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发布时间:2017-01-09  编辑:查字典英语网小编

When the Financial Times was auctioning off lunch with journalists for its seasonal charity appeal a few years ago, someone had the bright idea of advertising the “lots” as decorations on a Christmas tree: the editor was at the top, and other writers dangled from the descending branches.


I doubt any organisation has published a more blunt, bauble-based depiction of its hierarchy. Plenty have a less festive version, though: the organigram — or org chart — with the boss on top and minions branching off by seniority and reporting lines.


Half of a small group of personnel directors I asked think such diagrams are an uncomfortable straitjacket, a loathed compliance obligation, a hindrance to more natural interaction between colleagues, or all three. Aaron Dignan of The Ready, a consultancy that helps companies such as Lloyds Bank and General Electric change structure and culture, calls them “the dirty secret” of human resources. They always come “with the caveat that they aren’t true”.

我问过少数几个人事主管,他们中有一半认为组织结构图是一种让人不自在的束缚、人们讨厌遵循它们规定的责任义务、它们会妨碍同事们更轻松自如地交往,或者这三种弊端组织结构图全占。The Ready是一家帮助劳埃德银行(Lloyds Bank)、通用电气(General Electric)等企业实现结构与文化转型的公司,其创始人亚伦?迪南(Aaron Dignan)将组织结构图称为人力资源的“肮脏秘密”。它们总是伴随着“附加说明它们不是真的”。

But the other half of my HR sample says charts clarify how the business works. They are a vital tool, providing information on the role and identity of team members. They supply valuable “context”. One said the org chart was her company’s best-read online document.


Even when everyone used to pay attention to the pyramid of power, though, the diagram was a poor reflection of corporate reality. Century-old examples are pockmarked with vacancies, indicating that chartmakers struggled to keep up with changes.


Now staff turnover is more rapid, charts are relics of a command-and-control approach, where information flowed through fixed channels, from your boss’s boss, down to your boss, to you, and back again.


It need not be this way. In many such plans, the dreaded “dotted reporting line” already signals that nothing is as neat as the chart may imply.


As historian Caitlin Rosenthal has written, the first organigram — an 1855 schema of the New York and Erie Railroad — was surprisingly modern. It looks organic, not man made, and it reversed assumptions of top-down power. The plan gives day-to-day authority to divisional heads, who “possessed the best operating data, were closer to the action, and?.?.?.?were best placed to manage the line’s persistent inefficiencies”.

历史学家凯特琳?罗森塔尔(Caitlin Rosenthal)曾写道,世界上第一张组织结构图——1855年出自纽约伊利铁路公司(New York and Erie Railroad)——它出人意料地先进。它似乎是有机的,而非出自谁人之手,而且它还颠覆了人们关于自上而下的权力的设想。它将日常的管辖权交予部门的主管们,他们“掌握着最佳的运营数据,更贴近实际业务,并且……是解决路线持续效率低下的不二人选”。

In search of new ways of managing, radical thinkers have studied the murmurations of starlings and the oozings of slime mould, both of which co-ordinate movement without formal hierarchy. Experiments are under way at businesses. They include the transformation of Zappos, the Amazon-owned shoe retailer, to Holacracy, a self-management system, and the development of autonomous teams at longer-established companies such as Ericsson and Microsoft.


But while shredding the org chart may be a satisfying way of triggering such change, it could make everything worse if it deprives workers of information about who does what. Businesses need some structure to be able to grow — and sooner or later someone will want to see what that structure looks like.


It would be better to develop alternative pictures of how teams work. Lindred Greer of Stanford Graduate School of Business says her MBA students often describe how demoralising it is when people above them in the chart are less competent. She suggests something more like a Venn diagram, in which even junior team members are shown controlling subsets. “The important thing is that they have areas where they can still make their own decisions,” she says.

更好的办法是制作一些图片来说明团队是如何运作的。斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)的琳德丽德?格里尔(Lindred Greer)说她的MBA学生们常说,当见到组织结构图上那些职位比他们高的人能力不济时,他们是多么沮丧。她建议采用一种维恩图式的图表,在上面即使团队的基层成员也有控制的子集。“重要的是他们在一些领域可以自己拿主意,”她说。

Team members can define those areas by declaring which task they are best at. Peer pressure curbs any temptation to exaggerate skills, while recognition of colleagues’ expertise helps the team perform better overall.


Named leaders also need to take a lower profile. Prof Greer adds to the management menagerie with her suggestion that leaders must behave like hippos. They can remain under water, with just their eyes protruding to observe the team, and emerge only if they need to exert their full authority.


The fixed org chart is already losing potency. Applications such as Asana or Slack could accelerate its decline by nudging groups to reform around the experts on any task, though Silicon Valley is yet to fulfil its promise that technology will re-plumb the corporate system.


Meanwhile, even those HR executives who favour organigrams point out that younger staff could not care less about the hidebound hierarchy they represent. They will happily take ideas to a senior partner or divisional director, bypassing old-fashioned channels, says one. It is a reminder that the chart, love it or hate it, is not the main impediment to change; the people in it often are.



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