2016年高考英语配套词汇检测训练:模块七《Unit 3 The world on line》(教师版) 牛津译林版-查字典英语网
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2016年高考英语配套词汇检测训练:模块七《Unit 3 The world on line》(教师版) 牛津译林版

发布时间:2017-01-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  2016年高考英语词汇检测系列 模块七 Unit 3 The world on line(与译林牛津新版教材配套,教师版)



  1. accuracy

  A. write letters to someone and receive letters from them

  2. command

  B. give a warning or feeling of danger to (a person or an animal); frighten;


  3. diverse

  C. make a speech to (a person or an audience), esp. formally

  4. correspond

  D. One trained in teaching

  5. withdraw

  E. an order that should be obeyed

  6. address

  F. more than enough; plentiful

  7. abundant

  G. being true or correct, even in small details

  8. alarm

  H. note, etc telling a reader in what other book, article, etc information

  may be found

  9. claim

  I. find out or form an idea of the amount or value of (sb./sth);

  10. educator

  J. very different from each other

  11. reference

  K. saying sth clearly, exactly and openly

  12. evaluate

  L. (meeting for) discussion or exchange of views

  13. explicit

  M. ask for sth. because it is yours; say sth. that is true.

  14. conference

  N. take money out of a bank account

  1. G

  2. E

  3. J

  4. A

  5. N

  6. C

  7. F

  8. B

  9. M

  10. D

  11. H

  12. I

  13. K

  14. L


  1. competence

  A. leave someone when you should stay with them and look after them

  2. inventor

  B. transfer a file or program from a central computer to a smaller

  computer or to a computer at a remote location

  3. abandon

  C. place from which sth comes or is obtained

  4. appointment

  D. make fresh again

  5. download

  E. someone who has invented something or whose job is to invent things 6. refresh

  F. the ability to so something in a satisfactory or effective way

  7. lifetime

  G. feeling or showing trust in oneself or one's ability

  8. source

  H. for the greatest part; mainly; generally; usually.

  9. confident

  I. a formal arrangement to meet or visit sb. at a particular time

  10. mostly

  J. the period of time during which an individual is alive

  1. F

  2. E

  3. A

  4. I

  5. B

  6. D

  7. J

  8. C

  9. G

  10. H


  1. classify

  A. relating to one particular thing, etc; not general

  2. qualification

  B. a book or list of names, facts etc. , usually arranged in alphabetical


  3. comb

  C. number of things growing, fastened or grouped together

  4. specific

  D. correcting

  5. category

  E. place sb./sth. in a particular class

  6. bunch

  F. to search a place thoroughly; to make hair or fur tidy or straight with a


  7. relevant

  G. accept the truth of (sth); admit (sth); express thanks for (sth)

  8. bother

  H. a group of people or things that all have the same particular qualities

  9. correction

  I. write sth using a typewriter or word processor

  10. outline

  J. cause trouble or annoyance to sb.

  11. acknowledge

  K. training, examination or experience that qualifies sb. for work, further

  training, etc.

  12. type

  L. the main idea or facts about something, without the details

  13. directory

  M. a point or part that forms the end

  14. terminal

  N. directly connected with the subject or problem being discussed or


  1. E

  2. K

  3. F

  4. A

  5. H

  6. C

  7. N

  8. J

  9. D

  10. L

  11. G

  12. I

  13. B

  14. M

  二、根据句意提示写出所缺单词的完全形式.Each side declared that it would never a

  its principle.

  2.All the books in our library are c___________ by subject.

  3.Heart disease is the biggest killer, c

  180,000 lives a year.

  4.The money is to be used for one s___________ purpose — the building of the new theatre.

  5.In studying current affairs you might read this article for r


  6.With so much evidence against him he had to a

  his error.

  7.Remember that we make progress by identifying and c__________ mistakes.

  8.He c________ through almost all the stores and at last selected a ring for his wife.

  9.You can refer to the telephone d________We have all the telephone numbers of the residents living in this community.

