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发布时间:2017-01-11  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  1.Doctor Nathan is said to have been ________

  to researching into wild animals in Africa for more than ten years.


  B. devotedC.concentrated


  答案:B [表示“投身于,全神贯注于……”有如下结构:be absorbed in;be devoted to;be engaged in;concentrate on。故四个选项中只有devote和to搭配使用。]

  2.The boy is so shy that he can’t ________

  very well ________



  B. communicate;with

  C.get along;to


  答案:B [communicate sth.to sb.把某事传达给某人;communicate with sb.与某人交流;get along well with sb.和某人相处很好;deal with对付,处理。根据题目结构和形容词shy判断“他不善于和别人交流”,所以B项正确。D项不符合本题逻辑。]

  3.The project ________

  by the end of 2011,will expand the city’s telephone network to cover 2,000,000 users.

  A.being accomplished

  B. to be accomplished


  D.having been accomplished

  答案:B [根据will expand...判断空格处应该表示一个将来的动作,所以用动词不定式to be accomplished。]

  4.You may have one of these;in other words,you may have ________

  you choose.

  A. whichever


  D.no matter which

  答案:A [空格处所填词既要作have的宾语,同时又作choose的宾语,排除D项;根据前半句意思判断,表示“在一定范围内选择”,因此选A项。]

  5.Though in his seventies,the old man is still as ________

  as a young man and hates sitting around doing nothing all day.


  B. energeticC.talkative


  答案:B [表示“尽管七十多岁了,那位老人仍然像年轻人一样充满活力,不愿意整天坐着无所事事”,energetic精力充沛的,充满活力的,有力的,符合题意。]

  6.Our failure to ________

  ourselves to modern life often causes us trouble in our work.



  C. adapt


  答案:C [adopt采用,收养;apply应用,申请;adapt适应;appoint约定,任命。根据句意可知应用C。]

  7.The children talked so loudly at dinner table that I had to struggle ________.

  A. to be heard

  B.to have heardC.hearing

  D.being heard

  答案:A [struggle要接动词不定式作宾语,排除C、D;hear与I 之间是动宾关系,所以要用被动语态结构,排除B。]

  8.—Could I use your computer for a few moments,please?

  —________.I’m not using it myself.

  A.Come on

  B.It dependsC. Go ahead

  D.That’s great

  答案:C [A项意思是“赶快,快点”;B项意思是“视情况而定”;C项意思是“好吧,可以”;D项意思是“太好了”。根据题意选C,表示“可以”,即同意某人做某事。]

  9.—I’m thinking of the test tomorrow.I’m afraid I can’t pass this time.

  —________ ! I’m sure you’ll make it.

  A.Go ahead

  B.Good luckC.No problem

  D. Cheer up

  答案:D [根据上下文判断空缺处所填词应表示“鼓励某人”的意思,故答案应为D项。]

  10.Fred is second to none in math in our class,but ________,he hardly passed the final math exam.

  A.as a matter of fact

  B.as usualC.right away

  D. believe it or not

  答案:D [句意为“在我们班弗雷德的数学首屈一指,但是信不信由你,他几乎没有通过数学期末考试”。A项意为“实际上,事实上”;B项意为“像往常一样”;C项意为“立刻,马上”;D项意为“信不信由你”。]

  11.—Can I have a talk with you at about 4 this afternoon,Mr Black?

  —All right,I ________

  from a conference by then.I will be waiting for you.

  A. will have come back

  B.will come back

  C.have come back

  D.will be coming back

  答案:A [根据答语中的“by then”和“I will be waiting for you.”可知,此处表示的是到将来某个时间之前已经完成的动作,故用将来完成时态。]

  12.________,I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.

  A.However the story is amusing

  B.No matter amusing the story is

  C. However amusing the story is

  D.No matter how the story is amusing

  答案:C [从句子的结构看,这里表示的是让步关系,no matter how 或however应位于amusing之前,故选C。]

  13.The production plan was fulfilled ________.

  A.head of time

  B.before time

  C. ahead of time

  D.time ahead

  答案:C [句意为“生产计划提前完成了”。表示“时间提前”应使用ahead of time,它常在句中作状语。而head是名词,before time是汉语中的说法,故C为正确答案。]

  14.Mr Smith,________

  of the ________

  speech,started to read a novel.

  A. tired;boring




  答案:A [形容词短语修饰主语Mr Smith,故使用tired;修饰名词speech,应选boring,因此A为正确答案。句意为:由于讨厌这令人厌烦的演讲,史密斯先生开始阅读一本小说了。]

  15.—Could you meet me at the airport?

  —I’d like to,but I ________

  Shanghai when you return.

  A. will have left

  B.was leavingC.will leave

  D.have left

  答案:A [由句意可知,表示将要完成的动作,故A为正确答案。]

  A. put away

  B. put out

  C. put up

  D. put off



  试题分析:考查词组:A. put away收好,储存B. put out扑灭,C. put up张贴,提供住宿,D. put off推迟,句意;地震后,很多人不得不住宿在体育馆里,因为大多数房子被严重破坏。选C。

  17.Hearing she failed again, the student ________ her face in her hands and cried.

