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发布时间:2017-01-05  编辑:查字典英语网小编


  写作教程 Module 4 Pen Pal Letters and Cards 选修

  写作教程 小资料 笔友(pen pal) 之间的信件是一种感情交流的方式。可以是朋友间的问候,也可以交换思想、意见,还可以把自己的所见所闻、新鲜事告诉对方,是异地朋友保持联系的有效途径。通过这种信件朋友们可以加深感情,使友谊永葆青春。 贺卡是在特殊的日子、特殊的情况下使用的,其写在精美卡片上的祝福语,能给对方带来快乐,烘托气氛。卡片通常制作的美观大方,容易保存,值得收藏。 WRITING CONVENTIONS·写作模式

  假如你是Lily, 昨天收到了来自笔友Kite 的礼物,一本英汉词典,就此给Kite写一封信,以表示感谢. 例 ?写作模板 Dear Kite, Well, finally I’ve managed to sit down and find time to write to you.Thank you very much for the English-Chinese dictionary you sent to me yesterday.It’s always so considerate and thoughtful of you to show me such love and concern.As you know, I’ve been needing and wanting a dictionary like that for a long time. I’ll take an advanced English course during the vacation.Dear Kite, your gift comes on time and in time.I will think of you with affection and gratitude every time I use it. Sincerely, Lily ?名师指津 1.常用词汇: manage to, send, considerate, thoughtful, concern, advanced, course, affection, gratitude 2.句型归纳: Thank you very much for sth. It is considerate of you to show me so much love. I will think of you every time I use it. 假如你是Jim, 向Peter 写一封生日卡片. To Peter, Best wishes for a happy birthday!

  From Jim ?文体讲解 1.Pen Pal Letters 格式主要分成四个部分:称 呼、内容、结束语和签名. 1)称呼:对笔友的称呼比较亲切,通常用Dear Paul这种格式.左起顶格写. 2)内容:每段都可顶格写. 3)结束语:可有可无,有则常常是希望祝福的话.如:With best wishes; Please write to me more about yourself. 2.贺卡的格式一般由三部分组成:称呼、贺 词、祝贺人签名. 1)称呼: 指祝贺人对受贺人的称呼,称呼一般写在卡片的左上方.前面可加to,也可不加, 如 To Mr.Smith或Mr.Smith, To Dear Daddy等. 2)贺词:通常写一些固定的贺词用语,也可根据实际情况写一些简短的表示感谢和良好祝愿的话. 3)祝贺人签名:写在卡片的右下方.姓名前通常加from,也可不加. LANGUAGE FUNCTION·语言功能 1.笔友间的信件,一般情况下语言亲切朴实,是自己的真实所想、真实所见,有时则是有感而写.不隐瞒、不欺骗,真正为交流心得,感谢对方的关心,切实让对方知道自己的感受和想法而写. 2.笔友间的交流,语句不宜太过复杂,应以简短明了为主,能够让对方了解信息即可. 3.信件内容可根据写信人的具体情况,可长可短,不必强求.有时也可以是几句话.写作语气非常友好,写作风格会随着交流机会的增多而变得越来越随意. 4.贺卡的语言十分简练,可以省去主语,不必强求语法.特别要注意贺卡的接受者和写贺卡的背景和时机.一般贺卡都有自己的模板句式.如: Wish you a happy New Year !Thank you for teaching us so well.Happy birthday to you! MODULE TASKS·模块任务

  给笔友写一封信 Bob是英国达尔文中学的学生,他来信说愿意成为你的笔友.假定你是李华,请根据下面表格提供的材料写一封回信,向他表示你很愿意同他建立友好关系. 姓名 李华 出生日期 1992-08-10 就读学校 山东省实验中学 高三 所学科目 语文、数学、英语、物理、化学、生物 最喜欢的科目 英语 最喜欢的运动 足球 业余爱好 集邮 家庭人口 父母和我 父亲职业 医生 母亲职业 教师 One possible version: Dear Bob,

  I am glad to be your penfriend.Now I’d like to introduce myself to you.My name is Li Hua.I was born on August 10th, 1992, in Jinan.Now I’m studying in the Experimental High School of Shandong.There are six subjects in my class.They are Chinese, math,

  English, physics, Chemistry and biology.My favorite subject is English and I like football best in my spare time and collecting stamps is my hobby.There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and I.My father is a doctor while my mother is a teacher. I’m busy with my study now because I’m preparing for my college entrance examination.I hope to keep good relationship with you. I’ m looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours, Li Hua


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