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发布时间:2017-01-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编

  写作教程 Module 9 Charts and Statistics 选修

  写作教程 小资料 图表类书面表达是对表格或图形里的数据信息进行说明或议论的一种文体形式。图表类书面表达常见的形式有以下两种:一是表格形式(table):将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用表格形式(统计表)表现出来。二是图形形式: 柱形图(chart)、饼状图(pie chart)、曲线图(line chart)等。 WRITING CONVENTIONS·写作模式

  上图的饼状图(pie chart)显示了你对你校学生兴趣爱好的调查结果.请你用英语给English Weekly写一篇短文,报道你的调查结 果,并对此结果发表你的看法或建议.词数为100左右. 例 ?写作模板 A recent survey shows what the students of our school like to do in their spare time. As is shown in the pie chart, 53% of the students like sports, so doing sports is the most popular activity in our school.Surfing the Internet is the second popular activity among the students and about 36% of the students have interest in it. Only 8% of the students take reading as a hobby and even fewer,about 3%, are fond of playing musical instruments. In my point of view, our school should have more sports facilities built to satisfy the need of the students.Guidance should be given to students on surfing the Internet and ways must be found to arouse students’ interests in reading and music. ?名师指津 1.常用词汇: table, chart, figure, graph,describe/tell, show, represent,in my point of view等. 2.句型归纳: 1)The graph/chart/table above shows... 2)From the above graph/chart, it can be seen that... 3)As is shown in the graph, ... 4)The chart/table shows the differences between... ?文体讲解 一、图表类作文的常见形式: 1.表格 这是图表类作文最常见的呈现形式,通常统计的数字或说明、比较的对象用图表呈现出来,即统计表.这类作文的特点是数据关系较为简单明了,学生只需要就表格的内容进行阐述,然后进行总结即可. 2.图形 图形涵盖的范围比较广泛,大体可以分为以下几类:以曲线形式表示数据变化的线形图;以柱状形式表示数据大小或数量之间差异关系的柱状图;以圆内扇形面积表达的总体与部分之间结构关系的饼状图等;图形相比较图表而言所包含的数量关系较为复杂繁琐,这需要考生认真分析各种数据之间的关系,并从中总结出规律以及趋势. 3.图表类作文通常可以分成两大类型:一是写成单纯的材料对比或说明的文章;二是根据资料反映现实写成议论文. 二、写作步骤 1.根据图表前的文字说明,弄清楚图表的性质,确定文章的体裁、结构和时态等方面的内容. 2.仔细阅读图表,了解图表所表达的内容.首先,用一句话概括图表的内容;其次,仔细描写图表.在限制性写作中,图表的描述应当详细些;而对于半开放式作文,应抓住图表所反映的规律以及趋势进行阐述即可. 3.描写图表所反映的问题或规律 这一部分可以遵循这样的格式:主题句+扩展句+结尾句 (1)主题句:就是一个段落的中心思想句(往往位于句首,英语写作讲究开门见山). (2)扩展句:就是支持论证主题句的句子. 学生通常采用的是说理论证、举例说明,如for example/instance; first, second; firstly, secondly等. (3)结尾句:就是来总结陈述主题句的句子.

  4.如果是限制性写作,结尾部分简单得出结论即可.对于半开放式作文,应该表述自己的观点,结束全文. (1)如果图表反映的是好的现象,首先要肯定、发表观点最后预测未来. (2)如果图表反映的是不好的现象,首先要否 定、提出解决办法或建议. LANGUAGE FUNCTION·语言功能 1.写这类文章时特别注意语言间的逻辑关系,前后应该有必要的连接词和过渡语. 2.对于数字信息表达要准确,会缩略表达. 3.注意语言的灵活性.如78%的同学可以转述为more than three quarters of the students;51% 的市民可以表达为about a half citizens等等. 4.图表类的文章可以遵循一定的模板: As is shown by the figure/percentage in the table/picture,________has been on rise/decrease, significantly/dramatically rising/decreasing from ________in ________ to ________in ________.From the sharp rise/decline in the chart, it goes without saying that ________________. There are at least two good reasons accounting for ________________.On the one hand,________________.On the other hand,________________is due to the fact that ________________.In addition,________________is responsible for ________________.Maybe there are some other reasons to show ______________.But it is generally believed that the above mentioned reasons are commonly convincing. As far as I am concerned, I hold the point of view that ________________________.I am sure my opinion is both sound and well-grounded. MODULE TASKS·模块任务 写一篇图表作文 北京市政府发出限行通告,规定每辆私家车每周停驶一天(公休日除外).下面是某网站就此事进行的问卷调查的结果.请根据下列图表提示,描述被调查者的不同看法,并简单谈谈你自己的观点. 注意:1.文章的开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数; 2.词数100左右. Beijing government has announced a car restriction that private cars shall take turns off the roads one out of five workdays. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ One possible version: Beijing_government_has_announced_a_car_restriction_that_private_cars_shall_take_turns_off_the_roads_one_out_of_five_workdays.A survey has been conducted about this issue on the Internet and the findings are as follows. Many people support the restriction.60% of them believe that it relieves the present traffic pressure.And 30% think it helps improve the air quality.The rest of them,about 10%,consider it saves energy. However,there are still many people who are against the new rule.About 75% among them think it inconvenient that they can’t drive their own cars on a certain workday.25% are worried that more people will buy their second cars,which may cause heavier traffic.In my opinion,the new traffic rule is really an effective measure to reduce traffic jams and air pollution.


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