  A. bent

  B. sheltered

  C. buried

  D. trapped



  试题分析:考查动词辨析:A. bent弯曲,B. sheltered庇护C. buried埋头,埋藏 D. trapped困住,句意:听说她又失败了,这个学生以手掩面哭了。选C。

  18.This book gives a brief ________ of MoYan’s growth and details of his writing experiences.

  A. outline

  B. reference

  C. article

  D. outlook



  试题分析:考查名词辨析:A. outline梗概,大纲,提纲B. referenceC. article 文章D. outlook前景;展望;gives a brief简要说明

  19.Ms Alice is considered a ________ lady by us, for she often helps the poor she met with.

  A. selfish

  B. hopeful

  C. mean

  D. generous



  试题分析:考查形容词:A. selfish自私的,B. hopeful有希望的,C. mean吝啬的D. generous大方的,句意:爱丽丝女士被认为是个大方的女子,因为她总是帮助遇到的穷人。选D。

  20.I have no _____ that you will succeed, but I wonder whether you have really got everything ready.

  A. doubt

  B. wonder

  C. chance

  D. point



  试题分析:考查名词:A. doubt怀疑B. wonder奇迹C. chance机会D. point重点,I have no doubt that..毫不怀疑…,句意:我毫不怀疑你会成功,但我想知道你是否真的准备好了。选A。

  21.The police set out in search of other children who might ______ Guizhou’s dustbins after 5 deaths for warmth.

  A. live

  B. rescue

  C. exist

  D. survive



  试题分析:考查动词;A. live生活B. rescue救援C. exist存在D. survive幸存,

  22.—Have you heard of ________ death of Steven Jobs?

  — Yes. It must be________ shock to Apple fans.

  A. the; a

  B. a; the

  C. the; the

  D. a; /




  23.—Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that?

  —Yes, but I _______her husband first.

  A. can have told

  B. should have told

  C. need have told

  D. must have told



  试题分析:考查情态动词+have done:A. can have told表示推测是can用于否定句和疑问句,B. should have told本应该告诉却没有, C. need have told本需要做却没做,D. must have told一定已经告诉了,句意:--玛丽发疯了被送到精神医院了。你告诉老板了吗?--是的,但我该先告诉她丈夫。选B。

  24.The girl got nothing in ______ for her kindness, which made her very sad.

  A. prize

  B. award

  C. reward 


  D. medal



  试题分析:考查名词辨析:A. prize奖品B. award奖励 C. reward奖赏,回报in reward for 为---报答,D. medal奖牌,句意:女孩做好事却没有得到报答,这使她很难过。依据固定搭配,即可

  25.—Ken, why do you look so tired?

  —I _______ myself to the climate since I came here.

  A. didn’t adapt

  B. haven’t adapted

  C. don’t adapt

  D. hadn’t adapted



  试题分析:考查时态:这句话的时间状语是since I came here,和现在完成时连用,句意:--肯,为什么看起来这么疲劳?--自从我到这儿就一直没有适应这里的气候。选B。

  26.With all the audience ________, the speech began.

  A. sat

  B. seating

  C. seated

  D. having seated



  试题分析:考查with复合结构:with+宾语+宾语补足语,可以做原因状语,the audience和seat是被动关系,句意:所有的观众都坐下来,演讲开始了。选C。

  27.No one can avoid ______ by advertising; it is everywhere.

  A. being influenced

  B. influenced

  C. influencing

  D. to be influenced



  试题分析:考查动名词的被动:avoid后面接动名词做宾语,No one和influence是被动关系,用动名词的被动,句意:没人能避免被广告影响,它到处都是。选B。

  28.My daughter, _________ all kinds of meat, would not like to eat any vegetable, which worries me a lot.

  A. devoted to

  B. addicted to

  C. accustomed to

  D. exposed to



  试题分析:考查词义辨析:A.be devoted to致力于B.be addicted to有瘾C.be accustomed to习惯D. be exposed to暴露,句意:我女儿对各种肉都上瘾,不愿吃任何的蔬菜,这使我很担心。


  such heavy loss in the hurricane, the farmer didn’t expect to have a good harvest.

  A. Suffered 

   B. Having suffered

  C. Suffering

  D. To suffer



  试题分析:考查非谓语动词。此句用现在分词的完成式 having suffered 做状语表主动和完成的影响和结果。句意:在台风中遭遇了这样大的损失,这个农民没有希望有好的收成。强调是先遭遇了损失才没有预料不会有好收成。选B。



  30.I fell asleep while working on this paper _______ the computer on.

  A. as

  B. for

  C. over

  D. with



  试题分析:考查介词:with the computer on电脑开着,做伴随状语,句意:我写论文是时候睡着了,电脑开着。选D。



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