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发布时间:2017-01-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  A 篇


  Your computer has been playing music for years, one CD at a time. Now hundreds of songs can be stored in your PC (personal computer) if they’re in the MP3 format.

  What is it?

  MP3 compresses music into small computer friendly files. You access MP3 music several ways : Music can be downloaded from websites that have converted vast music libraries into MP3. Or you can prerecord CDs into your PC and convert songs in minutes into MP3. Once MP3 music is on your PC’s hard drive, you can play it through your computer’s speakers, “burn” it onto blank CDs or exchange MP3 files with friends using E-mail.

  How much?

  Software needed to play and convert MP3 music is often free. It comes preinstalled on most new computers or can be downloaded from many websites, including MP3. com. Some MP3 sites are free. Just type “MP3 sites” into any search engine. The popular MP3 players start at around $50and can hold hundreds of songs. A blank CD on which you can record music costs about a dollar.


  MP3 turns your home PC into a tape recorder. Tiny MP3 players are the size of a card, making it easy to take hundreds of songs with you.


  You may find that music at many sites is limited. And some only allow you to listen rather than download offerings. Others let you download music that then can’t be copied to MP3 players. And a growing number of new CDs make it impossible to copy songs to a computer.

  46. How can you get MP3 music?

  A. By turning your home PC into a tape recorder             

  B. By taking your own music or songs with you

  C. By copying songs to a PC through the speakers.

  D. By downloading from websites which have converted music libraries into MP3.

  47. Which is NOT true to the passage?

  A. Software needed to play and convert MP3 music is often free of charge.

  B. MP3 music can be with friends by e-mail.

  C. MP3 music can be downloaded for free at any site.

  D. A greater number of new CDs make it possible to copy songs to a computer.

  48.The underlined word “burn” probably means_____.

  A. fire            B. change                     C. download          D. play

  49. How much will you pay for a MP3 player?

  A. Free of charge.               B. Free downloading.

  C. At least fifty dollars.         D. About a dollar.


  Tokyo: The world’s oldest man, retired Japanese silkworm breeder Yukichi Chuganji, died in his home at the age of 114, on Monday. Family members found him dead on his mattress. Born on March 23, 1889, Chuganji worked as a silkworm breeder and bank employee after leaving school. He also served as a community welfare(福利) officer. He had been in god health, talking daily with his family members.

  Washington: Every American dislikes people who talk on cell phones while driving, even those who do that kind of act. In the State of New Jersey, 84 percent of 968 cell phone owners said in recent telephone survey that they would support a state ban(禁令) on the use of cell phones while driving. However, 42 percent of cell phone owners also said they used the devices “very often” or “sometimes” while driving. Although most agree that the banning is good, only 38 percent believed such a ban would be easy to enforce(实施).

  New York: A woman in the US who was being attacked by a dog said she was saved from further harm when her 13-year-old daughter distracted the dog by screaming “You want a piece of me?” and kicked it repeatedly in the head. Jane Howell said she and her daughter, Elizabeth, were taking a walk around the neighborhood on Saturday evening when they came across he big dog, unchained.

  50. The main idea of the second news is _____.

     A. most Americans don’t like cell phone

     B. a ban on the use of cell phones has been made

     C. few people use cell phones while driving

     D. using cell phones while driving will be banned because most Americans don’t like it

  51. The woman in the US ____.

     A. was not harmed by the dog

     B. raised the dog, which attacked her later

     C. was protected from being seriously hurt by her daughter

     D. had escaped when her daughter was kicking the dog

  52. From the news we can infer ____.

     A. Chuganji was living alone when he died

     B. the woman’s 13-year-old daughter was very brave

     C. cell phones are not god devices

     D. it’s easy to enforce the ban n the use of cell phones while driving


  46-52 DCBC DCB



  It was an early September day, cool and bright and just

  right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10-mile race over a course (路线) with a few high hills. Still, I felt energetic; despite the hills it was going to be a fine run.

  Just ahead of me was Peggy Mimno, a teacher from Mount

  Kisco, New York. She too was running easily, moving along at my speed. The pace(步速) felt comfortable, so 1 decided to stay where I was; why pay attention to pace when she was setting such a nice one? I'd overtake (追上) her later on when she tired.

  So I ran behind her. The course headed north for five miles, wandered west for a hilly mile, then turned south again along a winding road. The race was getting harder. We had four miles left and already it was beginning to be real work.

