高考英语二轮精品考点分类解析:考点5 形容词和副词-查字典英语网
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高考英语二轮精品考点分类解析:考点5 形容词和副词

发布时间:2017-01-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编



  【2012北京卷】28. Many people have donated that type of blood; however, the blood bank needs _____.

  A. some

  B. less

  C. much

  D. more

  28. D。形容词考点。比较级,根据句意即刻判断。

  【2012全国II】13. Next to biology , I like physics ________.

  A. better

  B. best

  C. the better

  D. very well

  【答案 【解析29. This restaurant wasn't

  that other restaurant we went to.

  A. half as good as

  B. as half good as

  C. as good as half

  D. good as half as

  【答案 【解析…as…句型中,倍数放在第一个as的前面,故A正确。句意:这家饭店不及我们去过另一家的一半好。

  【2012福建卷】27. Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be


  A. especially B. equally

  C. naturally

  . D. normally



  【2012福建卷】32. — Can you lend me the book Gone with the Wind?

  — Sorry. I returned it to the library just now. Maybe it is still ____.

  A. available

  B. affordable

  C. acceptable

  D. valuable



  【解析】根据前半句“我刚刚还给图书馆”和下半句中的still可知这本书或许还可得到的用available,而其它三项 affordable“支付的起的”;acceptable “可接受的”;valuable“贵重的”均与题意不符。

  【2012浙江卷】18. Mike was usually so careful, ______this time he made a small mistake.

  A. yet B. still C. even D. thus



  【2012浙江卷】10. The research lacks evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.

  A. solid B. fierce C. severe D. potential


  【解析】根据句意:研究缺乏实证(solid evidence),因此所得出的结论还有待考证。fierce激烈的;severe严重的;potential,有潜力的,均不符合语境,故排除。

  【2012安徽卷】34.Queen Elizabeth Ⅱis often to be richest woman in the world. ______, her personal

  wealth seems rather small.

  A. Besides

  B. Otherwise

  C. However

  D. Altogether



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