While 2016 was the year the unlikely became real, currency investors enter 2017 no better equipped to tell the difference between reality and illusion.
Brexit and Trump made a mockery of assumptions, shredded investors’ best-laid plans and turned political risk analysts into the most in-demand advisers of the year.
The two big themes of 2016 will feel palpable during the first quarter of 2017. Donald Trump takes the oath of office to become US president on January 20. By March’s end, UK prime minister Theresa May will have sent to the EU the letter that triggers the UK’s formal divorce proceedings, and revealed some element of her negotiating hand.
2017年第一季度,人们仍将明显感觉到2016年的这两大主题。1月20日,唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)将宣誓就任美国总统。到3月底,英国首相特里萨?梅(Theresa May)将已向欧盟致信,触发英国的正式退欧程序,并显示她的谈判立场的一些元素。
All the same, neither of these “facts on the ground” will bring clarity to investors, even if their market behaviour in the tail-end of 2016 suggests they hope and expect otherwise.
A “dollar exuberance” broke out post-election, says Peter Rosenstreich of the internet-based bank, Swissquote. Trump promises of fiscal policy and tax reform had the “near-magical effects” of convincing investors that monetary policy would end smoothly, global growth enhanced and corporate profits boosted.
互联网银行瑞讯(Swissquote)的彼得?罗森施特赖希(Peter Rosenstreich)表示,“美元繁荣”在美国选举后出现。特朗普承诺的财政政策和税收改革承诺产生了“近乎魔力般的效果”:让投资者相信货币政策将平稳收尾,全球增长将提速,企业利润将得到提振。
1. November 9: Donald Trump’s election victory spurs start of dollar rally
2. December 5: Supreme Court hearing into UK’s government’s Article 50 appeal adds to Brexit doubts, pushing sterling higher
2、12月5日:英国最高法院开始审理英国政府就触发《里斯本条约》第50条(Article 50)权限提起的上诉,这加剧了外界对于英国退欧的疑虑,促使英镑汇率上涨。
3. December 7: China’s reserves drop a further $70bn as central bank struggles to halt sliding value of renminbi
4. December 14: Dollar rally sustained by Fed rate rise
This is giving the US consumer a false sense of wealth and wellbeing, he believes, arguing that US data merely reflect a temporary upswing in a large cyclical downturn.
“We remain sceptical that President Trump will accomplish anything close to the miracle growth rhetoric he has been supplying,” says Mr Rosenstreich.
The pound’s recent rally also suggests investors expect a clearer picture of Brexit to emerge early in 2017, fuelled by softer rhetoric from Mrs May and her ministers.
Yet according to Nomura’s foreign exchange strategist Jordan Rochester, Mrs May’s Brexit plan is likely to be “very vague, full of hope, but lacking in any concrete details to safeguard the government’s negotiation tactics”.
然而,野村证券(Nomura)外汇策略师策略师乔丹?罗切斯特(Jordan Rochester)表示,梅的退欧计划可能会“非常含糊,充满希望,但缺乏具体的细节来保障政府的谈判策略”。
For greater certainty, investors may well revert to what they have followed more closely in recent years — economic data and the utterances of central banks. This will be the case even if the limitations of monetary policy mean policymakers are supposedly passing responsibility for global growth to politicians.
Steven Saywell, BNP Paribas’s global head of foreign exchange strategy, says the dollar’s post-election rally of more than 11 per cent against the yen was built on Trump-fuelled expectations.
法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)外汇策略全球主管斯蒂文?塞维尔(Steven Saywell)表示,美元兑日元汇率在美国大选后上涨逾11%,这基于特朗普引发的预期。
Contrast that with Janet Yellen, chair of the Federal Reserve, and her upbeat assessment of the US economy that accompanied last month’s rate rise.
这与美联储主席珍妮特?耶伦(Janet Yellen)的表态以及她在2016年12月加息后对美国经济的乐观评估形成对比。
“Inflation has picked up,” says Mr Saywell. “Even without Trump expectations, the dollar would be stronger.”
If the Fed is a better guide than Mr Trump for the dollar’s broad direction in 2017, what will determine the euro’s path — the European Central Bank or European elections?
The temptation for investors is to keep a close watch on the slew of 2017 European elections for further signs of the populist traits that secured victories for the Leave campaign in the UK referendum and Mr Trump in the US.
Yet as Derek Halpenny at MUFG points out, largely forgotten in the attention on Brexit and Trump were the actions of the ECB last month in increasing quantitative easing purchases.
然而,就像三菱日联金融集团(MUFG)的德里克?赫尔潘尼(Derek Halpenny)指出的那样,欧洲央行在2016年12月做出的扩大量化宽松(QE)购买规模的措施,在人们对英国退欧公投和特朗普的关注中基本上被忽视了。
These, he says, “brought about a revival in the divergence trade that will probably be the theme for the dollar, the euro and the yen in the first part of 2017”.
他表示,这些措施“带来了分化交易(divergence trade)的复苏,这或许会成为美元、欧元和日元在2017年上半年的主旋律”。
Mr Saywell agrees. “The euro hasn’t fallen as much against the dollar as the yen,” he says. “A lot will come down to the policy response of central banks.”
The ECB, he suspects, will taper monetary policy. While BNP Paribas forecasts the yen heading for ¥128 against the dollar, maybe even to ¥135, the bank expects the euro to drop to parity with the dollar but not much further.
“As the ECB exits QE, the market will rebound,” says Mr Saywell.
Still, the canny investor will doubtless keep up to date with all developments, political and economic, to chart the most trouble-free path through foreign exchange. As Simon Derrick at BNY Mellon says, 2017 has all the hallmarks of being a repeat of 1985 — loose fiscal policy, tax cuts, a hawkish Fed and a soaring dollar.
话虽如此,精明的投资者肯定会跟踪所有政治和经济事态,以求在外汇市场摸索出一条麻烦最少的道路。正如纽约梅隆银行(BNY Mellon)策略师西蒙?德里克(Simon Derrick)所言,2017年具备让1985年重演的所有特点:宽松财政政策、减税、美联储鹰派立场和美元汇率飙升。
“It was the pressure of US corporates that was brought to bear on Congress and subsequently the Reagan White House that led to the abandonment of a strong dollar policy,” says Mr Derrick.
Could there be a similar political backlash in Trump’s US? “Absolutely,” Mr Derrick says.
This is by no means the only moment in 2017 when the realities of politics and economics will affect investment choices. The other, warns Mr Derrick, is China.
In November, the People’s Bank of China drained its reserves by $70bn and has consequently been reducing its holdings of US Treasuries to prevent the renminbi depreciating further. In the background stands Mr Trump, ready to repeat accusations that China has been deliberately weakening the renminbi for competitive gain.
“There is a reasonable chance China will rethink its currency policy,” says Mr Derrick. “It must be galling to be spending $70bn and at the same time to be called a currency manipulator. How that plays out next year will be fascinating.”
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