  10. People laughed at the i

  because he praised his invention too much.

  11.Don’t believe her, for what she says seldom c________

  with what she does.

  12.His explanation is so e________ that we are quite clear about the plan now.

  13.The Internet provides people with a________information, from stock prices, news pages to leisure reading.

  14. He stated that all foreign forces would w

  as soon as the crisis ended

  15.Anne’s father used his authority and c________ her to come home earlier.

  16.Sometimes the most effective way to a________a complex issue is by taking simple but appropriate measures.

  17.We can't expect one to change the habits of a l

  in a short time.

  18.A more scientific way of e________ a student’s ability should be found before we cancel the traditional test.

  19.Don’t be too positive, for the success is merely based on the a________

  that everything goes smoothly.

  20. As a scientist, he thinks that a________

  is more important than speed in research.

  三、 汉语 英语 汉语

  have positive effects on …


  live normal lives


  relate to others through the Internet

  通过网络与他人建立关系 for lack of competence


  turn to …


  set good examples to sb.


  a waste of time

  浪费时间 keep in mind


  build social bonds


  be classified by subject


  What’s more

  更有甚者,更为重要的是 without qualifications


  hand in (papers)

  上交(论文) be divided into


  search for answers to questions

  寻找问题的答案 drop out


  take … into consideration

  把……考虑进去 a bunch of 一串,一束;大量,大批

  30. make a difference

  产生差异;有影响,有关系 up to date

  四、What we must always

  is that we must serve the people.

  2.What you have told me may

  to my own oponion.

  3.That's true.

  , it's faster, safer and more convenient.

  4.Many students want to

  , and they say many of them who stay do not learn much.

  5.We often

  this handbook for information on radiao.

  6.It is

  warning him—he is determined to go his own way.

  7.The forest-worship of the Dais did

  ecological protection.

  8.This team can

  three groups on the basis of primary function.

  9.Time factor is what we must first


  10.Most children are healthy and

  after careful treatment.



  1.She’s having a lot of trouble with the new computer, but she doesn’t know whom to


  A. turn to

  B. look for

  C. deal with

  D. talk about


  turn to sb.求助于某人;look for寻找;deal with处理, 应付;talk about谈论。由句意知A项正确。

  2.He was stopped by a policeman who __________ his name and address.

  A. claimed

  B. requested

  C. required

  D. demanded

  3.He ________ the person referred to be put in prison.

  A. said

  B. demanded

  C. agreed

  D. thought


  根据从句的谓语动词为be put可知,从句用了虚拟语气,四个选项中只有demand有此用法。故选B项。其中referred to作后置定语修饰the person。

  4. It is important to have your eyes examined regularly to check for any sign of eye disease that may not have any ________.

  A. symptom

  B. similarity

  C. sample

  D. shadow



  5. Maggie has been fortunate to find a job she loved and, __________, she gets well paid for it.

  A. sooner or later

  B. what's more

  C. as a result

  D. more or less


  what's more 意为:更重要的是,而且;在句中作插入语。

  6. — Do you _______ the idea of living a low carbon life?

  — It sounds tough, but it is a tendency.

  A. correspond to

  B. apply to

  C. turn to

  D. subscribe to


  subscribe to意为同意,支持,符合语境。correspond to意为类似于,符合;apply to 意为申请;turn to 意为向某人求助。

  7. The drug is reported to have serious side effects and has been _____ from the market.

  A. withdrawn

  B. cancelled

  C. renewed

  D. appointed


  withdraw 意为退出,符合语境。 cancel意为取消,删去; renew意为使更新; appoint 意为任命,安排。

  8. _______ by the sharp fall of the stock market, thousands of stockholders sold out their stocks at a sacrifice.

  A. Provided

  B. Alarmed

  C. Inspired

  D. Encouraged


  alarm意为使惊恐,符合语境。 provide 意为提供;inspire意为激励;encourage意为鼓舞。

  9. _____ of experience made John fail in the interview, but it didn’t mean that he couldn’t find a suitable job.

