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发布时间:2017-01-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  专题二 单项选择

  1.(北京朝阳2011届一模My friend Chelsea and her husband are now at work on a new dictionary _____next year.

  A. to publish B. being published C. published D. to be published

  2.(北京东城2011届高三一模)Cathy didn’t go to the cinema with us last night, for she

  her homework.

  A.does B.did C.was doing D.had done

  【答案】【解析】.( 浙江省金华市艾青中学2011届模拟三)What actually ______ the accident has not yet been determined.

  A. brought out

  B. brought on

  C. brought about

  D. brought up

  4.(北京丰台区2011届高三第二学期统一练习)The temperature in our city ______ fall to —13℃ in winter.




  D.should【答案】【解析】.(北京石景山2011届一模)—Can you describe ___ it happened?

  —Yes, I was riding on my bike ___ a car knocked me down from behind.

  A.when; as

  B.how; as

  C.how; when

  D.how; while

  【答案】【解析】(石家庄2011届二模)__There were already four people in the car but they managed to take me as well.

  __It _____a comfortable journey.A. can’t be

  B. couldn’t have been

  C. shouldn’t be

  D. mustn’t have been

  【答案】【解析】.(北京石景山2011届一模)The big fire in Shanghai, believed to ___ due to the burning of construction materials, caused 58 deaths and destroyed all the belongings of the people there.

  A.have occurred B.occurC.have been occurring

  D.be occurring【答案】【解析】. (北京朝阳2011届一模) _____ from other countries, sand painting is now being recognized in China for its

  uniqueness and creativity.

  A. Being imported B. To import C. Imported D. Importing

  【答案】【解析】uniqueness and creativity即“独特性和创造性”推知现在已不进口了,所以A不正确。

  9.(石家庄正定2011高三课堂练 )What disappointed ______ Chinese most is that the national football team was kicked out of the Asian Cup

  _______ second time, with four points from three matches. (南京2011届高三二模)A. the; a

  B. /; a

  C. the; the

  D. /; the

  【答案】【解析】he Chinese在此特指中国队,所以用定冠词the。而a

  second time 用不定冠词a 表示第二次。所以本题选A。

  .He is always ready to help others, never ____ them when they turn to him.


  B.to refuse


  D.refused【答案】【解析】when引导的时间状语从句,若从句的主语和主句的主语一致,则可连同后面的动词be一道省去。此句省略了he is。. (安徽名校2011届高三一联) Halloween is believed to be a day ______all the spirits come back to the world of the living, and we have the same day in China called “Guijie", the Day of Dead.

  A. where

  B. when

  C. which

  D. that

  【答案】【解析】when引导定语从句,修饰先行词a day。When在定语从句中作时间状语。

  (山东枣庄2011届高三质检)23. Several of the passengers were hurt and one was taken to hospital. Luckily ______ was killed.

  A. no one

  B. not all

  C. none

  D. no other【答案】【解析】否定代词作主语时no one 泛指 “人”,看作单数,与单数谓语动词连用。而B多放句尾,C一般与of 连用,D语意前后不搭,排除B、C、D. (上海杨浦2011届四月模拟测试) –I’m sorry I insulted you, Jimmy.

  –That’s _____ like it.

  A. more

  B. most

  C. less

  D. least


  (浙江金华艾青中学高三模拟二)With its moving story and the wonderful acting, the ______ film put on this week has attracted millions of audience and is well on the way to becoming the year's top-grossing movie.

  A. three-hour’s

  B. three-hours’

  C. three-hour

  D. three-hours


  15.(福建龙岩质检一) —Why are you late for the meeting?

  —I got caught in the heavy rain, or I _____ earlier.



  had arrived

  C. would arrive D. would have arrived 【答案】【解析】此句为错综时间的虚拟语气。前句陈述过去的事实,后句用与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,所以主句用would

  have done形式。. (山东枣庄2011届高三质检We should spend more time on _________ matters. That means saying less and doing more.

  A. optimistic

  B. specific

  C. practical

  D. social

  【答案】【解析】形容词的辨析。A为乐观的,乐观主义的 B为特殊的,特别的 C为有实效的,实用的 D为社会的。根据后句意思“少说多做”选C更贴切。

  . (浙江金华艾青中学高三模拟六)

  The reason why he didn’t turn up in time was ______ he missed the first bus. A. why

  B. that

  C. because

  D. how

  18. (上海杨浦2011届四月模拟测试)

  If you “look the other way” while something bad is happening, that means you choose _____ that thing.

  A. ignoring

  B. to ignore

  C. ignored

  D. to be ignored


  ——He would be still alive today if he ________ that drug.

  A. not take

  B. shouldn’t have taken

  C. didn’t take D. hadn’t taken


  Schools in the north tend to be well equipped,______ those in the south are relatively poor.





  【答案】【解析】equipped 和relatively poor.知道是在两者间强调对比,选项中只有while合题意,所以B正确。

  22.(北京丰台区高三第二学期统一练习)The young man, who by then ______ admission to university, decided to do some part - time jobs to pay for his education.A.gained

  B.was gainingC.had gained

  D.has gained【答案】【解析】23. (北京朝阳2011届一模We greatly feel sorry_____those who died or got injured in the disaster.

  A. at B. with C. for D. in

  【答案】【解析】【答案】【解析】.(北京2011届一模Everybody likes to work with _____ is reliable and easy to get on with.





  【答案】【解析】. (北京朝阳2011届一模

  28.(石家庄四校2011届高三联考)____is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

  A. There

  B. This



  【答案】【解析】’ll see what I can do.

  A.When left


  C.If you leave



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