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发布时间:2017-01-06  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  非谓语动词与with复合结构16. While talking about his own happy childhood, ______ on his face.

  A. a smile appeared

  B. he was wearing a smile

  C. a smile was seen

  D. we saw a smile

  17. As a father of two young girls, he knows the difficulties of keeping kids ______.

  A. to entertain

  B. entertaining

  C. entertained

  D. entertain

  18. During the test we were supposed to stay in our seats, keep our eyes on our work, ______ to anyone.

  A. and not speak

  B. instead of speaking

  C. rather than speak

  D. but could not talk

  19. Nancy was born with a great sense of lecturing and is always keeping the audience ______ in her speeches. (2012·长郡中学月考六)

  A. absorbing

  B. absorbed

  C. to absorb

  D. to be absorbed

  20. Many children have formed the habit of reading but ______ efficient notes meanwhile.

  A. not take

  B. not to take

  C. not to taking

  D. not taking

  21. He stood up and looked forward to ______ what was happening over there and found there was a cinema around ______ he could see a film being shown.

  A. seeing; which

  B. see; where

  C. see; which

  D. seeing; that

  22. After they won the final tonight the team toured around the city, ______ by their enthusiastic supporters. (2011·浙江卷改编)

  A. being cheered

  B. be cheered

  C. to be cheered

  D. cheered

  23. — Can our wall newspaper come out as required?

  — Sure, ______it completed in time, we need another helping hand. (2012·师大附中月考七)

  A. having got

  B. to get

  C. getting

  D. get

  24. ______ that he might lose his job, Peter always works extra hours to please his boss. (2012·雅礼月考六)

  A. Worrying

  B. Having worried

  C. Having been worried

  D. Worried

  25. As a result of the heavy snow,two­thirds of the buildings in the area ______.(2012·雅礼月考六)

  A. need to repair

  B. needs to repair

  C. needs repairing

  D. need repairing

  26. Hotels were as limited as the university dormitories ______ specifically for foreigners in 1995.

  A. meaning

  B. meant

  C. to mean

  D. to be meant

  27. ______ to camp is a great way to provide fun and a healthy physical activity for the kids.

  A. Go

  B. Gone

  C. Went

  D. Going

  28. Today, the common Chinese still find it amusing ______ the presence of foreigners.

  A. to be seeing

  B. to see

  C. seeing

  D. to have seen

  29. It is a tradition for Chinese parents to pay high costs for their children's education, ______ them to be successful one day.

  A. to be expected

  B. expecting

  C. expected

  D. having expected

  30. The policy will certainly help in dealing with the difficulties ______ about by having an older population.

  A. to bring

  B. bringing

  C. brought

  D. being brought

  参考答案-------第六讲 非谓语动词与with复合结构


  17.选C。考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为: 作为两个小女孩的父亲,他懂得让孩子快乐的艰辛。此处过去分词作宾语补足语。故选C。

  18.选A。这是3个不定式(stay, keep, not speak)并列,最后一个不定式前需用and。若选B, 则应在keep前加and才行。

  19.选B。考查非谓语动词作宾语补足语。宾语是the audience;根据固定结构sb. be absorbed in sth.可知答案。


  21.选B。look forward意为“朝前看”,第一空用不定式to see表目的;第二空用where引导定语从句修饰a cinema。

  22.【解析】选D。being done表示正在发生的,而动词不定式to be done表示具体、一次性、将发生的。根据句意,这里用过去分词短语cheered by their enthusiastic supporters表伴随。

  23.选B。不定式用作目的状语。to get it completed in time 意为 in order to get it completed in time。


  25.选D。考查非谓语动词主动表被动。动词need, deserve, want, require和be worth等后的Verb­ing形式,常用主动表示被动。

  26.选B。考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为: 在1995年,宾馆就如同专为外国人准备的大学寝室一样,是有限的。be meant for为……准备的。此题是用其过去分词作定语,修饰名词dormitories。故选B。

  27.选D。考查非谓语动词。句意为: 对孩子们来说,野营是一种提供快乐和健康的活动的很好方式。此处Verb­ing形式作主语。故选D。

  28.选B。考查非谓语动词。句意为: 如今,普通的中国人仍然觉得看到外国人很有趣。这是一个固定句型。其中it是形式宾语,真正的宾语由后面的不定式充当。故选B。


  30.选C。考查非谓语动词的用法。句意为: 这种政策会有利于解决因人口老龄化所带来的一系列问题。过去分词作后置定语,表示“被动的,已经完成的”动作。故选C。126. ---What shall we do? The bus hasn’t come yet. Shall we walk?


