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发布时间:2017-01-10  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  Lesson One

  Section One:


  Dialogue 1:

  Hello, I want a cab.

  OK. What address is it?

  1120 East 32nd Street.

  Right. The cab will be there in a few minutes.

  Dialogue 2:

  What’s your job?

  I’m an accountant.

  Oh! Do you enjoy it?

  No. I don’t really like it. It’s boring.

  Dialogue 3:

  Where do you come from?


  Oh! Which part?



  Dialogue 4:

  Can you speak German?

  Yes, I can. I speak it very well.

  Where did you learn it?

  I lived in Germany when I was a child.

  What else can you speak?

  Well, I know a little Italian.

  Dialogue 5:

  I think a businessman should be good-looking.

  No, I don’t agree.

  Dialogue 6:

  Would you like a drink?

  No, thank you. I don’t drink.

  Are you sure?

  Yes. I’m quite sure. Thank you very much.

  What about a soft drink then?

  Oh, alright. Lemonade would be fine.

  Dialogue 7:

  Thank you very much for the meal.

  Not at all. I’m glad you could come.

  You must come and have a meal with me some time.

  Yes. That would be nice.

  Dialogue 8:

  Have you heard about the Prime Minister?


  She's gone to China!


  Dialogue 9:

  How do you spell interesting?


  Thank you very much.

  Dialogue 10:

  Would you mind passing the salt, please?


  Section Two:



  Tim talked to Harry about the lecture.

  Harry: What did you think of the lecture?

  Tim: I thought it was very interesting.

  Harry: Did you really?

  Tim: Yes, didn’t you?

  Harry: Certainly not. I thought he talked a lot of rubbish.

  Tim: So you think you know more than he does.

  Harry: Well, take coal for instance.

  Tim: What about it?

  Harry: Coal won’t become important again.

  Tim: Why not?

  Harry: It’s too dirty. They won’t be able to find people to work down coal mines in the future.

  Tim: They’ll invent new kinds of machinery.

  Harry: Nonsense. The only sort of power they’ll use in the future is atomic power.


  A reporter from a local newspaper is interviewing some students on the subject of students and money.

  Reporter: Excuse me, are you a student?

  Student 1: Yes, I am.

  Reporter: Forgive my asking you, but do you have to take a part-time job in the holidays?

  Student 1: Not really. My parents are fairly well off, so I get an allowance from my father.

  Reporter: You're lucky, aren’t you?

  Student 1: I suppose so.

  Reporter: What about you? Are your parents wealthy?

  Student 2: No, certainly not.

  Reporter: Do you work during the holidays?

  Student 2: Well, last Christmas I did two weeks as temporary postman, then in the summer I spent four weeks fruit picking, and I do a bit of baby-sitting, so I manage.

  Reporter: Thank you.

  Section Three:


  Dictation 1:

  My name is Robert. I am eighteen years old and I am French. I am not married. Sylvia is small and fair. She is seventeen and she is a student.

  Dictation 2:

  The tall boy with fair hair is eighteen years old and he comes from Sweden. He works in a record shop.

  The small boy with dark hair is seventeen. He is Spanish, but he does not live in Spain. He lives in France. He works in a hotel.


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