型的家庭聚会,我们本不必要穿得如此的正式的。故D正确。

  37. It’s bad ___________ for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed.

  A. behavior

  B. manner

  C. action

  D. way




  38.___________ giving a general introduction to computers, the course also provides practical experience.

  A. In addition to

  B. Except for

  C. In exchange for

  D. Due to




  39. It has been reported that some government leaders ________their authority and position to get illegal profits for themselves.

  A. overlook

  B. employ

  C. abandon

  D. abuse




  40.On AIDS Day, the minister of Health Department demanded that the problems__________ paid special attention to.

  A. referred to being

  B. referred to be

  C. refer to being

  D. refer to be



  试题分析:考查虚拟语气和分词用法。过去分词短语referred to修饰名词the problems,因为二者构成被动关系,所以使用过去分词的形式。Demand后面的宾语从句使用虚拟语气(should)+动词原形构成,should可以省略。句意:在艾滋病日,卫生部的部长要求有关的问题要要重视起来。故B正确。



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