  . It’s fine day and I don’t want to wait for another hour.

  A. might as well

  B. may do

  C. walk together

  D. had better go on walking


  you gave us!

  A. How a pleasant surprise

  B. What a pleasant surprise

  C. How pleasant surprise

  D. What pleasant surprise

  128. --- How many teachers are there in the office?



  A. None

  B. No one

  C. Nothing

  D. Nobody

  129. --- We’ll go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

  --- What about


  A. when we leave

  B. to leave

  C. us to leave

  D .when leaving

  130. --- Do you mind if I smoke?



  A. I really hate smoking

  B. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t

  C. You can’t smoke here

  D You’d better give up smoking

  131. --- Do drop in to see us next time you come to the city.



  A. Yes, I do

  B. Sure, I will

  C. With pleasure

  D. You are welcome


  after a long walk , Henry called and said he couldn’t come to our meeting .

  A. Having worn out

  B. Being worn out

  C. To wear out

  D. Worn out

  133. ---There is a table for you over there.


  ---Thank you.

  A. This way, please

  B. Come after me

  C. Follow me, please

  D. Come here.

  134. We are both pleased to welcome to our family

  we are both so fond.

  A. anybody

  B. whomever

  C. somebody

  D. someone of whom


  , and all the doors will be blocked.

  A. Another hour

  B. An hour later

  C . After an hour

  D. In an hour

  136. --- Why won’t Mr. Black drive us to airport?

  --- Well, maybe he has

  to take us all.

  A. so small the car

  B. a very small car

  C. such a small car

  D. too small a car

  137. --- How about a game of class?



  A. Why not

  B. That’s right

  C. I don’ t mind

  D. I agree it

  138. --- Look at this ! I

  some old pictures and

  this baby picture.

  --- Is it a picture of you ? It’s lovely so.

  A. was going through; found

  B. am going through ; find

  C. went through ;

  had found

  D. had gone through ; found

  139. --- Ann is in hospital.

  --- Oh, really? I


  visit her.

  A. didn’t know; I’ll go and

  B. don’t know; I’ ll going to

  C. I didn’t know; I’m going to

  D. haven’t known; I’m going to

  140. --- Do you often record BBC English programmes

  the radio ?

  --- No, never, I haven’t a short-wave radio and I often watch them


  A. from; on

  B. in; in

  C. on; from

  D. in ;on

  141. Air is to us

  water to fish.

  A. that

  B. how

  C. what

  D. where

  142. He is sometime strange . So I can’t

  his thoughts.

  A. read

  B. look

  C. find

  D. match

  143. Does

  make any difference whether Jack will return or not?

  A. that

  B. it

  C. he

  D. this

  144. The storm started

  , but I had no time to go back for a raincoat.

  A. by the way

  B. in the way

  C. on the way

  D. in this way

  145. --- How far away is your firm from your home?


  a stone throw.

  A. In

  B. During

  C. Within

  D. Between

  146. --- Did you go to Africa for the vacation?

  --- I

  to go but I fell ill at the last minute.

  A. was planning

  B. have planned

  C. have been planning

  D. had been planning

  147. ---What’s that building?


  the garden equipment is stored.

  A. There is in which B. That’s where

  C. The building that

  D. That’s the building which

  148. --- You didn’t phone Bill.?



  A. Must I phone

  B .Should I phone

  C. Shall I phone

  D. Should I have phoned

  149. --- Please go to the concert with us .

  --- Sorry. I’ m

  tired after a day’s hard work.

  A . bit

  B. little

  C. a bit

  D. a little .

  150. --- Why was the official meeting held?


  new officials.

  A. Select

  B. Selecting

  C. To select

  D. For selecting


  126—130ABAAB 131—135BDADB 136—140DAAAA

  141—145CABCC 146—150DBDDC



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