  A. Lacking

  B. Lack

  C. For lack

  D. No lack


  根据句子结构以及介词of 的搭配可知此处lack要用作名词,做主语。

  10. Arriving home, the Smiths wrote to Mr. Wang to _____ his warm reception during the Expo 2010 Shanghai China.

  A. acknowledge

  B. update

  C. consult

  D. acquire



  11. Due to bad weather, the police had to ______ the search for the missing boy.

  A. resign

  B. abandon

  C. conduct

  D. release



  A. resign 辞职

  B. abandon 放弃

  C. conduct 指挥

  D. release 释放

  12. My calculations were based on the _________ that house prices would remain steady.

  A. appreciation

  B. arrangement

  C. assumption

  D. ambition



  13. Many football fans attached great importance to the two matches, because China needed to beat Iran to ensure ________ for the Asian Cup semi-finals.

  A. outline

  B. conservation

  C. qualification

  D. occupation



  14. Teachers have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional _____.

  A. consequence

  B. independence

  C. competence

  D. intelligence

  15. The China National Environmental Monitoring Center ____ air quality in urban areas from levels one to five: excel-lent, fairly good, slightly polluted, poor and dangerous.

  A. distributes

  B. arranges

  C. classifies

  D. divides


  根据语意“国家环境监控中心把城市空气质量分成五级……”,故用 classify 表示“分类”,选C项。distribute 表示“分配,散布”;arrange 表示“安排”;divide 则表示“分割,分开”。

  16. Excuse me, Mr Black, but I have to __________ you with a few questions.

  A. ask

  B. bother

  C. disturb

  D. admire


  打扰一下Black先生,我有一些问题想请教您。bother with sth.意为:就某事打扰某人

  17.Whether the buildings in this area should be pulled down has remained ________; people are still looking for other possible solutions.

  A. unchallenged

  B. relevant

  C. controversial

  D. contradictory

  18. We all think these factors must be ________into consideration if we want to do the work well.

  A. taken

  B. made

  C. turned

  D. fixed


  take … into consideration把……考虑进去

  19. You’d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future


  A. purpose

  B. reference

  C. progress

  D. memory


  你最好写下这个餐馆的号码以便日后参考用。for future reference是一个常用词组搭配,表示“以供日后参考”。20. If the martial class I signed earlier changes to Sundays, I will have to ________ so that I can ________ my son from his violin lessons.

  A. drop in, pick out

  B. drop off, pick up

  C. drop out, pick up

  D. drop by, pick out


  drop out 意为:退学 pick up sb.意为:接某人


  阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Could the Internet be totally free and should it be? Should the Internet be regulated? The recent disorder in the Arab world


  by a disputed(有争议的) video damaging the image of Prophet(先知) Muhammad shows the United States, which is busy

  global Internet freedom, has paid a huge price


  the lives of its diplomats.

  In an unregulated internet world, cheating, violence or rumors can


  serious consequences. Many countries across the world are periodically suffering from “rumors”


  by the Internet and social media.

  The US-led West always promotes Internet freedom and


  any regulation as investigation, but it should think twice if it calculates the heavy price that has been and has to be paid for “


  Internet”. Moreover,


  the Internet in the West


  to be free, with no obvious


  and no limited sites, isn’t the structure of the main pages already hand-controlled, with selected press agencies and


  occupying clearly dominating(显著的positions?

  The Internet has helped fight injustice,


  corruption in places so far apart as Indonesia, India and Latin America. But the Internet could be extremely


  as well. Various racist or separatist organizations are using their Internet sites to


  strong feelings. Those who are spreading hate are frequently using the Internet as their tool. No country can


  to make the Internet absolutely free.

  The question is how to keep free flow of information


  while protecting children from unhealthy works, common citizens from


  rumors and countries from unfair and damaging propaganda(宣传) attacks. And who sets the limits ?


  is that there will never be a perfect system. Every country will have to


  its own system, based on its culture, social


  and the degree of danger it’s facing.