  Peggy overtook a young runner. She seemed to know him, for they exchanged a few cheerful words as she passed him. Their exchange worried me. You don't chat during a race unless you are feeling good, and Peggy plainly was.

  Still, I was close enough to overtake her if she tired, so I didn't give up hope completely. We were getting nearer to a long

  punishing hill now and it would be the test. We were a mile from the finish line, so whatever happened on the hill would almost certainly determine who crossed it first.

  As I moved up the hill, my attention wandered for a few minutes. When I looked up, Peggy was moving away--first five yards, then ten, then more. Finally it was clear that there was no hope of catching her. She beat me soundly.

  There is an important lesson in that race.

  Women are thought to be weaker, slower and not nearly as skilled in sport. Yet as Peggy Mimno so clearly showed, the similarities between men and women runners are more important than the differences. I have run with a number of women, and I can say that it is often hard work.

  1. What did the writer think of the race in the beginning?

  A. It would be hard work.

  C. It would be an easy race.

  C. It would be a test of his strength.

  D. It would be a good learning experience.

  答案: B


  本文第一段、第二段中的一些词如energetic,a fine run,running easily,comfortable等都反映出作者开始认为这场比赛不会很难。

  2. What worried the writer when Peggy greeted the young runner?

  A. Peggy overtook the young runner.

  B. Peggy was running energetically.

  C. Peggy was laughing at the writer.

  D. Peggy paid no attention to the writer.

  答案: B

  指导:由第四段倒数第一句"You don't chat during a race unless you are feeling good”可知作者认为:你在比赛中聊天表示你感觉很好。而上句peggy恰恰在比赛中聊天反映出作者认为Peggy在比赛中的感觉,作为Peggy的对手,他当然很担心。

  3. By saying" a long, punishing hill"(Paragraph 5) , the writer implies that_______.

  A. Peggy would fail to reach the hilltop

  B. men are more skilled at climbing hills

  C. overtaking Peggy would be easy

  D. climbing the hill would be a demanding task

  答案: D


  4. What lesson does the writer learn from the race?

  A. Women are as good as men in sport.

  B. Women are better at climbing hills.

  C. He should have more training in a cross-country race.

  D. He should set a quicker pace at the beginning of a race.

  答案: A



  Deserts are found where there is little rainfall or where rain for a whole year falls in only a few weeks' time. Ten inches of rain may be enough for many plants to survive (存活) if the rain is spread throughout the year. If it falls within one or two months and the rest of the year is dry, those plants may die and a desert may form.

  Sand begins as tiny pieces of rock that get smaller and smaller as wind and weather wear them down. Sand dunes (沙丘) are formed as winds move the sand across the desert. Bit by bit, the dunes grow over the years, always moving with the winds and changing the shape. Most of them are only a few feet tall, but they can grow to be several hundred feet high.

  There is, however, much more to a desert than sand. In the deserts of the southwestern United States, cliffs (悬崖) and deep valleys were formed from thick mud that once lay beneath a sea more than millions of years ago. Over the centuries, the water dried up. Wind, sand, rain, heat and cold all wore away at the remaining rocks.

  The faces of the desert mountains are always changing--very, very slowly--as these forces of nature continue to work on the rock.

  Most deserts have a surprising variety of life. There are plants, animals and insects that have adapted to life in the deserr. During the heat of the day, a visitor may see very few signs of living things, but as the air begins to cool in the evening, the desert comes to life. As the sun begins to rise again in the sky, the desert once again becomes quiet and lonely.

  1. Many plants may survive in deserts when_______.

  A. the rain is spread out in a year

  B. the rain falls only in a few weeks

  C. there is little rain in a year

  D. it is dry all the year round .

  答案: A


  2. Sand dunes are formed when_______.

  A. sand piles up gradually

  B. there is plenty of rain in a year

  C. the sea has dried up over the years

  D. pieces of rock get smaller

  答案: A


  3. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably

  means that in a desert there is_______.

  A. too much sand

  B. more sand than before

  C. nothing except sand

  D. something else besides sand

  答案: D

  指导:首先理解画线句子中的more...than(与……相比多于,不只是),然后根据本段其他句子进行推断。划线部分在本段是topic sentence,其他的句子是supporting sentence. 如果不明白主题句,可从支撑句中去推断,反之也是如此。

  4. It can be learned from the text that in a desert_______.

  A. there is no rainfall throughout the year

  B. life exists in rough conditions

  C. all sand dunes are a few feet high

  D. rocks are worn away only by wind and heat


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