2016届高考英语二轮语法强化训练32 情景交际-查字典英语网
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2016届高考英语二轮语法强化训练32 情景交际

发布时间:2017-01-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编





  1(2011·陕西卷)—Jack,you seem in high spirits.

  ________ We won the match 4­0.

  A.Guess what?

  B.So what?

  答案 A [Guess what意为“猜猜怎么回事”;So what意为“那又怎么样呢”;No wonder意为“难怪”;No doubt意为“毫无疑问”。]

  (2012·陕西五校一模)—I'm thinking of the test tomorrow.I'm afraid I can't pass this time.

  ________!I'm sure you'll make it.

  C.Take your time

  D.No problem

  答案 A [考查交际用语。根据答语第二句的内容可知答话人劝对方“放松点儿”。B项通常用来回答别人的道歉,C项表示“慢D项多指乐于相助,都不符合句意。]

  (2012·浙江六校联考)—Do you think it was the supermoon that caused the earthquake on March 11,2011 in Japan?

  ________.It hasn't proven itself true by scientists.

  C.You can say that again

  D.I expect so

  答案 A [考查交际用语。句意:——你认为是超级月亮导致了日本2011年3月11日地震吗?——我一点儿也不这么认为。科学家们还没有证实呢。根据答语中的“It hasn't proven itself true by scientists.”可知,应选Not in the least,表示“一点儿也不”。]

  (2012·冀州一模)—How did you find your first visit to

   Heilongtan Lake?



  D.A classmate of mine showed me the way

  答案 B [How do you find...这个句式问

  5.(2012·东北三省二次联考)—Shall we meet at 9 am this


  ________.I will be available the whole morning.

  e right

  B.It doesn't matter

  答案 C [根据答语中“I will be available the whole morning.”可知选C。That suits me fine.这个时间对我来说很方便。]

  (2012·巢湖一检)—I don't have any change with me.

   Will you pay the bill for me?


  C.No problem

  D.Never mind

  答案 C [问话者请求对方代付账单,根据语境选C项,No problem“没问题”。]

  (2012·浙江六校二次联考)—I'm going to apply for Fu­

   dan University.

  ________You've been dreaming to study in Beijing.


  B.Good luck!

  D.Good idea!

  答案 C [Why not...用来给对方提建议。根据答语的后一句可知C项正确。]

  (2012·成都七中二检)—Let's go Dutch for this supper,OK?

  ,________ this time,as a reward for all your help.

  C.let's talk about it

  D.it doesn't matter

  答案 B [go Dutch with sb和某人各自结账。根据答语中的No和as a reward for all your help可知,选B项。it's my treat我请客。]

  —________.Help yourself.

  C.Of course

  D.Never mind

  答案 C [根据答语的展开部分可知C项符合语境。Of course当然可以。]

  —Tom,you get dead drunk again!

  ________?It's none of your business.

  C.Why not

  D.What for

  答案 A [根据It's none of your business.可知,说话者对自己再次醉酒不以为然,可知选A。So what?那又怎样?]

  urselves at the party.Thanks again,Mr.and Mrs.White.

  ________.Just drop in whenever you feel like it.

  C.Nice having you here

  D.Nice to meet you

  答案 C [根据语境可知这里是主人与客人双方在宴会后的寒暄,选C项。你能来我很高兴。With pleasure.荣幸之至,通常是对请求的回答;Be my guest.请随便吃;Nice to meet you.用于见面时的寒暄,表示“

  12.—Mum,can I have another candy?

  ________ You have enough today.

  A.I don't think so,darling!

  B.Not really.

  D.How dare you?

  答案 A [从答语的展开部分可知,这里表示对对方的拒绝和否定。]

  —________.To be honest,I miss my former colleagues.

  C.More than satisfactory

  D.Very much

  答案 B [考查交际用语。从后面的话“我想念以前的同事”可知,对方不喜欢在这里工作。]

  2010·辽宁卷)—I'll do the washing­up.Jack,would you please do the floors?



  B.No,I don't


  D.No,not at all

  答案 C [第一个人说,“我来洗餐具。杰克,你来拖地板,好吗?”答语为“当然可以”。根据语境选C项。]

  (2010·浙江卷)—Would she mind playing against her

   former teammates?

  ________ She is willing to play against any tough players.

  A.I think so.

  B.I'm not surprised.

  C.Of course.

  D.Not likely!

  答案 D [从答语的第D项“不可能”符合语境。]


  A.Come on!

  B.Take care!

  D.Hold on!

  答案 C [go ahead可以,干吧,开始,进行。come on(表劝说,鼓励等)来吧,走吧;take care小心,当心;hold on握住不放,坚持,(打电话用语)等一会儿。句意:——我可以开窗透气吗?——行,开吧!]


  C.No problem

  D.Not at all

  答案 A [根据语意可知,这里是对对方不能参加聚会表示遗憾。What a pity用于表示失望、遗憾、可惜,符合语意。]

  —________.We are short of hands.

  C.Don't mention it

  D.By no means

  答案 D [句意:——你认为我们圣诞节前能完成所有的订单吗?——不可能,我们缺少人手。根据We are short of hands.可以看出,我们不可能完成所有订单,应选By no means.“绝不可能”。It depends.“看情况而定”;Don't mention it.“别客气”;Of course.“当然”,均不合题意。]

  (2012·石家庄一检)—The driving test is coming in two


  ________,Linda.You have been doing well in your training.

  C.Take it over

  D.Take it serciously

  答案 B [根据语境可知,说话者对即将到来的考试很是焦虑,根据Take it easy.表示“别急,沉住气”。]

  (2012·诸暨市一检)—Will you be able to come to the


  ________.But I will have to see my aunt off.

  C.Not at all


  答案 B [句意:对于对方的盛情邀请一般要表示积极的意向,然后解释不能去的原因。故选择B项。]




  At that time,the enemy soldiers were armed to teeth.________


  y birthday,I'll hold a ball.________




  ,the man was charged with stealing cars.________


  ,he runs quite a few big companies.________

  This is a new machine,I can'run it.________


  ,because she has a strong will.________



  答案 21.武器;武装 22.舞会 23.事业 控告 25.经营,开办;操作 26.意志,决心种族,人种


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