  7. A. free

  B. accessible

  C. available

  D. healthy

  【解析】A 此处指“自由的网络”。 accessible易接近的;可理解的;易相处的;available可的;可的;有效的

  11. A. programs

  B. substances

  C. channels

  D. sources

  【解析】D 见题的解析。A. programs项目,程序; B. substances物质,基本内容;C. channels通道,频道; D. sources来源。

  . A. trends

  B. structures

  C. surroundings

  D. factors

  【解析】C 见上题的解析。

  三、任务型阅读What is ecofashion?Eco-fashion is about making clothes that take into account the environment, the health of consumers and the working conditions of people in the fashion industry.

  It is a complex phenomenon and the common use of the term covers two aspects of fashion —‘ecological’ and ‘ethical’.Ecological fashion usually refers to textile (织物) and clothing production processes and the environmental issues surrounding them;ethical fashion generally relates to the working conditions involved in the producing processes.

  What are the problems with fashion?A closer look at the fashion industry points out many problems that are common practices in the creation of our fashions from the field to the factory. Firstly, the production of textiles pollutes the environment heavily. Cottonplanting uses pesticides;sheepfarming and woolcleaning contribute to global warming;syntheticsmaking (人造纤维生产) brings about waste which does harm to our environment. Secondlyevery stage of clothing production has a significant effect on the environment. They all use a great deal of energy, and some also involve harmful chemicals. In addition to this, there is a lot of waste produced in the process, especially in the form of polluted water. Thirdly, growing consumption levels and our shopping habits further worsen the bad effects. We are now buying clothes in increasing quantities without realizing the scale on which it affects natural environment, and we are also quick to throw away clothes that have been worn only a couple of times.

  Then, how to solve the problems? Other industries that design products are ahead of the fashion industry when it comes to choosing sustainable materials, designing for minimum waste, choosing energy efficient manufacturing and creating products for longevity. The fashion industry has been slow to adopt these changes and part of the problem is the very nature of fashion. To a large degree, it is the fashion producers that really have the power and the responsibility to shape our future. There are numerous ways in which these producers can reduce their ecological footprint, from switching to green energy and reducing energy use, through selecting sustainable materials and choosing local suppliers, to recycle and minimize waste. On the other hand, as consumers we can all make contributions by selecting environmentally friendly clothing and reducing clothing consumption.

  There is some concern that eco friendly fashions are just a trend that we will eventually grow tired of but we can make sure that doesn't happen. Now many people are beginning to shop for organic food products because the benefits of eating food free of chemicals are straightforward and immediate. They relate directly to our personal health. In fact, choosing ecofashion can also contribute to our personal health, though it is mostly done by way of keeping the health of the planet.

  Why choose eco-fashion?


  of fashion Ecological

  Textile & clothing production processes;

  Issues related to






  Problems with fashion



  Cotton-planting: use of pesticides;

  Sheepfarming & woolcleaning: global warming;




  Clothing production

  Producing a lot of waste;

  Using harmful chemicals;


  a great deal of energy

  Consumption levels & shopping habits

  New clothes: bought in increasing quantities

  Old clothes:


  away quickly


  to problems

  Fashion producers

  Ways to recycle and



  Switching to green energy;

  Reducing energy use;

  Selecting sustainable materials;

  Choosing local suppliers


  Selecting environmentally friendly clothing

  Reducing clothing consumption

  Choosing ecofashion can contribute to our personal health.

  1. Aspects

  2. environment

  3. conditions

  4. production

  5. harmful

  6. Consuming/using

  7. thrown

  8. Solutions

  9. minimize

  10. Consumers

  四、书面表达1. 词数150左右 (开头已给出不计入总词数)

  2. 课参照图示及上面的说明作必要的想象和发挥,但不要逐句作简单翻译。

  3. 参考词汇:微博 microblog; 时尚vogue

  Microblog, as its name indicates, is a kind of blog, which differs from a traditional blog in that its content is typically smaller in size. ______________________________________


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